• Published 30th Jun 2016
  • 2,996 Views, 18 Comments

The Mane 6 Go to a Wonderbolt's Show | TwiDash Adventure - Squiggly Cup

(features Twidash) There is a new Wonderbolt's show being hosted in Fillydelphia on the ground, allowing all types of ponies to attend. 6 of those ponies being the whacky, chaotic, trouble making Mane 6, who all have different experiences at the show

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Ch 2 - Private Rooms & Negotiations

"Is nopony really back yet?" Twilight asked as she peered at the row of empty seats beside them. Rainbow glanced over and just shrugged her shoulders.

"I guess not, but they're adults they'll be fine" Rainbow waved her hoof dismissively. Twilight just gave her a deadpan look "Have you met our friends?"

Rainbow laughed as she wrapped a hoof around Twilight, she gave her quick peck on the cheek. "It's fine Twi, and if they're causing chaos then so be it. Let's not let them ruin this" Rainbow said as she nuzzled up to Twilight, her marefriend gratefully smiling at her.

"ruin this.... uh yeah let's just enjoy it" Twilight said nervously, her thoughts being drawn back to the ring search, honestly she was starting to forget.


The light switched on, instantly giving vision back to the ponies sneaking into the kitchen. Pinkie Pie had just dropped down into one of the concession stands kitchens from the air vent. Pinkie waited a few moments before nothing happened. She curiously peeked up at the air vent.

"Heelloooo Flutterrshyy" Pinkie called out in a sing-song voice.

"Okie Dokie Flutter-butter you're forcing my hoof" she said, and with that she bounced up and grabbed onto the ledge of the vent. She peeked in and saw Fluttershy sitting there nervously watching her, Pinkie only grinned and grabbed her hoof.

"Pinkie wait I- eeeepp!" she yelped as Pinkie pulled her back and down with her, causing both ponies to hit the floor. Pinkie took the most of it and let Fluttershy fall on top of her. Fluttershy shot up to her hooves.

"Oh i'm so sorry Pinkie are you okay?" she asked, very worried for her friend. Pinkie just laid on the ground on her side, facing away from Fluttershy.

Fluttershy instinctually went into medic mode and she bolted over to Pinkie's side. She bent over and rolled Pinkie over onto her back. Fluttershy was quick to notice that Pinkie Pie now had an eye patch on along with bandages wrapped around her head.

Pinkie Pie's eyes darted from left to right dilating until they finally focused onto Fluttershy. She lazily reach a shaky hoof up to Fluttershy's cheek.

"Flutters... i'm not gonna make it... this is.... this is your mission now..." Pinkie groggily said, before her head rolled to the side as her eyes shut. Her tongue even hung out of her mouth, touching the dirty floor.

"Pinkie.. are you alright? I don't think i'll be able to do this without you..." Fluttershy said desperately. As quick as lightning Pinkie bounced right up on her feet again, taking the bandages off of her head at the same time, though leaving the eye patch for coolness.

"I know, and that's why i'm not gonna go down without a fight" Pinkie Pie put on her army helmet again and adjusted her eye patch.

"I lost my eye for the cause, and I'm willing lose a lot more before i'm done!" Pinkie Pie declared with her best gruff military voice.

As Pinkie happily bounced around Fluttershy gave her a pretty harsh deadpan glare, refraining from going The Stare level though. Pinkie stopped bouncing and sheepishly looked at her, she awkwardly chuckled before rubbing the back of her neck.

Soon after both ponies heard keys jingling just outside of the kitchen doors.

"Evase manuvers deputy!" Pinkie whispered harshly, quickly combat rolling under a mobile serving cart, which had a table cloth covering it. Fluttershy's teeth were chattering, her eyes darted all over the room looking for a good spot. She went to open a large metal cabinet but it was filled with kitchen supplies. She went over to the fridge, which was filled with food. After a couple of seconds of peering in there she heard the door start to open.

At speeds that Rainbow Dash would be impressed by Fluttershy decided to bolt right down under the serving cart beside Pinkie. Now this time it was Pinkie's turn to give her a deadpan stare.

Based on the sound of hooves walking into the room, it sounded like there were two of them.

