• Published 21st Jun 2012
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Myou've Gotta be Kidding Me - DataPacRat

Not every human in equestria gets turned into a pony.

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Clean-Up On Aisle One

I spent a bit of time looking for the limits of the translation spell. Turning one language into another was a complicated task, involving much that was close to the heart of information science; and if there was a clever hack that would let me use it in an unexpected way, such as, say, as an intelligence booster, then I'd kick myself if I didn't at least try to find it. I played with native languages, learned languages, made-up languages, sign language, languages even I only knew a few words or even just a few letters of, codes, sending codes through intermediaries, and so on. I was able to come up with one fairly consistent rule - if a given casting of the spell included at least one live person who understood the method of communication in question, then that understanding was shared amongst all the other people affected by the spell. So, since I knew a few letters of Egyptian, anyone else affected by the spell would be able to know them too, when they looked at an Egyptian text from my notes, while the spell was in effect.

While I was doing that, the crew were training with their new wands, learning how to work in team-pairs; Red was sliding us as unobtrusively as possible eastwards along the coast; Firebough and Ursula were being pumped for anything they'd heard about the lands on this side of Stortrut; and we were generally making progress on all our fronts.

According to our local guides, the local Lord was a blue dragon who was reputed to prefer sleeping to any other activity; his home was a giant set of traps designed not to kill or imprison an intruder, but simply wake up the Lord soon enough for him to be able to put up a decent fight against any challengers. Needless to say, the local population was much happier with a Lord who took such a claws-off approach to them most of the time. After some discussion, we decided to take advantage of his napping, at least long enough to duck into a nearby village to pick up some supplies - food, fresh water, gems, rope, sundries, and such.

I buddied up with Armina for the shopping trip, and we, and a few other pairs, found ourselves in a fairly normal-looking village market, populated by various canine and caninish breeds, so two pairs of us started circling from the left, and the other two pairs from the right. When we met up in the middle, we discovered a problem - none of the villagers on the right would sell anything to those of us who'd started on the left, and the villagers on the left wouldn't even talk to those of us who'd started on the right. I looked back and forth, and finally noticed a detail I should have sooner - all the stalls on the left had some sort of green decoration, such as a scarf, a cloth tied around an arm, or bunting on their stall; while all those on the right had purple ones.

I shrugged a bit - if that was the local custom, it was something we could accommodate ourselves to. I waved all of our group together so we could exchange lists for shopping on each others' sides... but as soon as we started talking, the other shoppers, and even some of the sellers, started walking toward our little octet, until they formed two muttering semicircles.

I sighed. "Alright," I called out. "Anybody care to start explaining, or do we just jump straight to the pointless brawling?"

'What, a greeny too scared to fight? Why am I not surprised?'

I sighed again. "Right. I'll make this offer once: we're from far away, we're neutrals, and we're uninterested. While we're here, anyone who wants to sit down and talk with us, is welcome to. Otherwise, we'll just do things our way."

'And what way's that? Donating some manure to the fields just before you run away?'

"Armina," I said lightly, "Please demonstrate to that good gentleman what our way is."

She pulled her wand from the harness she'd gotten made, and with a quick "Do mi re," the heckler was flat on his back. There was surprised muttering and mumbling, and two semi-circles took a step or two back.

"In case you're wondering," I said, looking around to both groups, "yes, we can knock out everyone in town, and just take everything that's not nailed down. But we've got this funny notion that there's no honor in winning a fight we can't lose - so we're here to trade and buy stuff. If we can do that, we will. If we can't, we'll leave. I don't know what your problems are, and frankly, I don't care - as long as you don't try to stick us in the middle of things. So like I said - anyone want to talk?"

From the green side, an older, greyhound-ish fellow took a step forward. "Who are you?"

I snorted. "The name I use these days would mean nothing to you. I'm a wizard with so much power, I've given parts of it to all the members of my crew - and I could still win against them combined, in a fight. I'm the arbitrator who convinced a pack of diamond dogs to give up slave-raiding and make peace with a pony village. I'm the scholar who knows the laws of a dozen countries. I'm the tactician who, just the other day, sent Stortrut flying away from my ship in a hurry. I can speak in tongues, put light in darkness, force lying tongues to speak truth, cause sickness, cure wounds, sing love into existence, call down lightning, fly through the air, and do just about anything else I darn well put my mind to.

"You can call me 'Missy'."

