• Published 17th Jul 2016
  • 775 Views, 7 Comments

Tales of a New Earth: Choices - Cloudhammer

Life is choices. They're rarely the easy ones.

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The changeling stirred, wings buzzing as the murmur of the hive mind grew to a dull roar, the summons irresistible as the rising of the sun. All around it, others rose from their alcoves and nest piles. Stifling a yawn, the changeling began to climb down, the hooks on its hooves digging into the semi-rigid coating on the wall. It chose to walk down the corridor rather fly, joining the press of chitinous bodies heading for the central chamber.

Did you hear?

They said She is here.

Will we be allowed to make another raid?

I’m hungry, the animals don’t provide much energy.

Will the Matriarch give us Her blessing?

I heard She only visits hives that have shown their strength.

Or to hives that have failed Her.

The voices of its siblings jostled each other roughly inside its head, rising into a crescendo as more and more of the hive rose. Theirs was still considered a sub-hive, by the standards of the Matriarch, but they still numbered in the thousands, and would soon become their own primary hive. But that was still at least a year away, dependent on continuing their rate of harvesting.

Its ears flicked as the changeling passed the entrance to one of the larger storage caverns, the dull, physical moaning of the dozens of humans and hundreds of animals a strange break from the mental noise of the hive mind. Many of those suspended were already partially assimilated, their cocoons devouring them as their energy was drained to feed the nymphs.

The changeling paid them no mind.

The pony inside wept.


Staff Sergeant Glimmer stood rigid, her armor gleaming with polish as her commander paced back and forth. Beside her, armor equally polished, stood fourteen other unicorns, some clad in the armor of the Day Guard like her, others in the dusky blues and greys of the Night Guard. All were at least sergeants or above, and all bore combat stars on their breastplates.

In front of them, Princess Luna stood, face expressionless. “You have been gathered here because you are the best the Equestrian military has produced. From infiltration to illusion and transformation magic, I would dare say you could fool even mine or my sister’s senses. But even so, this mission will test all of you to your limit. It remains strictly voluntary, so I cannot disclose its nature until you consent. If you chose to accept the risk, step forward.”

Fifteen ponies stepped forward as one.

Luna smiled slightly. “Very well, let us begin the briefing.”


”My children, I am pleased to gather you here on this auspicious day,” Queen Aculeata hummed, practically floating as she addressed the hive. ”Our hive continues to spread, our numbers and strength growing every day. We easily rival our fellow hives for majesty and efficiency, and our prowess in battle is indisputable.”

Nearly eight thousand minds roared agreement, the hive mind figuratively shaking with the tumult. The changeling joined in, its stinger raising instinctively as a drizzle of paralytic venom spattered on the floor. Their hive remained unique for its adaptation of stingers and venom, but their rapid expansion proved their effectiveness. The mutters in the hive mind rumored that the Matriarch would soon approve their mutation, and allow other hives to adopt it.

The changeling’s ears abruptly swiveled, in unison with the others, as a presence made itself known at the tunnel behind the throne. For an instant, the hive mind went silent as the shadows gave way to Her, darkness melting off her slender form.

Matriarch Chrysalis slid slowly past Aculeata, favoring her ‘daughter’ with a smile that sent shivers of joy echoing through all the changelings present. “Truly, daughter, your skill at inspiring adulation is second to none. If I weren’t so humble, I might be jealous.”

Another rippling cheer echoed through the hive mind, wings buzzing furiously in counterpoint as Aculeata bowed her head at the praise.

Chrysalis turned her eyes toward the assembled swarm. “Just as my daughter exemplifies my will, you all have served admirably, working diligently to fulfill our purpose. Your loyalty continuously reminds me of how our unity allows us to thrive, even as our foes scheme against us.”

The joy quieted somewhat, a thread of confusion snaking through the hive mind. The changeling flicked its stinger as the pony inside felt a sudden twinge of fear.


“Each of you will be operating independently of the others,” Princess Luna explained,” to prevent the capture of any one of you from exposing the others. Under no circumstances are you to break your cover in such an event. The stakes are too high for us to risk losing any advantage we can gather.”

She turned, gesturing at a map of South America, several areas outlined in red. “These are the suspected target areas. When you are individually briefed, you will be given your sector to infiltrate. Once inside, your orders are to blend in. Become one of them, participate in their daily lives, and follow any orders they give, no matter what they may be.”

One of the other ponies raised a hoof. “Princess, with respect, how are we to know how to act like a changeling? We know their form well enough, but without having a connection to their hive mind they’ll uncover us the second they see us.”

Luna smiled, almost sadly. “That contingency has been planned for, do not fear. And besides, nopony said this would be easy. But my sister and I have absolute confidence in your abilities.


“I admit, the ponies were fairly clever in their latest attempt to disrupt our plans, but there is nothing that can stand against the unity of our shared mind.” Chrysalis moved to the side as two of her personal escorts came forward, dragging a limp form between them. The swarm hissed as they dumped the pony unceremoniously at Chrysalis’ hooves.

The changeling bared its fangs, wings buzzing angrily as the pony inside shouted uselessly. She recognized that crimson mane and coat immediately. Sergeant First Class Stardust had been her equal in training, the two constantly challenging each other with more complicated spellcraft. Her face bore the bruises and cuts of repeated beatings, and one of her eyes had swollen shut, but the other glared wearily at the changeling Matriarch.

