• Published 6th Jul 2016
  • 1,539 Views, 9 Comments

A Rainbow's Jealousy - Squiggly Cup

So... Twilight has a friend she never mentioned before... and now he's come to visit in Ponyville... and is totally hitting on Twilight... Rainbow's marefriend... who ponies just say is jealous.

  • ...

Onto Phase Three!

Five minutes, Applejack and Pinkie had been rolling around on the floor for five minutes, tears streaming down their eyes, and their laughter bouncing off the boutique's walls. Applejack stopped for a second to look up at Rainbow, but quickly went back to laughing after the second sight of her.

"Yeah yeah laugh it up" Rainbow muttered. Rarity meanwhile was still working on finishing touches as Rainbow stood there with a blush across her cheeks and a deadpan stare adorning her face as well as other stuff. Some of it being eyeshadow, bright pink lipstick, earrings, etc. Her mane had been made into a pretty ponytail and she stood there head to toe in a puffy pink dress with glitters all throughout it, something that even Twilight... a princess... wouldn't find herself wearing.

Fluttershy stepped up to her with a smile.

"I think you look pretty Dashie" Fluttershy complimented, unknowingly embarrassing her more from the use of her nickname, her blush only grew.

"Hahahahaha Dashie!" Pinkie called out, both ponies rolling on the floor having been at it since they walked in the front door. Rainbow just stared forward in despair, Fluttershy holding out a comforting hoof on her shoulder.


After things had settled down and Rarity did the finishing touches Rainbow deemed it time to go over Plan C. Applejack and Pinkie both stifling their giggles with a hoof as they tried to pay attention.

"So phase three is the Flutter-centric stage of this" Rainbow declared, much to the surprise of the shy pegasus.

"M-m- me?"

"Yeah you, you're the most uh... fragile? out of all of us so this will work great"

"and what's that?" Applejack asked, her laughter finally subsiding.

"We're a gonna make Coleus look like a huge jerk in-front of everyone in town. We'll have Fluttershy be the fragile pegasus who will ask him for help in leading her through the town, and she'll have to act like she's getting hurt or that he's messing things up"

"Um.." Fluttershy mumbled.

"We're gonna dress you up like an old pony, with the help of Rarity, and hopefully he'll fall for it. Okay so like he'll go to help you walk, but you'll be all "oh my oh my! My back what did ya' do to my back you ruffian!" and it'll look like he was hurting you when you fake fall over. Then Twilight will get super mad at him. That's just as example, we'll go over the details later"

"and yer' sure this'll work?" Applejack asked.

"Definitely and if not, I have a Plan D that gets put into action if this one fails"

"I-I don't know if I can lie like that" Fluttershy weakly mumbled.

"Flutters please" Rainbow flew forward to turn Fluttershy's downcast head to face her.

"I need you, he could ruin my relationship with Twilight. I need you to save it" Rainbow said, the most sincere smile on her face.

"Well... I suppose.." she answered, Rainbow rose an eyebrow.

"You suppose or are you sure!?" Rainbow asked, her old coach tone being put into effect. Her old friend knew her well enough to understand the sentiment.

"Y-yes i'm sure. I will help you!" Fluttershy's exclaimed, not too loud but loud enough for Rainbow Dash who grinned at her as Fluttershy smiled sweetly at her. Rainbow put her hoof forward and Fluttershy put her's in too. Everypony else quickly picked up on it and reached their hooves in as well.

"This one's for Twilight since we don't want her dating that creep. For Twilight!" Rainbow chanted, "FOR TWILIGHT!" everypony else yelled in echo as they threw their hooves back with the chant.

Pinkie leaned forward towards Rainbow and took her hoof with her own.

"Wait a minute, is that a hooficure I see?" Pinkie asked, Applejack immediately broke out laughing as well as Pinkie, both falling over with laughter again. This time Rarity even giggled too, but at-least tried to hide it with a hoof.


It had started off nice, Twilight had wanted to take Coleus out for a stroll around town and take a tour, maybe even see some of her friends, but they didn't get the opportunity. As Twilight led him into the market she saw Applejack selling some Apples and led him her way.

An old mare was currently receiving a very large bag of apples, surely she couldn't carry them herself. The pegasus took a hold of the apples and turned around revealing an old yellow wrinkly face, Fluttershy's youth looked like it had been drained out of her. Twilight being her observational self looked at the mare with a certain bit of criticism.

Coleus watched her face and his mind he interpreted it as worry for the old mare. Deciding to make himself look good he thought of the most ingenious thing to show how good of a pony he was to Twilight. Thankfully he didn't even have to put the effort in, because the mare approached him.

"Looks like the old bag's gonna come to me with the golden opportunity" he thought to himself as she faced him.

'Excuse me sunny, do you think you can hold these apples for me. You certainly look strong enough.... very strong" Fluttershy said as her gaze wandered on to his toned legs.

"Sure thing, i'm always lookin' to help" he said, all too cheery. He happily took the the apples from her, immediately the bag hit the ground as he held it.

