• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 13,099 Views, 379 Comments

LOYALTY - Crowne Prince

Rainbow Dash and Soarin's friendship turns out to be one heck of a wild ride and a whole lot more.

  • ...

Wonderbolt & Rainboom

Author's Note:

Bonus chapter with scenes from the abandoned novel-length sequel.

Wonderbolt & Rainboom takes place after Storm from Afar.

"Ma'am, do you know how fast you were going?"

"Not fast enough, obviously," Rainbow Dash grumbled, not bothering to hide her annoyance. Winged chariots and pegasi traveled at modest speeds while she hovered in place where she'd been pulled over on Canterlot's major air thoroughfare.

The officer took out a sheet of paper. "You are aware this is a speed-restricted flying zone from 9-5 on weekdays."

Dash threw her hooves up. "And today is Saturday for crying out loud! So what did I do this time?"

A shy grin crossed the officer's face. "My son would really love your autograph."

The Wonderbolt relaxed. "That's one piece of paperwork I don't mind signing. Really though, it couldn't have waited until one of our air shows? There. Sorry officer, but I gotta get going."

A brief pause lapsed between those words and the powerful flap that sent the mare racing past all the traffic. The signature smoke trail and a dot of Wonderbolt blue and gold were about all the officer could make out between that moment and saying, "Thanks."

"Remember not to fly that fast through here on Monday!" The officer yelled at the receding speck.

Clouds parted in front of Dash to reveal the flattened top of the mountain plateau, home of the Wonderbolt Academy. She checked to see that the runway was clear before rocketing down and racing less than a wingspan above the paved strip. She threw her wings open, dug her hooves into the ground, and came to a screeching halt right in front of a group of fresh cadets lined up along the path. They stared at her with a mix of expressions: shock, awe, pride, confidence. They seemed like a good bunch.

“Don’t mind me,” Dash told them. “Believe it or not, I’m here for training too. The one you need to mind is her.” She tipped her head to the side where Spitfire flapped her way over to the group, flanked by two academy officers.

Dash hurried off before Spitfire could chew her out for showing off and abusing the landing strip. According to the team's strongest strategist, Rapidfire, the Wonderbolt Academy was very strict, and judging from Spitfire’s stern expression that was true. Rainbow Dash didn’t know much about the operations here apart from that. She’d never been able to attend, so now she was here to learn how to run the academy’s training program.

The authority of Spitfire’s shouted introduction to the cadets struck Dash's ears as she fled the scene. Hah, those poor trainees.

Dash made it to the row of buildings along the edge of the plateau just in time to see Soarin’ on his way out of the largest, most official-looking one. “Dash! There you are. Geez, what took you so long? You were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago, and the whole time you were late I had this pony breathing down my neck. Look!” Soarin’ rubbed the side of his neck with a hoof. “It’s still wet.”

An officially dressed mare whisked up behind Soarin’. Her serious gaze registered Rainbow Dash’s presence and she flicked her clean cut tail. “You finally made it, I see,” she said. “Lateness is not tolerated at the Wonderbolt Academy. I was hoping someone had told you that, but fine. I’ll adjust my schedule to accommodate for the loss. Let’s get on with the tour so I may get back to my duties. After that, Wonderbolt Soarin’ will tell you more about the academy while you observe this week’s session.”

When the officer looked away to lead them into the building, Rainbow Dash shot Soarin’ a glance and silently lipped “yikes.” Soarin’ held a wingtip to his mouth and jerked his head toward their guide to tell Dash to pay attention to the tour. He was smiling under the gesture, though.

The three pegasi moved out of the central academy office and over the main plateau. Rings and flight obstacles dotted the flat land. A rainbow fall filtered down from the sky and pooled onto the mesa. Living quarters for full time staff clustered behind the falls. All of those ponies were immediately recognizable by their short cropped tails.

Leaving the plateau took them to the second half of the academy, which consisted of a cloud runway, the mess hall, a set of training buildings, and some impressive weather equipment.

"What are these?" Dash gaped at a series of maroon colored contraptions each easily the size of a building.

"Wind generators," the officer said, "completely automated and capable of producing hurricane strength wind speeds exceeding 150 mph, which is why we keep them on this side of the academy away from physical structures and flight zones. Extremely dangerous."

"And also," Soarin' said, holding a hoof up to shield his voice from their guide, "the secret to how Spitfire keeps her mane swept back like that."

Dash flicked the top of Soarin's puffy blue mane. "What about yours?"

"Mine is natural," he said with mock pride, polishing a hoof on his chest.

