• Published 18th Jul 2016
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Truthseeker - RB_

Gifted with the power of Truth, Lyra is inducted into an underground network of monster hunters.

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In Search of Truth and Justice 5

Silver ducked out of the tent.

“I’ve seen all sorts of things out here,” he said. “Beasts that could swim through dirt like it was water. Beasts that could jump ten stories, and then jump another ten from midair. Beasts that could warp reality itself!”

He took a drink from his canteen. “But I have never, ever, seen a beast that could talk.”

“Well, you’ve seen one now,” Lyra said, following him out, “and his name is Whizzer.”

The rest of the party filed out of the tent behind them, their faces running the gamut from excitement to concern. They gathered around the fire pit.

“Alright, everypony,” Silver said. “What are we going to do about this?”

It was Fleur who spoke up first. “I think our course of action is clear, no? We go out into the Mysterious South, we find the Alpha, and we defeat it!”

Several of the ponies nodded.

“For once,” Octavia said, “I agree with Fleur. If Whizzer is telling the truth—and thanks to Lyra, we already know he is—then this ‘Alpha’ creature is responsible for driving the creatures out of the hills. If we can find it, we may be able to put a stop to the stampedes!”

Fiddlesticks nodded her agreement. “Like treatin’ the disease instead of the symptoms.”


“You make a good point,” Silver said. “But it ain’t going to be as easy as you make it out t’be. You’ve seen what kind of things live out there, and this time we won’t have the advantage. We’ll be on their turf.”

He took another drink. “Now, Scout and I have been out beyond the hills only two times, and we didn’t go too deep neither. And, tell you the truth, I don’t particularly like the idea of goin’ back. It ain’t pretty out there. But I will, and I think Scout will too, if it means we can stop all this for good.”

“Of course,” Scout said, causing his companion to smile.

“But there’s also the Alpha to think about,” Silver continued. “Whizzer says it’s the biggest, meanest, most powerful monster out there. Can we handle it?”

Fiddlesticks laughed. “Silver, you’ve got five of the biggest, meanest, most powerful monster hunters in Equestria, right here! That thing should be scared of you!”

“There is truth in that,” Scout said, frowning, “but caution will keep us alive.”

“She does have a point, though,” Octavia said. “The five of us just fought off a small army. I’m sure that, working together, we could bring down just about anything we wanted. This is a prime opportunity.”

“And you might not get an opportunity at all if you wait.”

Everyone turned to look at Lyra.

“Remember what Whizzer said? The Alpha shows up out of nowhere, stirs up trouble, and then disappears without a trace. If you wait too long…”

“You’re saying we might miss our chance.”

“Exactly!” Lyra stepped forward. “You’ve got the perfect team for the job, you’ve got Whizzer to guide you, and you’ve got enough supplies to last you for another few days, at least. What you don’t have is time to waste!”

Silver thought about it, then nodded. “She’s right. And it seems like everyone’s in agreement, then—or, almost everyone.”

He and everyone else turned to the pony who had kept silent for the entire conversation. “Bon Bon? Bit for your thoughts?”

Bon Bon’s brow was furrowed, and her eyes were locked on Lyra.

“I’ll go,” she said, “but she isn’t coming with us.”

Lyra blinked. “What—”

“Agreed,” Silver said; Scout nodded as well. “I was going to bring that up if you didn’t.”

“What? You guys can’t just ditch me!” Lyra said.

Fiddlesticks walked forward and put a hoof on Lyra’s shoulder. “They’re right, Lyra. This is out of our league. I’ll be headin’ back, too.”

“It’s just too dangerous out there,” Octavia said.

“We cannot afford to waste time watching your back instead of ours,” Fleur added. “A single distraction in the field—” she cast a look at Bon Bon “—can be deadly.”

Lyra shook off Fiddlesticks’ hoof and walked up to Bon Bon. “But… but we’re a package deal, remember? Bonnie?”

Bon Bon’s expression was mixed, but her voice remained stern. “Lyra, you aren’t coming. You don’t have the training or the ability to handle yourself out there.”