"Oh! uh wow, these are some uh heavy apples!" he said as he slowly started to raise them higher, stressing his muscles as he did. Rainbow watched from in an alley, snickering to herself. She may or may not have added put heavy lead into the apples, which may seem totally unnecessary to the plan... and.... it is.. it's more of a personal thing for her.

"Are we good ta' go?" Applejack asked as she popped up behind the pegasus. She turned around to face her with a smile.

"Yep" Rainbow said as she peeked out from the building. Fluttershy's old eyes met hers and Rainbow gave her the signal, a simple wink. Fluttershy quickly winked back.

"Do you think you can help me walk as well, let me wrap my hoof around yours please" Fluttershy said.

"I could help" Twilight said, but Fluttershy ignored her with a hoof wave.

"No you're just a mare, I was hoping the big strong stallion could help me" Fluttershy said in a dreamy voice, "here you can take the apples" Fluttershy said. Twilight tilted her head in confusion but used her magic to lift them, even with her powerful magic they weren't very light. Without hesitation Fluttershy stepped forward and took his strong hooves in hers, smiling from ear to ear as she did.

"She's bein' awfully forward..." Applejack muttered.

"Yeah that's not like her, she hasn't even shown an ounce of her shyness..." Rainbow muttered as well, but Rarity popped up inbetween the two to offer her wisdom.

"Darlings i've seen my fair share of crushes, and I belive our dear Fluttershy might be a bit attracted to um... our target" Rarity said, everypony looked at her in disbelief and back to Fluttershy. Coleus was awkardly helping along as she ogled him, a blush extremely prevalent on her cheeks.

Rainbow facehoofed "Are you kidding me right now...."

"I must say though, Fluttershy's shyness seems to really fade away when she's got her eye on somepony..." Rarity muttered. Everypony just watched in surprise as Fluttershy nuzzled up against him as he lead her.

"Alright well Pinkies got the trap coming up so hopefully she doesn't screw this up" Rainbow said.

The two walked along, Fluttershy extremely happy to have her hoof wrapped around his as he "helped" her.

"Oh my, I've never seen such a... handsome pony in my days.." Fluttershy said, causing Coleus to blush a bit. He's had his fair share of mares and it was pretty obvious this granny had something for him.

"Uh.. thanks.. are we almost where you need to be?" he asked, hoping to get rid of her, she was definitely staring at him too much.

"Um yes..." Fluttershy muttered as the plan came back to memory. As if almost perfectly timed she looked up at the building they were passing by to see Pinkie leaning out of the window with a water bucket, just waiting to be poured.

Pinkie gave the currently not so shy mare a wink before letting the water fall from her hooves towards the two but not before whistling loudly to announce her presence. Fluttershy, Coleus and Twilight took notice, as well as other ponies passing by watching the atrocity about to happen. As the bucket left her hooves everypony looked to Coleus to get that old mare out of harms way before it was too late. Before Coleus could even think of what perks helping her would get him with Twilight, the shy old mare shoved him.

Fluttershy shoved him onto the ground to avoid the water, but she wasn't so lucky. The water splashed down on the mare soaking her in water and also causing all of her make up to fade away.

The wrinkles and sagginess practically flowing off of her body as all the cosmetic make up Rarity put on her was taken away with the water. Everypony gasped as the old mare was revealed to be Fluttershy, Twilight on the other hand glared at her.

The shy mare ignored her and quickly ran over to Coleus and sat down beside him.

"Oh my! are you okay?" Fluttershy asked, as leaned down to look at him.

"Uh yeah I guess.... um.. thanks?" he said, obviously confused at her new appearance.

"Good because I was worried about you... I didn't want to see you're nice mane get messy, or for the water to get in you're gorgeous eyes...." she said. Twilight just gawked at her as her tone took a seductive route.

Without warning Fluttershy climbed on his stomach and lunged down and smashed her lips against Coleus' causing everypony around to gasp audibly, one stallion even covering his fillies' eyes.

Fluttershy grabbed his head from both sides and moved her head left and right to meet him as his head moved from side to side. Her lips stuck to his like a suction cup, he tried to push her off.

Coleus squirmed and wiggled but Fluttershy kept on kissing him. Twilight's jaw simply hung open as she watched in surprise and a little bit of horror, obviously Coleus wasn't exactly into it, but Fluttershy paid that no mind as her lips stayed pressed against his.

"Holy Celestia!!!" Rainbow screamed as Rarity screamed in horror at the whole thing. Applejack just watched in awwe, her hat being knocked off by Rainbow who threw her hooves in the air in annoyance.

Fluttershy pulled back her lips coming off of his with a loud pop and a "MUAH!". Coleus breathed heavily trying to take in more air, but within seconds Fluttershy hungrily went in for more pushing her lips against his, and he once again went back to wriggling around and trying to push her off. Fluttershy only held his head still as she kissed him, other ponies having left in disgust. Her lips stuck to his like suction cup, stretching back and forth as he tried to pull away, but Fluttersy was relentless. She was gonna kiss this stallion whether he wanted it or not...

