• Published 4th Jul 2016
  • 3,841 Views, 45 Comments

Born That way - Dafaddah

Luna and Celestia admit that there's more to tell about the birth of Flurry Heart

  • ...

The Office

The meeting was held in Celestia’s office. Twilight and Luna were seated in a pair of the low and very comfortable rattan chairs Celestia favored over the overstuffed office upholstery most ponies used these days. Celestia reclined in a slightly larger version of the same chair on her side of her huge oaken desk.

Twilight smiled as her eyes scanned the crowded bookcases that covered most of the available wall-space. Along with various tomes of all colors and sizes, the shelves were littered with various little gifts and works Twilight had given the princess over the years of her apprenticeship. It had been a while since she’d been in this office and it warmed Twilight’s heart to see how Celestia had keep these things in this, her most private domain.

Then she saw the macaroni statue. Twilight’s grin faded and her eyes grew wide. The small statue of her mentor glowed purple and levitated from its place on a bookshelf to float a few inches in front of her muzzle.

“Celestia, I can’t believe you’ve kept so much of the silly stuff I’ve given you over the years! You don't need all this junk cluttering up your office,” –she blew, expelling a small cloud of particles from the sculpture– “and collecting dust! You should have house-cleaning get rid of it to make space for more important things.”

From behind her massive, and equally cluttered desk, Celestia spoke in her usual cheerful voice. “Some of us like to surround ourselves with memories, others prefer telescopes, –” she tilted her head and gazed upwards for a moment “– I believe there were three of them in your office during my last visit, Twilight.” A single alabaster eyebrow rose. “And I suppose they are all equally important to you!” She smiled sweetly as Twilight displayed a sheepish grin and levitated the statue back to its original dust-free spot.

Luna shifted in her chair. “Ahem, ladies,” she said drily, “we do have more serious things to discuss.”

Celestia’s smile faltered. “Yes indeed, sister. Our thanks for bringing us back to the subject at hoof.”

Twilight’s ears rose up. “I thank you for inviting me, but your invitation didn’t mention what this meeting was about. Spike and I were both surprised to get a dragon-mail letter so soon after our return from Flurry Heart’s Crystalling.”

The two elder princesses shared a glance. When the normally rock-steady Celestia flicked an ear, Twilight knew something was amiss. A cold lump developed in her stomach.

“This is about my niece, isn’t it?”

“Indeed,” whispered Luna.

“Twilight,” said Celestia tentatively, “we must admit that we may not have been entirely forthcoming in our remarks when we discovered that Flurry Heart was born an Alicorn.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped. “What do you mean by entirely forthcoming?”

“She means,” interjected Luna hastily, “that when we said the birth of an Alicorn is something that Equestria had never seen, there is more we could have said, but we did not due to the circumstances and the number of ears present.”

Celestia’s face glowed in embarrassment. She could not quite look Twilight in the eye. “Please accept my apologies, Twilight. I truly was stunned at this turn of events, but–” her gaze finally met Twilight’s “–that which I knew I did not have the heart to say in front of Cadence and Shining.”

Twilight swallowed. The chill in her stomach rose through her body in a sickly wave. “I... I don’t know how to react to this. Of course I’m shocked, but” – she looked away, focusing on the little statue of Celestia sitting on its shelf – “I don’t know if I’m more upset that you kept something important from me, or more afraid that I’m going to wish you still hadn’t told me after I find out what it is.”

Celestia’s horn lit as a drawer in her desk slid open. From it, a large volume drifted out. Normally, seeing the image displayed on its cover would have thrilled her. This time, she couldn’t help but feel dread at seeing Starswirl the Bearded’s cutie mark.

Luna fixed her gaze on Twilight. “What we tell you today cannot be shared beyond this room, Twilight Sparkle, and most especially not with your brother and sister-in-law. Do you so swear?”

Twilight turned to see Celestia nod, her expression gentler than her sister’s, but still very serious indeed. “You may chose to refuse and leave now, if you feel this request would place too great a burden on you, or endanger your relationships with Cadence and Shining.”

