• Published 16th Jul 2016
  • 1,120 Views, 44 Comments

Geata na Déithe - LinktheLazy

Mirai Si'Maire is an elf on a mission. A mission to save her entire race. But will Equestria have to pay the price for their rescue?

  • ...

Chapter 6

I own nothing, if you sue all you'll get is this cellphone.

Mysteries - Chapter 6

Luna, her face set in a grim line glided gracefully to a stop on one of the many balconies on ‘her side’ of the castle. She was greeted by a sloppy nocturne soldier who only barely suppressed his yawn while he held his hoof up in salute. A thousand years ago he might have been reprimanded for his slovenly appearance but right now Luna was more surprised to see any of her Night Guard on duty. Apparently they had already been able to respond to her summons, several days ahead of schedule. Luna nodded at the stallion and quickly brushed past him toward her sister’s half of the castle. After several twists and turns she marched into Celestia’s study and stood before the desk. “Sister, I hast some important-”

Princess Celestia jerked her head up from her work when Luna burst into the room, the sudden movement sending her reading glasses askew.

“Luna!” Celestia said with a smile, her appearance suddenly and mysteriously immaculate. “How was your stay at the hospital?”

Luna frowned up at her sister, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “That’s what I did want-”

“And how were the mare and ambassador that were injured? Are they feeling better?”

Luna’s face fell to an emotionless mask a deadpan so flat it made the vast salt plains to the south look positively mountainous. “I knoweth what thou art doing...”

Celestia held her slightly airheaded look for a moment before her face settled into a far more natural gentle expression. “I could never fool you, could I?”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Nay, thee were at each moment terrible at falsing. mine own longeth absence wilt hast addled thy mind if it be true thee hath believed thee couldst pulleth one over on me unnoticed.”

Celestia stood and moved around the table to nuzzle her still weakened sister. “I did miss you Luna but you shouldn't rush back into things. You have so much to learn and much to absorb.”

Luna grimaced at the thought but reigned in her fear of future studies. “Beest as it may, I has't overheard something yond hast concerned me greatly.”

“Oh?” Celestia asked.

“Forsooth. The young ambassador wast overheard telling a story to Loyalty. The tale wast in a truthful context and it spake of monsters and suffering in her homeland. Doth thee knoweth of this? if it be true, wherefore has't thee did allow such evil creatures to gain a foothold? We wouldst has't bethought thee wouldst banish the creatures to tartarus if 't be true her tale wast.”

Celestia look dumbfounded. “Luna, there is nowhere on Equis where such suffering occurs. You said it was the ambassador I told you about and whom you injured who was telling the tale?”

Luna nodded, her face still set in a grim expression.

“That would explain it then.” Celestia said nodding to herself. “The ambassador is from beyond our realm. She thought she could hide that fact... then talks to herself outloud where the maids can hear.”

Luna reeled at the words like Celestia had reached out and slapped her. “I wast did prepare to heareth thee did neglect thy scrying, but this is unacceptable!”

Celestia wrapped her younger sister in her wings before she could rush off to do something rash. After a moment Luna stopped struggling and remained still, tucked into her sister’s barrel. “Does the simple fact she is an outworlder completely invalidate your concern for her people?”

Luna turned her head, an ashamed expression on her face. “No... but-”

Celestia sighed and guided them to sit on the floor. When they were comfortable she placed her head on her forehooves and looked up at Luna who still looked worried. “I can't persecute a creature who has done nothing wrong Luna. Aside from that the sheer amount of fear she regards us with concerns me.”

Luna looked down at her sister with an incredulous expression. “Aye, we art acknown of her feareth. The lady hath spent mine own entire visiteth to the hospital clinging to the wall on the opposite side of the room and never taking her eyes off of me, liketh I wast some monster who wouldst englut her if the lady so much as blinked.”

Celestia nodded sadly. “It is likely that is exactly what she thought. Even some of our own subjects once feared your own legend in such a way. But...” Celestia paused, looking unsure. “It was me who frightened her first. She saw me raise the sun and fled to spend several hours hiding in her room.”

Luna winced at that and her gaze fell to her own hooves. The thoughts tumbled around in her mind, new concerns mixing with her enormous guilt before an answer seemed to rise out of the mire like the moon rising above a blanket of clouds. “The lady fears our divinity?”

“That would appear to be the case.” Celestia said with a nod. “Gods do not bargain.” Celestia began, Luna perking up with interest. “They seek only to secure their own. An elven life is a worthless coin, they want nothing more than to toss it away. Those were her own words.”

Luna frowned at that. “I. . . doth not liketh the fact the lady is an outworlder but yond words speaketh of much berattle. What doth thee intendeth?”

“Nothing.” Celestia answered simply. “For now.”

Luna looked at her with an incredulous expression.

“She seems to be treating this ‘mission’ of hers with great importance-” Celestia began. “I believe she intends to do something to help her people in some way. What kind of goddesses would we be if we do not allow her to do so?”

“What of the possible costs to Equestria?” Luna countered. “Her actions may has't unforeseen consequences.”

