• Published 22nd Jun 2012
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My Little Changeling -- "I" is Magic - Wing Dancer

In the far north, where changelings live, change begins -- a single changeling learns to think...

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New Horizons

There was a new victim Chip had to copy this time, and staying up all night didn’t help his concentration. The captive mare was still new to the whole situation and shrieked like a banshee, receiving brutal punishment in return.

“Chip, chip, chip,” tsked the Queen, “you mean to tell me that yesterday’s performance was a fluke? That you just got lucky?” Chrysalis raised her voice dangerously.

“Of course not, my Queen!” exclaimed a mangled half-changeling, half pony “I was taking care of the prisoner as you told me to and in my thoroughness stayed up almost all night…”

The Queen raised her eyebrows and smiled faintly. She was spying on his thoughts the day before, necessarily maintaining only a vague link to the changeling's mind as to not disturb him. She felt overpowering joy and satisfaction flowing from him, a hunger that got saturated by the pony prisoner. With a small tear in her eye she remembered her first victim – the taste of love for a foal was the most delicious treat she ever had.

Her focus returned to Chip’s body which was shifting like mad, but to little effect. It was obvious to Chrysalis that there was no juice left in him; the colt’s mishaps made her burst into laughter.

“Oh Chip, stop it,” she snickered, wiping a tear of joy, “I can see you are useless today. Return to your lair and rest. You will work your flank twice as hard tomorrow. That, or you won’t have a flank to sit on when I’m done with you.”

A sigh of relief left the apprentice’s mouth, complimented by silent words of gratitude and humility. Chip lazily flapped his wings and, half conscious, left the Queen’s chamber. He didn’t see her turn to the prisoner who went silent all of a sudden.

* * *

Back at his cave, the changeling felt the stench of fear and uncertainty. It took his tired mind a few moments to remember he was hiding away Night Star under a stack of blankets – totally inconspicuous blankets. He cautiously approached the heap and whispered:

“It’s me. Come out.”

The material started jerking and a yellow head poked out from beneath it. The mare gave out a weak smile and crawled out of her hiding place.

“I’m tired,” said Chip. “I’m going to sleep.” And with that, he fell into unconsciousness.

Left to herself, Night Star listened to the loud snoring of the changeling. He really was a big one, intimidating with all that shiny chitin and horrifyingly curved horn. At the same time, the mare couldn’t help but feel sympathy for the lumbering giant. He was a very bright…creature, well versed and read, but his simple demeanour and cluelessness about the world and its workings stroke a note of sympathy with the pony. Silently, she put a blanket over Chip and approached a stack of books, looking for something interesting to read.

* * *

As the changeling woke up, he felt a new sensation leave his body – and it wasn’t the piece of cloth sliding from his torso. He could faintly recall having visions, pleasant ones, that somehow involved the mare that looked over her book to meet Chip’s stare. The memory of those images faded away despite the colt’s will and only that faint fuzzy feeling remained. His happiness doubled as the sun shooed away some clouds to greet him. He still had a lot of time to master the invisibility spell.

* * *

Several hours later, day gave way to night and the moon shone brightly above the changeling inhabited canyon. Most of Chrysalis’ minions were sound asleep; those that weren’t observed the ground from air, patrolling for anything suspicious. But even their superior eyes could not pierce the veil of the invisibility spell Chip cast on himself. For convenience, the colt flew as high as he could, looking around for a place to eventually set his mare free. The cool midnight air sent ripples of pleasure down his spine – he really loved to fly and the weather was perfect. He flew for a longer while, landing every now and then to inspect a cave or promising rock formation. His wings and instinct guided him south, towards the borders of Equestria.

As he advanced the land became greener, sprinkled with valleys, hills, and lakes. The grass beneath his hooves was pleasurable to say the least – even more so, rolling in it was a fantastic feeling. An involuntary smile brightened the colt’s face as he thought about the wonders of the world he thus far only read about. He really wished he could somehow share it with his siblings, with his Queen, to show them this beautiful world that wasn’t as bad as he was taught. The moon smiled back at the changeling, silently cheering on its search.

* * *

Luna’s moon still managed to see Chip find a perfect spot for Night Star to seek refuge in – it was a few hours march from the borders of Equestria, and a natural rock formation would shelter the mare from any unfavourable weather conditions or curious eyes. The changeling’s spark did make a few remarks, though, demanding for some shifts and elevations for beauty’s sake. At the end of it all, the structure was pleasant to look at and totally inconspicuous. To Chip.

Now came the hard part. It was only a while till the sun would dawn, so the black colt had to use a spell to get home fast. An incantation he never practised before. Teleportation.

Chip took a deep breath and began focusing on the spell. He felt his body, muscles bulging under the heavy carapace, blood flowing peacefully through his veins, and the rhythmic drumming of his heart. He encapsulated all that in a single thought, holding it mentally in front of himself. Chip then summoned the vision of his cozy little cave – its curves, the way the stone reflected sunlight, all the stacks of books and items he was attached to. He placed that image a long distance away, in the direction he thought his home canyon was in. A tingling sensation invaded his forehead as magic channelled through his horn. Gathering his courage, he delicately poked the thought that was his whole existence into motion.

Slowly at first, his imaginary self started moving. Chip could swear he was feeling a pulling sensation, as if his stomach was sucking itself in. The thought he cast gained speed and the sensation tugging at his innards intensified. Panic crept inside the colt, the feeling of being compressed into himself overpowering his senses. As he was about to cancel the incantation, the image cast what seemed like eons ago reached its destination.

* * *

Chip flailed his hooves around as he fell to the ground. A startled Night Star gave out a muffled yelp from under her blanket fort. The changeling picked himself up, feeling utter relief at the fact that his belly remained untouched. Excitedly, he cast aside the materials covering up the frightened mare and gave her a solid hug.

“I did it!” he roared, sending ripples across the silencing spell at the entrance, “I can go anywhere I waaaaant!”

There was no end to the changeling’s laughter and prancing – even Night Star joined in, her joy and relief tasting so sweet.

“So I can go home now?” she asked, tears filling up her eyes.

Chip stopped and took on a worried expression. His thoughts drifted towards the most recent captive the Queen introduced. If ponies were at least remotely similar, that one would like to go home too. That is, if the Queen lets him “take care of her” as well. A plan begun budding in the changeling’s mind. One that he would need to carefully orchestrate.

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