• Member Since 17th Jun, 2013
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[He/Him] Just a writer who likes MLP and hopes to make a living off it: https://ko-fi.com/ink_hoof


Comments ( 53 )

Although, she was tempted to do it anyways, and the hay with anypony who had a problem with it.

This is a clopfic. It'll end up off anyway. Might as well be ahead of the curve.





Pinkie Pie could lead a marching band of yaks right past ya, and you wouldn't even notice

Give her time...

"Poison Joke?" Applejack cried out, standing up and wiping at the seat of her pants. "Why in the name of Celestia would you mess with somethin' like that, sugar cube? Don't think what it did to us that one time is somethin' you'd forget."


"That's where the Heart's Desire comes in," Twilight continued with a grin. "It's supposed to be able to give a pony what is they want most in the world. So I was thinking that maybe by combining the two, I could create something beneficial to ponykind. A mixture that could possibly help regenerate lost limbs, or allow physically incapacitated ponies mobility again. Maybe even allow older ponies to live longer and be more active."

That could be very useful. But could also backfire easily.

The last one especially sounded nice. Applejack loved Granny Smith, and she was well aware that the old mare was getting up there in age.

I know the feeling.

A desire the old mare shared since she "ain't going nowhere 'til well after I get to meet Apple Bloom's babies."

Most people want grandkids, she wants to meet her great grandkids. Can't blame her.

"I need at least some sort of reaction so I can figure out of the antidote for Poison Joke on its own will work, or if I need to look into creating a new one. After that, I can continue research and testing until reaching the point where I can safely try it on volunteers."

Hm, idea, Celestia's been around for ages, and probably had a mad scientist phase, ask her for ideas or if she's tried this before. Couldn't hurt, she probably has a few records that may help.

small chuckled


"I'm not hurt or anything," she finally called out. "But... well somethin' peculiar happened. It... it ain't exactly somethin' I wanna talk about, to say nothin' of lettin' any of y'all see."

Well, it's not a lie.

A Carousal Ride

I think it's CarousEl.

Why? What could possibly turn him on about this?

The fact that you're hot?

From what Applejack understood, Rarity was very close to the unicorn ideal of feminine beauty.

She is generally considered the most conventionally attractive out of the six of you, yes.

"Applejack," Rarity whined out, "can't you do something about your... thing? It's making things rather hard... er... difficult for me."

Freudian slip, eh?

"Uh...Rarity?" Applejack asked. "What are you doing?"

What do you think?

"I can't fit it in my mouth," Rarity declared with a slight pout. "Such a shame."

Wider than your jaw huh, that's big.

Discord's tongue was magical -- either figuratively or literally

I suspect both to an extent.

Can i still be a brony if ive only seen two episodes

oh my cant wait for more.:pinkiehappy:

and i guess AJ will end up liking the changes after some more fun happens and dont want to revert back.

The two of them suddenly stopped, tilting their heads back and nostrils flaring. The sight caused Applejack to tense. Was it possible? Could they smell her masculine arousal? If so, did the two of them recognize it?

Considering they're character tags, yeah.

"Eyup," Applejack said with a sigh, not sound very happy. "'though it don't look like the cure worked any. Still got this thing and all."

Well, it isn't pure Poison Joke.

Good thing her fillyhood friend Coloratura is paying a visit to see Applejack......oops.

It's pretty obvious what's happening. Applejack's desire prompted by the Heart's Desire plant is to have a large family of children. The Poison Joke made her a sex goddess to facilitate that but twisted it slightly making her the ultimate father rather than the ultimate mother with powerful pheromones that give any mare that scents her a powerful lust. Heart's Desire has mind altering properties and its magic grows stronger with time (as seen with the cutie pox). Which is why AJ isn't fighting her new desires very hard despite the odd behavior of the mares around her (and the sex pheromones make consent kind of questionable). The only good news is that mares seem to snap out of it after being inseminated by Applejack.

Speculation: If Applejack isn't cured soon her pheromones might grow in strength to blanket all of Ponyville resulting in a mass orgy and every sexually mature mare in town pregnant with her foals.