The officer showed Dash to her room, which actually turned out to be her own private residence. There were a number of small homes like that for special guests. Each had the benefit of being close to the cadet dormitories and therefore the academy cafeteria.

Having finished navigating the academy grounds, the officer wished the newest Wonderbolt well, left her with Soarin', and raced off to catch up on the rest of her tasks for the evening.

Dash scanned the nearby homes. "Where are you staying?"

Soarin's ears drooped. "Er, actually, I'm all the way over there." He pointed past the clouds toward the opposite side of campus, where trainers for the Wonderbolt support team stayed. Support classes ran concurrent with official Wonderbolt trainees so the two groups rarely crossed paths. Cadets in support work learned how to operate equipment, handle field emergencies, and that sort of thing. Graduates could be found operating the Wonderbolt Academy, overseeing flight shows, and working advanced flight jobs throughout Equestria.

The silence stretched thin while Dash and Soarin’ realized they were slotted in different training programs and wouldn't see much of each other that week.

"Come on, I'll show you the Dizzitron. Spitfire should be loading up the rookies right about now."

Dash wasn't sure what he meant by that, but she found out soon enough. She fanned a wing over her eyes to block out the sun while she watched a white stallion spin out of control into the horizon. "I think that's a new record."

Soarin' held up a wing too. "Eh, I've seen better." Or in this case, worse. He looked back down to the training schedule he'd pulled from one of his saddlebags. "This is just the beginning. When they do cloud exercises you'll get the opportunity to see all kinds of neat moves from around Equestria, and sometimes even other countries. Although I've gotta warn you, Spitfire pairs the cadets up on the second day and the competition can get vicious."

"Why? The academy isn't really about proving yourself. That's what the Wonder Trial is for."

Her partner shook his head. "As long as one of us is watching, many see it as a chance to show off. But I guess that does make some sense, since we usually discover top tier fliers through the Academy. 'Course Spitfire tests them so she can make judgement calls about their behavior and teamwork too. It's not all about flying."

One Surprise interrupted their conversation. The white mare appeared decked out in her official officer jacket complete with – Rainbow Dash did a double take – watches. Little clocks pinned in places medals usually hung. The jacket clocks didn't match the three watches strapped up the Wonderbolt's leg at all. Rarity would've thrown a fit about over-accessorizing.

"What's a pair of newbies like you doing up here? Scared of the Dizzitron?"

"Hah!" Dash puffed up. "I can take you on that thing any day, Surprise."

Her friend grinned and raised an eyebrow. "And I say your overconfidence gets you in trouble before the week is over. Anyway, I gotta take Soarin' away from you now. Come on come on, let's go. Gotta show our teams how to work the weather machines or there won't be an obstacle course for anypony to get injured on." Surprise lowered her head and used it to push the stallion toward the edge of the cloud.

"S-see you later Dash!" Soarin' managed to brush a wingtip under Dash's chin before he toppled off the cloud, dragged along by Surprise. Surprise waved goodbye without looking back.

Dash turned to study Spitfire's trainees. "Alright. Let's see which of these ponies is the top of their class."

~ ~ ~

At night, Dash snuck out to play with all of the equipment. Here and there yellow light filtered through a window, but other than that it was dark. Motion sensor beams glowed dimly, inactive, along the runway. Unless there was an emergency nopony would be landing tonight.

Dash took a breath of the cold mountain air and let early spring wind ride over her coat. It carried the chilly memory of winter. A shiver rippled over her fur.

Spring. When summer hit, the Equestria Games began. The competition was sure to be interesting this year with the Crystal Empire around. Dash was almost positive she'd finally be on a team that would qualify to compete. Last time she hadn't been so lucky. Now she had the Wonderbolts – that is, if she decided to fly with them for Cloudsdale rather than choosing to represent Ponyville.

Yet the thing weighing her mind wasn't the Equestria Games, it was the event far bigger than that: the World Wings. The Wonderbolts had sent a missive to Princess Celestia and Luna about the possibility of Equestria entering the competition for the first time in decades, but they hadn't heard from Canterlot since.

Dash huffed and barrel rolled through several hoops. All the princesses had to do was write a letter back. It couldn't be that hard. Twilight did it all the time.

"Pony feathers, I forgot to write to Pinkie! Oh no," she groaned. She halted in midflight, turned around, and went to find paper and ink before she forgot again.

~ ~ ~

This scene takes place after a less-arrogant Lightning Dust proves to be a strong and capable trainee. She gets paired as wing pony to a showoff flight partner that puts the other cadets in danger with a reckless stunt.

Rainbow Dash heard the words from within Spitfire’s office.