Celestia nodded and dipped her head pensively. After a moment she turned to look at luna brimming with confidence. “Then we will deal with whatever comes when it happens. With the elements reawakened there are few dangers that cannot be dealt with.”

Luna raised an eyebrow but shook her head. “If it be true thee has't such confidence in the new beareth'rs then I shall leaveth this in thy hooves sister.” With that Luna rose and trotted from the room leaving her sister to her work.

“Rest well Luna.” Celestia said softly as she got back to her own hooves. “Now... where did I leave my glasses again?”

Mirai glanced over the top of her chosen text to find her opponent starting to droop dangerously. It would only be a matter of time now until Twilight Sparkle drifted off to sleep and she could declare herself the more... dedicated... scholar...

Mirai jerked herself back into an upright position as she caught herself trying to fall asleep. Unfortunately the jerk also ensured her opponent was also reinvigorated by the sudden movement. Sure enough Twilight glared back over the top of her own text, energized by her near loss.

Nearby a clock on the wall read 4:28 and the deep darkness outside had long since mulled the world to sleep. Inside however many candles had perished since Mirai had declared that she had to study and the contest had grown out of the hours spent doing so next to the only being Mirai could honestly call a rival in the art of the bookworm.

“Well I think I’ve had it for tonight,” Twilight said, closing her book with a snap. “Please put your books back when you decide to get some rest.”

Mirai grinned smugly at Twilight over the top of her tome. “Decided to finally give up Sparkle?”

Twilight turned up her nose and started up the stairs. “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.”

“Mmhmm.” Mirai hummed as she turned back to her book, casting a much needed spell to reinvigorate her tired mind.

The sweet thrill of victory soon wore thin however as the solitude of the room began to wear on Mirai’s nerves. The only sounds that prevented the onset of ear-ringing silence was the quiet ticking of the clock and the occasional sound of wind rustling the leaves of the tree she currently resided in.

Mirai checked over her notes, shuffling the papers about perhaps a bit longer than was necessary. On the pages, between the vast blocks of text were diagrams and definitions and indexes of each. All in all it was a decent start to figuring out the exact nature of unicorn magic and from there the various spells she had seen. Of course the entire thing was only a baby step on the road to finding someway to tear a hole between the worlds. That was probably still weeks away at the earliest and even then only if the ponies even had magic that could do exactly what she needed. If that didn't work then she would have to develop the spells on her own and that was something that sent a spike of dread ricocheting around her insides. There was nothing in her runes that could even come close to this sort of magic and with her understanding of pony magic as rudimentary as it was it could be months or even years before she could create what she needed.

The room soon descended back into maddening silence as she tried to concentrate on her book. It was only now she truly realized just how much she missed the others and the lively nights around invisible campfires. Fighters and mages, healers and soldiers, heroes all, gathered and softly whiling away the sleepless nights living in the wastelands necessitated. She missed Assa, in particular, and the occasional intellectual bouts the princess always seemed to win.

The sound of metallic legs clicking against the ground drew her attention, audible only for the silence. She listened as they grew closer before sitting down her book and stepping out into the yard. Her spider-like golem dumped another cup of material at the base of Twilight’s rock and scurried off to continue its mission. Mirai stepped further out into the yard thinking to inspect the material it was retrieving for her when the hairs rising on the back of her neck froze her in place.

She nervously glanced around for dangers as her bones seemed to freeze over, but there was nothing to be seen. A glance toward the sky had her fear spiking as the light of the full moon came into view, looming over her like a disapproving titan.

Mirai grabbed for a missing blade, wincing at its absence before shaking her head free of her mounting nerves and heading over to the stone. The creeping feeling of being watched didn't dissipate as she began the long process of refining metals out of the ore.

Twilight Sparkle awoke the next morning to the sound of skittering legs. Dismissing the noise as her imagination she pulled herself out of her bed and set about her carefully scheduled routine. Bathing, brushing, combing, and tidying were all accomplished promptly and soon she found herself sitting at the breakfast table as Spike cooked some hay-bacon on the stove.

“Good morning Twilight.” Spike greeted, saluting with his spatula.

Twilight smiled and summoned some parchment to make up her day’s schedule. “Good morning Spike, hay bacon for breakfast?”

Spike sat a steaming plate in front of her and puffed out his chest with pride. “Thats right!”

“Great, I’m starving!”

Twilight munched on a strip of processed and fried grass as she wrote down her various obligations. “Hmm... Do you think Mirai has got a little time to answer some questions about her home before lunch today?”

Spike frowned, idly chewing on a crispy strip. “I don't know Twilight, she seems awfully busy. She was already awake when I got up this morning.”

“What?” Twilight asked. “How could she already be up? We both stayed up late last night.”

Spike waved a bacon strip around while he searched for the proper words. “Doesn't she have spells to keep her awake?”

“Oh yeah...” Twilight mumbled jealously. “Still... that can’t be very healthy.”

