• Published 18th Aug 2016
  • 1,547 Views, 87 Comments

Shimmy Shorts - Ausbrony

A series of one-shot chapters within the Shimmerverse. the content and genre will vary.

  • ...

Fire and Flames redux

Flare slowly opened one eye, staring at the sleepy village approaching from the train window. Ever since their return from the Grand Ise Temple, the train Daring and he took needed to be rerouted. A rockslide had damaged the track so the needed to take the long way around. Normally not a problem for the pegasus explorer, but Flare lacked the appendages to keep up.

So slow train it was.

But it also worked out into the unicorn’s favour. His little sister was living in Ponyville and the train was destined to stop here overnight. His mother would kick his ass if he didn’t visit her, so off to see the little mare it was. And Daring’s sister lived here to, so it would be a fun little family reunion.

Plus Daring had kept bugging him over who she was, but Flare was keeping quiet. Daring was quite cute when there was something she wanted to know and Flare had found that his favourite thing about the pegasus was her various facial expressions.

“No mean no,” he said with a nod after he’d fully woken up. “You’ll just have to wait and see. But fair warning, she’s very timid, so don’t be…” he waved a hoof in her general direction.

“Timid?” Daring quirked an eyebrow. “Your sister? Upper’s daughter? Now this I’ve got to see.”

Ah crapbaskets. Daring was going to give poor Coco a heart attack…

The train let out a sharp whistle to signal that they were arriving at the station. Flare groaned and stretched his limbs, still sore from the fight against Bolek. Part of him really hoped that was the last they’d see of him.

Well, the unicorn did vaporise a good portion of the forest. So who knows…

“Oh, will you need your ‘Yearling’ disguise?” Flare asked as he helped the mare to her hooves.

Daring nodded, “I’ll put it on before we exit.” She trotted over to her bags and
started to pull out her disguise and put it on.

“You’re like a comic book superhero,” the stallion snorted. “Ah well. You look sexy with glasses by the way.”

Daring glared at him, “I do not. These things are tacky.”

“Mmmrrr, well I beg to differ,” he chuckled and nibbled her ear. “I think you look smart, and sexy, and oh so delicious~” Each word punctuated by another kiss or nibble along her neck and shoulder.

Daring giggled, “Stop it. We’re at our stop. It’s like you never want to leave this train.” She fluttered her eyelashes.

“I have a certain fondness for trains now,” the stallion mused as he released his hug and sighed. “But alas, you are right. Let’s get going then. We have a pair of sisters to find and harass for the day.”

Daring nuzzled him, “You’re very much right on both accounts. Besides, I’m sure you’ve had enough of lil’ ol’ me.”

“I will never be tired of you,” he replied back and pressed his lips to hers, stealing her breath away with a loving kiss before breaking it and trotting from the train.

Daring smacked her lips, “Nor I you.” She trotted after him.

Ponyville seemed about as lively as Flare imagined it to be. Lots of old-timey cottages with a spattering of more modern architecture… except for a few places. A giant gingerbread house. A place built inside a tree… a giant metal box.

“Did Discord himself design this place?” Flare asked aloud. “I know Twilight came here about a week back with Inquisitor Trixie. I wonder if she had a hoof in this?”

“Nah,” Daring shook his head. “Ponyville’s always been like this. At least, that’s what my sister said in her letters.”

“Ponyville is weird,” the stallion muttered. A shout got his attention as he saw an Earth Pony mare walking towards him, dressed in the garb of one of Princess Celestia’s priestesses.

“YOU!” she pointed her staff at him. “So you finally came back? Good! I can smite you at long last!”

“Whoa,” Daring got in between them. “There will be no smiting today.”

“Get out of the way,” Bon Bon said and thumped her staff against the ground. “He has committed treason against the Princess, showing off heretical powers that should only be wielded by the divine might of Celestia herself! I will see to it that—”

“Um, who are you?” Flare interjected, derailing her train of ranting. “I’ve never been here before. And those are some pretty serious accusations Miss.”

“Priestess Bon Bon!” she snorted. “And you, you did something to the sun!”

“I’m a Fireblood Mage,” Flare retorted. “And I can’t control the sun. That’s stupid. Only Princess Celestia can do that.”

“Well in this day and age, yes.” Daring nodded. “She’s got top priority when it comes to sun gods, which is why nopony would be stupid enough to pry it from her hooves. This sounds like utter nonsense, priestess.”

“And who in the hay are you?” She snorted, aiming her staff at Daring. “Do you dare defend this heretic!?”

“I’m A. K. Yearling,” Daring narrowed her eyes. “Esteemed writer. Just last year, I signed Princess Celestia’s own copy of my latest book. If you want to check, ask her.”

“A-A-A…” Bon Bon’s mouth moved, but only stuttering seemed to be coming out.

“And I am Flare Blitz, Lieutenant of Princess Celestia’s Battlemage Corps. Second Hoof to Captain Shining Armor himself.” He leaned closer to Bon Bon and narrowed his eyes. “I think you have mistaken me for somepony else Miss Priestess.”

“Year- A...K… Yearling…” Bon Bon still fixated on that and Flare shook his head.

“Five minutes and we broke a Priestess. That has got to be some kind of record.”

Daring sighed, “Oh this won’t end well.”

At the very moment she uttered those words, Daring was tackled by somepony. The two ponies rolled on the ground until she found herself on the ground. “What did you do to Bon Bon?” The green unicorn mare asked.

“I didn’t—”

The green pony slapped her, “What did you do to her?”

“I didn’t—”

Slap. “What did you do?”

“Stop slap—”


“If you would—”


“For Celestia’s—”


“Okay, slap me.”


“Okay th—”



Flare watched the show, not quite knowing how to react at first.

“Hey,” he suddenly spoke up. “She prefers to be spanked on the flank…”

“Don’t give her ideas!” Daring shouted.

The green mare jumped to her hooves and took a bipedal posture. Around her hooves glowed two golden hands that balled into fists, “Okay bub, you have ten seconds before I pummel you into the ground. What did you do to Bon Bon?”

She then found herself encased in a crimson sphere, Flare’s horn shining brightly. “Okay Miss, please stop beating up my marefriend. Your Priestess—” he used that term lightly “—accused me of horseapples and then locked up when Miss Yearling here mentioned her name.”

Lyra gasped and turned around, “Yearling?” She smashed her fist into the bubble and jumped out. She then threw Daring up into the air and caught her in a big hug. She squeed and jumped around. “It’s Yearling! It’s Yearling! It’s Yearling!” She howled in delight. “....Oh, I smashed through a shield bubble… Neat.” She shrugged, surprised she did it. She just wasn’t thinking at that moment.

Flare just stood there as this mare smashed one of his strongest containment shield like it was glass. What the hay?

Daring finally managed to get Lyra to stop and trotted over to him, “Now he’s broken. Great, how many more ponies are going to break today?”

Lyra held up a fist, “Do you want me to help with that?” Daring gave her a deadpan stare. “...Is that a yes?”

“I-I’m fine… just apply Twilight-logic to her,” Flare shook his head and held out a hoof. “My name is Flare Blitz. It’s… interesting to meet you Miss?”

Lyra took it into her magical enhanced fist, “Lyra Heartstrings, Inquisitor Acolyte. Nice to meet you too.”

“Interesting spell,” Flare noted. “Hardlight construction? Or some kind of visible telekinesis?”

“I think it’s a hardlight one,” Lyra used a finger to scratch her head. “I honestly forgot most of the nonsense they taught us about the spell names. I just do it.”