“This pony thought her skills were up to the task of infiltrating the hive. But she made the fatal mistake of allowing herself to dream her own dream. She thought to try and pass information to the Dreamwalker, their pathetic princess of the moon, without our knowledge. But we are not so easily fooled, are we?” Chrysalis asked, gently lifting Stardust’s chin with a hoof.

Stardust shied away, her lips moving slightly. Chrysalis leaned in, a languid smile on her muzzle, only to catch a faceful of saliva and blood as Stardust spit. “If you think to break me, monster, then you’re just wasting your time.”

Chrysalis blinked, surprised curiosity in her eyes. “Break you?” She licked the blood from her face with a smirk. “My dear, misguided pony, I don’t intend to break you at all.” Her horn ignited, the sickly green light drifting toward Stardust. “You worked so hard to join the hive mind, after all. I see no reason not to help you complete your task. I’m afraid, however, what you know as ‘you’ will not survive. Individuality has no place here, after all.”

The light wrapped itself around Stardust’s head, seeming to sink into her skin. For a second her body stayed rigid, then her eye opened wide, flashes of green sparking inside.

Then she started screaming.


“Staff Sergeant Glimmer, you have very high remarks in your file,” Luna said as she led the way into the cell block. “Top of your class in shapeshifting, excellent language skills, and exemplary dedication to your illusions.” She paused at the cell door and glanced back. “Though I suggest leaving your sense of humor at the door.”

Princess Luna scowled. “As you command, Princess.” Pale white light flashed over her body, and Glimmer shook her head to reorient to being shorter again. “Just haven’t had a challenging transformation in months.”

Luna smiled dryly. “I’m sure.” The cell door swung open, and the two stepped inside. The featureless walls kept the prisoner from seeing anything of the outside world, while the inhibitor on its horn prevented any use of magic or communication to the hive mind. “This subject was taken near Hînceşti, Moldova. It had been impersonating a dog, not unusual for emergent hives that are still growing. What’s interesting is it’s unique physical attributes, as you can see.”

The changeling hissed angrily, lunging against the restraints. For the most part it resembled all the changelings encountered thus far, until one looked at the back of the abdomen. Instead of the usual equine shape, it instead resembled a hornet or wasp, a barbed stinger leaking venom onto the floor.

“What kind of venom does it use?” Glimmer asked, looking the changeling over.

“According to reports, some form of paralyzing agent, non-lethal. An antidote has yet to be developed, though it does wear off after time.” Luna looked down at Glimmer expectantly. “Can you duplicate it?”

Glimmer smiled and closed her eyes, the same pale white light beginning to glow. “Just watch me.”


The changeling watched, along with the rest of the hive, as the pony continued to scream. Her working eye had long since rolled back into her head, yet still she wailed. Chrysalis’ smile had grown manic as she continued to extend her will into the pony’s mind, the force of it pushing Aculeata and her escorts back.

The changeling could feel it, could feel the pony’s essence of self bleeding away, merging into the hive mind. The pony inside raged, seeing Chrysalis’ back turned, knowing that if she could only summon a strong enough spell, that she could…

...do nothing. The only thing she could do is watch it happen. There was no chance in Tartarus that any spell she cast could strike Chrysalis, let alone kill her.

Finally, the light extinguished itself and Stardust’s body fell to the ground. Chrysalis, breathing heavily, took a moment to compose herself. “Take her to the birthing chambers and bind her. All that remains is to complete her physical assimilation into the hive.”

With almost reverent gentleness, her escorts lifted Stardust’s body, carrying it through the press of bodies. The changelings jostled each other for a chance to touch one so blessed, who had the Matriarch herself oversee their assimilation.

The changeling managed to shove aside a drone and reach out with a hoof, running it along the pony’s face, feeling the growing connection to the hive mind.

The pony inside wept.

Comments ( 7 )

the dozens of humans and hundreds of animals

Humans in a story with no human tag?:trixieshiftright:


7401172 I was operating with the impression that unless human characters were directly involved, the human tag wasn't required. Added.


EDIT: Let me expand a little. That was creepy as all hell. The POV character knowing she couldn't do anything was probably the worst part. She's as effectively part of the hive as Stardust, when you think about it.

That was creepy...

~Skeeter The Lurker

Kind of pointless to say there are humans since they serve no bigger purpose to this little story.

7401195 I wasn't sure about that either, hence why I added the question mark.

I found the story to be very straight forward. The main focus of it seemed to be the loss of one's identity.

It could definitely be expanded.

Or shortened if you wish to better draw attention to the main idea as there were a couple things in there that didn't seem to support it much.

What I do suggest is to put the flashbacks in italics. Because at first I thought that the two scenes presented were happening simultaneously without that.


The mission was supposed to be simple. Get in, get information, survive. Above all, do not break cover. She didn't realize how hard the last part would be.

I can not imagine a way one would end up not surviving, but still managed to keep one's cover in this situation.

But in the end no pony technically died unless you consider losing ones identity the equivalent of death so I guess I can see that in one way it makes sense that survival would be seen as easier than remaining in cover..


Wow... Luna's plan failed spectacularly... that's at least two lost to the hive, with the hint that all of them will be...

Very nicely done. The warm up only made you think the cover was just that good, until you realize the implications of not only Chrysalis' words, but also the recurring words...

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