“Well if you ask me Mirai is the last po-person who will ever have to worry about her health. You didn't see her heal a hole straight through her in a few seconds.” Spike said with a grin. He had to hand it to the elf, that had been the coolest thing he had seen in awhile. He might even go so far as to say it was like something straight out of one of his comics.

Twilight winced and shivered at the memory of coming across both Mirai and Spike covered in blood. “I guess...”

A knock on the door drew Twilight's attention. “Who could that be?” She muttered as she got up.

When the door was opened a grinning Applejack greeted her with a wave. “Howdy Twilight!”

Twilight took a step back to let the farm pony into the library. “Good morning!” She said with a wide smile. “You seem to be in a good mood.”

“Ya bet yer ears I’m in’a good mood! Speakin ah bets, mah big brother went and made me ah bet that I could’na get tadays harvest inta tha barn by lunchtime.” AJ chuckled and rubbed her hooves together diabolically. “So can ya help me get one over on em?”

Twilight brought a hoof up to her chin in thought, before pulling out her schedule. “Well I wanted to ask Mirai some questions this morning but sure, I can ask her some other time.”

“Great!” Applejack said, leading the way outside. We gotta get back ta the farm quick if we wana make it in time.”

“Wait for me!” Spike shouted from inside, running out and jumping on Twilight’s back. “You might need my help!”

Twilight shot Spike a doubting look but let it slide as they headed out into the morning sun.

Before they could get very far they were stopped by a soot blackened Mirai who came bounding around the side of the tree where she had been working. “Twilight!” She called, running to catch up to them.

“Good mornin!” Applejack called as Mirai caught up. “Ya look like yah’ve been a bit busy.”

“Morning AJ.” Mirai mumbled in return before turning towards Twilight. “Hey did you happen to see what happened to my knife? I can't remember what happened to it and I need to get it back.”

Twilight took a step back, ears drooping as she recalled what exactly had happened during the fight with Nightmare. “Y-yeah.” Twilight muttered. “I stabbed Nightmare with it during the fight and I think I left it at the castle. With all the excitement I didn't give it much thought, sorry.”

“Aww, don't worry about it.” Mirai smiled and patted Twilight on the head earning herself an irritated look from Twilight as she tried to clean the soot out of her mane. “I’ll just have to go get it at some point today.”

“What!?” The two ponies and a baby dragon all shouted at once as they leaned back in shock. So far back in fact that Spike rolled from Twilight’s back onto the ground.

“What?” Mirai asked, a confused expression on her face.

Applejack’s face hardened and she stepped forward to poke Mirai in the stomach with a hoof. “Yah can’t go intah the Everfree by yourself! There's all sorts ah nasty critters in there.”

Mirai’s face fell to a frown as she looked between the sheepish but nodding faces of Twilight and Spike. Huffing and crossing her arms she shot AJ an irritated look. “I can handle myself Applejack, did you forget about the first time we went through the forest?”

AJ’s face fell to an uncomfortable grimace. She glanced over to Twilight and Spike but found them also looking a little green. “Yeah... we remember... But there’s all kindsa stuff thats ah lot worse than ah Cockatrice in there, tell her Twi!”

Twilight shook her head to clear out the unwanted mental images before stepping forward. “Applejack’s right Mirai. There are much worse things living in there. Like Hydra Learnaia, the Great Equestrian Swamp Hydra. Its primary habitat range is actually in the Froggy Bottom Bog but its hunting grounds include much of the southern Everfree. Then there is Canis Quercus Alba or ‘White Oak Dog’ that inhabits the entire forest and often encroaches on nearby pony settlements.”

Applejack scratched her head, a bewildered look on her face. “Ya mean Timber Wolves?”

Twilight paused and looked over at AJ with an equally confused expression. “Isn't that what I said?”

“Uh... maybe?” Applejack muttered before turning and fixing a stern expression on Mirai. “Point is there’s bigger monsters in there.”

Mirai rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, overall looking thoroughly unimpressed. “Look If it will make you happy I’ll take <Twig> with me. He’s due for some proper exercise anyway.”

The skeptical expression on AJ’s face told Mirai what she thought of that before she even opened her mouth. “Don't take this the wrong way or nuthin but that tree ah yers seems ah touch...” Applejack waved her hoof in circles as she searched for the world. “...unreliable.”

Nearby, what the townsponies believed to be a newly planted decorative tree made what may have been a rude gesture with it’s branches.

Mirai sighed and shook her head. “He’s not that bad. Nothing a little combat training won't fix anyway.” Mirai said loudly, causing the same tree to wilt. “Besides the only reason that cockatrice even caught us was because we had stopped. No offense but you ponies seem to be pretty bad woodsmen... at least compared to elves anyway.”

Applejack’s face reddened but she finally relented with a sigh. “Alright, I guess ya know what yer doin.”

“Wait!” Twilight shouted suddenly. Mirai and AJ turned towards her as she trotted up with a bewildered Spike in her magical grip. “It’s still too dangerous to go alone, take him.” Mirai’s face matched Spikes as he was levitated into her hands. “If you get in trouble he can send letters with his dragon fire.”