Twilight swallowed. There would be no coming back from this decision. She shook her head. “I’m honored that the two of you would trust me with something that could have such grave consequences, and I cannot in good conscience choose to ignore something that might have important consequences on Flurry Heart or her parents.” She took a deep breath. “I so swear.” The words caused the hackles at the back of neck to raise, a most unsettling feeling.

Celestia’s expression seemed to grow sadder, even as she smiled. “Very well then, my faithful student.” She glanced down at the book on her desk. It opened and the pages turned under the guidance of Celestia’s magic. She nodded and her horn stopped glowing. Almost as if they were again gathered in her office for a scholarly lesson, Celestia began to read.

“And so it came to pass that the Dragon Lord Magma ceded his scepter to his successor Flare, and being old exceeding knew his days were numbered, and thus did hie himself to the far north, whence he had been hatched before the dawn of Equestria itself.

“With my student Clover I endeavoured to visit the elder drake and gather for posterity his story and such wisdom as he would wish to survive his end. With the grace of their Equine Majesties, we mounted an expedition, and five weeks later entered Magma’s last abode, a cave deep within the uncharted reaches of the Crystal Mountains.

“Laden with gifts to curry the old wurm’s favour, we entered his home to find its halls empty, its hearth cold, and its hoard gone but for trinkets of value only to Magma himself. As no living dragon would suffer his hoard be thus reduced, our assumption was that we had arrived after the dragon’s passing, we left the caves despondent. But upon emerging from the depths our hearts were uplifted by the sight of the sky, and so Clover and I did resolve to survey of the environs, that our unfortunate expedition might thereby gain some profit in the knowledge thus gathered.

“Upon the fifth day of our trek, we came to a bend in a great river, and there in the wash of ice and snow discovered the very drake for whom we had wandered so far from Equestria’s gentle plains. He lay athwart the stream, his hide scored by many grievously rents from which both blood and ichor seeped, turning the icy banks downstream an angry red as far as the eye could see. Only his head and neck emerged from the stream, the latter festooned in icicles of deep carmine.

“We approached this calamitous scene warily, lest the agents of the dragon’s demise be still in proximity. Magma’s eye was open and immobile, so at first we we thought him dead. However, as I knelt close to measure his fangs, the eye turned in its orb towards my trembling self.

Ha! whispered the dragon. Tell me, pony, what price shall you pay for my teeth? And to what great purpose will the fangs of the fearsome Magma soon be put? Perhaps a necklace for a most favored niece? Ha!

“I stood and with my faithful Clover bowed low to the ailing behemoth. Your majesty, I said, to meet and converse with you was the purpose of our quest. We seek not your teeth, but rather your words, and your wisdom should we prove worthy of both!

And who sends me such good company with which to share my final breaths?

“Celestia and Luna, I replied, the reigning princesses of Equestria, who send their kindest regards.

“Ha. The dragon hissed. Those two have grown in wisdom since the defeat of the creature Discord, and the realm of ponykind waxes in their benevolent light. Who amongst the elder inhabitants of this earth could have foreseen that not one but both of these ponies would escape the curse of the Alicorn for so long?

These words made my heart jump, for I had as yet never heard mention of such a curse, or even of other Alicorns than the sisters of Day and Night.

“Good dragon, I exclaimed, what is this curse upon the Alicorn of which you speak?

“The drake was silent for a number of breaths, so that I again thought he had expired. When he spoke again, I did need place my ear against his fearsome maw, so faintly spoken were his final words.

All Alicorns go mad, said the dragon. This is the price they pay for power. For power corrupts. First it confuses their senses. Then it clouds their minds. Finally it corrupts their very hearts. Those who ascend to become Alicorn are both blessed and cursed. Still, better to ascend than to be born an Alicorn, as was that blight upon the world, Discord. If ever another Alicorn is born amongst ponykind, fear it. Kill it. For it is an abomination that will bring the end of all.

“Having said these fearsome words, the drake’s fires were extinguished. With a last puff of smoke, he was forever stilled.”

Princess Celestia closed the book.

The silence in the room stretched for several long minutes.

It was Twilight who first dared to speak.

“Is it true? Is what Lord Magma said true?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, are far as we know, my faithful student.”