"Alright Misty, load up that serving cart. We have a big delivery of food for a couple of rich ponies up in the box seats" a stallion said.

"Got it covered sir!" a mare called out, presumably Misty. Fluttershy used a bit of her reserved courage and peeked out of the table cloth to see a pink coated unicorn pony who was using her magic to lift several different types of food onto their cart. She even took notice of the white server shirt she had on with her nametag, Misty Fog. After she got the gist of what was happening she pulled her head back behind the cloth to look at Pinkie nervously. Pinkie only winked at her in return, obviously she had some kind of plan.

Fluttershy only looked more nervous as she felt the cart start to move.


"It can't be empty!" Applejack yelled, her and Rarity had found themselves in an old broom closet where the custodian and stashed the trash cart.

"Darling, I think I can still sense it. This way!" Rarity called out as they exited the dirty broom closet and wandered off down another corridor.

Down the hall was another large door with "EXIT" just above it.

The two ponies didn't hesitate to fling the door open and run outside. They found themselves in a carriage parking lot behind the stadium. Rarity turned to the right and noticed two green dumpsters. Both ponies ran forwards and opened them up, but both were empty.

"What the hay is goin' on!" Applejack yelled, irritated.

"Oh no.." Rarity said gravely, Applejack turned towards Rarity wearily. She caught what her friend's eyes were looking at.

It was large garbage carriage. They were similar to the large box like ones from the old west where two ponies would sit on a bench on top. Typically there would be seats inside, but in the case of garbage carriages, it was just a box filled with garbage bags. As both ponies took notice of it, it had started to drive off, with two very strong looking stallions.

"Stop right there you two! Give us that garbage!" Rarity yelled, causing some of the ponies nearby to give her odd looks. Both of the earth pony stallions just looked at her oddly. Both were pretty big, kind of built like Big Mac. Both stallions just gave each other annoyed looks, an understanding passing between them

"Oh great it's more cheapskate garbage diggers. I'm so sick of these ponies always digging through other people's garbage. Go buy stuff instead support the economy!" one of them called back. As soon as the words left his mouth both ponies immediately took off with the carriage.

"Support tha' economy what!?" Applejack was beyond furious at this point. Her and Rarity quickly bolted after the two stallions, who even with a carriage were faster than them.

Applejack, her athleticism truly showing, put full force into a sprint passing Rarity. The large security gate opened up and the stallions were dashing outside onto the streets. Just as they passed the curb Applejack put on a burst of speed. She jumped forward as they turned right onto the road and latched herself onto the back of the carriage.

She looked over her shoulder at Rarity "ah got this one!" Applejack called out as she then began climbing higher onto the cart, but they turned a corner away from Rarity's vision.

Rarity on the other hand had ran out of stamina about ten seconds after it started and was bent over breathing heavily, clearly out of breathe. Rarity looked around the parking lot for a means to catch up with Applejack, as if perfectly timed, she noticed a taxi riding by on the street.

She quickly hopped forward onto the road, startling the stallion pulling it, forcing him to slide on his feet to stop the carriage.

"What was that about!?" he yelled. He was a large pegasus pony with a blue coat and a brown mane that was parted off to the sides.

"Sorry sir but it was an emergency!" Rarity said. She quickly trotted up and onto the cart right behind the stallion.

"There is a trash carriage up that way that we need to catch, and if you do.. I'll make it worth your while" Rarity softly purred into his ear, the stallion's legs wobbled as she said it.

"Got it!" he said, and immediately took off making Rarity fall back in her seat at the sudden speed.

"looks like i've still got it" Rarity thought with a grin.

He dashed forward and around a corner cutting off other carriages who all happily shouted their disapproval at them.


Rainbow and Twilight had taken to cuddling up by each other as they relaxed and watched the show. The Wonderbolts were performing really well, every routine went down perfectly. At one point one of them even did a trust fall off a cloud and was caught by Spitfire. After that the crowd went wild, ponies jumped up from their seats to cheer, including Rainbow and Twilight.

"Whoo!" "Yeah!" they shouted. The instant Rainbow sprang up and raised her hooves a sharp pain in the center of her back.