'That is a rather... boastful set of claims," said the Green greyound.

"I'm feeling my oats today."

'If you have all that power - then why aren't you using it against us?'

"The greater the power you have, the greater the challenges you find to use it on. Frankly, you're not worth the effort it would take to subdue you - unless you insist on it."

'We cannot just let you insult us and get away with it.'

"What insult?"

'You have started collaborating with those who have chosen to side with... them.'

"In case you haven't noticed - we're wearing blue, not green or purple. I don't know what the difference between your two groups is - I didn't even know there were two groups until we got here."

'How could you not?!'

"Easily. But since this is getting to be such a problem for you - it's probably best if we just left, and took our business to some other village, where the only color they care about is the color of our money."

'You are still collaborating with the friends of our enemies.'

A voice popped in from the Purple side, 'We could say the same thing!'

I whispered to all seven of the Mikoyan's crew, "Ready wands," as the shouting started spreading.

A rotten apple was thrown from the Green side, landing by Armina's claw. Then a stone flew threw the air at us from the Purples. I said "Volare," as I whipped one of my wands out (more for show than necessity), and the thrown rock hovered in mid-air. "Right. That's quite enough of-" I said "Volare" again as a second rock came, from the Greens. "Aim wands," I commanded. To the locals, I said, "Last chance."

The instant the third rock rose into the air, as I gave it a quick "Volare", the other seven started with the "Do re mi"s, and I joined them on the next round. It took less than half a second to say those words, and there were eight of us - so in five seconds, everyone in sight, save for ourselves, was collapsed to the ground.

"Hey. Wake up." I gave the dog a light kick.

"Huh? Whuh?"

"Welcome back. Aren't you glad that I decided not to just slit all of your throats?"

'Uh... yeah.'

"You should also know that, right now, you can't lie - and you can't resist answering questions, either. Just imagine what would happen if somebody asked you what your most embarrassing secrets were. I also happen to have woken up one of the guys from the other color, and put them under the same enchantment. I'm not going to let you kill each other - but I am going to start the two of you talking, just because I'm curious to see what'll happen."

Once I primed them to start saying what they didn't want the other one to hear, it was a tale of petty greed, corruption, a few murders, and general tit-for-tat escalations. With a bit of nudging, I was able to get each one to agree that, from the other side's point of view, their actions had been justified. The whole thing came down to an original incident, involving an overenthusiastic warrior dog and a complicated relationship with a farmer's daughter, and from that which of two sons inherited a farm, and from that cascaded two entirely separate sets of property claims throughout the whole village. But it wasn't about the land, no - it was all about 'honor'. Neither of them was willing to believe the other's version of events, even though they both knew the other one thought they were telling the truth.

"So how do you see this working out? One of you kills one of them, one of them kills one of you, and back and forth you go?"

'Something like that.'

'I guess.'

"And if it keeps going, until there's two of you left, then none - then will 'honor' be satisfied?"

'...' '...'

"If so - I can have that happen right now - without even using magic. Or, I could just let you sleep until someone else comes by, and who, seeing you all helpless, does whatever they want to you all - including seizing all that land both of your sides claim. And there'd be none of you left to seek revenge on them. Is that what you really want? Is there any honor in that?"

They were like schoolboys caught red-handed. 'No...' One even swing a leg back and forth to scuff the dirt.

"Then - if some other solution were available, who would need to agree to it to make it binding?" When they pointed out the figures, I put them back to sleep.

"Welcome back to the land of the living. You've got a choice to make. You can either lose some of your petty little feud with your neighbors - or you can lose all of it. I'm shoving you and your counterpart together. You have one single chance to pick who owns how much of what. Anything you can't come to an agreement on - I'll claim as my own, in compensation for you idiots dragging me and my people into your fight. Or, if you prefer to keep on living by the rule that whoever can bash the most heads wins, I can just claim the whole shebang for myself, now; including all your families as mine. Have I mentioned that, among my other scholastic knowledge, I've learned of sexual perversions you've never dreamed of, and among my accomplishments, I invented at least one sex act that had never been previously written about? It involves a piece of anatomy that I don't believe any species on this continent possesses... Oh, and yes, I am always quite short of experimental subjects for my research.

"That's what I thought."

"Now, with all that settled - is it possible that, without anybody trying to kill us or make us join their faction or whatever... that we can buy our freaking groceries?"

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