"If all the Wonderbolts value is speed and winning, then I was wrong about this team. I quit." Lighting Dust removed her wingpony badge, put it on Spitfire's desk, and exited the office. The door shut behind her and the horror of the dream she'd given up registered on her face. She pulled her gaze from the floor and found herself face to face with Dash.

"Are you stupid?" Dash hissed.

"E-excuse me?" Lightning Dust uttered as the Wonderbolt grabbed her foreleg and yanked her away from earshot of Spitfire's office.

"You're quitting just because Spitfire made you a wingpony? How dense are you? You think she makes decisions purely on physical stats?"

Lighting Dust recovered from her shock and matched Dash's hushed whispering. "Yes! Because obviously you don't care if my partner's reckless actions put the whole team at risk. It doesn't matter as long as it looks cool."

"Then tell me why you're wingpony even though you ranked higher than him in almost every category. Including," Dash held her head high, "my official coolness ranking."

The rookie's eyes widened. There was no way to know her ranking at the Academy because numbers weren't posted publicly.

Rainbow Dash sighed. "You assume Spitfire would just ignore what happened out there today? She made you a wingpony to see if you would be able to serve in every capacity, not just as leader. The Wonderbolts are a team, Lightning Dust. Once in a while you get to be the leader, but most of the time you follow the pony best suited to handle the challenge. Wonderbolts know how to lead and follow."

The sea green pegasus stared at her feet while the lesson sank in. "I was too quick to judge. I didn't know."

"It's okay." Dash tilted her head to the closed door. "My advice is to get it together and go back in there. Spitfire's going to be mad you stormed out of her office like that."

Dash watched Lightning Dust take a breath and turn back to her dream, open the door, and face certain doom.

"Impressive," Soarin' said, sidling up to his companion. "It takes a lot of courage to stand up to one's superiors like that."

"Hmph." Rainbow Dash's lips quirked into a sly grin. "Then it's a wonder you can stand up at all around me."

"Oh my Dash, are you suggesting you are somehow better than me?"

"Better?" Dash started walking, forcing Soarin' to follow alongside if he wanted to keep talking. "Nah. More like vastly superior."

The stallion paced around Dash and cut her path off with a grin. "Alright high and mighty, if you're so sure, the Academy closes in a few hours. Dinner says you can't withstand more runs on the Dizzitron than me."

Dash poked Soarin's nose with a wingtip and stared him down with a confident smile. "Get your bits ready Soarin', cause you're buying tonight."

Spitfire peeked out of her office, tilting her shades down. “What’s this I hear about a Dizzitron challenge?”

~ ~ ~

Dash flipped and floundered like an earth pony with wings. Multiple Soarins spun around in the fishbowl of evening sky.

"Give up yet?" The Soarins panted, flailing their legs like they would drown if they stopped.

"N-no." Dash gagged. "On second thought, you... you win this time. But next time!" She collapsed on the spinning runway. The cursed thing just wouldn't stay put. "Next time," she said into the asphalt.

Soarin' announced his arrival and bad aim with a dull thud as he crashed into the grass nearby. "Victory," he gasped. "I can't wait to barf up the dinner you owe me."

Spitfire landed neatly between the two bundles of feathers. "Alright pansies. Next time think twice about challenging me to a spin-off. I expect all of that paperwork on my desk stamped before you leave."

"Yay," the defeated pair said with no enthusiasm whatsoever.

Fifteen minutes into hoof-stamping posters, Soarin' announced they would have dinner at Ponyville's popular café. "That way I can gloat in public, for all of your friends to see."

"Thanks for that." Stamp. "Really, though, even if you're making fun of me the whole time for losing it'll be good to check in on everyone." Stamp.

"I know." Stamp.

~ ~ ~

After dinner they flew together. Rainbow Dash pulled in close. He could hear the sound of wind ruffling through her feathers. "Soarin'. Fly with me."

She put on a burst of speed, curving up past the cloud tops. Contrails of mist poured from her pinions. Soarin' sped below the growing rainbow arc she painted overhead, skimming his hooves along the tops of the clouds.

Both ponies flew higher, up toward the sliver of Luna's moon. Higher, faster, trails of rainbow and gold light jetting straight to space. The air grew cold and thin and still they flew until they were colored specks in a sea of stars.

They tossed themselves up and let go of everything. Both sets of wings fell still. They let the world do whatever it wanted. Air fluffed feathers as gravity gradually took hold, slowing their upward path until it was nothing. For one perfect moment they hung suspended in complete stillness.

