• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Canterlot High Has A Club About What?! - Enclave2277

After visiting Sunset Shimmer during Spring Break, Sweetie Belle decides to create a naturist club at Canterlot High.

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Planning For What?!

Chapter 7: Planning For What?!

Sunset Shimmer unlocked the doors to Canterlot High School’s oft forgotten Student Union Center and became the first student to step inside for little over a year. Sweetie Belle followed suit, with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo in tow.

Only Miss Cheerilee stood outside, allowing the musty, stale air to dissipate. Despite a few cobwebs and a thin layer of dust, the complex looked to be in pretty decent shape. A single ray of sunlight filtered through a small window near the roof, which partially illuminated the long forgotten area.

The space they had walked into was a carpeted lobby room, double the size of the CMC clubhouse. The room led directly into a larger section that contained a smooth wooden floor. It could easily be made into a dance room with just a little bit of cleaning up. To the right of the entrance was a smaller area with some old arcade games. It led to the bowling alley, which had seven lanes that appeared to be well-maintained despite their disuse.

“It’s a little dusty in here.” Apple Bloom commented. “But overall it's not too bad.”

“Yeah, and it’s probably going to take awhile to get it cleaned up.” Sweetie added as she looked around. “I just hope these vents will still work.”

“I’m sure they will.” Scootaloo said. “And if not, we can always just bang on them until they do.”

Sunset Shimmer looked around as she checked all the rooms. “Well…at least the windows are big enough to let some air in, if all else fails.”

She was referring to the small windows near the roof around the main lobby. The windows provided an excellent view of the grounds above. Their bases touched the ground and gave a limited view into the space inside.

Sunset walked up to one of the windows in the bowling alley and gave it a push. Thankfully, it opened up smoothly. The spring air rushed into the Student Union Center and quickly blew some of the lightly rested dust into the air.

All the room’s occupants coughed loudly as the dust filled their lungs.

“I believe we’ve found what needs to be cleaned first.” Miss Cheerilee explained. “We wouldn’t want anyone with allergies to suffer. Hygiene is paramount! Everyone here is going to be making direct contact with objects via their bare skin. I certainly wouldn’t want my body covered in all of that grime!”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “Once we sweep up the dust, this place is gonna have to be cleaned top to the bottom, thoroughly.”

“No problem. Bloom and I can handle that easily.” Scootaloo said.

“You know what? I’ll give you a hand with that.” Sunset added, picking up a dust pan and broom.

“I actually do have a question.” Apple Bloom asked. “How are we going to get stuff down here to clean it all up?”

Miss Cheerilee turned around and pointed to the front doors. But before she could state the obvious, she then considered Apple Bloom’s point. “Huh that’s a good question.”

“Hang on.” Sunset asked. “I’m afraid you lost me. Isn’t that the point of having a front entrance?”

“That leads to two flights of twenty steps each, a difficult trek for anyone who needs to carry anything down. And that’s not mentioning those who can’t walk.” Miss Cheerilee explained. “There is also the fact that we have no elevator down here either.”

Sweetie looked puzzled. “Why’s there no elevator?”

“The contractors the school hired forgot to put one in the blueprints.” Miss Cheerilee answered.

“Ah.” the group responded.

“Great.” Sweetie admitted. “So we gotta build some kind of elevator to get food and people down here?”

“It won’t be the craziest contraption we’ve ever built.” Apple Bloom smirked.

Sunset cocked her eyebrow but decided not to pursue the topic any further. “That being said: where we gonna put it?”

“Oh that’s easy, just put it over by the east wall!” shouted Pinkie Pie, who sprang up out of nowhere and appeared next to Sunset Shimmer.

All the girls jumped at Pinkie’s sudden appearance, but Sunset was the first to react. Scared out of her mind, she defensively swung the broom and slammed it into Pinkie Pie’s face. Her head, and in turn her whole body, vibrated after the impact and then she flopped to the ground clutching her forehead.

“Oh shit!” Sunset exclaimed. “Pinkie, I’m so sorry!”

“Woah… you’ve never hit me that hard before, Sunny!” Pinkie laughed as she got back on her feet.

“Yeah, well you scared the crap outta me! Where in the world did you come from?” Sunset asked.

“Oh, I was eating a cookie in the cafeteria and I accidentally dropped it!” Pinkie explained, “It rolled into the air duct, soooo I had to go after it. I didn’t want to attract any rats or ants into the school. I mean, I know Fluttershy would be totally cool with it, but sometimes you just gotta know when to draw the line! Anywaaaaay, I followed the vent down here to get the cookie and ended in this room.”

She then pointed to an air duct that was hanging open about five feet away from where Sunset was standing.

“Uh-huh.” Sunset said after Pinkie brushed off her clothes, acting as if nothing had happened.