“Instinctual Magic, mine’s the same,” Flare said as he held up a hoof, a blazing flame the shape of a dragon’s claw surrounding it.

“Oooh,” Lyra stared at it in awe. “You could cause some nasty gouges with that. Sweet. Though you’ll just burn the wound closed. I like to see the blood and stuff fly, you know.”

“Ah…” Flare powered down his magic. She was an… interesting mare. “Well, sorry about the Priestess. Oh, do you know where a Miss Coco Pommel lives?”

“In the boutique,” Lyra gestured down the road. “You honestly can’t miss it.” She powered down her fists and went back to walking on all fours. Then she trotted over and put Bon Bon over her shoulder. “See you soon.”

Flare did the same with Daring, placing the shaken up and bear-hugged pegasus over his back. “You too Miss Lyra. Good luck with your marefriend there.”

“She’s not my marefriend!” Lyra called back as she left.

“Uhuh,” Flare mused as he turned and headed in the direction that Lyra had pointed. “You okay there Dare? No broken bones?”

“A little sore, but I’ll be fine.” Daring snorted.

“Want me to kiss you better?” Flare asked her with a small smile.

Daring pouted, “A little.”

Flare smiled and turned his head to kiss her cheek. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting a crazy unicorn to jump at you like that. Mind you, I wasn’t expecting the Celestial Inquisition either…”

“Nopony ever expects them,” Daring grumbled.

Flare chuckled in amusement as they approached yet another unique looking building. “You know, I never understood carousels,” Flare said as they approached the door. “They always creeped me out for some reason…” he raised a hoof and knocked on the door.

A little grundle opened the door, “Yes? You knock?”

“Huh, not something you see every day,” Flare mused as he leaned down to the grundle’s height. “Hello there. Is a Miss Coco Pommel here by chance?”

The grundle nodded, “Coco pony here. Grundle show, yes.” He opened the door for them.

“Why thank you,” Flare nodded his head as he adjusted Daring, still riding on his back, and stepped inside. “That… that is a lot of dresses. Coco must be in heaven here…”

Daring smiled, “I take it she’s a dressmaker.”

“Yeah, she’s always loved doing that,” the unicorn nodded as he looked around. “She’s always be repairing my meager wardrobe, or even stitching up Mom’s uniforms. She’s as good as any professional seamstress, better in my opinion, but that’s likely a biased one.”

Just then, four heavily armored Diamond Dogs walked out from inside the shop. “You’z lookin’ fer Coco?” One of them asked in broken equish.

“Diamond Dogs!?” Flare’s horn lit up on instinct.

“Tralala~” A beautiful, sing song voice chimed as a white, purple maned unicorn trotted out from upstairs. “Oh customers~ Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique and magnifique. How may I help you? Oh and do be a dear and put out that horn. I don’t want my dresses to be damaged.”

“You ah… you have four heavily armed and armoured Diamond Dogs in your store ma’am,” Flare pointed out. “Is… there a problem here. I am with the Royal Guard…”

“Oh them?” Rarity chuckled. “Oh they won’t harm you unless you do something I don’t approve of. You see, I am their Alpha. I’ve been the local Alpha of the Ponyville Diamond Dog pack for years now.”

Daring Do’s eyes widened, “Well… that’s certainly something new.”

“I’m beginning to think that’s the running theme for this town.” Flare deadpanned. “Look, Miss Rarity was it? I’m just trying to find Coco. I’ve been attacked by a Priestess, accosted by a crazy green unicorn and now I’m in a dress shop filled with Diamond Dogs and a grundle…” Flare’s sanity could only take so much…

“She’s upstairs,” Rarity looked back from where she came from. “Oh Coco~ There is a handsome stallion down here that’s looking for you. Do be a dear and put on that lovely scarf I made for you. It really does bring out your eyes.”

“Y-Yes Miss Rarity,” he heard her reply. A few moments later, the petite earth pony emerged from the stairwell, looking around until she laid eyes on the unicorn and her eyes slowly widened.

“Heya Coco-bean,” he waved as he set Daring down next to him.

“Well you weren’t kidding about her,” Daring gave her a look over. “She is really cute.”

Coco continued to stare at him, before running across the room and tackling him. Note, as tiny as Coco was, she was still an earth pony… and packed quite a bit of power if she wasn’t careful. Flare winced as he was knocked off of his hooves, but smiled as he hugged her back.

“Good to see you too… little sis,” he said softly, trying not to show how winded he was from that.

Rarity blinked in surprise before gasping, “Coco? Dearie, that’s your older brother?”

The mare sat up, helping Flare to his hooves. “Oh, yes… I, never told you did I?” She blushed as she brushed her bangs from her eyes. “Miss Rarity, this is Flare Blitz. My big brother and a Lieutenant in the Royal Guard.”

Rarity smiled as she daintily held out a hoof to him, “I’m charmed to meet the esteemed brother of Coco. She spoke highly of you.”

“She did?” Flare replied as he took Rarity’s offered hoof and placed a polite kiss upon it, making the unicorn mare blush and Coco pout a little. Flare smiled and then reached out, ruffling Coco’s mane. “Aww, I love you too kiddo.”

“Mmm, m’not a kid anymore,” Coco pouted and then her eyes fell on Daring. “Flare, who’s this?”

“A. K. Yearling,” Daring bowed her head. “Glad to meet you.”

“A. K. Yearling?” Coco repeated. “Why does that sound so familiar…?”

“Daring Do author,” Flare said and the small mare gasped.

“O-Ohmigosh! T-The author of Daring Do!?” Then another thought occured. “Oh no, if Sunset finds out you’re here…”

“Oh we won’t be staying for long,” Daring waved off her concerns. “We just wanted to meet our sisters is all.”

“Mhm,” Flare nodded. “Oh, I should also mention she’s one of my marefriends…”

“One of…” Coco frowned and stepped up to her brother. “Flaaaare. What aren’t you telling me?”

“What?” the stallion defended himself. “So I… I might have sorta, kinda… gotten two marefriends?”

Coco stared flatly at him.

Rarity giggled, “It would seem your brother is quite the charmer~”

“He’s always been like this,” Coco sighed and shook her head. “How did you get two marefriends?”

“Well I started with one,” Flare replied and nudged Daring. “Then this one came into our life… well, apparently she’s the lover of my other marefriend and they neglected to tell me. It’s complicated and I don’t fully understand it myself…”

Daring nudged him back, “Let’s just say, we got a bit of a taste that we can’t get enough of.” She chuckled.

Coco flushed a bright red and shook her head. “Eww, I do not need to hear that about my own brother…”

“Let us not devolve into crass language,” Rarity spoke up. “Anyways, was there anything I could help you with? Or shall Coco be taking an early leave to spend time with her brother?”

“Well if she’s working, I don’t want to be a bother,” Flare replied. “We’ll be staying overnight, before catching the next train to Canterlot tomorrow morning.”

“I do have a little bit of work to do,” Coco said as she looked at the pile of clothing that needed some repairs. “Would you like to have dinner later?”

“That sounds great,” Flare nodded and nuzzled her. “We have a lot to talk about, Miss Element of Kindness.”

“I’m sure you do,” Rarity gave Daring a look over. “You really need to do something about your wardrobe. It is simply far too drab for someone of your caliber.”

“But… I’m not wearing anything,” Flare commented, aside from a few bandages on some of his wounds from yesterday.

“Not you,” Rarity snooted. “You.” She took hold of Daring in her magical grasp and floated her along. “Come along, Darling. We have work to do.”

“I protest,” Daring squirmed in the air.

