• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
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"Be good to yourself, because nobody else has the power to make you happy."


After her reformation, Diamond Tiara thought her life could only get better. Unfortunately, she forgot to factor one vengeful mother into the equation. This is what happened next, in her own words.

Warning: Graphic descriptions of abuse to be found within.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 63 )

Absolutely heartbreaking.:fluttercry: Why is it some of the best Diamond Tiara focused stories come from you, deadpan?

No! Poor Diamond:fluttershysad:

This makes the stuff I get look like rainbows and kittens. Wow, maybe there are some worse people out there.

You got to make a Sequel to this fic, say Spoiled Rich thoughts and the aftermath of what she doen and her being hunted down.

7418297 I have my own plans for Spoiled in another fic I'm doing. As for this one, don't think it'll achieve the popularity it would require to make a sequel worthwhile, by the looks of the like/hate ratio so far.

It's kind of expected, I suppose. It isn't exactly pleasant subject matter... :pinkiesad2:


Well it is a hard subject to think about. I know how it is, my step father was very cruel to me.

But anyways I think should be a sequel Spoiled Rich inthe fic went downthe wrong path, she be in denail but at the end be made to face what she done, be become a broken mare so she ethier surrenders to the athuroties or ends her life.
That how it could end.

I wish I was there. I would just use my knowledge of body language and voice pitches to tell if she was lying.:fluttercry:

Rest in peace, my precious Diamond... you'll always be my shining jewel.

Did... Did Spoiled Rich murder Diamond?!

Dude. PLEASE write a sequel to this. I want to know what happens next. (Also I think Diamond Tiara's mom needs to be shot.


Oh Spoiled Rich!:

Hope you're ready for a "Falcon Punch" to the face!

7419047 It's actually more like something Filthy Rich would say.

...Three days. Three fleeting days, and the mother-daughter relationship goes from domineering, to equicide. That seems far, far too hasty! There should have been more time, both for the relationship to sour to that level, and for the reader to be aware of the change. I cannot in good faith like, dislike, or put this in one of my bookshelves. In fact, I'm contemplating a new shelf, for fics that are otherwise fine, but I wish to remember why I read, but didn't otherwise score them. I may just do that, when I get home.

7419267 I know, but he might be saying it in response to Spoiled's... actions.

7419351 Three days is all it can take to kill someone. It doesn't have to be gradual, or even intentional. Not everything has to have a massive build up, you could be run over by a car tomorrow in the great scheme of things. (not that I want such a thing to happen, of course). :twilightoops:
Thanks for reading anyway, and that folder sounds like a top idea... :twilightsmile:

Wow, and I thought -I- was portraying Spoiled in a bad light... Thumbs up all the same, though!

That, I understand. It isn't what I meant when I wrote that, however.

From what I see, Spoiled went from what we saw in-show, a hard driving taskmaster who believes investments should pay out well, to a sadistic 'belt-fiend' with a lust for beating the tar out of her only child. These two don't exactly correlate, at least without more of a slope, to my mind. The question now is whether Diamond's death was accidental, and unless Spoiled is far more unhinged than displayed in the show, she wouldn't be unaware enough to 'go too far' in the heat of the moment; which means that it was murder, planned and carried out in cold blood. People like Spoiled don't tend to destroy their investments after such a small amount of poor performance, so much as attempt recovery of worth. Also, they tend to need more deviant behavior displayed before 'writing-off' the investment of their kids' life.

7418106 I'll never tire of writing stories about my favourite filly. I just hope the writers of the show agree... :fluttercry:

7420437 Ha, you probably put more more thought this story than I did. I just wanted to write something quick and depressing, if I wrote something along the lines about you're proposing, it would have taken at least another 6k or more words, and that's a proposition that doesn't really interest me. Still, if someone else wants to take up the challenge, they're more than welcome to. :scootangel:

To be honest, all it would really take is a tiny amount of reference to previous encounters, showing this sort of thing going on for a while, with this incident being the tipping point. With your skill, a mere fifty to a hundred words' worth. Then I could fully support this story.