I think I missed where she got 'exposed' at all... Or is one to assume leaning against the table did it?... or did I just somehow miss one detail in this prologue where she 'actually' came in contact with the stuff?

7454857 thought I made it subtle to the characters, so their not noticing would make sense, but obvious to the readers.

As she did, her hand smacked a loose vial, sending it rolling and leaving a trail of powder behind. Powder that Applejack's arm brushed through and that she set her boxes down on top of.

A small chuckle escaped Applejack as she grabbed the last box and started to follow Twilight to the kitchen, stopping to rub at one of her eyes as it itched for a second.

So, if it works through skin contact -- like Poison Joke did in the first -- she got some on her arm, and more would cover her hands when she picked up the last pie box. If, however, it needs to be absorbed through the bloodstream, her rubbing her eye would let it pass through the sensitive membranes around it.

7455157 Somehow, I never actually saw that line... I'm not sure why, but all I read seemed to ammount to her leaning against the table and getting a warning not to... maybe I was just drowsy still and glossed over one of the lines XD

"The mixture of the two could give a skewed version of what you desire in your heart," she said. "In your case, my friend, I think it may have been the family you wished to start. However, as the joke played with this desire, instead of being the mother, I believe that you are the sire."

"Are... are you saying... I got those mares... pregnant?"


"Yes. If you wish me to change you back to who you were, then I shall need your sperm as part of the cure."

Clopfic logic, it makes sense, kinda!

Fave, followed, liked.

It's Applejack who's main character, and she's best pony, so i'm REALLY gonna enjoy reading this one. :D

"It is a shame it was such a large one," she said. "I do not think I could fit it inside myself, so having such an endowment be the first experience would be rather intimidating, and most likely on the highly painful side."

Odds are, yes.

"A situation that I do not mind," she stated. "For you are my little sister, and I love you. I am more than happy to share a home with you for as long as you like."


"I did, but I am still rather curious as to what brought this on suddenly."


"I even called out your name once during orgasm, which made for a very awkward conversation and break-up."


Aloe giggled before answering, "the day you came home and showed me your vaginal piercing. I found it so erotic, that I masturbated myself repeatedly until I was exhausted."

I see...

("It is more a reminder of a mistake more than anything of value," was all she would say on the matter).


"I am fine," Aloe replied, wiping at her snout. "Although, were I not, it would be a preferable way for my life to end."

Worse ways to go.

Reaching the door, she grabbed the knob and gave it a twist.


What a day to forget about the back door.

7435685 A brony is simply defined as someone who likes friendship is magic, so in that aspect you may not even watch the show but like the fan art, or brony fan music, or in this case fanfics, and still be called a brony. So yes, you can be called a brony even if you've watched only 2 episodes.

I love femdom, and I am unreligiously praying for a chapter in which Applejack bones the living daylights out of Spike, just like she did Starlight (or the others...the Starlight chapter is the only one I actually read, since it seemed the most likely one in which Spike would be present...and I only read about 40% of it).

Hell, I'll commission a Spike Sub chapter from you if you ask for a decent price.

edit: Oh look. Three downvotes in less than a fucking day. Fuck you too.

i sorta hopes the antidote will fail so AJ can have some more fun:pinkiehappy:

7480314 Yeah, to hell with the fucking premise of this fic. Let's have some boring goddamn vanilla sex.

Was it possible to hate something, but still want it around?

Your rival in Pokemon? Blue/Gary especially can be an asshole, but it's good EXP.

"Pinkie... a mare can't get double pregnant."
"Just like a mare can't wake up and suddenly be seven feet tall with a two foot dick?" Pinkie asked, raising an eyebrow.

... I, have nothing to to say to that. You make an excellent point.

"I may not know the specifics," Granny said, her eyes narrowed as she looked at them with razor sharp clarity, "but I dern well know what the pair o' ya are plannin'. All I'm gonna say is to keep it down. I don't want to be woken up in the middle of the night 'cause one of y'all is screamin' like a timber wolf is gnawin' on your leg. Understand me?"