“How much of our conversation did you hear, Pinkie?” Miss Cheerilee asked, slightly concerned.

“Only that you guys were going to host a nudie shindig down here!” Pinkie answered with a beam. “May I join in?”

“Um, it’s a bit more complicated than that…” Sweetie Belle said, trying not to blush.

“Why don’t you girls go ahead and start cleaning up?” Sunset said. “I’ll explain everything to Pinkie.”

“And I have some paperwork to fill out.” Miss Cheerilee added. “I’ll be back in a bit to help you girls out.”

With that, Sunset herded Pinkie off to one of the rooms while Miss Cheerilee headed back upstairs. Sweetie Belle remained on the dance floor with a broom and began to sweep while Apple Bloom and Scootaloo headed to the bowling alley and the billiard room, respectively.

Sweetie suddenly became very nervous. Pinkie’s sudden appearance could possibly throw a wrench in all their plans. Sweetie knew that Pinkie would never wantonly reveal a promise or a secret, but it wasn’t unheard of for the hyperactive girl to blurt out sensitive information accidentally. And if that information were to find its way to the wrong ears, it was game over for all of them. So she remained close by to monitor the conversation.

“Wait…you’re a NUDIST?! How long’s that been? Pinkie asked.

“To be honest, ever since I got here,” Sunset answered. “I came from a world where ponies usually don’t wear clothing. It was really difficult for me to get into the habit of having to wear them all the time. I just stayed naked from time to time and decided I liked it. Even though it feels really weird not having fur anymore…”

“Hmm, that makes sense. But then why didn’t you ever tell us?” Pinkie asked again.

There was a momentary lapse of silence. Sweetie guessed that Sunset was staring at Pinkie, slack-jawed.

Pinkie giggled. “What? Did you really think that we wouldn’t accept you?! Sunset, you became a horrible winged monster and tried to make everyone your zombie slaves! What could be worse than that?”

Sunset seemed to stammer. “W-Well, I just assumed that nudity was a pretty big taboo in this world. With how conservative AJ and Rarity are, I didn’t want to cause a rift between us.”

“Oh Sunny, Sunny, Sunny, don’t worry about it! Besides being naked is totally fun! During…the appropriate circumstances, of course.” Pinkie said.

“Pinkie,” Sunset grimaced. “I hope you understand the distinction….”

“Of course I do, silly! I had to research it for a cultural science project!” Pinkie snickered. “Ahem, ‘Nudism is all about enjoying life in a natural, healthy, judgement-free way?”

A small smirk appeared on Sweetie’s face. She had to give Pinkie some credit. The pink-haired girl always did her homework.

Sunset sighed. “That’s the basic gist of it, I suppose. But I would feel better if you kept everything about the club to yourself.”

“Wait! This isn’t a onetime thing?” Pinkie asked. “THIS IS A CLUB?! OH OH! Can I join? Pretty pleeeeeaaasse with sugar on top! It would help me with my summer club requirement! I could even be the resident baker and bring in sweets for all of your parties!”

“Whoa, easy there Pinkie. Sweetie’s the club president first off. Second, you still didn’t answer my promise.” Sunset said.

“Oh…I’m sorry Sunset, what was the promise again?”

“Don’t tell anyone that we’re nudists. We’d like to do that part ourselves.” Sunset answered.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

Sunset and Sweetie sighed with relief. “Alright, Pinkie. Welcome aboard.”

“Yippee! I’ll be right back with some cleaning supplies!” Pinkie shouted as she practically bounced out of the room.

Her enthusiastic exit kicked up some dust but oddly enough, the dust dissipated just as quickly. Sunset stepped out of the room and gave Sweetie a thumb’s up. Sweetie smiled and returned the gesture.

True to her word, Pinkie was back in a flash with enough cleaning supplies to handle the entire building. She had also magically changed her clothes from her usual attire to cleaning maid’s uniform that wouldn’t have looked out of place in a certain Disney movie.

“C'mon, girls!” she beamed. “Let’s get cleaning!”

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo appeared from their respective rooms.

“Pinkie where did you get all those cleaning supplies?” Apple Bloom asked.

“The Janitor’s office. He always leaves the closet unlocked during the weekend.” Pinkie answered in a matter of fact tone.

“Now why didn’t we think of that?” Scootaloo asked.

Pinkie shrugged. “I thought it was common knowledge…”

The girls laughed and began cleaning.

It took them the better part of the day to clean most of the room. But by mid-afternoon, they had completed cleaning enough of the room to warrant a break. Sunset and Pinkie set up a table in the front lobby where all the girls, including Miss Cheerilee, were gathered to enjoy some drinks and baked goodies that Pinkie had somehow smuggled in earlier.