“So does your wardrobe,” Rarity quipped and like that they were gone. That is until all the sounds that came out. ‘Oomphs’ ‘aaahs’ ‘Too tight’. The Diamond Dogs didn’t really flinch with all that going on.

“What is it with unicorns marehandling my marefriend today?” Flare sighed and shook his head. “That’s Velvet’s job…”

“I-I’ll uh, go make sure Rarity doesn’t go… overboard,” Coco blushed and bolted from the room.

And that left the stallion alone, staring at the Diamond Dogs awkwardly. They sized each other up, before offering a small nod of understanding. Both pony and knew of the suffering of living with odd mares.

A few minutes later, Rarity emerged looking rather proud of herself. “It is done.”

Many thoughts ran through Flare Blitz’s mind. What if she’d discovered Daring’s true identity? “W-What’s done?” he finally spoke up.

Daring stepped out of the back. She was still wearing her glasses and hat, but now she had a sparkling brown dress that complimented her figure and wings. “Ugh, I don’t think this was necessary.”

“Your wardrobe would have slain someone with its unfabulousness.” Rarity scoffed.

Flare just stared with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.

“Holy Celestia…” he gasped. “You… You look beautiful Dare…”

Daring blushed a little, “Thank you.”

Rarity grinned in victory, “Another good deed done by moi. Don’t fret, it’s free of charge.”

“Wait, you sure?” Flare blinked and tried… and failed to take his eyes off of the pegasus. “Surely I owe you something—”

Rarity put a hoof over his mouth, “Don’t say another word. Enjoy it and have a nice day.”

She smelled like marshmallows~

“Well, if that’s your wish,” Flare nodded and smiled. “Thank you for your wonderful gift Miss Rarity. I’m glad Coco is learning some somepony of your skill and character.”

Rarity giggled, “Oh I can see why you have two charming ladies at your hooves, Sir Flare.”

“Rarity…” Coco said in a flat tone. “Stop flirting with my brother.”

“Oh darling,” Rarity patted Coco’s head. “Tis just a bit of fun.”

“Like Thunderlane?” the little pony quipped.

Rarity blushed, “Well… that’s different.”

“Well, we should be on our way,” Flare said and rubbed Coco’s head again. “You take care, and I’ll see you later, okay lil bean?”

“Not in front of Miss Rarity…” Coco pouted as she swiped at his hoof. “I’ll arrange dinner later. You go and meet Miss Yearling’s sister okay?”

“Got it,” Flare nodded and looked at Rarity. “Thank you again for the dress.”

“No problem,” Rarity smiled. “Just have fun with your marefriend and be a dear and tell anypony who asks that her dress came from this shop.”

“I will indeed,” Flare nodded and held the door open. “Well Mrs. Yearling, shall we?”

Daring walked out and gave him a peck on the cheek, “Thank you and we shall.”

Flare bid farewell to the mares and armoured canines, before leaving the Boutique behind.

“So, what’s your sis like?” Flare said as they headed to where Daring’s sister lives.

“Oh she’s a bit of a klutz, but she’s got a big heart.” Daring smiled. “You’ll love her.”

“Neat,” the stallion nodded as they approached a modest-looking cottage…

“Her eldest is a bit of a grump, if my sister is to be believed.” Daring spoke up. “I haven’t seen Dinky in a while, but she is a sweetheart like her mother.”

“So she has foals then?” Flare asked as they walked up the path. “She married?”

Daring shook her head, “No, her husband died.”

“Ah, sorry to hear that,” Flare said. Right, so now he knew a topic not to talk about. Deciding to lighten the mood, he spoke up just as Daring raised a hoof to knock. “You know… given my current track record for attractive single mothers…”

Daring turned her head to glare at him, “You wouldn’t dare.”

“I already have a Dare,” he smirked back.

Daring fave-hooved, “Why do I love you again?”

“Because I’m handsome, talented and warm to hug?”

“True,” Daring nodded. The door then opened… and a small, blonde unicorn filly poked her head out.

“Hello,” the little filly said. “Are you here to see mommy or was big sister being a meanie to someone?”

Flare stared down at the little ball of adorable and cuteness… before slowly turning to Daring. “Dare… I want one.”

Daring’s face scrunched up and her body fluffed up as she turned red, “Ummmm…. We’ll see if we have luck.”

Flare took a mental photograph of that expression. Yet another cute Darling Do Moment.

“Hi sweetie,” he smiled at the filly. “We’re here to see your Mom apparently. This mare here is her sister…”

Dinky’s eyes widened and she tackled Daring’s leg, “Auntie Do!”

Daring smiled and hugged her back, “How’s my cute little niece doing?”

Dinky giggled, “I’m doing good, Auntie. School’s not that hard.”

“So,” Flare held up a hoof. “They know you’re really… Well, you know...”

“I don’t keep secrets from my family,” Daring stated.

“Fair enough,” Flare nodded, then smiled. So, did that mean she considered him family too? “She’s adorable though. What’s your name kiddo?”

“Dinky Doo,” the filly smiled up at him. “What’s yours?”

“I’m Flare Blitz!” he stood tall and proud. “A Royal Guard!”

“Ooooh,” the little filly smiled up at him widely. “That’s so cool.”

“I know, it’s pretty awesome,” Flare nodded, rubbing his chest with a hoof. “So kiddo, your Mom home at all?”

The door opened up wider as a wall eyed gray mare with a blonde mane looked at them, “What are you… Daring?” Her eyes widened. One couldn’t be sure where exactly she was looking at though.

Daring smiled, “It’s been a while.”

Flare stared at her eyes for just a moment. But…

‘She’s really cute…’

‘Dude… you already have two hot mares. Daring will kill you. Followed by Velvet… then Daring will hunt for an ancient artifact to revive you and kill you again.’

‘...point taken. But she’s still cute.’


“Hello Ma’am,” Flare bowed his head. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“And you are?” Ditzy Doo raised an eyebrow.

“Flare Blitz,” he replied. “I’m one of Daring’s special someponies.”


Daring sighed, “It’s a long story. We’ll talk about it inside.” Ditzy nodded and let the two of them enter.

Inside of the house, Flare noticed the homely decor. It reminded him a lot of Velvet’s home actually. A large fireplace, a comfy couch and some armchairs. A lot of photos of her kids…

And the whole place smelled of muffins for some reason. Was she a baker?

“It’s so good to see you, sis.” Ditzy gave her a warm smile, gesturing to the couch as she took a seat in an armchair. She nuzzled her daughter and whispered into her ear. Her daughter nodded and trotted out of the room. “And you too, Flare.”

“Thank you ma’am,” Flare nodded as he took a seat on the couch, still remaining quite formal-looking. “You have a wonderful home.”

Ditzy smiled, “Thank you. It’s a bit tough keeping it up all by myself, but I manage. It’s worth it.”

“So I see,” the stallion replied. “So… I imagine you have a few questions?”

“Of course,” Ditzy nodded. “So how long have you two been seeing each other?”

“About… a week I’d say?” Flare tilted his head slightly. “Honestly, ever since I started dating Velvet and Daring, my life has become… complex.”

Ditzy laughed, “Oh I can imagine. She’s a strange mare.”

“Hey,” Daring piped up. “You’re one to talk.” Both sisters giggled.

“I do love her though,” Flare piped up, wanting to make that perfectly clear. “I was… undecided when Velvet suggested that we date Daring as well. But now? I don’t regret that decision for a second. Daring is a wonderful mare. She’s kind, adventurous, brave and loyal. She’s utterly adorable, especially when she think’s I’m not looking. And she’s also very sexy~” he leaned over and nuzzled her. “I’m so very glad she came into my life~”

Daring nuzzled him back, “And I couldn’t be happier either.”