"Holy buck Fluttershy what are you doing!?" Rainbow shouted, gaining Twilight's attention.

"Rainbow?" Twilight asked, Rainbow immediately pulled back into the alley.

"Girls I think Twilight is onto us we gotta..... go" Rainbow muttered as she turned around to face her nonexistent friends. She looked down to see Applejack's hat lying on the ground, obviously left in her haste.

"Great..." Rainbow said before flapping her wings for take off. Just as she took off from the ground Twilight's magic snagged her by the tail and pulled back to the ground with a thunk.

"Really Rainbow!" Twilight yelled as she picked her up and levitated her back onto her feet, facing her.

"You want to explain to me what all of that was"

"Uh well I can't actually explain that" Rainbow said, pointing towards Fluttershy smooching Coleus like it was her last day in Equestria.

"but I was tryin' to make Coleus look like a jerk, which shouldn't be hard since he is. Twilight the other girls believed me but you don't and i don't know why. I trust you so why don't you trust me!?"

"You've always been the jealous type though Rainbow, like that time the bartender handed me my drink and you thought he "looked at me funny" I mean it's understandable that i'm cautious" Twilight explained, Rainbow had a hard time combating that.

"This is different Twi, he threatened me"

"Fine Rainbow, i'll talk to him tonight and get to the bottom of this. I really am having a hard time trusting you though Rainbow"

"Yeah well... I don't know what to tell you. What's a relationship without trust, would you still not believe me if i was the element of honesty?" Rainbow spat, Twilight frowned.

"I'm sorry Rainbow, but you need to see my perspective. He was a good friend to me even when I wasn't to him, I need to at-least give him the benefit of the doubt just this once, even if it means I can't do the same for you. Like I said Rainbow, tonight i'll talk to him" Twilight said as she smiled towards her marefriend.

Twilight went to reach a hoof out to her but Rainbow spun on her hooves and took off into the air, leaving Twilight hanging. She frowned as her marefriend took off on her and watched her fly away for a moment before heading back out onto the road.

Coleus was galloping down the road, Fluttershy hot on his tail flying above him.

Twilight sighed.


Everypony had later met up at Sugarcube Corner after the failed plan, Rainbow happy to grill Fluttershy who had gone back to her shy self. They all sat in one of the corner booths, Rainbow opposite of Fluttershy.

"What was that Fluttershy you screwed the whole thing up!?'

'I'm sorry..." Fluttershy muttered, hiding behind her mane. Rainbow sighed dramatically and Rarity put a hoof to her shoulder to take over.

"Fluttershy I promise you were not mad-" Rarity began


"We're NOT mad Fluttershy. We just want to understand it" Rarity said, glaring towards Rainbow.

"I'm so sorry.. I... I took something"

"Took something? Like drugs!? Fluttershy where were you on the fourth day of yesterday!?" Pinkie shouted, as she put her hooves up on the table. Everyone turned to see Pinkie wearing a police uniform with a hat, and pointing a flashlight in Fluttershy's eyes. Applejack smacked the flashlight away from Pinkie and pushed her back into her seat.

"I took a potion... from Twilight's"

"You took a potion?" Rarity asked.

"Yes... I know It's wrong to steal, but I had to"

"Why darling? What was in that potion?"

"It was... it was a... a courage potion"

"A courage potion" Rarity continued.

"Yes... I was so worried about the plan because I had to act and I was so nervous I didn't think I could do it. I couldn't sleep all night I was so afraid I would mess it up and... and..." Fluttershy stumbled off, causing Rarity to not hesitate and shuffle over to wrap a hoof around her.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't think the potion would... would..."

"Be that strong?" Applejack added, Fluttershy nodded to her.

"Well yes I'm quite surprised. It certainly gave you more than enough courage to smooch with that stallion... despite how much he tried to push you away" Rarity said with a grimace.

"Yer lips were stuck ta his for a good long while, ahm surprise ya' didn't suffocate him" Applejack joked, but nopony really found it amusing.

"I'm so sorry Rainbow, I didn't think it would give me... THAT much courage" Fluttershy sadly said, Rainbow just smiled towards her.

"It's alright Flutters.. I know you didn't mean for this to happen.... we'll just have to see how things go with Twilight and him tonight..." Rainbow said, everypony else nodded in agreement.

"I still can't believe I kissed him like that..." Fluttershy muttered in disbelief, even blushing a little at the memory of it.

"Actually, come to think of it, it was a courage potion not a forcefully make out with the pony next to you potion. Which leads me to think you actually have a thing for him..." Rainbow said, Fluttershy shrunk under her gaze.

'Well not him... but his... body... and his muscles...." Fluttershy said dreamily, her mind roaming through dreamland, everypony gave her a deadpan look.

Comments ( 4 )

Awesome chapter as always :twilightsmile:

This is why you always carry a tape recorder (or something of the sort).

... Is this dead? Please say no! I really like this story.

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