• Published 7th Jul 2016
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Sunset Shimmer - The Princess of Lordran - ratedoni

The Elements of Harmony didn't just purify Sunset Shimmer, they killed her and send her to the worse place any being would want to be, the world of Dark Souls. Will Sunset crumble or she will be the Chosen Undead?

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What did the Elements do? (Edited version)

It was done, it was over. Once again the Elements of Harmony were victorious, this time not against a powerful monster bent on the destruction of Equestria, but a young girl that had been influenced by the dark side of magic.

Sighing once, the young princess landed and with one last look to her new friends walked in the direction of the small crater left behind by the powerful artifact that was once again on top of her head; she knew what she had to do. Offer a hand in friendship. It was what they have done before and she knew it was the right choice.

But what she found inside left her cold and senseless. Instead of a young girl there was nothing but rocks and dirt; that couldn’t be. Never before had the elements reduced her enemies into nothing.

Quickly moving her gaze from the crater to the large satellite in the sky, Princess Twilight Sparkle almost prayed for the visage of a pony in the surface of the moon. It was wrong of her to think like that, but everything would be better to the other possibility. But the moon was not the answer this time; its surface devoid of any figure, just a plain face like any other time she had looked at it since arriving to this world.

The other students watched the way Princess Twilight crumbled and began to cry, they then soon got closer to observe the reason why and they all understood the reason.

Sunset Shimmer was dead, and it was at their hands.

She may have not been a welcomed presence at school, maybe they had secretly wished she would disappear or die, but it was simply simple wishing. Being witness of the fact that the teenager indeed was destroyed by magic was another; none of them felt like celebrating.


Twilight sat for a long time crying at the steps of the school. Some students tried going back to the gym to continue the festivities, but none of them felt any desire to party; the rest simply started their journey home not quite sure of what to say while five girls accompanied Twilight outside school, all of them with their own thoughts.

“You shouldn’t feel bad my dear, none of us could have seen something of this magnitude happening. Magic in general is not quite our forte,” Rarity tried to console her new friend even though a deep feeling of shame and regret began to bloom inside her heart. Something like a feud about a high school dance and election seemed childish now considering the other party involved had been killed with your help.

“But that’s not how the Elements work! They never kill, they always try to find the good in someone and bring it to the surface. The most they have done is turn a chaotic creature into stone and Sunset was no chaotic creature!” Twilight said still feeling a little bit of the hysteria that had invaded her not too long ago.

“Ah don’t really know much about this fancy magic that ya can use, but Ah can tell you this. All the bad things Sunset said she would do at the end, she was just bluffing. She never had intention to do it.”

"How are you so sure Applejack?" the fashionista asked her old friend, to which Applejack simply shrugged.

"Ah don't know, it just feels like it. It’s a gut instinct if ya ask me."

“I believe you Applejack. I could see it in her eyes when she put on the crown; it was painful for her to transform, she wasn’t in control at the end,” Twilight said with her head on her hands, knowing that the responsibility landed squarely on her shoulders.

“Everyone… there’s something happening to the statue,” the usually quiet voice of Fluttershy resounded around the front gates taking the trio of girls out of their ruminations. They ran in the direction of the shy girl knowing that whatever was happening must have been serious.

And then they saw it. The side that contained the portal back home to Twilight was shimmering and twisting, as if the magic itself was being molded. In a panic the princess tried to reach out for the portal but an invisible force pushed back sending her flying into the grass much to the surprise of the rest of the girls.

Rainbow and Pinkie helped the pony turned human to her feet as the rest of the Elements of Harmony watched the portal become stable once again, but instead of a clear surface, this time it began to reflect something else.

“Is that… a hallway?” Rarity asked noticing the stone walls and torches lighting up the long corridor. The girls then flinched back at the thin body of a corpse leaning against one wall, then they all took a step back in fright when the corpse began to move now clearly showing that it was alive.

“The portal is now… some kind of scrying mirror. This is amazing!” the princess exclaimed making everyone even more amazed at what was going on.

“You don’t think that this mirror is trying to find Sunset?” the, so far quiet, pink haired girl said surprising everyone. She hadn’t talked or did anything except support the others. It was a start, they thought.

“I… I’m not sure. I never really looked deep into that kind of magic, but it is a possibility,” Twilight said, peering deeper into the mirror which began to focus on the end of the hallway past more walking corpses. Finally, the end of the hallway was shown and inside the last cell door they were able to see a lone figure, wearing a long hood and robe. Its hands looked thin and frail, the face had its eyes sunken and seemed more dead than alive, but there was no doubt, this creature was Sunset Shimmer.

She was very tired, and felt herself nearly losing the last vestiges of her sanity. She didn’t know how long she had been inside the cell, if it had been mere days, or if she had been inside for months. Time here seemed something without meaning. The usually cocky and confident girl had been ripped apart by both the elements of harmony and complete isolation. She didn’t know if she was even alive anymore; she hadn’t felt hungry or thirsty since she appeared inside this cell. Maybe it was all part of some eternal and unusual punishments by Harmony.

Just as this thought had went through her head she heard a noise, something different than the usual rumbling steps and groaning. It was as if something had been dragged and as that something fell into her cell she understood what was going on.

Looking upwards Sunset saw a figure in full metal armor looking down at her before disappearing from sight, only leaving behind the corpse which Sunset began to inspect. Inside its rags she only found two things; the remnants of what was once a sword and a key, the latter making a smile appear on her face, though it was not a nice sight for the five girls watching from another universe. Seeing the ghoul-like Sunset Shimmer smile brought some deep fear from them considering the near zombie like features of the once beautiful girl.

Not knowing that her steps were being monitored Sunset opened her cell, and with one step she finally found herself free without realizing that her long pilgrimage was just merely beginning; not knowing that this was just the first step for the future Princess of Lordran.