"Ah!" she yelped as she collapsed back into her seat, she pressed a hoof against her back in pain, Twilight immediately sat back down by her side.

"Rainbow are you alright, what happened?" Twilight asked, the worry was evident in her voice and her facial expressions.

Rainbow put a hoof behind her back and felt around, nothing seemed to have hit her, it felt more like an internal thing. Probably just stretched the wrong way.

"I think I just pulled a muscle, I'll be alright" Rainbow said, but Twilight still stared at her worryingly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah it's fine" Rainbow said. Twilight dejectedly sat back in her seat and stared forward at the show. As she tried to watch the she could hear little annoyed grunts coming out of Rainbow as she held her back. After a minute an idea popped into her head.

"How about I give you a massage?"

"A massage?'

"Yeah, i'm sure it'll help!" Twilight said as she put her hooves on Rainbow's shoulder. Rainbow leaned forward, not expecting it to help her back much.

Twilight leaned over and positioned herself better.


Twilight lowered her hooves a little bit.


She lowered them down to a little under the middle of her back and started kneading at her back.

Rainbow instantly flinched at the contact, but quickly relaxed into it with an audible sign, something that Twilight took as a good sign to keep going. She slowly moved her hooves up and down pushing into her back slowly. Rainbow just breathed in and out slowly as Twilight perfectly massaged the sweet spot, she could feel the pain leaving her body as she did. She felt so relaxed as Twilight went to work on her.

It was difficult to avoid because of how good it felt, but Rainbow's body took over, allowing her tongue to hang out of her mouth. She barely noticed since it was somewhere other then the sensation she was having on her back. Rainbow had completely forgotten about the Wonderbolts at this point.

Twilight then started to work her magic, literally. She lit up her own and put a small amount of pressure on her back with her aura. She then slowly made quick little magical jabs at her back, not hard enough to hurt, but forceful enough to really get in there. They were very fast, it honestly felt like Rainbow was in a massage chair, it was incredible. Rainbow felt like she was heaven, drool threatening to drip out of her slack jawed mouth.

Twilight looked at Rainbow's face from the side, she could see that she was obviously enjoying this. Rainbow's eyes were having hard time staying open during her own personal bliss, and Twilight couldn't help but find her face extremely adorable at the moment. She was like a puppy getting tummy rubs. Yet another idea popped into Twilight's brain as she watched her marefriend's facial features.

Her brain told her not to, not now, but pretty much everything else told her to, so she did. Twilight slowly leaned forward and soft kissed Rainbow on the cheek. She then moved to her jaw, then her neck and slowly trailed little kisses along Rainbow's neck, the audible sighing escaping out of Rainbow being a good sign that it was working pretty well. She slowly kissed her shoulders, and then began from the top again, going from the cheek down.

As Twilight peppered her with kisses, Rainbow could feel her wings twitching. Before she could do anything about it her wings slowly started to raise higher and higher, more and more noticeable like the blush growing on Rainbow's cheeks.

"Hey! Why don't you two get a room!" some Stallion called out. Rainbow and Twilight quickly broke out of their own slice of heaven to see a few ponies around them angrily glaring their way. Even a younger pegasus colt, but Twilight doubted that he minded all that much considering his wings were pointing straight up too, and he obviously was having a hard time pushing them back down with his hooves.

"Yeah what he said, go get a room. There are kids here!" some random mare called out. Twilight looked around nervously, a blush covering her face.

As she prepared for an inevitable popcorn bucket being thrown at her, she felt Rainbow take her by the hoof and pull her to her feet.

"Rainbow what are you doing?"

"Getting us a room" she simply stated, as she started to walk off to the side pulling Twilight with her.

"Uh.. what?"

"You heard what they said, get a room. So that's what were gonna do" Rainbow started up the stairs with Twilight.

"W-w-wait but the Wonderbolts, you're gonna miss it!" Twilight said.

"You know I can't believe i'm gonna say this, but hay with the Wonderbolts, i'd rather go be with you... alone" she said the last word as seductively as she could. Twilight smiled, her heart warming at the thought of Rainbow choosing her over the Wonderbolts. "Her hormones may be playing a part in that decision, but i'm not going to complain" Twilight thought as Rainbow dragged her up by the concession stands, eager to have some alone time with her marefriend.