Ditzy offered them a proud smile, “Well that’s good to hear. You treat her right, Flare Blitz. That’s my sister that you’re nuzzling.”

“Always,” Flare agreed and kissed Daring’s cheek.

“Now that that’s out of the way,” Ditzy spoke. “Do you want some muffins? I just made some. They’re chocolate chip.”

Flare’s mouth started to water when he realised that he hadn’t eaten since yesterday. “Ohh, yes please. I’m starving!”

Ditzy stood up, “Then we’ll get them now. Come on.” With that she trotted towards the kitchen.

Daring bumped him, glaring at the back of his head. “No peeking.” She mumbled.

“At what?” Flare said, rubbing the back of his head.

“Good,” Daring snorted and went after Ditzy. Flare sat on the couch and stared at the wall. Hopefully this visit wouldn’t turn out awkward.

“Hey,” a teenage, purple unicorn mare walked into the room. “Who the hay are you and what are you doing in our house?”

“Hm?” Flare lifted his head up. “Ah, hello there. My name is Flare Blitz and—”

“What are you doing in our house?” The mare cut him off, her horn glowing.

“Well if you give me a second to expl—”

“I honestly don’t take kindly to stallions just waltzing into my mother’s house,” the mare growled. “What do you think you’ll do? Get under my mother’s tail? As if. Now could you kindly leave.”

“Oh for the love of the Sun…” Flare muttered and trapped the mare in a muted bubble shield. Sound could enter, but not exit. “Now, if you’re quite done hurling accusations… something mares of this town seem to have in common. I am here as a guest of your mother’s…”

He watched her shout something, but all he heard was silence.

“If you must know, I am here with your Aunt Daring. As her special somepony. Not your mother's. Now, if you promise to calm down I’ll let you out…” he paused for a second as he dropped the muting on the shield. “And forget the fact you just threatened a Royal Guard…”

The mare grumbled, “Why can’t it ever be a guard after my own tail?” She grouched. “Well if that’s the case, I guess you’re good.”

“I… wat?” Flare heard that first part as he’d lowered the barrier. “I… uh…”

The mare blushed, “You didn’t hear that!”

“I’ll uh… pretend I didn’t?” he replied, taking a step back.

Daring and Ditzy walked out from the kitchen, “Oh?” Ditzy spoke. “Well it’s good to see you two meeting each other.” She put a tray of muffins down between everyone.

“Yeah, let’s go with that,” Flare nodded and put some distance between him and the young— and rather attractive— young mare. “So, is this your other daughter?” He asked Ditzy. “The ‘big sister’ that little Dinky mentioned?”

“This is Sparkler,” Ditzy nodded. “My big angel.”

“Angel huh?” Flare raised an eyebrow. Angel of Vengeance maybe… “Well Miss Sparkler, it’s nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too,” Sparkler grumbled.

Flare would have likely made a witty retort, but the scent of those muffins overwrote any and all other thought processes. “Oh wow Mrs. Doo, those smell amazing~”

“My sister always makes the best muffins,” Daring spoke.

“Oh?” Flare leaned in close to nuzzle her. “Your muffin’s pretty tasty too~” he whispered to her and nipped her eartip.

Daring giggled and lightly pushed him, “Flare, remember where we are.”

“Yes yes, I know,” he chuckled and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Alas, your sister is tempting me with delicious food right now.”

“And the muffins are nice too, I bet.” Daring mock-punched him in the shoulder.

“That they are~” Flare admitted. “Seems that good looks run in the family.”

Daring huffed, “Oh dear. I’m afraid of leaving you alone with them now. You’d do it, wouldn’t you?”

“Do what?” Flare asked, crumbs falling as his mouth was full of delicious chocolate chip muffin.

Daring cooed and started eating herself, “Nothing.”

“So I take it you like the muffins then?” Ditzy asked.

“Your muffins are delicious and moist,” Flare commented as he nibbled a second. “I could eat them all day~”

Ditzy giggled, “Thank you. I really try to make them delicious, so it’s good to hear that ponies really enjoy them.”

“Are you a professional?” the unicorn asked. “It’s hard to believe somepony could be so good and not do this as a job.”

“I’m not a professional,” Ditzy waved him off. “Though I cook with some. It’s mostly for fun, but sometimes I do sell off some boxes of muffins.”

“Daring… i wanna buy some before we go,” Flare said, his eyes wide and sparkling. “Plus, these might save our lives if we offer them up to our Goddess.”

Daring nodded, “You’ve got a good point.”

Flare nodded as he downed a fifth muffin and pet his belly. “Aahh, that hit the spot. I could live off of these muffins…”

Ditzy giggled again, “Oh stop it. You’re making me blush.”

And a blushing Ditzy Doo was adorable. Flare had to admit that this must have been a Doo family trait. All these mares were cute.

“That should be enough though, don’t want to spoil my dinner with my own sister,” the stallion chuckled. “She’d likely scold me otherwise.”

Ditzy nodded, “We wouldn’t want that, now would we?”

“Nope, Coco is cute, but scary if you actually manage to make her mad,” Flare shuddered. It was the one trait she and her mother shared. Upper just had no off switch for that though. “Um, what were you gonna do Dare? Coming to dinner? Or staying here with your family?”

“I think I’ll stay with my family for a bit,” Daring stated. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

“Okay, try not to miss me too much,” he chuckled and kissed her on the lips. “Take care… I’ll see you later okay…” Actually, that brought a thought to mind. “Oh, where might we be staying tonight. I mean, I figured you might be staying here… so I can always find some accommodation elsewhere…”

“You can stay here too,” Ditzy stated. “You’re a couple and I’m not going to split ponies up after all.”

“Are you sure?” Flare blinked in surprise. “I mean, I’m a complete stranger to you—”

“And my sister trusts you,” Ditzy stated. “So I trust you too. Besides,” Ditzy smirked and winked. “She could totally take you if she had too.”

“Is that so,” Flare hummed as he got up and headed for the door. “Well, why don’t you ask her if she thinks she can take out her Master~” And with a chuckle, he left his marefriend to fend for herself.

“Oh… I… ugh!” Daring grumbled as her sister giggled. Oh, there was so much to discuss tonight~

The chosen restaurant was rather low key, but neither Flare nor Coco were ones for fancy dining if it could be avoided. They chose a nice little place close to town and headed inside.

“Oh, hello Coco dear,” a serving maid greeted them. “Are you here for your reservation?”

Coco sheepishly nodded, “Umm, yes I am.”

“Mm, quite the handsome date you have,” the cute batpony winked at her. “Come inside and I’ll show you to your seat.”

Coco blushed, “Umm, miss? He’s not my date.”

The mare went ignored as she skipped inside and… thaaat was a lot of ponies out for a romantic dinner.

“Lady Rarity made the reservation didn't she?” Flare deadpanned.

Coco sighed, “She always means well.”

“This happens waaay too often to us,” Flare sighed as he stepped inside after the mares. They were soon left to a table and the thestral mare left to fetch some water.

“So, my Little Coco’s all grown up now,” he smiled. “And an Element of Harmony too.”

Coco fidgeted under his stare, “Oh it’s nothing. I didn’t do all that much.”

“Naah, you only stopped the greatest threat to Equus ever,” he beamed. “You should have seen Mom’s face when we found out.” He reached over and put a hoof on her shoulder. “We're both so proud of you Coco.”

Coco blushed in embarrassment, “Oh I was just doing what anypony would have done in that situation.”