“But what about the elements of harmony?" She turned to Princess Luna. "What happened to you, the whole Nightmare Moon thing, it was the curse, right?" Luna hid her face in her hooves. "We saved Luna with the elements already! We showed that they work! We can use them again, right?”

Celestia nodded hesitantly. “This is why I invested them in your friends, Twilight. It was my hope that together you could do with the elements what I was unable to do when I used them by myself.”

“Then why elevate me to Alicorn? And Cadence?”

Again the sisters looked at each other.

“Because Luna and I... we... cannot be sure that we will not again be subject to the curse, or succumb to some other calamity."

“But we could use the elements to undo the curse’s effects on you and Luna, since they worked before!”

Celestia shook her head. “Even so, there are no guarantees that they will function in such a capacity again. We might simply be exiled, or turned to stone as was Discord. With such outcomes possible, it was necessary to ensure Equestria had appropriate successors.”

It took a moment for Twilight to work out the implications. Her face paled. “If you’re not sure that the Elements could save you, then you don’t know if they could save me, or Cadence or... Flurry Heart either!”

Celestia nodded her head. “Indeed, Twilight, we do not. However, Flurry Heart poses a... special problem.”

Twilight stood up so fast her chair fell over behind her. “Is what the dragon said about Discord true? That he was born an Alicorn?”

“We believe so,” said Luna from beside her. Twilight turned to face her.

“Believe? So you don’t know it for a fact, I mean, it could just be the ravings of a dying dragon lord!”

“We don’t know it for a fact, Twilight,” said Celestia, “and even Discord himself admits to remembering nothing from his early years. But there’s no denying his power, which is consistent with that hypothesis, as is –” she glanced away “– his utter destructive insanity during those years.” She looked back up, her expression earnest.

“But there is one hope, Twilight. There is one thing that seems to be able to break the curse: true, heartfelt, friendship.” She smiled. “I’ll tell you a secret. YOU were my plan for keeping Cadence safe from the curse, and it worked beyond my expectations. In your case, sending you and Spike to Ponyville and the element bearers is how I hoped to keep you safe. And to my amazement, friendship even seems to be working with Discord!”

With her magic Twilight righted her chair, and slowly sat back down, deep in thought. “So, what about Flurry Heart? Is there something that we can do to protect her?” she asked.

Luna put a hoof on Twilight’s withers. “This is why we decided to bring you into our confidence, Twilight. We need you to be a true friend to Flurry Heart, as you are to me, my sister, and Cadence. We now have five living Alicorns sharing the world, something that is entirely unprecedented. My sister and I think that you, Twilight, are the pony that makes this possible.”

Twilight gaped at the sisters. “Me?! but I still have tons to learn about friendship! I still screw up all the time –”

“– and that’s why we know you can do it!” interrupted Celestia. “The only question now is if you’re willing to undertake this burden with us. We must be... vigilant, Twilight. We must watch for signs that Flurry Heart is at risk, and take whatever action is necessary to remedy the situation. Furthermore, Cadence and Shining must never know about this. It could ruin their chances for a happy, normal family life, which is something we simply cannot countenance.”

“And the same applies in the broader sense,” said Luna. “Should knowledge of the Alicorn curse ever be leaked to the general public it could undermine the very foundations of Equestrian society.”

“So Twilight,” asked Celestia, looking very serious. “Do you agree?”

Twilight let out a long breath, then looked up, her eyes hard. “On one condition.”

Luna raised an eyebrow.

“What condition is that?”

“That if and when I choose to do so, I can tell Cadence and Shining about the Alicorn curse. I agree to not telling them now. Let them be a happy family, they deserve that much! But they also deserve the truth, and I will tell them the moment I believe they are better off knowing.” She leaned forward in her chair. “Are we agreed?”

Luna and Celestia looked at each other and nodded. Luna looked relieved while Celestia smiled broadly.

“We are agreed, my faithful student,” said the elder princess. She beamed at Twilight. "My how you've grown in these last few years, my formerly weak little pony. You drive a hard bargain!"

"Twilight's smile returned. "I guess you have my mentor to thank for that!" She leaned back in her chair. “So... it would seem my next assignment is being the best aunt, ever!”