7420497 It didn't 'go on for a while' though... it all started the day Tiara helped the Crusaders get their cutie marks. That's why BOTH were so surprised at Spoiled's violence.Sometimes, things escalate at a rapid pace, and three days can be nothing to someone who's really angry, as Spoiled was. I may reedit this story at some point (like I did with some of my others) but for now, I'm reasonably happy with what I've written. Thanks for the advice, though. :twilightsmile:

I am, of course, being ironic... Or am I? :pinkiegasp: :rainbowhuh:

So Spoiled Rich kills Diamond Tiara?
Dark. :twilightoops:

7421560 The tags there for a reason... :raritywink:

7421467 Eh.. not a fan of Jessie J.

7421776 I was referring more to the title of the song, but okay. Nice to see you have good taste, anyway. :eeyup:

7421802 Thanks. I mean, she hasn't really sang anything that I haven't heard before, she probably doesn't even write her own songs (say what you want about Taylor Swift and Meghan Trainor, I certainly have, but at least you know the words they sing are their own,) aaand she decided to star in a goddamn Ice Age movie.

Ok... mind if I use a bit of this in my own story?

This was really well written, as usual. Gives me something to do when I'm bored out of my mind. :scootangel:

7422735 No problem, just don't forget to credit me and mail the cheque to the usual address. How much is it you kids make in pocket money these days, anyway? More than I earn for my part time job, I'll bet... :raritydespair::

... I'll credit you, don't worry, but I only have 19.5 pounds per week(if my conversions are correct) as my lunch money. The bits that I don't use I keep.
If the minimum wage in the UK is 6.70 pounds/ph, and you have a laptop and have time to go on Fimfiction, I'm pretty sure earn more than me :)

7422793 Yeah I am on Fimfiction a bit, only at severe cost to my social life. I can't believe my main outlet of conversation right now is some anonymous user represented by a green Earth pony avatar. While my old friends are all out having fun in the local pub, I'm deciding whether or not to pair Discord with Celestia or Fluttershy. Dark days, indeed.

I ain't telling you how much I earn, but as long as I've got food in my belly, and a license for me telly, that's good enough for me. Oops, stealing pop song lyrics there, looks like I'm getting as bad as you when it comes to plagiarism... :duck:

Nice job though, thinking about exchange rates for the sake of one posts. With that kind of initiative, you'll go far. Maybe, instead of cleaning the toilets at McDonald's they'll let you man (woman?) the drive-thru. LUCKY!! :raritystarry:

Are my drawings that bad, or are you just that not observant? I'm pretty sure I drew wings on it... and also it's seafoam, not green :). Also, Fluttercord for the win... many more shippers.
I do not plagiarise. It's called "using something as inspiration". :pinkiehappy:
If I end up working for McDonalds when I'm 20 I think my parents are going to murder me, because right now my choices are: Lawyer, doctor or engineer. Surgeon works too. Yeah, bright future for me when I choose to spend my time on fanfiction websites and the internet then study for anything.

7423119 Sorry, I thought that was a tattoo. My grandmother has two wings illustrated on her back, and she can't fly. Though, I can think of a few people who would dearly love to see her try. Incidentally, are you it's seafoam green, and not lakefoam green? :unsuresweetie:

As for the plagiarism confusion, fancy putting that decision to a jury of our peers? I might just withdraw my consent for funzies, then you'll be in hot water. Heh heh heh. :raritywink:

Your parents sound like they're trying to make up for their own shattered dreams. If I were you, I'd give 'em a good rollicking Diamond Tiara-Spoiled Rich style, and then leg it out of there. Either you'll win complete emancipation over their despotic ways, or you'll get grounded for a month with no internet access. Which would be a shame because I'd miss you. :pinkiesad2: Sorta.