“Hardly,” Flare waved a hoof. “I doubt I could have done that. I saw Nightma… er, Princess Luna in Canterlot once. She scares me. You're incredibly brave lil sis.”

Coco eeped and hid her face behind her forelegs, “B-big brother, stop it.”

“Hm? But you're adorable,” he snickered as the batpony mare dropped off their glasses of water, winking at them as she flittered away.

“This is just so embarrassing,” Coco muttered.

Flare just smirked as he sipped his water. “Life in Canterlot isn't anywhere near as exciting.”

“I don’t know,” Coco sipped from her own drink. “Boring sounds pretty good, if you ask me.”

“Eh, I could use a little excitement, though Daring seems to be seeing to that,” Flare chuckled. “I swear, I'm absolutely exhausted.”

“Well I hope your visit here was relaxing,” Coco smiled up at him.

Flare stared at her. That innocent face, the light smile… He could read her like a book.

“You wanna know don't you?” he deadpanned.

Coco cutely tilted her head to the side, “Wanna know what?”

“About my marefriends,” he replied. “I know you Lil bean.”

“Well, if you are interested in telling…” She sipped her water oh so innocently, but Flare knew that aura of smugness she rarely showed.

“Just like Mom…” he shook his head. “Fine. But we order food first. I haven't eaten all day.”

After they ordered, he regaled her with the story that led him and Twilight Velvet to get together, and the subsequent adventure that led to Daring being added to the mix.

“And that about sums it up,” he finished. “Yearling and I just got back from exploring a temple for her research actually.”

“Wow,” Coco looked up at him in amazement. The same way she used to do when she was young and he got back from training. “All that really happened?”

“It's been a crazy month,” Flare said and chuckled. “I guess Canterlot isn't so boring after all. Though I do spend more time around Miss Twilight Sparkle now…”

That filly was… odd.

“Sunset has told me quite a bit about her,” Coco spoke. “She sounds… strange.”

“That's one way to put it,” Flare chuckled. “So… what about you sis. Any special ponies in your life? A handsome stallion?... A cute mare? I don't judge.”

The little mare blushed, “I’m… I’m not seeing anypony right now.”

“Great,” Flare groaned. “Now mom's gonna hound me for grandfoals first.” Then his smirk turned wicked.

“What was it you used to say when we were younger?” he asked, giving her a moment to think as the sinking dread set in when she remembered. “When we played with Princess Sunset. How you were gonna marry her so you could make pretty princess dresses all day~”

Coco looked horrified, “Flare, we’re in public. Don’t say that out loud.”

Too bad Flare was on a roll. “I could put a good word in to Princess Celestia. Maybe an arranged marria—”

Coco put a hoof over his mouth, red as a tomato. “No! I mean, that isn’t necessary.”

Oh she was too easy… Time for the finishing blow. He waited for her to remove her hoof and…

“So, gonna tell her yourself then hm~?”

Coco buried her face in her hooves, “You’re terrible.”

“Ahh, I missed my Daily Dose of Coco Teasing,” he sighed wistfully and rubbed her head as the batpony brought out their food. The stallion whispered something to her and she smiled and nodded before flying off.

Once Coco recovered, Flare raised a glass with his magic. “To friends and family. May both be forever.”

Coco smiled and raised her own glass, “To friends and family.”

Dinner was absolutely delicious as the siblings swapped more stories, Coco going into detail about Nightmare’s revival and the more recent development of a griffon in town.

Then Flare’s apology arrived, a massive bowl of Coco’s favourite ice-cream.

Coco squealed, “You shouldn’t have!” Her mouth started to water at the very sight of the ice cream.

“Well… if you insist,” he smirked as his magic started to tug the bowl away.

“Nu! Mine!” she pouted as Coco quickly swiped the ice cream and started to eat it. Flare just smiled as he watched her eat. A happy Coco was Best Coco.

They had to leave soon after. Flare paid for the meal as they headed out into the crisp night air. Flare’s horn shining as he used a warming spell on her. Coco sighed happily and nuzzled up against him for warmth and protection.

He walked her home, pausing at the door. He then reached out and pulled the small mare into a tight hug.

“I said I was proud of you,” he murmured softly. “But… I also worry. You've been in so much danger. And… I wasn't by your side like I should have been.”

Coco sighed, “I know and I would have loved to have you there, but you’re needed elsewhere. I’m sure we’ll get to meet again soon enough and you’ll have the chance to be my strong knight like you’ve always been to me.”

“You're the strong one,” he nuzzled her. “Just be careful okay. And if you ever feel like you need help. Or just talk. Call me and I'll come running.”

Coco nodded and kissed his cheek, “I will. Thank you, big brother. For everything.”

“Always,” he smiled and kissed her forehead. “Good night sis. I'll see you tomorrow before I head home.”

Coco nodded once more, “Alright, see you then.” With that, she started to step inside. Flare waited until the door closed behind her… and the subsequent squeak telling him Rarity had ambushed her.

With a light chuckle, he turned and headed off for his waiting marefriend.

Flare glanced at the darkened sky by the time he reached Ditzy’s home. Walking back from taking Coco home had taken a little longer, especially after he saw that priestess and took the long way around to avoid her, only to run into some crazy Highland mare. Why where half the ponies in this town mistaking him for somepony else? Was there a Changeling running around as him or something?

He let out a weary sigh as he reached the door and knocked on it lightly, hoping somepony was still awake at least.

Sparkler opened the door, “Oh, it’s you. Well come on in then.”

“Thank you, Miss Sparkler,” Flare replied cordially. Well, if she was going to take a grumpy tone with him. “I hope I didn’t wake anypony up.”

“They should be asleep by now,” Sparkler stated. “I like to stay up a bit later. Nothing really to do right now anyways.”

“I suppose,” Flare agreed, a bit of a night owl himself. “Hm, so what do you do anyhow?” he asked as he stepped inside. “Do you have a job? Hobbies or interests? You know, aside from accosting a stallion you meet for the first time.”

“I’ll have you know that I am a jeweler,” Sparkler snooted, raising her snout upwards. She looked like she was trying to look down on him, but he was noticeably taller than her.

Okay. That was adorable.

“That's pretty neat,” Flare smiled. “Guess I know who to turn to in the future then.”

Sparkler snorted, “Yeah, you would.” clearly missing the joke there. She looked him up and down. “I’m not that surprised that Aunt Daring likes you. Though I have to say,” she narrowed her eyes. “Break her heart and I’ll show you how I can break diamonds.”

“Noted,” Flare held up a hoof. “It will never happen, but I promise nonetheless.”

Sparkler nodded, “Why’d you come back here again?”

“What do you mean?” Flare tilted his head. “Was I not supposed to come back here? I mean, your Mom said I could stay here tonight…”

Sparkler paused for a moment, “Oh yeah. I must have forgotten about that. Sorry, everything’s a bit much these days with getting kicked off the planning committee. Just because I fumbled a few Winter Wrap Ups and… other things… Wait, forget I said that.” She opened the door wider to let him in.

“Must be hard for a traditional town,” Flare agreed. “I'm sure you're a pretty great jeweler though.”

“The best,” Sparkler rubbed a hoof against her chest with pride. “You just can’t ignore my gems.”

“I’ll bet,” Flare said, responding without really thinking. “You must have the best gems in town.”

Sparkler nodded, “I couldn’t say it better myself.”

Flare held out a hoof. “Now, I’d like to apologise for my earlier behavior. Perhaps we might start over, as friends?”

Sparkler shrugged and took the hoof, “Fine, whatever.”

“Still upset I'm not chasing your tail?” he chuckled, quoting her words from their first meeting.