Celestia nodded.

Twilight considered. “I have a second condition.”

Luna looked at her warily. “Sister, it would appear your student has learned some lessons too well!”

Celestia stared at Twilight, bemused. “Hmmm. Apparently so. Do tell, Twilight. What is this second condition?”

“Simply this: Flurry Heart doesn’t have only one Alicorn aunt, she has three! You two aren’t off the hook for this assignment, either!”

She motioned for Luna to get up and pushed their chairs back against the wall. Having cleared the space, she stood squarely on all fours and lowered her head as the other two princesses looked on perplexed.

“Okay, fellow aunties,” said Twilight, “let’s start with the basics: you’ve got a song to learn. Assume this position and repeat after me: Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!"

Comments ( 43 )


Happy Independance Day, to you, Wolf, and all your compatriots!

Interesting, good hypothesis!


Also known as the Night With No Moon or the Weeks Without Sleep.

Wow, freaky. Also, that little rhyme tho, totally Twiliy XD

I sense a story-arc.


There's obviously potential fort it, but I wrote this as a one-off. I'm also considering doing a whole novel from Starswirl's PoV in the same style as the story within this story. Which would you prefer?

Interesting headcanon, although I'm not sure if you would call it that. A few minor mistakes, but nothing too jarring. Good job.

7364028 Whatever you think is good.

Any and all editing suggestions would be most gladly received! As to headcanon, there's been a "vigorous" debate on what the Celestial Princesses meant by their remark on Flurry Heart being born an Alicorn. Most likely anything as specific as the scenario I present here will end up labeled AU soon enough!

Rather interesting take on events. I'll admit might be something I should give some thought to in regards to my own headcanon. A True-Born Alicorn is bound to be different than an Ascended Alicorn

This sets a premise wherein Equestria's rulers would all become experts in self-care and build a deep wisdom and practice for mental health due to secretly very personal reasons but anyway the citizens surely benefit from the importance of friendship and social care in their princessdom!


Yes, it certainly doesn't leave much scope for meh: for Alicorns it's either friendship or freak-out!

Mind you, Twilight's own emotional history makes it sound like maybe she was simply destined to become a princess! :trixieshiftright:

Nice story and an interesting idea about Alicorns.

This story really was great, though.

Very interesting idea that could easily be the basis for a good story, but I'm afraid there doesn't seem to be any story here in itself - just a headcanon dump. Still, I'm glad I read it!

Celestia reclined in a slightly larger version of the same chair

She needs a big chair for that fat ass.

Then she saw the macaroni statue. Twilight’s grin faded and her eyes grew wide.

I bet that brings back a lot of painful memories for both of them, similar to the fuscilli Jerry statuette from Seinfeld.

the birth of an Alicorn is something that Equestria had never seen

The prophesy said a child born of alicorn and unicorn would bring about the End Times. All life would bow before her, and all life would end by it's hoof, why do you think Chrysalis interrupted the wedding?

“I don’t know if I’m more upset that you kept something important from me,

Arrogant little thing sin't she? Heaven forbid Twilight feels unimportant.

and thus did hie himself to the far north,


For it is an abomination that will bring the end of all.

We need you to be a true friend to Flurry Heart, as you are to me, my sister, and Cadence

But Flurry shattered the Crystal Heart before being a day old. Threatening to destroy everything, kill everyone, and she seemed happy about it. And oh my god! Those wings! That horn! Flurry has already gone past the point of no return, delaying the inevitable will only result in misery.

“Should knowledge of the Alicorn curse ever be leaked to the general public it could undermine the very foundations of Equestrian society.”

Wrong, it would undermine alicorn rule of Equestria.

I know I seem hard on Flurry, but she ruins the magic and mystique of being an alicorn, to think of it, ascending to alicornhood like Cadance and Twilight does that too, and we don't want to go through those storms again.
This is a fun little headcanon dump, but the Princesses seem intent on secrets and lies, which have never worked out for them before, and don't seem Luna's style either.


