• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 3,820 Views, 41 Comments

Heart's Desire - LunarShadow

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“Oh, Opalescence! What have you done?” Fluttershy stared in shock at mouse hanging limply from the cat’s mouth. “The mouse didn’t do anything. Why?”

Opalescence dropped the mouse and meowed loudly. She began digging. When the hole was deep enough, she tossed the mouse into it and filled the hole back in.

The entire time, Fluttershy stood there, watching helplessly. I should do something, but what could a timid mare like myself do?

Her ears perked up and both her and Opal turned at the sound of Rarity calling out. A second later, the Rarity galloped into view.

“Opal! Opalescence, where are...” She stopped in front of Fluttershy. “Oh, there you are darling. Mommy’s been looking all over for you,” she said as she used her telekinesis to pick Opal up and rub noses with her. “You had me worried.”

“Umm... excuse me, Rarity.” Fluttershy looked down and scuffed her hoof on the ground. “Can I ask you something?” She patiently waited for Rarity to finish petting Opal and answer.

“Of course, dear. What can I do for you?” Rarity replied after setting down Opal, who immediately darted down the path and disappeared around the gate at the end. “Oh! Opal, where are you going.” Rarity spun around and ran after her pet.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes. Can it wait until then?” she called over her shoulder as she disappeared down the path back to Ponyville.

Fluttershy sighed and turned to go back in. “Of course. Anything for you.”

When she entered her cottage, the usual noontime scene met her eyes. Angel sat at the table, tapping his paws impatiently. In front of him was an empty bowl. On the counter, already out, were a head of lettuce, some carrots, and other miscellaneous vegetables. Upon seeing her, Angel pointed at the food and scowled.

“You want the same salad again?” When Angel nodded, Fluttershy walked over to the sink and pumped some cold water into a basin. Once it had filled, she dunked each of the vegetables and rubbed them vigorously to clean off any dirt.

After breaking apart the lettuce, she carefully retrieved a knife from the chop block and cut the carrots into chunks. Grabbing the other ingredients, she shelled peas, shredded cheese, and put in some left over croutons.

Finally finished, she quickly tossed the salad and then set in front of Angel. He sniffed at it, nibbled the edge of some lettuce and then shoved it away. He looked up at Fluttershy and frowned, tapping his paw rapidly.

“What? Did I not add enough croutons?” When Angel nodded, she bit her lip and said, “But that was the last of them. I’m sorry, but we don’t have any more and I don’t have time to make more. I have to meet Rarity at the...” she took a sharp intake of breath and looked at the clock.

Her wings shot up and she rushed towards the door. “Five minutes ago! Oh, I hope she’s not too angry with me.” As she shot out into the bright day, she looked back at Angel who merely sniffed and looked away.

Luckily for Fluttershy, the spa sat on the edge of town not too far from her house. When she arrived, she spotted Rarity standing just outside the door. She didn’t look angry in the slightest, but was tapping her hoof impatiently.

“Ah, there you are, darling. I was worried something had preoccupied your time and I’d have to go alone. Not that I’d have minded or anything, but going with you is just simply marvelous.” She turned and opened the door, gesturing for Fluttershy to go in first.

As she passed Rarity, Fluttershy noticed that Opalescence clung to Rarity’s back. “Umm... is there a reason you’re bringing Opal to the spa today?”

Rarity looked back and chuckled. “Oh... that. I thought I was going to be the late one. So, I decided it’d be easier to take her just this once instead of quickly running to the boutique. I hope you don’t mind.

After what Opal did to that poor mouse, I’m not sure I want to be around her. Fluttershy had to bite back the remark, instead nodding.

“Good,” Rarity said as she followed Fluttershy in, closing the door behind them. They went up to the counter and Rarity rang the small bell on it. When one of the usual spa workers came out from the backroom. “One of the usual for both myself and Fluttershy, please,” Rarity ordered.

The worker nodded and beckoned them to follow her. She led them over to the large wash basin. On the way, she grabbed a pack of salts and ripped it open. Once at the tub, she dumped the salts in. “When you’re ready, just call and we’ll get the steam room ready.” With that, the worker left Rarity and Fluttershy to their own devices.

