• Published 30th Jun 2016
  • 3,340 Views, 4 Comments

This Is What We Are - Sage of the Leaf

In the face of a dangerous confession, two girls ponder their relationship with much sentiment to be had.

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This Is How We Became

Rainbow Dash turned the corner into the bedroom, her breath caught, and her throat dry. Things weren't supposed to happen this way. Why the hell did she react the way she did? And to her? It only meant that fixing the problem would be that much harder. It would be that much more emotionally draining.

She grabbed the doorknob nervously and hesitated for the last time. The door opened slowly, with the softest, yet most woeful of creeks. The sound reminded the athlete of the girl beyond the door, the girl on the bed. Fluttershy hadn't deserved to be put in this position, but here they were. There was no changing the past, not in this world.

"S-shy?", Rainbow timidly called.

The caretaker turned her head to see the object of her struggles, and could only frown gently.

"Hello, Rainbow", she replied, her sadness evident.

Rainbow Dash closed the door, shutting the two of them inside, momentarily away from the world. Right now, it was just the two of them, as it had been for so much of their past together.

In consideration of Fluttershy's happiness, the athlete was tired of being uncertain, and tired of the subversion of feelings. This time, things would be different.

"Shy", she began, regretful still. "I'm... sorry. I'm sorry I reacted like that. I guess I just wasn't thinking straight".

The shy girl gave no words. She only retained her doleful countenance. With this, they both remained still in miserable silence for a brief moment. Eventually though, Fluttershy did muster the will to express some measure of absolution.

"It's ok, Dashie. It's... not important". Although the intricate details of today would never be disclosed to the rest of the elements, Rainbow Dash's heart was effectively struck by the words.

"But Fluttershy, it does matter. I hurt you, I know I did. That's something I just can't forgive".

The caretaker was intimately familiar with her best friend's loyal heart. But this drama would have been far more easy to have forgotten. It would have been bliss to just have forgotten that the events of today thus far had ever occurred.

"Really, Rainbow, it's OK. It's not your fault. I was being a child for reacting the way I did to you". The athlete was silent. Instead, she willed for the shy girl in front of her to continue. Rainbow Dash joined Shy on the bed, and waited patiently, moving to stroke the pink hair. If they could have intimate contact with one-another, then the situation would be a great deal less stressful. "I guess I was just sad, and disappointed. All this time, I've wanted to tell you, and I've wanted to be closer with you. Sometimes I feel like you could actually care for me as more than your best friend".

Fluttershy took a deep breath, and for the first time since they'd begun talking, she looked Rainbow Dash in the eyes.

"Even if I couldn't be your girlfriend, I'd have been happy if we could have just been closer. If we could have had a deeper relationship than one as best friends, I'd have been happy with you. A deeper relationship is all I've ever wanted with you, Rainbow".

Rainbow Dash's mind was racing, slowly. She was contemplating everything subtly, but at the moment all of her immediate attention was on the girl next to her. She wanted to hear Fluttershy.

"But then... when you reacted the way you did, it hurt me. It made me think that I was wrong. It made me think that maybe you just couldn't have thought of me as more than your best friend, as your girlfriend. We've known each other for so long, after all".

From that moment forward, treasured and difficult memories alike of their shared past played out in both minds, as the sentiments continued.

"But I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I thought we couldn't be more than best friends, so I virtually pouted. I'm sorry Rainbow", Fluttershy finished, taking another deep breath. The two girls sat for some time, soaking in all of the sentiments and memories, past and present. The air had become abundantly saturated with sadness, and anxiety in the past hour. Rainbow Dash struggled to find a response. Her best friend-her potential lover-had just absolutely poured out her heart, and yet the athlete could only sit and wallow?

Dependent on her guilt and on her desire to make things right for the girl she cared for the most, Rainbow Dash spoke with the utmost feeling, and care in her voice. This is a side of the athlete only seen by one other.

"Fluttershy...", she began. "You really don't give yourself enough credit. Now, I can see what it is that you want. I understand how you feel. But, why do you assume I have no interest?" There was an essence of innocent curiosity in the air, as she spoke. "Why shouldn't I be interested?"

The shy girl only continued to look her crush in the eyes. The words had not yet come.