It didn't take long for them to trot down some hallways and stumble across a large metal door which was left wide open for some reason. They both went inside and soon themselves a broom closet. Rainbow stepped in first and offered her hoof to Twilight to let her in.

"My lady.." she said formally, making Twilight giggle.

The two went into the dimly lit broom closet and eagerly shut the door behind them. Rainbow wasted no time in pushing her lips against Twilight's who hungrily kissed her back, both ponies starting to moan as they went to exploring each other's mouths.

The janitor stallion from earlier had seen it all unfold from afar, and even heard their muffled moaning from inside. He blushed, and quietly turned on his hooves and just walked away.


*knock knock* Fluttershy and Pinkie listened at the noise from outside the cart.

The door swung open, Pinkie decided to take peak outside of the cart. She saw Misty standing there as the door opened to reveal a pegasus stallion with a forest green coat and light brown hair that was spikey in the front, he had bright blue eyes. To be perfectly honest Pinkie thought he was actually really good looking, Fluttershy leaned into peek as well and blushed as she saw him.

"Oh is this my food?" he asked.

"Yes Mr..."

"Atom Mistral"

"Ah yes, well here is your cart. You can leave it when you leave we'll take care of it"

"Oh alright cool, thanks" he said as he took the cart and pulled it inside.

He pulled it over near a wall behind the couch and took a few cookies from the top. He then went over and sat on the couch while he snacked, watching the show right through a wall completely made out of glass.

He sat and watched one hoof holding a cookie and the other was used to hold up a piece of paper. Pinkie pulled out a pair binoculars, Fluttershy just stared at her, confused. From what Pinkie could tell the paper said "Luciano's Pizza" on the top and had a lot of numbers under it, probably something money related.

Soon after picking it up, Atom crumbled up the paper and tossed it across the room with a loud dramatic sigh.

"How does Sunbeam expect me to invest in anything if all these restaurants she shows me are all duds. I bet most of these places could easily find themselves on Kitchen Nightmares, half of them microwave their food!" he shouted, clearly distressed, and clearly desperate.

"The potential cost is just gonna burn away unless a find the right place" he added, sinking into his couch seat as he said it. Pinkie turned to look at Fluttershy, who looked back at her sadly.

"I feel really sorry for him" Fluttershy whispered as her sad eyes locked onto Pinkie.

"Come on Flutter butter the mission was to snack it up" Pinkie said, hoping to convince Fluttershy. Though her element wasn't gonna be ignored and Pinkie knew that, this stallion was gonna receive some kinda kindness.

"We are not leaving without helping him. He obviously has an issue, and I want to help. This is our new mission" Fluttershy whispered, but in a surprisingly confident way. Her eyes took a more serious look and they crept close to The Stare, Pinkie nervously looked back and forth at her and the depressed looking stallion.

"Okay okay, We can uh.. bake him a cake? or.... give him a hug or... ooohh oohh I got it" Pinkie whispered excitedly. She quickly whipped out a small top hat, and a pair of glasses. She put that hat on and told Fluttershy to put on the glasses.

"Follow my lead"

She combat rolled out of the cart, followed by a nervous Fluttershy.

"Well hello there sir, I may or may not but most definitely of heard about your financial food investment problems, and I come to you with a solution" Pinkie declared, bouncing over to the stallion. During her interruption the stallion jumped back at the scare and fell off the couch.

He grumpily stood back up to face her and Fluttershy.

"Who are you? and did you just come out of that cart?"

"Where were from is not important!"

"Yes it is"

"Anyways, my name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, and this is my secretary, Flutter Butter"

"Um.. Fluttersh-" Fluttershy went to correct her, but Pinkie simply ignored it.

"We have brought with us, a business proposition!"

The stallion glared at them skeptically.

"What kinda proposition?"

"I'd like to interest you in an investment. in Sugarcube Corner" Pinkie said. The stallions look softened a little.

"Alright.. uh why don't you two sit down then?" he said, Pinkie happily bounced and hopped up into a recliner across from him. Fluttershy nervously went to sit on the couch by him, the only spot remaining.