Of course, if you tell them I put you up to it, I'll deny everything. "Someone hacked my account..." Yeah, that always works. :ajsmug:

Honestly, I want to get a tattoo, but 1. underage 2. PARENTS
Ok, it's a little bluer than seafoam, but I still love it. Technically, for the story I have published, it's a sequel, using the idea but not the actual writing, so I think it's fine? At least, that's what the school told us :unsuresweetie:
Actually no. My dad got his sort of dream as a head of the CSLAB at a university... which by the way is Computer Science. Yeah. My mom's fine as well, but they just really want me to be a doctor. Really I never understood the topic of grounding someone. What's the point of grounding when they would rather stay at home with laptop, books and AC all day anyway? :duck: As for the no internet access... well I've got my phone, my parents are never home, they only block my laptop... I think I'm fine. :D

7429090 Not really keen on tats... but hey, it's your funeral. As long as it;'s a sensible one, not a look-at-me-I-have-a-massive-angel-on-my-back type jobbies. I always think people who go that far must lack the ability to command attention themselves, and so have to overcompensate with a garish oversized image. Kind sad, really. :fluttershysad:

Actually I think your parents plans for you sound like a great idea. Next time I'm in the states, and I forget my medical insurance card, you can treat me for free? A favour for an old friend, the one who gave you the inspiration for your first story on Fimfiction, and so started you on your second career as a prize-winning novelist? :pinkiehappy: Another Question: Can you make your specialty on fingers, because I'l almost certainly need some heavy duty treatment on my own in the future, considering all of the typing I'm doing at the moment... :rainbowwild:

If it wasn't for the Internet, I don't know what I do. Considering I never see any of my so-called 'friends' in the flesh anymore, about the only proper conversations I have these days are through the miracle of Skype or Facetime. Oh, and not forgetting the odd message board full of moaning minnies like us. Great. :facehoof: Still, I agree with appreciating home comforts rather than putting up with the hurly-burly of the outside world... hence, why I have a cat rather than a dog. WALKIES?! **** OFF!! :flutterrage:

C U on the next response you've just left me. This ought to be fun... :moustache:

Well, Snarky, after reading this story, I find that it would be sensible to ask what exactly crawled into your mind and possessed you to write something this...... cruel? :moustache:

In all seriousness, this is very-well written and appropriately disturbing, but not something I would ever like. Also, why isn't the Tragedy tag on there?

The 'tragedy' tag would be a spoiler alone. Lets face it, you'd be expecting the worst if you saw it there, and I wanted to end the fic on a gut punch. So... yeah. :raritywink:

And seeing as the fic did it's loke, I really should be expecting a 'like' from you, and I feel cheated really that I didn't get one. Oh well, your decision, no matter how wrong it might be. :pinkiesmile:

What possessed me to write it you say? Life, Mr Madness, life. If it wasn't fair for me, why should it be so for our favourite little pink filly? :moustache:

Just because the story did it's job doesn't mean I like it.

And you feel cheated you didn't get a like? Bro, one time this person gave me a downvote because she felt that my story had homophobic undertones. I assured her it wasn't intentional and that she was looking to deeply into it, and she agreed and assured me the rest of the fic was really good. So, basically, she disliked the story solely for a nitpick for something that wasn't even really there. Now, that is being cheated. :ajbemused:

Just because one person was a misinformed pickypants, doesn't mean you need to be... :raritywink:

If anything, you should be setting a good example and give a talented writer their dues, instead of moaning about some 'depressing' ending that did it's job more than effectively. :twilightangry2:

Let me guess... you loved Bambi, only to not recommend it to anyone else because the poor lickle fawn's mother got shot? Some fine reviewing work there, Mr Critic. :ajbemused:

Okay, now you're just being a prick. :ajbemused:

I never said anything bad about this story. I didn't even give it a full freaking review. And I wasn't 'moaning' about the depressing ending. All I said was that I didn't hit like because this isn't my type of story. But apparently, that is some insult to you?

I know that you're sick and tired of getting dislikes and whiny reviews, but I did no such thing. DO NOT take it out on me! :twilightangry2:

Now, why don't you just take a moment to think things through and stop being an arsehole?