"You know, Shy", Rainbow prepared. She took a moment to adjust her position, to find a bit more comfort in their shared space. "Even as best friends, without dating, you and I have always just been. It's actually hard to remember the time before I met you, we've known each other so long. There was elementary, there was middle, there was even that one year of camp". The mention of the camp brought back brief, ambiguous memories to both. "And the awesome thing? You've always been there for me. And I've always tried to be there for you. Remember when Sunset Shimmer tried to tear our friendships apart?"

Indeed, Fluttershy remembered that year well. Though she hadn't mentioned the fact that there had been quite a few tears shed in private silence.

"Even through it all, you and I stayed close. Kind of". Try as she might, there would be no purging of the memories of slight estrangement. "I'll be honest- there was no way in hell I'd have swallowed enough pride to go to Applejack. Pinkie was just trying to cope. She was trying to make the rest of the school happy with her parties." The mention of the party animal brought back an unwelcome memory for the athlete. She remembered straight, pink hair, and inanimate talking objects. "And Rarity was too busy trying to recover her image from the spring fling".

"I remember", the caretaker got in. The two girls took deep breaths.

"But you and I weren't like that. Sure, it wasn't just like it had been. There was some awkwardness to it sometimes. But we never stopped spending time together. We never stopped being close. And that was awesome.

Fluttershy took the conclusion of the speech as an opportunity to snuggle against the athlete. Although there still remained some uncertainty, it was a relief to know that there was no ill sentiment between them. Rainbow responded with a low, heartfelt chuckle.

"I'm sorry, Shy. I know I was being dumb". As they relaxed on the bed together, Rainbow resigned to stroking the shy girl's pink hair. "But there's one more thing you really need to know".

The caretaker met the athlete's eyes once again, with a blend of nerve and curiosity.

"I want you to know- that no matter what happens, whether it be as girlfriends, best friends, practically sisters, or as partners for life,- that I'll always love and appreciate having you around. Even if we only stay best friends, I love you, Shy, at the very least".

Fluttershy resolved, finally, with great relief and happiness at the words. She leaned in and kissed the girl she loved with great passion and fervor. To know that Rainbow Dash felt such a way was just what she'd hoped. They remained embraced for a generous amount of time, before being forced apart by a need for air.

"I love you, Rainbow Dash", Fluttershy muttered, panting".

"I love you too, Fluttershy", Rainbow responded, similarly. "But uh, I've just got one more question".


"What are we now, then? Would you want to be together? In a relationship?

Fluttershy got in as close as she possibly could, so that their lips were just barely touching. Rainbow could clearly feel the shy girl's breathing. "I'd love that".

Author's Note:

This is something I felt like writing down while working on a multi-chapter project.

Comments ( 4 )

I think we all know what that multi-chapter project is, Sage. :raritywink:

I gotta say, you did a nice job here. You're writing is definitely improving. Just want to point out a few grammar mistakes though:

"But you and I weren't like that. Sure, it wasn't just like it was. There was some awkwardness to it sometimes. But we never stopped spending time together. We never stopped being close. And that was awesome."

"I love you, Rainbow Dash", Fluttershy muttered, panting.

"What are we now, then? Would you want to be together? In a relationship?"

Other than these mistakes, good job. Looking forward to that multi-chap story.

This was a cute little story. Two things that distracted me, however:

The periods were outside of the quotations. Generally, you want to include them inside as an end to the dialogue. i.e. instead of

"Even through it all, you and I stayed close. Kind of".

Make it "Even through it all, you and I stayed close. Kind of."

It's a minor thing, but a bit distracting.

Onto the second problem, you're suffering from "purple alicorn syndrome", where you use a bunch of adjectives to describe the characters rather than their names or pronouns. It's distracting to see "the caregiver" and "the athlete" instead of just saying their names or he/she. It's a big no-no in writing that you should try to avoid.

Anyways, best of luck in your future stories!

Daw, this was precious and very natural, too~ :raritystarry:

I like Dash's explanation of their releationship- about having just 'been'. It perfectly describes what I see in relationships that develop between two friends who are close as they are.

This remains as the first and and one of best EQG oneshots I've ever read. Thank you for writing it.

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