Mirai looked down at Spike with a mischievous grin. “Oh, nobody ever told me you doubled as a mailbox.” Spike shot her a dirty look before crossing his arms with a huff.

“Well, we gotta git if we still wana beat my brother.” AJ said with a beckoning head toss towards Twilight. “Ya’ll be careful now!” She called as she trotted away down the road.

Twilight paused awkwardly for a moment before turning and running after her friend. “Have a good time!” She called back as she disappeared around a corner.

“Well...” Mirai said to the slightly fuming dragon in her hands. “Lets get my stuff and dig up <Companionable Twig> ,if we hurry we can probably make it back a little after lunch.

“Whatever, at least it’s better than chores.” Spike muttered.

Mirai walked down the road towards the edge of Ponyville with a dragon on her pack and a tree following close behind. She took a moment to breath in the fresh air and feel the sun warming the skin on her cheeks. She stretched and took a moment to appreciate the feeling of freedom that was offered by such a safe land, exactly as she had done the previous day. She normally wasn't one to marvel at the same thing day after day. But after living in Eogan could anyone really blame her for it?

She turned her head slightly to check on her companions. <Twig> was scuttling along exactly where she expected him to be and for once didn't seem too resentful for being there. She had yet to really give much thought to his sudden growth spurt but the walk gave her the time she needed to think. His sudden growth was welcome, that she was sure of. His increased stature put him nearly as tall as Assa’s familiar <Valiant Shrub> ,though the difference in experience was still immense. Mirai held no illusions of what the result of a contest would be.

That only left the question of how he had grown so quickly. Certainly she could force him to grow by feeding him very large amounts of magic over a long period of time, but was the Apple’s land so suffused with life magic that in just one afternoon he doubled in size? Whatever the case it bore investigation.

Spike, on the other hand, didn't have any grand mysteries attached to him, and was perched on top of her pack with his snout sullenly buried in the pages of some kind of colorful pamphlet.

“Hey Spike” Mirai began. “What are you reading?”

Ok maybe he did have a few mysteries.

“Power Ponies, issue #6.” Spike muttered.

Mirai raised an eyebrow. “Whats Power Ponies?”

A strange gleam entered his eyes as he handed her the pamphlet. “Only the best comic book ever!”

With a slightly skeptical glance at Spike Mirai cracked open the book to the first page.


“Are we lost?”

“We’re not lost, I know exactly where we’re going.”

“You’re lost aren't you?”

“I said we’re not lost!”

The small group came to a halt in small clearing. Around them the trees, even the ones they had just emerged from, seemed to shift into new patterns before their eyes. Even <Companionable Twig> was a little confused by this and he was a tree himself.

“Ugh, this has got to be some kind of magic!” Mirai angrily muttered as she stomped around the clearing staring holes into various clumps of trees as if daring them to move. “It wasn't this difficult the first time. The trees are changing and throwing me off.”

“Oh yeah, that makes me feel so much better.” Spike snarked as he climbed up onto a rock to sit and take a rest. “It’s not like you were too busy hogging my comic to watch where we were going or anything.”

“Hey, it’s your fault for being so distracting.” Mirai grumbled, kicking at a random stick on the forest floor. Those ‘comics’ as Spike had called them really had been a little too entertaining. She had barely even noticed the entrance to the forest in the first place, and now they had perhaps gotten a little turned around.

“I know what to do!” Mirai said, turning towards the trees. “I’ll just climb one of these and get our bearings.”

Spike rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as Mirai shimmied up the branches of a particularly tall tree. The limbs shook and leaves drifted to the ground as she knocked them loose but eventually the tree finally calmed down, Mirai apparently having reached her destination far above the point where the foliage blocked his sight of her.

A few seconds passed of nothing but the background noise from the forest.

“Mirai?” Sike shouted up at the canopy. “Do you see anything?”

Only silence.

“Uh, ok...” Spike muttered as shivers began to run up his spine. “Relax Spike, the trees did not just eat Mirai.” He climbed to his feet and peered upwards, trying to catch a glimpse of the elf through the leaves.

The sudden sound of a loud thump behind him sent his train of thought derailing into a deep ravine to explode in fiery chunks. “WAAAGH!” Spike shouted as he scrambled forward and tumbled from the rock. He hit the ground and lay there for a moment looking up at the dark forest canopy above. A mane of unkempt red hair soon loomed into his vision attached to the most smug face he had ever seen.

“I hate you.” Spike muttered under his breath. Mirai just giggled at his reaction to her little prank before reaching down to help him up. Spike groaned as he was pulled into an upright position and dusted himself off before turning to glare at the still grinning Mirai. “Please tell me you at least found the right way?”

“Of course I did.” Mirai said, stifling more giggles. “You should have seen your face by the way, it was hilarious.” At Spike’s unamused expression Mirai finally let her grin fade. “Oh come on Spike don’t be such a spoil sport.”