As they were about to get into the steaming water, Opalescence jumped into the air. She landed on the edge of the tub and sprinted out of the spa before either pony could react.

“Opal!” Rarity shouted as she made to run after her beloved pet. “You’ll ruin your new pink bow if you keep running like that!”

Fluttershy motioned for Rarity to get into the hot bath. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll go quickly get her back and drop her off at the boutique.” She walked back down the stairs as Rarity sighed and slid into the water.

“Okay dear... I’ll be waiting here for you.”

Galloping around the beauty products, Fluttershy exited the front of the shop and looked around for Opal. In the distance, she could see the cat running towards downtown. So, Fluttershy followed.

She galloped down the path and darted around Sugar Cube Corner. She was just in time to see Opal scamper by the fountain in the center of town square and head into the Ponyville library.

Following, she burst through the library doors and looked around. The room was empty. Slowly walking around, she tried to spot the cat. As she circled, she noticed the door to the basement swinging shut ever so slightly.

Raising an eyebrow, Fluttershy pushed the door open and looked down the stairs. Of course... the one scary place besides the Everfree and Opal has to choose it. Gulping, she slowly descended the stairs.

When she reached the bottom, she could barely see. Except for a sliver of light that came through the door at the top of the stairs, it was completely dark. The only thing that she could see happened to be her reflection in a mirror.

No! Now is not the time to stare at myself. Just get Opal and get out! Rarity is... The thought trailed off as she realized that she wasn’t alone in the mirror. Standing around her were various animals.

At first, she thought she had just seen things. It looked like her yard, yet she couldn’t believe it. Looking closer, she realized that it did look like her yard. Except, something was off.

Looking around the picture, she noticed that Opal was there as well. Spinning around, Fluttershy couldn’t see the cat. Turning back to the mirror, she looked at the reflection of Opal again. A mouse sat in her forepaws, but Opal didn’t do anything.

Suddenly, Rarity came into the picture from the left side of the mirror. She smiled and leaned down to pet Opal. After stroking her pet for a bit, she walked around the cottage and returned a minute later with a sack of feed. She walked around the yard stopping at various groups of animals to pour food in front of them.

Carnivores and herbivores alike eagerly shared the food. Neither group of animals bother each other as they ate.

But... that’s impossible. The Fluttershy in the mirror turned and seemed to smile at her. The real Fluttershy backed up. Rarity would never get dirty like that and all the animals eating the same food?

Suddenly, the lights in the basement flared on. Fluttershy closed her eyes and grimaced. “Wha..?” She shielded her eyes with her hoof and looked up. At the top of the stairs stood Twilight.

“Fluttershy? What’re you doing here?” Twilight looked down at Fluttershy curiously.

“I... umm... sorry!” exclaimed Fluttershy. “I was just... looking for the mirr... Rarity’s... umm...” She stumbled over her words. “Rarity’s cat! Have you seen Opal lately?”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah, I have. She’s hiding under my bed upstairs. Though I still wonder why you came into the basement. You hate the dark.”

Fluttershy gulped. “I’m really sorry. I thought I saw her run down here.” She slowly walked up the stairs. “Oh, and if you don’t mind me asking... that mirror, it showed me things.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“Perfect harmony among animals. Rarity helping me take care of them.” Fluttershy glanced longingly back at the mirror. “It’s like it knows my—”

“Heart’s desire, correct?” When Fluttershy nodded, Twilight continued. “That’s what it shows. Now, if you wait right there, I’ll go get Opal and you can get back to whatever you were doing.”

Fluttershy waited patiently while Twilight retrieved the cat. As she looked around, her gaze fell on a clock over a bookshelf. She gasped. “Oh no! It’s really been half an hour?”

Twilight came back down the stairs and shrugged. She placed Opal on Fluttershy’s back and said, “I don’t know. When did you arrive?”

Fluttershy paid no heed to the question. Instead, she made sure that Opal had a tight grip and galloped out the door towards the spa. “S-sorry, Twilight. Rarity’s probably wondering where I am.”

Some friend you are. You want perfect harmony, yet you can’t even make it to the spa in a timely manner. She grunted in frustration as she ran. But I’ll start working on it from here on out!