Sorry, I still found your review highly illogical and silly. :ajbemused:

It should have been clear to you what kind of story this was going in based on the description alone, so for you not to like it based on it being 'upsetting' is more than a little perplexing to me. :rainbowderp:

I also don't appreciative being called names, so I have now unfollowed you and will no longer take any interest in your future 'work'. :moustache:

Bye bye, Mr Madness. :scootangel:

...sigh... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have worded that the way I did.

And let me make something clear: I didn't know what direction this was going. Since it didn't have a tragedy tag, I assumed Diamond would be abused and then someone would help her. If I had known what direction it would go, I wouldn't have read this.

Why is the Like so important to you?

Oh, well. Once again, I'm sorry for my end in this.

I was maybe being a bit tongue in cheek when I requested a 'like', but the fact you took it so seriously tempted me to push the issue a bit. :ajsmug:

I suppose i'm just seeing it from my perspective: If I enjoyed the fic but it had a sad ending, I would only not give it an upvote if I felt it was poorly written and unrealistic. Clearly that wasn't the case here, so the fact you're complaining about a depressing story that always had the potential to end in tragedy is a little mystifying for me. I've already told you why I didn't put the 'tragedy' tag in, the sad label should've been enough to inform you this might not having the happiest of endings. That, and the shattered glass around Tiara on the front cover. Short of revealing the surprise, I don't know how I could've made it any more clear. :ajbemused:

My apologies too if you thought I was taking this more serious than I actually was, but I'll hold off on following you again for now... I don't take too kindly to being called a 'prick', 'asshole' and 'jackass' when the worst I've said to you is 'picky'. :pinkiesmile:

Give it a few days, and I'll have found some shiny new bauble to distract myself with and you'll probably have me back on your roster though, so don't worry. I know that I mean a lot to you... :raritywink:

Okay, I'm going to look over that comment in the calmest way I can.

I was maybe being a bit tongue in cheek when I requested a 'like', but the fact you took it so seriously tempted me to push the issue a bit. :ajsmug:

See, this is your problem. You gave me no indication that you were joking. You want me to read between the lines, but the gap is too freaking small for me to read. When I said your continuous makes you look like a jackass, I didn't say that to insult you. I said it because it really does make you look like a jerk. It was advice. Granted, the way I displayed it may have lacked tact, but I meant well.

I suppose i'm just seeing it from my perspective: If I enjoyed the fic but it had a sad ending, I would only not give it an upvote if I felt it was poorly written and unrealistic. Clearly that wasn't the case here, so the fact you're complaining about a depressing story that always had the potential to end in tragedy is a little mystifying for me. I've already told you why I didn't put the 'tragedy' tag in, the sad label should've been enough to inform you this might not having the happiest of endings. That, and the shattered glass around Tiara on the front cover. Short of revealing the surprise, I don't know how I could've made it any more clear. :ajbemused:

-sigh- Again, I was not complaining. All I said was that I'm not fond of depressing stories, so I wouldn't give it a like. I did not dislike it. I did not diss the fic whatsoever. I. Did. Not. Complain. The sad label and the cover art told me something bad was going to happen, but I had no reason to believe it would end the way it did. It was too subtle and it was too vague. You cannot expect people to figure it out.

My apologies too if you thought I was taking this more serious than I actually was, but I'll hold off on following you again for now... I don't take too kindly to being called a 'prick', 'asshole' and 'jackass' when the worst I've said to you is 'picky'. :pinkiesmile:

Like I said above, you gave me no indication you were joking, so I took it as seriously as you displayed it, even if it wasn't your intenion. And I didn't call you those things to insult you, but again, my wording was bad and I apologize for that. I said those things because you are being a jerk even if you don't mean to.

Frankly, you should be thankful I have the balls to call you out on this. I am. I've acted like a jerk before and I was lucky enough to be called out on it each time. I listened, I apologized, and I fixed it. In fact that very thing has happened right now. Now, the question is: Are you going to listen?

Give it a few days, and I'll have found some shiny new bauble to distract myself with and you'll probably have me back on your roster though, so don't worry. I know that I mean a lot to you... :raritywink:

Seriously, dude, give the snarking a dang rest.