Spike sighed and glanced around the clearing. “I just don’t want to be stuck in the Everfree for the whole day.”

Mirai waved his concern away with a gesture and plucked him from the ground to sit on her pack again. “I said I found the way, there’s no reason to worry so much.”


Mirai froze at the noise while Spike used a claw to ease his sudden headache. “You just had to say that didn't you?”

Out of the underbrush crawled several strange magical constructs made of sticks and plant matter that quickly surrounded them. An odor of rotten meat quickly overwhelmed Mirai’s sense of smell and it was clear the things were at least clever enough to approach from downwind.

Six creatures stalked forward on four legs, snapping their fang filled mouths. “Timber Wolves.” Spike whispered, digging his claws into the fabric of Mirai’s pack so he wouldn’t be flung off in the coming fight. Mirai took a step back and then another before realizing that they were trying to push her into the ones waiting behind. She stopped and dropped her stance, waiting for them to make their move. She had fought plenty of pack hunters in Eogan and the surrounding wastes, their tactics probably weren't much different than Duille Diabhal... except without the whole flying out of random high up vegetation thing... or the venom... come to think of it Timber Wolves weren't like Duille Diabhal at all.

As the wooden monstrosities closed in a sudden yelp of pain drew Mirai’s attention. The wolf that had been approaching her from behind was wrapped in the roots of <Companionable Twig> who’s powerful grip caused the timber wolf‘s limbs to crack and groan as it was crushed. The rest of the pack quickly moved to cover the small tree they hadn’t realized was a threat but was momentarily scattered when said tree launched their mangled ex-pack mate at them. Mirai took advantage of the confusion to draw her canon from its holster and blast a second creature into flaming chunks. “Ha!” She cried in triumph. “I don’t know why Applejack and Twilight were so worried. These things are easy.”

Now the stalemate was broken the wolves surged towards the small group snapping and lunging at Mirai or <Companionable Twig> . However they quickly learned going after the treant was a foolish action. <Twig’s> grasping roots claiming another of their number, pulling it to its doom after a failed attack. The remaining three Timber Wolves attempted to flee after that but they had only just turned to run when a magic blast from Mirai’s canon mulched a second victim, leaving only two to escape the clearing.

“Well.’ Mirai said as she holstered her weapon. “We showed them.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Whatever, let's go before they bring friends.”

“Wait...” Mirai froze and looked in the direction the wolves had vanished in. “They won't actually get more of them, will they?”

“Timber Wolves are vindictive, they also reform after you smash them so we better get out of here before they jump us when we aren't watching.” Spike pointed off in the entirely wrong direction but Mirai got the point. She quickly turned in the direction of the old castle and hurried through the vegetation.

The rest of the trip to the castle of the sisters was quiet, almost eerily quiet as the random forest creatures now knew they were dangerous. On the upside <Twig> didn't seem as angry as usual so perhaps smashing the strange constructs was catharsis enough for the day.

When they made it to the castle Mirai hurried across the rope bridge while <Twig> stayed to guard it. That is to say, he couldn't fit on the bridge well enough to cross it without being carried. Finally at the entrance Mirai let Spike climb down to the ground before levering open the giant portal.

“OK!” Mirai said with a sigh of relief as the huge doors swung open. “We made it, now we gotta find my knife.”

Spike scurried inside, occasionally stopping to gawk at how different the ruin looked during the day. “Couldn't you have just gotten a new one?” Spike asked as he kicked aside a small chunk of fallen ceiling.

Mirai paused and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “No? It’s mine... besides it has sentimental value on top of being silver.” She walked around the edge of the foyer they had found themselves in and eyed the various paths to different parts of the castle. “Do you remember how to get up to the tower?”

Spike placed a claw under his chin in the classic ‘thinking pose’. “Take the stairs?” He said after a moment's pondering.

Mirai eyed him flatly. “Really? ‘take the stairs’ I would never have guessed.”

“Well you asked.” Spike crossed his arms and fumed.

Shaking her head Mirai picked the path straight across from the door. If they had been in such a hurry that night then they probably hadn’t even noticed the other paths and just barged straight in. The dust was beginning to hover around Mirai’s ankles by the time she had passed all the way through the short hallway and out into the next room. The little motes drifted up into the shafts of light from the holes in the ceiling lending a whimsical air to what she recognized as the throne room.

“Wow...” Spike whispered as he exited the short hallway into the main room. “This place looks awesome!”

Mirai shrugged and looked out one of the broken windows to spot the tower attached to another part of the castle. The tower itself was easily recognizable from its siblings by the holes punched through the walls and ceiling making the thing look more like badly abused hunk of cheese than a building. “That's where we’re headed.” She said, tracing the general path around the crumbling architecture.

Mirai turned to find Spike and tilted her head at him as he smirked down from one of the thrones on the end of the room. “Comfy?” She asked, grin breaking out on her face. “Spike, king of castle rubble pile.”

Spike puffed up his chest and did his best to put on the most snobby accent he could manage. “Could use a cushion or five peasant, be a dear and fetch some. Chop chop!”