Thanks for all the feedback! Overall I agree with most of your points - except:

and thus did hie himself to the far north,

"hie"...is perfectly correct pre-classical Equestrian (Elizabethan English). I wrote this in the style of Starswirl having written it himself, and thus from the time period before Luna's banishment.

the Princesses seem intent on secrets and lies, which have never worked out for them before, and don't seem Luna's style either.

Celestia has certainly kept a lot of information from the general population throughout the series, and Twilight knows this, but Twilight (being the science nerd that she is) has a much higher sensitivity to being denied information, especially when it pertains to family. As to Luna, she may or may not agree with Celestia on information sharing with the populace. But you may have noticed that she was by far the more eager of the sisters to inform Twilight of the curse, so at least in this story I am leaning towards more rather than less disclosure.

7369715 I can see why you did those then.

7370903 You can still do it if you want. Just get a different video, or a parody of the song or something.

7373252 Exactly. It's NOT the same.

So alicorns are the legendary super saiyan. Nice. Now all we need is for Flurry to go buff and start ranting and screaming about how she didn't get her bottle while blowing up the world


That's bad. Cadence and Shining might treat Flurry Heart differently knowing she could turn out to be evil someday. But yeah. Great story!


But is it better that they know about it now so they can keep an eye out for it, even though a change in their behavior might just provoke the onset of the condition? Or is it better they stay oblivious and as Twilight put it "enjoy just being a happy family together", with Twilight and the other princesses playing the 'friendship cure' as diligently as possible?

7433426 I don't know. Perhaps it would be best if they knew rather than being oblivious when it happens but I dunno. Perhaps there is no right answer but only risks.


From experience (Dafaddah is de faddah of two - both now adults): that is how it is being a parent and being family. There often isn't a "right" or "wrong" answer, just a decision you have to make before the dice of fate will roll. Twilight is wagering the future of her niece AND of her relationships with Shining and Cadence (and her own parents, as Granny and Grandpa would no doubt have strong feelings about having been kept in the dark as well.)

7435402 Well alright. I'm not a parent so ok.


PS - Be careful out there. There are just tons of Pokémon Go fanatics combing every conceivable public space for Pokémon.

7436144 I know. I'm one of them. Thanks for the warning though.

I reviewed this story as part of Read It Later Reviews #57.

My review can be found here.


Thanks for the review and the feedback. This is a piece I wrote for a contest in a very short span of time and it shows. I got an idea that I just had to get out of my head, and it very obviously doesn't stand alone and should have been the first chapter of a much longer narrative. However I had already put it out for the contest I decided to publish it as is. I do hope to get back to it and tie up some of those loose ends in the future, as I have a lot more of this story already plotted out in my head, (if I ever get time to finish some of my other ongoing fics first.)

Um Twilight, who do you think thought Cadence 'Sunshine Sunshine'? I think Sun-butt did that


Wouldn't that be a blast! I can imagine a follow up scene where Luna complains privately to her sister about it afterwards, and her reaction to Celestia admitting she to being the ritual's originator! :rainbowlaugh:

7630760 And Celestia would in reply go "Moonbeam, Moonbeam."

"We aren't doing it."

"Moonbeam, Moonbeam."


Celestia give big puppy eyes and quivering lip, "Moonbeam, Moonbeam."

Luna grunts

Both singing as if they were fillies, "Moonbeam, moonbeam, Fireflies awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake"

7631021 feel free to use it

I regret putting this one off, but I'm glad I finally read it. Wonderful work with Twilight as the accidental savior of ponykind and of the world, a living countercurse by virtue of... well, virtue. I don't often find stories that celebrate the simple awesomeness of Purplesmart, but you pulled it off magnificently. Also, the Star Swirl excerpt was wonderfully atmospheric.

Thank you for this.

I’m glad you liked it! I’m thinking of doing more StarSwirl period pieces when I can find the time to do more creative writing.

I actually liked the thought of Discord having once been an alicorn, especially a born alicorn. And it certainly does seem plausible that an alicorn curse exists. They do have some crazy in them. Nightmare Moon, the possibility of Daybreaker, Midnight Sparkle, and evil Cadance, whose goal is to run around and make ponies she thinks look hot fall in love. Basically Shipper Cadance. :pinkiecrazy:

Shipper Cadence - now that’s some spooky stuff!

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