Okay, I'm going to look over in the calmest way I can

Who's upset? I'm not upset. And I'm not going to give you any credit for being 'calm', either. If you're getting cross over such a minor online disagreement, to he honest thats your problem not mine. We are not going to see eye to eye on this, I still think you're completely in the wrong and now being a bit petty, so if what I'm saying is getting you a bit hot under the collar, I suggest you quit while you're ahead. Or behind, in your case. :ajsmug:

sigh- Again, I was not complaining. All I said was that I'm not fond of depressing stories, so I wouldn't give it a like. I did not dislike it. I did not diss the fic whatsoever. I. Did. Not. Complain. The sad label and the cover art told me something bad was going to happen, but I had no reason to believe it would end the way it did. It was too subtle and it was too vague. You cannot expect people to figure it out.

And as I said from my perspective you were complaining, by asking me what possessed me to write something this 'cruel' as well as moaning that the tragedy tag wasn't on there. What other way was I supposed to take your words? I really don't give a flying fig what rating anyone gives my stories any more as I've explained in my 'inspiring' new blog, I'm simply pointing out that to say outright you're not going to give a 'sad' fic a thumbs up because it had a 'sad' ending seems a bit... ya know, dumb to me. Does everything have to be plastered over with the 'tragedy' tag for you to get a clue? Do you really need everything spelling out for you so much, that there can't be any surprises or shocks ahead? I'm glad it wasn't figured out by anyone, it would've ruined the impact of the story if I'd done that. Duh. :rainbowderp:

Then, you came out with all these childish insults and you're still accusing me of being a jerk for stating my honest view... No sir, if anything its you that's coming off as the jerk now, and beginning to irritate me more than a tad. :trixieshiftleft:

Like I said above, you gave me no indication you were joking, so I took it as seriously as you displayed it, even if it wasn't your intenion. And I didn't call you those things to insult you, but again, my wording was bad and I apologize for that. I said those things because you are being a jerk even if you don't mean to.

Frankly, you should be thankful I have the balls to call you out on this. I am. I've acted like a jerk before and I was lucky enough to be called out on it each time. I listened, I apologized, and I fixed it. In fact that very thing has happened right now. Now, the question is: Are you going to listen?

The only thing I'm 'listening' to is the sound of someone digging a deeper and deeper hole for themselves. Want some clarification? Here you go: :rainbowdetermined2:

1. Someone who's known for 'snarking' a lot says something silly, and you take it very, very literally. Who's problem is it? YOURS

2. Someone insults me, writes a complaining review which they insist wasn't complaining at all and then wants some credit for having the 'balls' to compose a comment which is daft to the core. Who's coming across as the dummy here? YOU.

3. Someone says I should listen to their criticisms about me being a jerk, when they're coming across as being far more of a jerk than I could ever dream to be. Who am I referring to? Take a wild guess... YOU.

Never has a member fallen so far down in my estimation as you have these last few posts. I know you won't care, but meh... I just thought I'd mention it. Oh, and I won't be refollowing you or commenting on your DT blogs or stories or anything else you might endeavour to do on this site now definitely, just so you're aware. You still won't give a damn no doubt... but it is what it is. :pinkiehappy:

Seriously, dude, give the snarking a dang rest.

Right, that does it. You do not ask a person who's stock-in-trade is snarking to 'give it a dang rest', you cheeky little upstart. Get out of here now, and go and construct one of those really lovely blogs you do whenever someone upsets you on here. But do expect a similar response from me. Maybe we could turn it into an event... :twilightsmile:

Buh-bye for now! :scootangel:

I think you may have misread his words.

[Okay, I'm going to look over in the calmest way I can

Who's upset? I'm not upset. And I'm not going to give you any credit for being 'calm', either. If you're getting cross over such a minor online disagreement, to he honest thats your problem not mine. We are not going to see eye to eye on this, I still think you're completely in the wrong and now being a bit petty, so if what I'm saying is getting you a bit hot under the collar, I suggest you quit while you're ahead. Or behind, in your case. :ajsmug:

When he said he was going to look this in the calmest fashion, he meant that he was going to stop acting foolishly and behave as a more rational person.

sigh- Again, I was not complaining. All I said was that I'm not fond of depressing stories, so I wouldn't give it a like. I did not dislike it. I did not diss the fic whatsoever. I. Did. Not. Complain. The sad label and the cover art told me something bad was going to happen, but I had no reason to believe it would end the way it did. It was too subtle and it was too vague. You cannot expect people to figure it out.