While the sweets were enjoyable, the strong smell of bleach and cleaning chemicals still permeated the air, dulling the delectable scent of their goodies. Even though all the windows and doors had been opened, Sweetie was quite certain that she was getting high off the chemicals. Regardless, it felt good to sit down after a long day’s work.

“Boy, I never cleaned that hard in my life.” Scootaloo sighed.

“Yeah, my arms hurt.” Pinkie complained.

“Y’all are a bunch of sissies.” Apple Bloom scoffed. “Try cleaning out a barn every day of the week.”

“Excuse me farm girl,” Sweetie playfully teased. “But some of us aren’t as active as you are.”

Apple Bloom giggled. “Maybe, but that doesn’t make what I’m sayin’ any less true.”

Sweetie rolled her eyes. “At least we got the club room ready to go.”

“I wonder how many people this place can fit.” Apple Bloom pondered.

“About two hundred,” Sunset answered. “From what the signs say.”

“Oh.” the CMC said simultaneously.

“I wonder if we’re ever going to be able to get two hundred members.” Scootaloo asked.

“That’s actually not going to be as hard as you might think.” Sweetie smiled. “We just gotta get the word out.”

“Wait, so we’re not going to make giant posters and plaster them around the school?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, we are,” Sweetie answered. “But we’re going to leave out some information.”

“Then, won’t people miss the point?” Pinkie asked.

“We don’t want everyone knowing. Bad things would happen. But we will spread the fact we’re a naturist group, kind of like a rumor.” Apple Bloom answered.

“Rumor’s move a lot faster around here than the straight up truth.” Sunset smiled, remembering her old methods of spreading information. “You just gotta know who to talk to.”

“And who are we going to talk to?” Scootaloo asked.

“Dinky.” Sweetie smiled. “She’s got the best network in the entire school. Outside of Diamond Twerp, of course.”

Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo nodded with impressed looks. Pinkie and Sunset, who knew Dinky’s older sister Derpy Hooves, simply nodded.

“So that covers our information network.” Sweetie sighed. “Now, we just gotta figure out what the game plan’s gonna be for opening night.”

“Leave that to me!” Pinkie shouted with pride. “I’ll get everything set up in no time at all.”

“And I’ll make sure we have more than enough towels and blankets for people to sit on.” Sunset added. “I shouldn’t have too much of a problem getting those.”

“Which leaves Sweetie to lay out the rules.” Scootaloo smiled.

“And the two of you,” Sweetie grinned as she looked at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. “To iron out the guest list.”

“Deal!” everyone shouted in enjoyment.

Soon, however, silence overtook the group. Pinkie looked at her watch. “Sweet baby penguins! Its five after Six! I gotta get back to the Cakes! I’m late babysitting Pound and Pumpkin!”

Sunset smiled and shook her head, “Guess that’s my cue to leave as well. I’d like to go home and get some homework done. See ya girls tomorrow.”

The trio waved at Sunset as she walked out. Sweetie looked at Apple Bloom. “Hey AB, I was wondering, have you told Tender yet?”

Apple Bloom frowned. “N-Not yet. I mean, I really want to…but I’m not sure what he’ll say.”

“Do you think he’ll accept it?” Scootaloo asked.

“Oh, I know he would.” Apple Bloom smiled. “We’ve already seen each other naked before.”

“Wait. What!?” Sweetie shouted in shock.

Scootaloo howled with laughter, trying to sound like Applejack. “You two are seriously… banging each other already?!”

Applebloom blushed and waved her hands wildly. “We didn’t do anything like that, I swear! I just…accidently walked in on him while he was in the shower one time! His parents weren’t home a-and I didn’t realize he was in the bathroom…”

“Then how’d he see you?” Sweetie asked.

Apple Bloom blushed even harder. “W-Well…I might have…..joined him.”

WHAT?!” Sweetie and Scootaloo shouted in unison.

“We didn’t do anything naughty!” Apple Bloom responded sharply. “It was just a nice, clean, non-sexual shower between the two of us!”

“Atta girl, Bloom! You’re totally gonna score before either of us!” Scootaloo said after punching her friend’s arm.

“I’m still a v-virgin, I swear!” Apple Bloom squeaked.

“Wait till Applejack finds out!” Sweetie giggled.

“Nothing happened!” Apple Bloom retorted. “Tender was a complete gentlemen. He didn’t think he was ready and…neither was I. Besides, I want my first time to be special, not some accidental romp in the shower.”

Sweetie smiled, approving of the romantic implications behind her friend’s notion. “How about after a nice date in the city…or after he takes you to a five star restaurant?”

“Oh no way! Neither of us can even afford that stuff.” Apple Bloom dismissed. “I’d rather enjoy a nice walk down the beach at sunset, none of them hoity-toity restaurants. Just a nice, romantic walk down the beach.”