She may be old, but she ain't stupid.


(or the others...the Starlight chapter is the only one I actually read, since it seemed the most likely one in which Spike would be present...and I only read about 40% of it).

If you can't figure out why you got downvoted after saying this, then I don't know what to tell you.

Anyway, keep up the good work. I'm really curious what the antidote will/won't do now.

uh... complete ????

Pissing all over herself and the floor would be embarrassing, especially if her shouting woke everypony up and brought them running to see what happened.


Now with sour expectations of how her day would be going, Applejack made her way down to breakfast. As she stepped into the kitchen, all eyes turned to her, then started staring.
"Dagnabit, Applejack!" Granny Smith shouted. "You get back upstairs and put some clothes on, young lady!"
Blushing furiously as she realized what she did, Applejack shut the door and ran back upstairs to get dressed.


Awww, complete...

What???!! Complete already???!!! WTAF???!!!

7483537 We wish for more Sempai!

Can you make an alternate ending? One where the Potion didn't work completely.......
(Like dormant size is much smaller or something kinky happens?)

7482229 Normally you'd be right. But this is a CLOP fic. One does not read erotic fiction for the story. Why would I read eight chapters if only one of them will really turn me on?


Judging by AJ's roaming hands, I don't think she ever forgot about Rarity's 'back door'...

"Sshh," Rarity hissed out, taking a step forward. "I need to concentrate on your --" she licked her lips "-- measurements."

oh boy

Late thought: Part of Applejacks dream had her belly swollen with a "dozen foals." Each of the mares had their belly's swollen to huge sizes in seconds without any pain. Could the magic of Applejack's seed been altering their wombs in order to healthfully have a large number of foals without pain? Is there about to be a massive applepony swarm in nine months?

7492450 Actually, the dream was that Applejack was pregnant with thirteenth foal (a baker's dozen being thirteen for some reason), "provided it's not multiples again." So over a span of about twenty years, she has had twelve children -- some of which were twins or triplets -- with another on the way.

The painless part is just typical creative license used often in cumflation/inflation stories. I haven't read a lot, but normally there is no pain with it.

In answer to your question: No. Or at least not to those numbers. The Spa ponies would both have twins, Pinkie would as well, Starlight and Rarity would both have a single child. All females, with Rarity being a unicorn, and the rest earth ponies. So that would mean that in nine months (or eleven base on regular horses), there would be eight new apple ponies born, as well as a bouncing baby Draconequus girl for Fluttershy.

WHAAAAAT?! Complete? No! I demand continuation or at least a sequel!

In that situation I like to think I'd use a sheet or blanket to improvise a toga. Biggest problem would be having to walk barefoot for several miles with a woody.

Twilight knows the formula for the standard poison joke cure. No doubt she has it written down somewhere. It probably won't work but it would be the place to start looking for a cure.

I got so caught up in reading (and other things) this that when I got to the end I said "next chapter... Wait where's the next chapter button" only to realize that it says completed... This is easily #1 on my Clopfics read chart.

7484150 i read everything for the story.even porn.

Applejack still shuddered at the memory of Granny's home made dildo story

I'm listening.

7999580 Let's say that it includes a younger Granny Smith, a piece of wood, and some creative carving. There may or may not have been some very awkward splinters involved.:ajsleepy:

awesome zecora booty

I really wish we could get a chapter with the others being pregnant. This was great.

I don't know about you but I feel like I've been duped it still feels like there's at least one or two chapters left in the story you know tell them they might be pregnant hell you could even do a Time skip and say what happens after they give birth

"RARITY!" shouted Applejack. "Open up! It's an emergency! A..." she swallowed. "... A fashion emergency!"

Her time, has come.

I know I'm late to this party, but "I think I'm in love with Pinkie Pie while she is double pregnant on futa jizz" is definitely one of those narrative bombs that need to be taken care of, rather than ignored. Especially once we sawa flash of ooc-sensitivity on Pinkie's part? That intrigued the hell out of me.

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