Sparkler blushed, “Oh shush. Y-You’re not my type. I mean big… strong… guard…” She gulped. “Not my type.” She looked away to hide her blush.

“So I shouldn't mention to some of my single friends that there's a cute unicorn living in Ponyville?” He shrugged and headed for the stairs. “Good night Miss Sparkler.”

“WAIT!” Sparkler blushed as she realized she had shouted. “Umm… you can do that if you want. I don’t care, but you can.”

Flare smiled and turned back to the stairs. “I'll see what I can do… and if your mother asks, it's your idea.” And with another chuckle, he walked upstairs to find Daring.

Daring smiled, “Having a nice chat with my niece, are we?”

Flare may or my not have jumped out of his skin at the pegasus that snuck up on him. He turned and gave Daring an annoyed glare as he panted to get his stolen breath back. “That… was not… funny.”

Daring chuckled and nuzzled him, “It was a little bit.”

“For somepony who didn’t just have a bloody heart attack,” Flare grumbled. “Well, I was somewhat expecting it anyway…” Then he blushed and looked away.

Daring’s smile turned into a smirk, “Ah, I see you’re getting used to how quiet I can be when I want to. Helps with the job.”

“Huh? Oh, uh… Yes! That’s it exactly!” Flare nodded suddenly. “I certainly wasn’t expecting anything like you and Miss Ditzy waiting to pounce— aaannnd I should shut up…”

Somepony tapped his flank, “Why would I pounce you?” Ditzy asked from behind.

Flare might have had a second heart attack that evening. Taking a deep breath, he groaned and facehooved. “Because Daring and Velvet are terrible influences and I'm very sorry for any assumptions I have made,” the stallion apologised.

Ditzy smiled, “It’s no problem. I pounce ponies on occasion, mostly by accident. It’s something we did when we were younger. Our brother was the best at it.”

“Cheater…” Daring grumbled.

Flare’s face could have only gone redder if he'd set it on fire. “You… and your brother? Pounced on one another?”

Ditzy nodded, “Yep. He was the best pouncer I’ve ever met. He really knew how to make it new and fun every time we played.”

“…” Flare had that ‘thousand yard stare’ look in his eyes.

Daring bumped him, “Get your mind out of the gutter. It was just kids tackling each other.”

Flare blinked slowly. Then snorted and shook his head. “O-Of course. I knew that!” He blushed and looked away. “What else would it be? Don't be silly Daring.”

“Oh I’m the silly one,” Daring sighed, “My brother may be a good detective, but he’s a cheater when it comes to games like that.”

“Ahh…” Flare nodded and looked at Ditzy Doo. “I still apologize that spending time with your sister has left my mind in a rather… adult place.”

Ditzy sagely nodded, “A lot of ponies go to adult places with my sister.”

“DITZY!” Daring blushed, causing her sister to giggle.

“Oh? A lot of ponies huh?” Flare quirked an eyebrow at the yellow pegasus.

“She means on adventures, not… get your mind out of the gutter!” Daring seethed.

“I blame you and Velvet!” Flare declared.

“I blame your sexy ass,” Daring muttered.

“Not as sexy as yours,” Flare quipped back, smacking her rump with his tail.

Daring snorted, “Oh you’re just asking for it~”

“Oh? You wanna go?” Flare taunted her and waggled his eyebrows.

Daring grinned, “Maybe~”

“Go where?” Ditzy tilted her head, questioningly.

“Go and make love to my little pet. What… else…” Flare froze on his tracks. Aaah crap. He totally forgot Ditzy was there. “I-I mean… um… please forget I said that.”

Ditzy smiled, “As long as I get to huggle my new niece/nephew.” Daring blushed and fluffed up at that.

Flare was too stunned to respond.

Ditzy booped him, “I’ll leave you two to the baby making then.” And then she trotted off with a peaceful hum. “Either keep it down or use a spell around your room. There are children present, you know.”

Flare’s muzzle scrunched up at the boop, before turning to Daring. “Your sister is very strange.”

“My family is strange,” Daring rolled her eyes. “I think we get it from our father. One moment, you discover the theory of evolution, the next, you get sent hundreds of years into the future and has us three. We’re a barrel of strange.”

Flare… had no response to that. And to think that he thought he could handle a little weird.

“I’m done with this life, can I have another?” he mumbled as he headed towards the bedroom.

Daring pouted, “Awww, you’re done with lil’ ol’ me? I’m hurt.”

“Just get in here you silly pony,” Flare rolled his eyes.

Daring chuckled and kissed his cheek as she passed, “And you love it~”

‘Yes,’ he mused to himself. ‘Yes I do~’

The next morning, the pair decided to head out a little after dawn to get some breakfast for Ditzy and her kids as thanks for letting them stay. There were a couple of bakeries in town, but the closest one was a place called ‘Baked Paradise’.

Flare and Daring opened the door, the small bell above it chiming happily as it received the first customers of the day.

“Just a minute dearies,” a chipper tone called from the back room. A few moments later, a large pegasus mare emerged from the back room, a tray of cookies balanced on each outstretched wing.

“Hello there, welcome to Baked Paradise, my name is Pizzelle!” she greeted them with a bright smile. “How can I…” she trailed off when her eyes fell on Flare. “It… it’s you…”

Daring blinked in surprised, “Him what?”

“Why, my future husband of course!” Pizzelle beamed and pulled Flare into a bonecrushing hug.

“…What?” Daring Do stood ever so still, but Flare could pick up the ever so slight bloodlust in that word. That and the utter confusion.

“I thought for sure Sunset said that you’d not come back, but I knew she was wrong,” Pizzelle giggled as she nuzzled Flare, much to the stallions confusion. “I mean, we’d have to start dating first of course. But I know in my heart you’ll make a wonderful husband and father.”

Daring bristled with quiet fury, “Flare, when were you going to tell me? To tell Velvet?”

“Tell you what!?” Flare riposted, trying and failing to break Miss Pizzelle’s iron grip. “I’ve never met this mare in my life!”

“Hm? And who’s this?” Pizzelle tilted her head towards Daring. “Your sister?”

“I’m his marefriend,” Daring glared at Flare. “One of two.”

Pizzelle paused and released Flare from her hug. “Two… marefriends?” she paused and blinked slowly. “Mister Flare Blitz? Are you cheating on this poor mare?”

Flare groaned and thunked his head against the counter. “I. Have never. Been. In this. Town. Before!” each word punctuated by another thunk.

Pizzelle tilted her head. “Ohmy, it seems I’ve made quite the error then.”

“Clearly,” Daring kept her gaze squarely on Flare. The stallion was no looking a little woozy after the repeated blunt force trauma.

“I do apologise, but he looks exactly like a most wonderful stallion of the same name,” Pizzelle sighed.

“…Two Flares?” Daring started to imagine that… and then her mouth started to ever so slightly drool as a blush took her.

“I assure you, I have been having this trouble ever since I arrived,” Flare groaned. “I am sorry Miss Pizzelle, but I am not the stallion you are looking for.”

“Aww,” Pizzelle sighed. Oh well, that Kokiri Song she met at her last Archery meet seemed like another good candidate. Hikaru was going to get a father figure, one way or the other! She shook her head and looked up. “Well, how about I treat you dears to some breakfast as an apology.”

“I’m so done with this town…” Flare groaned.

Daring smiled, “Breakfast sounds good.”

“Then I’ll get started,” Pizzelle nodded and smiled. “Oh, I didn’t catch your name dear.”

“A. K. Yearling,” Daring bowed her head. “At your service.”

“Oh, the author? Don’t let Sunnybuns catch you,” she giggled as she skipped into the kitchen.