“But I’ll have you to protect—”

Bon Bon’s brow twitched as she turned away. “I think we’ve established that that isn’t true.”

Lyra flinched. “Bonnie…?”

“Have a safe trip to Ponyville,” she said. “I’ll see you when I get back.”

She walked off, leaving Lyra standing in the dust.


The trek back to Appleoosa felt even longer than the trek out. Fiddlesticks left her at the train station, wishing her good travels.

The train ride was just as hot as it had been the first time, but now Lyra didn’t have anyone to complain to about it, and that just made it feel even hotter. She slumped down in her seat.

“Worst vacation ever…” she mumbled to herself as the train carried her away from the desert.

But at least it was over.


Lyra stepped off the train and onto the single platform of Ponyville’s train station. She slung her saddlebags over her flanks and set off, heading back towards the candy shop and her home. Ponies greeted her as she passed, and she greeted them back as best she could.

The door to the candy shop swung open, the bell on top tinkling as Lyra stepped through.

“Welcome to Bon Bon’s Bon Bon’s—oh, Mith Lyra! You’re back!”

“Heya, Twist,” Lyra said to the filly behind the counter. “How’s business been?”

“It’th been great!” Twist said, beaming. “Is Mith Bon Bon back, too?”

“No, Bonnie’s gonna be gone a little while longer,” Lyra said, stepping behind the counter and through the doorway into their home proper. “She had something she needed to take care of without me.”

Lyra dropped her saddlebags on the carpet of the living room. I’ll unpack them later.

“Twist, are you okay to keep holding down the fort for a little while longer? I’m gonna go down to Sugarcube corner and grab a milkshake or something.”


Lyra got to the door, then stopped. “Hey, you want anything?”

“A blueberry muffin would be nice, if that’th okay.”

Lyra smiled. “Good choice. See you in a bit, kiddo.”

She’s a sweet kid, Lyra thought as she walked down the road. Needs speech therapy, but still a sweet kid. Didn’t even burn the shop down! I guess she’s more responsible than I was at her age.

Lyra passed by a cart filled with flowers. “Oh, hey Lyra,” the cart’s owner said. “You and Bon Bon back in town?”

“Hey, Roseluck,” Lyra said back. “No, just me. Bon Bon’s not going to be back for a few more days.”

“Oh. Well, nice seeing you!”

“You too!”

Lyra continued on her way.

I hope Bon Bon’s doing okay…

She grinned. Oh, who am I kidding, she’s fine! She’s probably kicking that Alpha thingy’s butt right now! And she’ll tell me all about it—

Her grin fell.

—when she gets back.

She sighed. Whatever.

Lyra pushed her way through the door to Sugarcube Corner. The place was a little less busy than usual, a small blessing in Lyra’s eyes.

Pinkie Pie looked up from behind the counter. “Oh, Lyra, you’re back!”

“Yup,” Lyra said as she approached.

“How was your visit to Appleoosa? Did you and Bon Bon—” Pinkie winked “—take care of business?”

“Yeah. Bon Bon’s staying a few more days, though; she had a little more ‘business’ to take care of.” Lyra winked back. “One vanilla milkshake and a blueberry muffin, please—actually, make that two muffins, I haven’t eaten anything since I got back.”

“Coming right up!” she sing-songed. “Make sure you find me later, though, I want to hear aaaaaall about your trip!”

Lyra chuckled. “Sure thing, Pinkie.”

While Pinkie left to make her order, Lyra turned around and looked for a place to sit. Her eyes drifted over the various booths and seats, full of ponies eating, chatting, and having a good time.

Well, at least there are worse places I could have—

Lyra’s eyes caught another pony’s, staring back at her.

It was only for a moment. As soon as their eyes met, the other mare turned back to her food.

Lyra, though, kept staring.

Dark green coat.

Off-white mane.

A pair of eyes Lyra had last seen staring at her with dry rage, right before their owner had thrown herself out of a window.

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