Sweetie looked up towards the ceiling. “That would be rather nice, but I’d like to enjoy a nice dinner first; maybe not a fancy restaurant, but a restaurant that’s got a cozy atmosphere.”

The girls sighed dreamily. Sweetie continued to look up towards the ceiling. “Although, I don’t believe I’ll be naked for my first date...”

That got a laugh from the other two as they sat there. They continued to dream for a moment until a knock came at the door.

“Um…hello?” an unsure voice spoke.

Sweetie turned around and saw Dinky Hooves standing in the door frame, her amber eyes looking a little unsure. “Oh hey Dinky, come on in!”

Dinky smiled and skipped into the club room, “Wow, I never thought it’d be this big!”

“Yeah, it took us by surprise too.” Sweetie smiled.

“Hey Dinks, you wouldn’t happen to know the time would you?” Scootaloo asked.

Dinky nodded. “Half past six.”

“Welp, that’s gonna be it for me.” Scootaloo said.

“Me too. Applejack’s expecting me home for dinner.” Applebloom agreed.

Sweetie nodded. “You girls go on ahead; I’d like to stay here with Dinky for a moment.”

“Bye girls!” Dinky waved goodbye as the two girls exited the club room. Dinky then turned to Sweetie Belle. “So what is this place?”

“Believe it or not, this was supposed to be the CHS Student Union Room.” Sweetie smiled. “It just never got implemented. Or maybe they just forgot about it. I’m not sure.”

“Cool, now it’s your clubroom?” Dinky asked.

Sweetie nodded. “Yup, the Natural Living Appreciation Club; or NLAC for short. It’s a club that promotes student unity and friendship.”

Dinky cocked her head. “Umm…I don’t get it.”

Sweetie offered Dinky a chair to sit on. “What do you mean?” She asked innocently.

“Sweetie,” Dinky poked her chest. “I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I know why I’m here. You want to spread some information that you don’t want the principals to hear about.”

“Or DT and her lackey.” Sweetie laughed awkwardly. “Can you do it?”

“Well, I gotta to know what it’s about first.” Dinky responded.

Sweetie nodded before glancing over her shoulder to make sure there were no more surprise eavesdroppers. Then she leaned in towards Dinky, “Truth is Dinky, the NLAC is going to be a nudist club. And every Friday night, we’ll be hosting parties down here.”

Dinky’s eyes went wide. “Really? That’s interesting…even coming from you!”

Sweetie nodded and explained everything. Dinky was a lot of things; much like her sister, she was a klutz and a little bit slow at times. But Dinky could never be called a gossiper or a traitor. When Sweetie, or any of the class, wanted to get information out to the school that needed to get around Diamond Tiara, Dinky was their girl.

She was friendly, honest, and trustworthy, but also very clever and very sly in her own right. There was also a level of loyalty between Dinky and Sweetie, as Dinky was one of Sweetie’s earliest friends from elementary school.

The only reason they weren’t together as much anymore was because Dinky was so much of a social butterfly that she couldn’t be tethered to just one friend. And Sweetie didn’t really mind that. She was just fine having a small group of friends. After talking with Dinky about her experiences, research, and plan for the club, Sweetie looked her friend in the eyes.

“Can you do it Dinks?” she asked.

Dinky leaned back and licked her lips as she thought about it. After a moment or two, she responded. “On one condition: you have to make me a member.”

“You actually want to join?” Sweetie asked.

“Sure. With this heat, it might actually be enjoyable. Plus, I’ve always wanted to try doing something naked other than bathing.” She answered.

“Thanks Dinky! You’re our first member.”

“I’ll get to work right away!” Dinky said standing up and saluting. Then with no further word from Sweetie Belle, Dinky Hooves was off to complete her task. That left Sweetie alone in the club room.

A smile spread on her face. Everything was going better than she could have hoped. Now came the harder part; planning the party. She knew Pinkie Pie was on the task, so it wouldn’t be too much of an issue. But her mind wandered back to the conversation she had with her friends.

The perfect date for Sweetie Belle. It was something she never really gave that much thought towards. Especially considering that Apple Bloom was so far ahead of her already. She sat there, wondering what exactly the perfect date would entail. Then she wondered who the perfect person would be.

With a smile, Sweetie reached for her phone. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Hey Button’ she texted, ‘You got a moment?’

A minute later came the response. ‘Hey Sweetie, yeah just recruited Wrex, what’s up?’

I was wondering if you had any plans tomorrow.’

Not yet…wanna hang out?’


Great. What time?’


2:30 works for me. I’ll come pick you up then.’

K. Bye Button!’

With a girlish squeal, Sweetie turned off her phone and headed home.