And as I said from my perspective you were complaining, by asking me what possessed me to write something this 'cruel' as well as moaning that the tragedy tag wasn't on there. What other way was I supposed to take your words? I really don't give a flying fig what rating anyone gives my stories any more as I've explained in my 'inspiring' new blog, I'm simply pointing out that to say outright you're not going to give a 'sad' fic a thumbs up because it had a 'sad' ending seems a bit... ya know, dumb to me. Does everything have to be plastered over with the 'tragedy' tag for you to get a clue? Do you really need everything spelling out for you so much, that there can't be any surprises or shocks ahead? I'm glad it wasn't figured out by anyone, it would've ruined the impact of the story if I'd done that. Duh. :rainbowderp:

Then, you came out with all these childish insults and you're still accusing me of being a jerk for stating my honest view... No sir, if anything its you that's coming off as the jerk now, and beginning to irritate me more than a tad. :trixieshiftleft:

Honestly, what childish insults? The worst he called you was Prick, Jerk, and Arsehole which are rather tame compared to the more traditional and urban epithets such as

Son of a whore, C**ksucker, Motherf**ker, Piece of sh*t.

And even then his "childish insults" were few and far between.

Heck, if he actually were being childish. He would've disliked your story, and give a flame while using more crude language like the examples i listed above.

And he wasn't moaning about the depressing ending.

Well, Snarky, after reading this story, I find that it would be sensible to ask what exactly crawled into your mind and possessed you to write something this...... cruel? :moustache:

In all seriousness, this is very-well written and appropriately disturbing, but not something I would ever like. Also, why isn't the Tragedy tag on there?

If you read the second paragraph, you'll notice that he said "In all seriousness," which would indicate that his first paragraph was a simple joke while admitting in the second paragraph that story is actually well written and appropriately disturbing.

And when he asked why the tragedy tag wasn't there, it was more of a legitimate question than childish complaining.

I suppose i'm just seeing it from my perspective: If I enjoyed the fic but it had a sad ending, I would only not give it an upvote if I felt it was poorly written and unrealistic. Clearly that wasn't the case here, so the fact you're complaining about a depressing story that always had the potential to end in tragedy is a little mystifying for me. I've already told you why I didn't put the 'tragedy' tag in, the sad label should've been enough to inform you this might not having the happiest of endings. That, and the shattered glass around Tiara on the front cover. Short of revealing the surprise, I don't know how I could've made it any more clear. :ajbemused:

My apologies too if you thought I was taking this more serious than I actually was, but I'll hold off on following you again for now... I don't take too kindly to being called a 'prick', 'asshole' and 'jackass' when the worst I've said to you is 'picky'. :pinkiesmile:

Since as you yourself pointed out in one of the sentences, a sad tag doesn't necessarily mean a happy ending, but it also doesn't necessarily mean a tragic ending like what apparently happened in the story so it's uncertain, as Madness himself stated in this excerpt.

And let me make something clear: I didn't know what direction this was going. Since it didn't have a tragedy tag, I assumed Diamond would be abused and then someone would help her. If I had known what direction it would go, I wouldn't have read this.

A tragic tag wouldn't necessarily spoil the ending, but it would clarify not to expect a happy one.

Though i think the worst you said to him was this.

Let me guess... you loved Bambi, only to not recommend it to anyone else because the poor lickle fawn's mother got shot? Some fine reviewing work there, Mr Critic. :ajbemused:

Which in all honesty sounds more childish, and condescending than

Just because the story did it's job doesn't mean I like it.