"Okay what's Sugarcube Corner?"

"One of the greatest sugary treat establishments in Equestria, pretty much only rivaled by Sweet Apple Acres delicious apples!" Pinkie explained.

"and where is this?'


"and you really think your food is that good?"

"Definitely, right Flutters?"

Fluttershy smiled at Atom with a nod. "Oh yes, Pinkie's treats are wonderful, and Applejack's apples are too". Atom rubbed his chin, as he pondered on this strange pony's proposition.

"Okay, well you can't just expect me to go on your word. Did you bring samples?' Atom asked. Fluttershy looked nervously to Pinkie Pie who for some reason looked as cool as a cucumber.

"Yeppie right here!" she said, pulling a bag of cookies and brownies out from behind her and tossing it to Atom. Fluttershy's eyes went wide, threatening to pop out of her head as she watched Pinkie whip out snacks just like that. She leaned over to her recliner, Pinkie leaned in as well.

"Pinkie, if you had snacks the whole time then why didn't we just eat these instead of sneaking into the kitchen?" Fluttershy asked, her bewilderment apparent.

"Cause Silly, these treats are only in case of emergency" Pinkie said as she pointed at the bag. Sure enough the bag even had "For Emergencys" written on it.

While they whispered Atom happily took a cookie and popped it into his mouth, he slowly chewed on it cautiously. He made a bunch of thinking noises as he chewed. "hmmm.... hmm.. hmmmm." After slowly chewing for a few moments, he swallowed, and Pinkie and Fluttershy watched with baited breathes.

"These cookies... are AMAZING! Seriously wow, at-least some of the best i've ever had!" he called out excitedly. Pinkie and Fluttershy turned to each other, smiling from ear to ear, both clearly ecstatic.

"I know it's not really wise to make a business decision so fast, but who in the hay cares. I'm more than willing to invest in Sugarcube Corner" he said before digging into one of the brownies in the bag.

"Pinkie that's great!" Fluttershy called out excitedly. Pinkie only smiled more.

"and i'll have to stop by Ponyville to try out those apples you're talking about, but if they're anywhere on the level of these treats then i'm all for investing in your friend's food too" Atom said, as he happily finished the brownie in three quick bites.

Atom Mistral pulled out a piece of paper from a folder sitting on the coffee table and slammed it down by Pinkie, and tossed her a pen.

"You sign there, and I sign there" he said pointing to two different blank lines. Pinkie took the pen in her teeth and quickly scribbled down her messy signature, but took the time to make the dot above her i into a heart. Atom didn't hesitate to sign too as Pinkie slid the paper back to him.

"Alright then it's official, i'll get these to my people and we'll be all set. I'm happy to being doing business with you Pinkamena" he said extending a hoof. Pinkie grinned at him and reached a hoof out to shake his "just call me Pinkie, and she's Fluttershy" Pinkie said motioning towards her. Fluttershy smiled at her gratefully.

"How about we celebrate!" Atom declared as he got up off the couch. They watched him head over to a mini fridge they had in the room and he pulled out a champagne bottle. Pinkie bounced up from her seat excitedly, but Fluttershy sat back nervously. Pinkie turned around when she noticed that she didn't follow.

"Come on Fluttershy have some!"

"Oh I don't know, we still have to get home"

"Yeah but that's on a train silly filly, just one?" Pinkie asked. Atom smiled towards her.

"Yeah, just one?" he said, which caused Fluttershy to blush.

"Oh alright.." she mumbled, getting up to join them.

"Super! Do you wanna do the honors Flutter butter?"

"I don't know-" Fluttershy started, but Pinkie gave her a knowing look.

"Um.. okay" Fluttershy said, but a little more upbeat. Atom handed her the bottle and Fluttershy nervously took hold of the cork with her teeth. Before pulling her eyes darted nervous toward Pinkie and Atom who just nodded encouragingly back at her. She pulled back and the cork went flying into the roof, champagne now shooting out from the bottle. Pinkie and Atom cheered as the champagned fizzled out, and Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle during it all, and smile towards Pinkie, who smiled back at her.