Mirai giggled and waved him over. “Come on, before the castle is besieged by angry theater critics.”

“Hey!” Spike said as he hopped from the throne and scurried over. “I’m not that bad, I could totally be in showbiz!” The pair set off down one of the dark hallways, more dust kicking up into the air at their passage.

“Suuuure.” Mirai responded with a smile as she lifted Spike back onto her pack. “Just keep telling yourself that Spike, I believe in you.” Spike grumbled at the sarcasm but conceded after a few seconds. Being an actor was probably boring anyway. Why would he want to pretend to be a hero when he could explore dungeons like this one and be a real hero!


Well, the lethal traps were one reason he supposed.

Spike was nearly thrown from Mirai’s pack as she suddenly bent forward, throwing her body backward as far as she was able. They arrow launched from a hidden trap in the wall barely ruffling the fabric on her belly before impaling a suit of pony sized decorative armor on the other side of the hallway. The suit remained motionless for a moment before some hidden mechanism tripped and swung the blade in its hooves out at them. At the last second Mirai lept forward into a roll that again nearly threw him from his perch. She landed in a crouch that would be impossible for a pony and even looked fairly uncomfortable for him but at least they were both still unharmed.

Both of them were left panting in either fear or exertion as they stared back at the paired traps that had nearly killed them. “Okay, the traps are noted.” Mirai said as she stood back up to her full height. “I’m surprised things like arrow traps are still working after, what was it, a thousand years of abandonment?”

Spike nodded numbly, keeping his eyes locked on the impaled suit of armor.

“Well let’s go, we’ll just have to be a lot more careful if we don’t want to trip anything else.” Mirai shrugged and continued down the hallway, this time at a much slower pace.

After a few more seconds of confronting the concept of his own mortality Spike shook his head and glanced warily at the walls around them. “How do you brush that off so casually?” Spike asked as his claws dug deeply into the material of the pack he was riding on. “We nearly died!”

Mirai waved off his concern with a hand gesture as she flipped the corner of a rug to reveal a shallow pit filled with a badly rusted bed of nails. “I’ve run into this kind of stuff before. These kinds of traps are classic, pretty easy to avoid if you know what to look for. For example,” She waved down at the rug. “Never trust rugs, if they aren't hiding a trap then they could be hiding a trigger or alarm, best to just avoid them if you're anywhere you're not supposed to be.” Spike swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded.

They carefully picked their way through the rest of the ruin with only the occasional surprise. A huge bladed pendulum, a hammer swinging down from the ceiling and even a few magical traps that Mirai had to demolish by carving some odd shapes into some rocks before throwing them at the trap spells. The rocks would seemingly land harmlessly in the middle of the enchantments before exploding violently and ruining whatever magic had been laid there.

At some points along their route, the darkness grew so deep that Spike had to use a small stream of flame to light the way. The walls were devoid of any torches they might have used until right before their destination where one lone torch hung in a bracket as if taunting them.

“Well, at least we’ll have one going back.” Mirai muttered irritably as they passed the lone torch and stepped out into the familiar room where the battle against Nightmare Moon had taken place.

“Do we have to?” Spike said nervously. “I’m pretty sure there’s a pile of rubble we can get down from around the edge somewhere.”

Mirai shook her head as she glanced around the room, searching for any glint of silver that would give away the location of her knife. “I would rather not.” Mirai said evenly. “Most of those traps weren't any big deal and I want to look for anything else useful while we’re already here.”

Spike huffed in discontent but didn't reply as they began looking around. Soon enough there was a loud “AH HA!” from Mirai. The knife had been carelessly set on the edge of a windowsill and it was quickly snatched up and sheathed in its proper spot on Mirai’s belt.

“Mission complete!” Mirai said with a hop and a twirl that left Spike feeling a little disoriented. “Now-” She said, grin still bright as ever. “-we can give this place a proper once over and see if there’s any good treasure to find!”

Spike perked up at the idea of treasure as Mirai returned to the lonely torch they passed on their way in. The image of himself sitting on a small heap of gold and jewels swam into his head. Now that would make the whole day worth it.

Mirai grabbed the torch and gave it a tug, only to find it stuck. She frowned at the stubborn thing and pulled a little harder only for the torch to suddenly pitch forward. Mirai thought she had broken the mount before the stone floor of the hallway dropped out from underneath her. The sensation of falling had Spike’s claws punching holes in the bag he was perched on as they both screamed.


A desperate grab at the air was rewarded with the solid handle of the torch stopping their fall. Mirai hung over a yawning pit for while they both gasped for air. “Spike, can you see anything?” Mirai asked when they had finally caught their breath.

Spike slowly turned himself around and tried to peer into the dark hole but the pit was too dark and the surrounding light from the room made the contrast too extreme. “It’s just black.” He said as shivers of fear wracked his body.