“Sunnybuns?” Daring quirked an eyebrow at that.

“Princess Sunset Shimmer,” Pizzelle clarified from the kitchen. “She lives in this town, in the library to be precise. And she loves books. Especially those Daring Do ones of yours.”

Daring smiled, “I thought she did. Now, what’s for breakfast?”

“You’ll see~” Pizzelle smiled. “While I’m baking, I should tell you about the time I—”

After some rigorous baking, Daring and Flare were given an assortment of wondrous treats. And in that time…





Daring rubbed her ears, “Does she have an off switch?”

“You’re the one that turned her on,” Flare quipped back with a slight smirk.

Daring blushed slightly, “Don’t put it like that.”

Pizzelle didn’t seem to hear them, instead going on about Sunset and some roguishly handsome griffon she’d met.

“Oh, then where do I put it?” Flare said again, whispering in her ear and giving it a lick.

Daring shivered at the action, “Flare, maybe I need to find your off switch~” She quipped.

“That’s not what you said last night,” he hummed as she felt his body heat up. “If you can’t stand the heat…”

“So, since you have two mares, would you mind a third?” Pizzelle suddenly asked.

“Waitwhut?” Flare blinked.

“…” Daring didn’t know what to say. Her jaw hung open at that.

“Heehee, just kidding~” Pizzelle giggled. “You should see your expressions.”

Daring slowly closed her mouth and looked to Flare as if expecting his response.

“…Yearling is more than enough trouble,” Flare agreed. “You’re very nice Miss Pizzelle, but I seriously cannot handle another mare. I already think Yearling is going to kill me at this point.”

Daring grinned and chuckled, “Awww, I’m not that vicious~”

“Yes… yes you are,” Flare deadpanned.

Daring nickered and kissed his cheek, “Oh you’ll survive, you big baby.”

“Mhm,” Flare returned the gesture as his stomach growled. “Hm, shall we get going? I imagine the others are up by now.”

Daring nodded, “Lets. Thank you for the meal. We really appreciate it, Pizzelle.”

“You’re welcome dearies,” Pizzelle gave each of them a hug, and Daring got to see how strong the pegasus was. “Have a good day, and say hi to Ditzy, Dinky and Sparkler for me.”

“Will do,” Daring started off. She whispered to Flare, “She’s stronger than she looks.”

“No kidding,” Flare said back as he winced, his shoulders still sore from the hug.

“We’re back,” Flare said as the pair entered Ditzy’s home. “And we brought fresh muffins—”

He was thus tackled, “I SMELL PIZZELLE’S MUFFINS!” Ditzy squealed. “She never makes enough of them!”

“…ow,” Flare groaned, in too much pain to properly enjoy the mare that was practically straddling him.

Daring sighed and pushed her sister off, “Ditzy, we don’t tackle ponies to get muffins, remember?”

“I know, but Pizzelle’s muffins.” Ditzy stated. “They’re special.”

‘She’s kind of soft… Nope, bad Flare…’

“Sorry for tackling you,” Ditzy helped him up. “I sort of get carried away sometimes.”

“It’s fine,” Flare blushed. “Um, so yeah. We got breakfast…” he felt something collide with his leg and he looked down to see Dinky attached to it. Chuckling, he held up the offending appendage. “I appeared to have contracted a case of Filly.”

Dinky giggled and held onto his arm, “That’s not a thing, silly.”

“Well, it’s awful cute though,” Flare giggled and booped her nose with his. “Good morning Princess Dinky, did you sleep well?”

Dinky nodded, “Yeppie, I did a bunch of that. How about you?”

“I slept well,” Flare nodded and ruffled her mane.

“Good, my mom’s beds are really soft.” Dinky said. “She says they are like sleeping on clouds.”

“Helps I had a nice pillow,” Flare mused and bumped Daring’s flanks with his own. “Now, you wanna let go of my leg? Or should I eat your breakfast too?”

Ditzy pulled little DInky off his leg, “Now you had your fun. Let’s just go and eat our breakfast now, my little muffin.”

“I could eat a T-Rex,” Flare commented… before the front door slammed open and knocked him clean on his face. “…ow.” Today was going to be one of those days wasn’t it?

“Alright! Where is he!?” Sunset Shimmer declared as she looked around the room.

“…What is with this town?” Daring quirked an eyebrow.

Sunset glanced down at the uneven floor she was standing on. “Huh? What the buck are you doing on the floor? Stupid place to take a nap don’t you think?”

“…ow,” Flare groaned again.

“Umm, Princess?” Ditzy spoke up. “Don’t you think that’s a bit rude?”

“Oh, hello um…” Sunset paused. “Ditzy right?” She looked down and lifted Flare with her magic. “It really is him? Why are you back here?”

“Daring… explain… headache…” Flare groaned as he hovered in the levitation field.

“Whoa there,” Daring held up a hoof. “That’s enough, Princess. He didn’t do anything wrong.”

Sunset snorted and shook her head. “Well, when a Twilight Sparkle came from another dimension and…” A look of realization dawned on her muzzle. “Ahh, Tartarus-damned Multiverse Theory.”

Daring nodded sagely, “Aren’t they the worst?”

“Like you would not believe,” Sunset sighed. “I hate Tuesdays. Anyway!” She looked at Flare and a pensive look crossed her face. “So what’s his deal? Just some pretty-colt stallion or something?”

“…I’m so done with this town,” Flare deadpanned.

“He’s with me,” Daring spoke up. “A. K. Yearling to be precise.”

Flare yelped as he was suddenly dropped as Sunset slowly turned towards the mare. “A...A...K… Yearling?’ she stammered. “T-The Daring Do author? That A.K. Yearling?”

Daring nodded, “That’s correct.”

“Eeeeeeeeee~” Sunset let out a high-pitched squeal. “I’ll… be right back!” With a crack of light, she teleported away.

In the library, Spike and Shade were enjoying a friendly card game, one the dragon had picked up the last time he was in Canterlot. The two yelped when Sunset literally appeared out of thin air between them.

“Outta the way!” she yelled as she started pulling books off of the shelf. “Come on… where are they!?”

“Eh, sis?” Spike spoke up. “What’s the matter?”

“Books… where are my Daring Do books? The first edition ones?” she said, burying the dark unicorn in the room further under the paperback pile.

“You put them upstairs on the second shelf to the right,” Spike pointed out, going over to excavate Shade from his hardcover tomb.

“Oh right,” Sunset pulled the books out. “Kay I need to meet the author, get these signed and hang out with a pony I can actually stand being around. Kaythanksbai!” And with that, she teleported away again.

Shade finally poked his head out of the book pile, “I will never understand that mare.”

“You’ll get used to it,” Spike sighed.

Upon her return, Sunset thumped the impressive pile of books down, presented a quill and looked at Daring with an eager expression, her tail was actually wagging a little.

Daring chuckled and patted her head as she started to sign each book.

“Eeeee~” Sunset smiled happily.

“Fillies… our illustrious princess,” Flare sighed and motioned with his hoof. “If you want to keep her Yearling, remember to give her plenty of food and water and take her for walkies.”

“I would tear your lungs out through your horn if I wasn’t in such a great mood,” Sunset replied back with a happy smile.

Daring quirked an eyebrow and looked at Flare, “I’d keep your mouth shut around her, if I were you.”

“Yeah, I should,” Flare nodded. “She is the princess after all.”

“Damn right,” Sunset nodded. “So…” She looked between the pair. “How do you know each other anyway.”

“He’s my coltfriend,” Daring simply stated.