They plummeted with no control, two points of color falling through the night. Manes and tails streamed into the dark. Feathers hung useless. Wisps of mist tangled in their fur and they toppled through the clouds.

A low growl in Dash's throat turned to a yell of wild abandon. He joined her. The yell flowed into a roar of laughter as they defied death, whipping out their wings and soaring away from the land that would drag them down.

The two Wonderbolts drew close and smashed their hooves together, sending showers of sparks over Equestria. Around and around they weaved, meeting with bursts of fireworks each time they touched.

Soarin' dove low over the empty streets of Canterlot, Rainbow Dash close behind. Dimmed street lights and cobblestones rushed by. Discarded papers and trimmed hedges rustled in the wake of the two flyers. A shocked couple on a stroll froze at the oncoming rush. The two shooting blue comets pulled up and returned to their home in the clouds, leaving shimmering light trails behind.

They slowed and let their hooves catch in a cloud, tumbling in a heap onto its soft surface, breathless and chuckling at the hopeless expressions of the couple they'd frightened.

After a few breaths they lay still, back to back. Soarin' could feel Rainbow Dash's wings pressed up against his own as he stared over the white edge of the cloud and into the night.

"Dash," he said, rolling over and nuzzling the back of her neck. The fur brushed his nose and he breathed into that slightly rainbow-spice scented mane. Now.

"I love you," she said for him.

She slipped out of his grasp and rolled to lay on her other side, and their eyes met. Their hooves intertwined. Soarin' whispered, "I love you."

She kissed him. "Maybe," she whispered before kissing him again, "even more than I love winning. Maybe."

Soarin' was so close to giving in to his desires. He got up. "I can wait," he said, not bothering to hide the rasp in his voice. "I can wait." He held out a hoof to help Dash up. "Come on, let's go home."

He stood for a while outside her door at Wonderbolt Headquarters after they said goodnight. After some time his feet dragged him around the circular hallway to his room on the other side of the base.

On the other side of the door he left behind, Rainbow Dash let out a disappointed sigh at the sound of his receding hoofsteps.

~ ~ ~

"Why did you not go after him?!" Rarity whirled on Rainbow Dash so fast the dresses on the display next to her fluttered. She lowered her voice when several customers looked up from their browsing. "Quit toying with that poor stallion."

"I'm not toying with him, I'm serious. You know that. And if he doesn't want to stick around for the night, then fine." Dash pushed a hoof through her mane. "It's hard though."

"A little patience darling. I know it's not your forte, but you can do it. Are you coming home this weekend?"

"I guess so. Twilight sent me a letter saying Princess Celestia had a task for the Elements of Harmony. Can't imagine what it might be that's not, you know, so bad we have to rush to the castle right away to kick some crazy lunatic's butt."

~ ~ ~

Rapidfire rubbed his forehead. "You mean to tell us you let that lunatic go free?"

The Wonderbolts were not thrilled to hear about Discord. Dash shrugged. "Hey, it wasn't my idea. And he's technically not free. Princess Celestia locked him in a stone tower. It's got some spell barrier around it, but he could probably escape if he wanted."

~ ~ ~

Funny dialogue during an icy part of World Wings.

“It’s c-c-cold,” Soarin’ stammered through his shivering.

“Oh come on,” Rainbow Dash said, slowing down to fly alongside her freezing partner. “It’s not so bad. Those icicles coming out of your nose are very charming.”

“I’ll t-tell you where you’re going to find ici-c-cles.”

“Gotta catch me first!”

“C-curses,” Soarin’ chattered.

~ ~ ~

After catching up with Season 3 canon, the fic leads into the World Wings, a global competition of all winged races. One of the events is an endurance race over the deadliest stretch of the badlands that takes 1-2 weeks to complete.

The Changelings participate in the World Wings but their queen is not present because she is busy scheming. Chrysalis – still hungry for love – uses the endurance race as an opportunity to kidnap Soarin’. When he doesn’t arrive at a checkpoint Dash goes looking for him.

Chrysalis expects this to happen. She only needed to capture one of them to draw the other in.

Dash finds Chrysalis’ hideaway in a desert cave, sees Soarin’ imprisoned in a large cage, and busts in to save him without a plan. Naturally she gets knocked out and captured too.

A little while later, bars no longer separated the two Wonderbolts.

“Soarin’! Are you hurt?”

“No, just bored.”

True, the bars weren’t keeping them apart, but they were still locked inside the cage together. Rainbow Dash had been fine with that up until it dawned on her that it was going to be boring. “Oh,” she said.

“You didn’t bring anyone with you, did you?” Soarin’s question sounded more like a statement.