“Okay,” Mirai muttered as she dangled over the pitfall. “I’m going to have to throw you across ok?” Spike nodded, forgetting for a moment that Mirai couldn't see him, perched behind her head like he was. “Okay,” Mirai said more to herself than to him. With a grunt of effort one of her arms let go of the torch and grabbed him by the tail. Spike took one last glance down at the abyss below him before he was suddenly swung out over the pit and launched up and over to the edge.

Spike hit the stone beyond the edge with a thud and quickly got up and scrambled back over, one claw bracing himself against the wall. “I made it!”

Mirai nodded and pulled her other hand back onto the hanging torch. “I’m going to try and swing across.” Spike returned her nod and backed away from the edge, she would need plenty of room if she was going to make it. Mirai contemplated trying to throw her pack across first but it was a lot heavier than Spike and contained all of her research and findings, if she lost it she would be back to square one. Shaking her head Mirai decided against such a foolish attempt and instead started rocking her legs back and forth. She slowly picked up speed but she would need quite a bit to completely clear the edge so she pushed herself faster. The disguised lever started to creak and slowly start to work itself out of its mount causing Mirai’s heart to drop into her stomach every time she felt it give. “I don’t understand this stupid trap.” Mirai muttered angrily as she continued to swing. “It couldn't have been defensive, anyone triggering it just gets caught in it themselves!” The lever worked itself loose more and more until she was finally ready to let fly with her jump. She took a deep breath and readied herself. The handle of the torch carried her through the bottom of her swing but gave way just as she drew even with the edge. She flew feet first into the wall with a loud thud and tumbled backwards, back into the abyss.

Spike watched in horror as one of his newest group of friends screamed as she fell until hitting what sounded like water. “Mirai!” Spike shouted as he carefully crawled close enough to the edge to peer down and try to spot her. He couldn’t see a thing but very faint reflections off the surface of the water far below. “Don’t panic I’ll get help!” Spike stood and took a step toward the rubble pile he climbed down before when a sudden urge overtook him. One fiery belch later he was left holding a letter for Twilight and a pair of golden Grand Galloping Gala tickets.

“Uh, guess this works.”

Celestia was enjoying lunch alone in her office when a scroll coalesced out of a wisp of smoke and dropped into her salad. She rolled her eyes and lifted it out of her food with an irritated sigh. Her eyes glanced around the room, checking for any overbearing servants who would insist on replacing her meal. When none were found she snatched up another dressing covered leaf and devoured it. “A little dirt never hurt anyone,” she muttered through her mouthful of lunch.

With her food in no danger of being snatched away she unrolled the scroll, only to find the same letter she had sent Twilight only minutes ago, sans Gala tickets. “That's strange, did she already figure out my little test?” Contemplating the oddity she idly flipped the letter over to see if perhaps Twilight had written on the back, only to be met with a hastily scrawled note in what looked like charcoal.

‘Everfree castle send help.’

A spike of fear shot through her as she suddenly stood, sending her seat tumbling.


The Royal Canterlot Voice shook windows and rattled foundations, sending the castle staff stumbling all except for the captain of the guard who appeared in a flash of magic. The stallion barely had time to salute before a scroll of orders was thrust into his hooves. “Twilight has gotten herself into trouble in the Everfree ruins Captain.” Celestia said, stepping around her desk.

Shining Armor could feel his bones chill at the thought of his baby sister in trouble and with an extra measure of haste unrolled the scroll and checked over the orders within. After a long moment of silence he put the scroll away and saluted once more. “Understood Princess, we will depart immediately.”

Mirai broke the surface of the water flailing her arms and gasping for air. “Why do they even have that lever?!” She muttered angrily between bouts of coughing. When her lungs were finally convinced she no longer was in any danger of drowning she took a moment to look around. The space around her was almost pitch black, the only evidence of light being faint reflections off the moss covered stones. Above her the pitfall where she had fallen had been replaced by a low flagstone ceiling.

“Ok, that's not good.”

She could feel a gentle current pulling her along what seemed to be an underground river, though not a natural one if the stone tunnel was any indicator. That at least meant that there was probably a way out somewhere, living designers were often merciful where nature was not. With a few kicks she guided herself to one of the walls and felt the stone with her hands. The moss covering them was slippery but not so much as to prevent her using the gaps to crawl along. Now the most pressing question was whether to try to climb back up stream or to follow the current? She turned her head upstream but her eyes couldn't pierce the inky black veil that seemed to swallow the tunnel. Downstream on the other hand seemed to lighten as it went until a pale light illuminated a clearly defined section of the wall. The decision was fairly easy, even if the light was not a way out then perhaps it was a light source she could salvage to light her journey back up the tunnel.

Her mind made up Mirai let go of the wall and swam towards the light. It took a few minutes before she made it but when she finally did she was greeted with a small artificial lagoon. It was a near circular section carved out of the bedrock with a flat platform that ran around the rim just above the water level and a glowing crystal set into the ceiling above a set of stairs. It even had what once had been a boat, now rotted and half-sunk, the only thing keeping it above the water being the ropes that once moored it to the platform. With a sigh of relief Mirai swam to the platform and levered herself out of the water. She shivered slightly as the cool air of the artificial cavern met her wet skin. A quick glance down at herself to check for any abnormalities left her feeling glad nobody else was around. The silk tunic and pants Rarity had provided clung closely to her skin and left little to the imagination. She took a little time to unpack her bag out on the ground to drain while her cannon did the same propped up against the wall. Her boots and clothes were also set aside to dry, leaving Mirai to check the rest of the room with her knife and small clothes.

