• Published 21st Jun 2012
  • 3,288 Views, 26 Comments

Adventures of a Teenage Foalsitter [clop free] - Bronystories

Filly Cadance becomes infatuated with Twilight's father. Her obsession threatens her very sanity.

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5. Finally, the Moment has Arrived

Chapter 5

Cadance didn't realize it, but her mind had become twisted and evil. To her, what she had with Orion was love. In her young filly mind, love could only be pure and innocent. It didn't matter the means she used to get there, once she was on the path of love, all her previous actions were vindicated as just and true.

Through her studies, Cadance discovered love to be the most powerful force in the world. As her cutie mark symbolized love, she saw it as further evidence of her power.

Cadance directed Orion to get on his bed. The stallion rolled onto his back, with his legs dangling over the edge. Orion lay there, oblivious to the situation he now found himself in. His eyes were glazed as his pink heart eyes stared at the ceiling.

"I may have overdone it," Cadance thought to herself as she stared at her essentially comatose lover, "How is he supposed to hug me in that condition? If I'd have wanted a brainless vegetable for a lover, I would have grabbed one from the crisper drawer."

Cadance stood over Orion; his dead, pink eyes staring through her. She brought her lips down on his unresponsive mouth. "Well this is no fun," she thought, "It's like kissing a dead fish."

Cadance lay on Orion's chest and pulled his big stallion arms over her. "Hold me, like you did by the lake on Na-moose," Cadance said, quoting the greatest line of romantic dialogue to come out of the Star Horse prequels.
Her fantasies as Pad-mare Amidala were short lived, as Orion's limp limbs slowly slid off her back.

Cadance lifted her head up, growing more and more frustrated with her logey lover.
"You're close to falling asleep, aren't you my love?" Cadance asked, a note of desperation in her voice.

"Maybe if I can get his circulation up, he'll me more alert," Cadance thought, "Then I can sit in his lap while he brushes my mane and tells me what a pretty princess I am."
Cadance stood on Orion's chest. She looked down into his vacant eyes and frowned.
Then she began to jump up and down on his chest in tune with a children's rhyme she started singing.
"Sunshine sunshine, Ladybug's awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake."

On the word 'shake,' Cadance frantically ran in place on Orion's chest. Her little hooves struck the stallion repeatedly. His body twitched from all the stomping.

Cadance enjoyed runnng on Orion's chest. "That book was right," Cadance said, giggling, "It is fun to Hop on Pop!"

Cadance's fun was interupted, when Orion's front door opened. "Oh, but he was so close to waking up," Cadance said, her face falling.

"Orion honey," Dazzle called out, "You home? I took Twily to the library before dropping her off at magic kindergarten."

"The office contacted me, asking why you didn't show up for work today" Dazzle said as she made her way towards the hall.
"Orion dear," Dazzle called out, a note of concern in her voice, "Are you sick?"

Cadance, who had been listening with her ear pressed to the door, heard Dazzle's approaching footsteps. The little filly turned and took a moment to look with longing at Orion, splayed out on the bed, still enchanted.

Casting the Want it Need it spell had sapped much of the young filly's magical abilities. Cadance barely had the magical energy left to close the window behind her as she flew out of Orion's window.

The window latch closed shut just as Dazzle opened her bedroom door. "Orion? Are you in here?" Dazzle asked, before seeing her husband on the bed.

She walked up to Orion, who was still under Cadance's spell. "so, my sexy stud decided to take a personal day, huh?" Dazzle said, kissing her husband on the cheek. His wife's kiss broke the spell on Orion. His eyes returned to normal. "Huh? What?" He asked, blearily.

"If you didn't want to go into work today, that's fine," Dazzle said as she walked to the foot of the bed, "Just next time, be sure to let the office know. That's just more professional."

Orion sat up in bed and looked at his wife.

"What happened?" Orion asked groggily, "I remember having breakfast. You left to take Twily to the library..."

"Then you came back here and fell asleep waiting for me to return," she said, playfully running her hoof through his mane, "You did say you didn't sleep well last night."

Dazzle then pounced on her husband, laying on top of him. What neither of them knew was that Orion had sustained multiple bruising over his chest from the young alicorn's constant stepping; So when Dazzle put her weight on her husband, the pain was unanticipated and piercing..

"Yeeaagh! Get off me!" Orion screamed, "It feels like a train landed on me."
"Well, that killed the mood," Dazzle said, trying to not become emotional, "I'll have you know, mister, that you haven't been exactly keeping yourself slim for me either!"

Dazzle got to her hooves and stormed off towards the bathroom. "Don't you talk to me until I finish taking a long shower with some scented bath salts," She said, "While you're waiting for me, you might want to think about doing a few pushups."

Orion fell back on the bed, feeling surprisingly exhausted. He felt bad for his wife. "It's not like I meant to insult her weight, or anything." Orion thought, "My chest is just really tender now, for some reason." Staring up at the ceiling, Orion had a nagging feeling, like he'd lost a couple hours today.

Any such problems were swept away as Orion focused on a more pressing issue.

"Dazzle wasn't serious about doing those pushups, was she?" he thought.

Comments ( 8 )

Wheres the clop version? I can't find it.

EDIT: Never mind I found it

Wheres the clop?

I actually think I like this version of the chapter better. But I still like both stories a lot!

I see :D oh well, let this be one of those easy challenges

I do plan on adding the rest of the story here; when I have more time. :applejackconfused:

Glad you like it and thanks for the feedback! :yay:

This is a good story so far, you need to continue it

I honestly don't know when I'll get around to editing the rest. I started writing a "clop-free" version in tandem with the actual story. As the main story progressed, I realized how much work it would take to censor everything and still have it make sense.

I might continue it at some point, but there are so many more new stories I want to write before tackling a family-friendly version of an old story.

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