“And you didn’t tell anyone where you were going when you left.”

Both ponies sighed. No, she hadn’t.

Dash observed the surroundings. “Nice place you’ve got here. The spikes on the bars really set the mood.”

“Much better than those stuffy clouds.” Soarin’ stood and cracked his wings before sweeping one open to indicate the low ceiling, also studded with long spines. “As you can see, I’m enforcing a strict no-flying zone.” He paced the perimeter of their enclosure, just far enough from the spikes so they didn’t scratch him. Rainbow Dash joined him as he gave her the grand tour.

“Safety is our priority, of course. You’ll notice we have two Changeling guards on duty at all times. One keeps the area secure while the other watches your every move. Y’know. In case you trip and fall and impale yourself on the sharp decor or something.” Soarin’ nodded to one corner of the cage. “Over here is the shower.” He tipped his head to a different corner. “And this is the kitchen. Showers are delivered by hose and meals come in on a pole. We have to ensure the safety of the Changelings, after all.”

Dash harrumphed. “They sure thought of everything, didn’t they?”

“...Eventually,” Soarin’ said with a gleam in his eye.

He returned to the spot in the center of the enclosure where he’d managed to collect stray feathers and tiny puffs of cloud into a bed worthy of an imprisoned criminal. “The guards are listening to everything we say to make sure we stay PG-13.”

In other words, discussing how to escape wasn’t going to happen.

Let the Changelings believe that.

There was a flurry of feathers and Soarin’ found himself face-to-face with Rainbow Dash. Her wings formed a wall to either side of his head, and the last thing he saw was her devilish expression before she kissed him.

Oh Luna’s stars that felt good. It was over too soon. Dash had used the opportunity to whisper in his ear, “We’ll plan an escape when we pretend to sleep tonight.”

“I missed you.”

“Yeah, well, unless we find some way to get out, you’ll never miss me again.”

~ ~ ~

“Chrysalis, you’re an idiot if you think we’re going to get romantic in a spiked cage.” Rainbow Dash threw her wings up in frustration. “There’s not even room for us to fly in here! And the floor is hard.”

“Oooo~” Chrysalis cooed. “What’s that little pony? You don’t like it rough?”

Soarin’ was afraid to look over at Dash. He could practically hear the whistling heat of her enraged expression.

Chrysalis looked satisfied. “Oh, good! I did remember correctly. You are the feisty one.”

“What do you want with us this time, bug butt?” Dash spat.

“Nothing much. Just to drain you of your emotions and watch your relationship crumble to pieces before I toss you back out into Equestria again. I do so love a good romantic comedy.” Chrysalis’ fangs spread wide in a gleeful grin.

~ ~ ~

The final dialogue for Wonderbolt & Rainboom is the first thing I wrote. In the end, the two end up in a situation nobody expects them to survive. They escape and watch their would-be demise unfold from the safety of a sunset hill.

“Do you think they’ll write a story about us?” Soarin’ asked.

“Pff. Who would want to do that? It’d probably be boring as hay!”

“Oh, I dunno. I think it’d be funny and full of adventure.”

The two turned to the sky.

“Hey Dash?”


“I’m glad I met you.”

She said nothing, simply resting her head on Soarin’s.

At dawn, there was a blast of light.

“They probably all think we’re dead now,” Dash said.

And it was funny, really, that this was the perfect excuse. They had no obligations. No pony would come looking for them. They were free to spend time together, travel the world, and return to their friends when they were ready.

But for now it was only them. Wonderbolt and Rainboom.

“Well, want to go explore?”

“Soarin’, I’d like nothing more.”

Comments ( 7 )

What's that? One of the best romance fics on the site got an update eight years later?


Sounds like the perfect excuse to read through and appreciate the whole thing again!

Omg aaaaaa I remember this story, it was so fucking gooooood. Well. Okay, it’s been a while and I don’t remember the plot much but what I do recall is the writing style is so sexy. Ty for the update !! Maybe I’ll re-read this sooon even if I’m not on fimifc so much anymore, glad I got the email update for this!

i got so confused when i saw u had updated :rainbowlaugh:

8 years later?!? Awesome man


Thanks for putting this out. There's a bunch of great stuff in here, and while it's unfortunate we won't ever get the full sequel, I'm glad this saw the light of day instead of quietly dying on your hard drive.


I only just now read this. I tried tova while back but the length was too intimidating. I'm glad I finally finished it. For some reason, this ship still lives forever in my brain and I don't think it'll ever leave. Thank you for this story and Thank you for this update 8 years after to give us a snippet of what could have been.

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