She crept towards the stone stairs, peering cautiously up only to find a wooden door at the top blocking her sight. She took a few steps up before pausing and looking up at the crystal embedded in the ceiling. For a pony it was probably too high but for Mirai it was well within reach. With a bit of prying from her knife the glowing stone fell into her waiting hand. “Nice!” Mirai whispered excitedly. With Spike nowhere to be found and once again lacking a torch, the little glowing crystal would help a great deal in finding her way out.

With the stone casting a small pool of light forward Mirai made her way up the stairs pausing only to lever the wooden door out of the way. On the other side she found a short hallway and quickly picked a direction. She followed the left path for a short distance only to find a dead end with a thousand year old latrine. She had to stop to offer thanks to her gods that the ‘material’ within was far too old to still be fragrant.

The other direction was much more promising as the hallway opened up into a room filled with shelves and desks. The light from the crystal swept over the walls revealing a few knick knacks here and there as well as some rotting books in shelves or on the tables but no further doorways or halls.

“Is there really no way out of here?” Mirai asked herself, checking one more time for another path without any luck. “Back up the tunnel it is then,” she grumbled. “Dried my clothes for nothing.” She turned back towards the hallway but before she could leave one of the reading desks caught her attention. Most of the shelves and tables in the room were covered in a thick layer of mold fed by the paper or wood and damp air but this one was almost pristine. Curious, Mirai approached the desk and examined it. The mold ate away at the bottom third of the table but the surface and the lone parchment sitting on it were both clean and showed little evidence of their age.

Mirai waved her hand towards the paper expecting a trap or something to lash out at her. The air current from her hand blew some of the thick dust on the table into the air but other then that there was no change in the state of the desk. “Strange.” Feeling emboldened she reached out and grasped corner of the the parchment. When no trap was sprung she lifted the paper from the desk and wiped off the dust to make it legible.

The parchment consisted of a large graph of old mathematical symbols dominating the top of the page with equations place alongside a graphed line. Below that was a short paragraph that ended with an ornate signature. “Usura lapidi cancellos principium est... cum magna accurate sociantem in ordine ad aliud mare magicis. Hoc permittit lectio of destination... per cancellos peruersio lapidi. Aequationes supra in hoc tempore et spatio usura magica posse inflexionis. Si praeterea requiritur con... contactus mihi liquido applicata investigationis centrum imperio magicae. -Starswirl.” Mirai read aloud to herself as she struggled to translate what she recognized as the language of the old pony empire. She could get some of the words right away, the language had more than a few words that resembled their modern counterparts but many others eluded her completely. The strangest thing was that the words also reminded her of the language the humans who traded in her village used...

“Using the principle of the lattice in a stone, in the order of its deliberations, accurate to something else, the sea, with a great magic. This allows selection of the destination through the lattice warping stone. Magic possibility of inflection, using the equations given above, at this time and space. In addition, if the liquid applied to the research center of their command of magic is required to contact me. -Starswirl.” Mirai scratched her head in confusion, This paper sounded like it could be about very advanced magic but with her limited understanding of ancient pony it could also be the recipe for the perfect fruit smoothie... She would have to ask someo- no... somepony and she knew just the mare.

Author's Note:

This chapter took me ages, sorry about that guys.
I've been thinking about commissioning a few illustrations for this but I'm not sure which moments you guys would like to see put to pixels. So let me know if you have a favorite moment and I'll see if I can get it made.

Also still need editors, my existing ones have mostly wandered off. Send me a PM if you'd like to help out.

Comments ( 10 )

Also still need editors, my existing ones have mostly wandered off. Send me a PM if you'd like to help out.

S'not my fault moving takes so much time. If my proofreading even really counts.

7757961 Your my last one actually. Sorry if I made you feel excluded.

7757980 You're cool. I was being facetious.

I didn't know this chapter needed to be edited. Sorry about that.

Lesson of the day kiddos. Allways loot old castles. Allways!


Well... I mean... She is sort of a DnD-esq character...
It's kinda in her bones at this point.

I think a character in every setting that is just barley like an RPG will loot everything that is not nailed down in a 200 meter radius around them given the chance and sometimes, even the nailed down stuff, nails and everything. I know my halfling in our last Warhammer Fantasy P&P did.^^

It even became the motto/warcry of our P&P group: Blood and loot.:pinkiecrazy:


Don't know if you noticed but she did actually loot some nails in an earlier chapter... I think she's actually still got them.

And that motto is hilarious. Sort of like skulls for the skull throne but for the modern adventurer.

What happened to this story? Would love to see more :twilightsmile:

Is this still going? owo

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