• Member Since 26th Jan, 2014
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Ron Jeremy Pony

What to say about me... I'm a novelist, I enjoy writing Fanfiction (seriously I like it. Although I mainly do Justice League or Highschool of the Dead), and thanks to Dr. Whooves I found FIM.


Comments ( 25 )

I'm looking forward for more of this story. :rainbowkiss:

Oh I'm loving this story so far and I can't wait to read more chapters, I don't see why there is such a large down vote for this story, it's well written and set up very good too.


Thank...Thank you!!! You'll be happy to know the third chapter is currently being written, and has two thousand words already. (I finally got motivated to start working on it after having a mini marathon of Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. So, expect to see the new chapter up tonight, or tomorrow.

7856379 SWEET, I can't wait to read it, are Batman and Wonder Woman the only League members going to be there in Equestria, also do the Caribou de-feather the pegasus and de-horn the Unicorns like in the other FoE fanfics I and most likely you have read too?


No, the plan is to bring other league members into it, which is going to be fun :pinkiehappy:

This is well done don't know how it's so disliked

7857988 I like the idea of Batman (BATMAN FOR CHRIST'S SAKE) And Wonder Woman fighting caribou, but the idea of a relationship while they fight? Ehhh... Wonder Woman is confirmed gay, and I'm pretty sure Bruce Wayne is in a relationship. Good Idea:Batman and Wonder Woman beating up Caribou. Best Superhero and Most Popular Gay Female Heroine beating up The FoE Caribou. Bad Writing: They are dating.


To each their own. However, in the pre-rebirth/DCnU comics there was.several hints of an attraction. The miniseries dealing with Diana becoming a Black Lantern for example. But, as the title indicates the two I'm using are based in the Timmverse DCAU or (Detective Comics Animated Universe).

JL/JLU mainly. I was also using another great story for reference called Memories to a.Stranger in which Diana had been thought dead, but in truth Grog and Luthor had worked to give her new memories. It's a fantastic read and I highly suggest it.

So... In the end that's the version of the two I'm using.


This has been a really nice read. It's a shame its been voted negatively. Have my thumbs up, this stories thirteenth.

7858576 Actually it's been said that Wonder Woman is bisexual, not just gay.

this is so odd to me how can something written so well be so disliked?

planing anymore anytime soon?

Actually, yes. I'm planning on adding more. Hopefully before the end of the month.

Sweet looking forward to it

HOW THE *insert swear word here* IS THIS DISLIKED SO MUCH? This is one of the better Retake Equestria stories I've read so far, and I can tell just from the first chapter!

Probably the Wonder Woman brainwashed prostitute thing. Especially because the much hated Lex Luthor was a regular client. In fact, that might be the main reason, since everyone hates his guts.

Wow, so the story is still alive, it had been awhile since it's last update, glad to see it's still alive and kicking, I can't wait to see how they free the rest of Ponyville.

actually Superman isn't weak to magic he just doesn't have any defense against it, magic affect him like it would any non magic user but he would still have his accelerated healing speed, super speed, super reflexes, strength and all his other powers. A bolt from twilight would hurt him the same as it would Wally or Hal, its just Wally and Supes would heal almost instantly after.

Nice catch, but consider that I'm using the DCAU Superman. It's been canonnally said (in the STAS - Superman the Animated Series) that Superman has a weakness to magic, specifically mind altering magic.

Not to mention it was a major weakness back before Infinite Crisis. Of course it was altered afterward.

I'm gonna do something similar. But with a Cybernetic Soldier from Black Ops III. Cause those soldiers are badass.

Things are getting better, but, seriously, why the down votes, the fics is fine.

A lot of people downvote on principle just because it's associated with Fall of Equestria.

Great work keep it up

Guess I gotta expect downvotes too when I (eventually) make my own Liberation story. It will also co-star DCAU Batman!

I never liked how they depict hades and death/death related gods in general in fiction in most of what is written about Hades the worse he has done was trick Persephone and that's it otherwise he makes sure the underworld operates smoothly heck the best representation of Hades is the Percy Jackson Books(not the moves those are considered garbage the even the author Rick Riordan stated he hates them) and the game Hades by supergiant games.

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