“Oh, is that…” Sunset Shimmer paused and looked between them. “I’msorrycomeagain?”

“He. Is. My. Colfriend.” Daring Do made sure to stress each word just so she heard her this time.

“I...what, you have a… how!?” Sunset stammered. “He’s dating the A.K. Yearling!?”

Daring nodded, “Of course he is. I don’t just let anypony come along on my trips.”

“H-he goes with you!?” Sunset’s eyes widened. She glanced at Flare who had the biggest ‘You Jelly?’ grin on his face.

“Yes, we just got back from such a trip actually,” Flare bowed his head to the princess. Sunset just kind of… froze.

“Hey, you think I’ll get in trouble for breaking a princess?” Flare asked with a small smirk.

“As long as you don’t break her virginity, I’m sure nopony’s going to hunt you down.” Daring Do snickered.

“Nah, I like her Mom better,” Flare chuckled and widened his hooves. “I mean, that big round flank is to d—” he was then cut off as a fireball collided with his face and exploded.

Daring blinked in confusion. On the one hoof, she was scared out of her wits about Flare’s safety. On the other hoof, his words just asked for a fireball to the face.

When the dust cleared, Flare looked no worse for wear, but his mane had a slight glow to it as embers wafted from it. “I believe that was entirely unnecessary. You are lucky I’m a Fireblood, Princess Shimmer. That could have seriously injured a normal pony.”

The unicorn’s eyes widened. She hadn’t been expecting that. Even so… “You ate my flames? How dare you?”

“You didn’t give me much choice,” Flare riposted. Those were some damned powerful flames. It’d taken a great deal of effort not to flare up from the boost he got. “A Princess shouldn’t be so reckless.” He pointed at Ditzy and her family, standing behind him. Those flames had been pretty spicy too. Tempered with anger and pride.

“W-What!?” Sunset growled. “Where do you! A lowly Guard, get off on lecturing me!?”

Daring got in between the pair, “Quit it. We’re not here to argue or burn anypony, especially not inside a house with children in it.”

“Tch! Then we’ll take this outside,” Sunset growled before she noticed the expressions on everyone’s faces. “Right… fine. Sorry. It’s been a rough couple of weeks and now I hear of a stallion I met before arriving? It’s been a weird day.” Her horns glow died out as Flare suppressed the rest of the flames.

“It’s alright,” Flare nodded his head. “You were right, I should not have spoken to you like so Your Highness. I am worried about that hair trigger of yours though. Please just be a little more careful from now on eh?”

“I’ll… consider your advice,” Sunset replied, realising she’d been acting like an ass in front of A.K. yearling. “So…” She pawed at the ground with a hoof. “What’s it like? Going on adventures with the Miss Yearling?”

Flare chuckled and shook his head. “Exhausting,” he replied.

Daring Do chuckled and bumped his shoulder, “But fun.”

“That too,” Flare nodded in agreement. “Oh, I should mention, we encountered hostile griffons on this side of the border… though they shouldn’t be much of a problem anymore.”

Sunset frowned. “Well… that’s just great. Right, thanks for that. I’ll send a message to Mom and tell her to expect a briefing.”

Flare nodded and saluted.

“See?” Daring smiled. “Talking it out like grownups makes things easier.”

“Is she normally so smug?” Sunset deadpanned.

“Nah,” Flare chuckled and smirked at the pegasus. “She’s normally waaay worse.”

Daring narrowed his eyes, “Stop while you’re ahead, big boy.”

“See what I mean?” Flare’s smirk only grew. “Nah, Yearling is great to go running around with. And I’m really starting to love taking the train to places.”

“Huh…” Sunset shrugged. “Ah, I have so many questions! Please say you’ll come by for lunch Miss Yearling? My brother would love to meet you. He reads your books to me all the time.”

Daring snickered, “I’ll come over, no problem. Anything for a princess.”

“…Why do I sense some ulterior motive?” Flare whispered to her. “What are you up to my silly pet?”

Daring gasped and swatted her tail on his flank, “Shhh, you.”

“Eee~ Spike’s gonna flip,” Sunset danced on the spot and actually giggled. “Okay, I’ll go and set things up. See you soon Miss Yearling!” and with that, she teleported away.

“Okay… what did I just witness?” Flare asked. That was a side to the angry Princess he’d not seen in a looooong time.

Daring Do blinked and rubbed her eyes, “I dunno, but I really don’t like teleports. They agitate my eyes.” She was glad teleportation was a rare ability among magic users.

“Yeah, I can’t do it myself,” Flare nodded. “So… instead of going home, we have to go and foalsit the princess for Sun-knows how long?”

“Oh I’m sure it won’t be that bad,” Daring said. “You just need to learn to duck.”

“Nopony likes a smartass,” Flare mumbled as he bid farewell to Ditzy and her family. This was going to be a loooong day.

It was early evening by the time the pair was on the train home. Flare was exhausted as Daring had read her first book out to the Princess, her dragon brother and some shady-looking unicorn. That said, hearing Daring read out her adventure was something new and to be honest, he loved it. The passion and emotion she put into the words was something he wouldn’t get reading it himself. He’d also gone to see Coco one more time and she saw them off at the station. That said, he still let out a sigh.

“I am not going back to Ponyville again anytime soon,” he grunted. “That place is flipping crazy!”

“Oh quit whining, you big baby.” Daring rolled her eyes. “You won’t have to go back there for a long while.”

“And now you’ve said that, Celestia's gonna deploy me, or Mom will drag me along to see Coco again,” Flare grumbled and folded his forehooves.

Daring Do smirked, “Life doesn’t always work out like you want it to.”

“So? Nervous about seeing Velvet again?” Flare asked her. “She’s prolly gonna be mad at you… and me…”

Daring Do blushed and hid her face behind her book, “I’ll try to survive.”

“I hope she lets me watch,” Flare sighed as he stared out the window. “Or maybe even help~ Oh! I should mention that you like spanking~”

“Do you want me to get my whip,” Daring growled.

“Mmm, kinky~” Flare leaned over and nipped at her ear.

Daring snapped at him, before chuckling. “Not in the kinky way… or possibly. Velvet somehow was able to turn a lot of what I did around on me.”

“Go ahead an try, she’ll still win,” Flare chuckled and leaned against her. “You know… Canterlot is still a ways out. And I don’t think we’ve christened this train yet.”

Daring Do quirked an eyebrow, “You’re going to have to claim this booty with some actual effort this time. I’m not going to lie back and just take it.”

“Oh?” Flare hummed and turned around towards her. “So… even if I tell you how pretty you are,” he placed a kiss on her hoof. “How sexy you are,” another kiss, further up her leg. “How I love that sexy librarian look you have when you wear glasses.” he kissed her chest. “How much I care for you,” a kiss on her neck. “How much I love you~” A chaste kiss on her lips…

Daring cooed in delight, smiling at him. “That might actually work. You’re just going to have to show me you mean it.”

“Are you implying that I haven’t before?” Flare asked and gave her ear a lick. “You’re my pretty pegasus~ My Darling Do. There’s nopony I love more than you and Velvet~”

Daring nuzzled him, “And that’s why I love you too.”

“I’m serious,” Flare replied and moved down to kiss her belly. “All the sexy fun aside, I’m really glad to have you in my life Dare.”

“And so I am with you,” Daring gave him a warm smile as her hoof played with his mane.

He lay his head on her chest and smiled. “You know, I think I like it here like this.”

Daring giggled and hugged him close, “I think I like it too.”

And so the pair stayed that way, simply enjoying the sensation of being close as the train chuffed steadily along the tracks to Canterlot…