And you feel cheated you didn't get a like? Bro, one time this person gave me a downvote because she felt that my story had homophobic undertones. I assured her it wasn't intentional and that she was looking to deeply into it, and she agreed and assured me the rest of the fic was really good. So, basically, she disliked the story solely for a nitpick for something that wasn't even really there. Now, that is being cheated. :ajbemused:

This which while carrying an indignant tone, was explaining his definition of being "cheated".

If anything, you should be setting a good example and give a talented writer their dues, instead of moaning about some 'depressing' ending that did it's job more than effectively. :twilightangry2:

He did give you your dues if you had read this sentence.

In all seriousness, this is very-well written and appropriately disturbing, but not something I would ever like.

He's just admitting that the story isn't something he would prefer.

Alright to get back to the latest comment.

Like I said above, you gave me no indication you were joking, so I took it as seriously as you displayed it, even if it wasn't your intenion. And I didn't call you those things to insult you, but again, my wording was bad and I apologize for that. I said those things because you are being a jerk even if you don't mean to.

Frankly, you should be thankful I have the balls to call you out on this. I am. I've acted like a jerk before and I was lucky enough to be called out on it each time. I listened, I apologized, and I fixed it. In fact that very thing has happened right now. Now, the question is: Are you going to listen?

The only thing I'm 'listening' to is the sound of someone digging a deeper and deeper hole for themselves. Want some clarification? Here you go: :rainbowdetermined2:

1. Someone who's known for 'snarking' a lot says something silly, and you take it very, very literally. Who's problem is it? YOURS

2. Someone insults me, writes a complaining review which they insist wasn't complaining at all and then wants some credit for having the 'balls' to compose a comment which is daft to the core. Who's coming across as the dummy here? YOU.

3. Someone says I should listen to their criticisms about me being a jerk, when they're coming across as being far more of a jerk than I could ever dream to be. Who am I referring to? Take a wild guess... YOU.

Never has a member fallen so far down in my estimation as you have these last few posts. I know you won't care, but meh... I just thought I'd mention it. Oh, and I won't be refollowing you or commenting on your DT blogs or stories or anything else you might endeavour to do on this site now definitely, just so you're aware. You still won't give a damn no doubt... but it is what it is. :pinkiehappy:

For your first point, Madness has explained

Like I said above, you gave me no indication you were joking, so I took it as seriously as you displayed it, even if it wasn't your intenion. And I didn't call you those things to insult you, but again, my wording was bad and I apologize for that. I said those things because you are being a jerk even if you don't mean to.

You haven't been wording your sarcastic quips all that well, they come across as rather rude. :applejackunsure:

As for your second and third points.

Well, Snarky, after reading this story, I find that it would be sensible to ask what exactly crawled into your mind and possessed you to write something this...... cruel? :moustache:

In all seriousness, this is very-well written and appropriately disturbing, but not something I would ever like. Also, why isn't the Tragedy tag on there?

I've already made most of my points on this subject, but i should clarify that this wasn't a complaining review.

It was a simple comment made a joke, gave his impressions, and simply questioned why a certain tag wasn't there.

And to be fair, you've been ignoring his points, and responding with condescending, petulant, judgemental, Sarcastic/Not-Sarcastic remarks.

And seeing as the fic did it's loke, I really should be expecting a 'like' from you, and I feel cheated really that I didn't get one. Oh well, your decision, no matter how wrong it might be. :pinkiesmile:

Just because one person was a misinformed pickypants, doesn't mean you need to be... :raritywink:

If anything, you should be setting a good example and give a talented writer their dues, instead of moaning about some 'depressing' ending that did it's job more than effectively. :twilightangry2:

Let me guess... you loved Bambi, only to not recommend it to anyone else because the poor lickle fawn's mother got shot? Some fine reviewing work there, Mr Critic. :ajbemused:

Sorry, I still found your review highly illogical and silly. :ajbemused:

It should have been clear to you what kind of story this was going in based on the description alone, so for you not to like it based on it being 'upsetting' is more than a little perplexing to me. :rainbowderp:

I also don't appreciative being called names, so I have now unfollowed you and will no longer take any interest in your future 'work'. :moustache:

Bye bye, Mr Madness. :scootangel:

Who's upset? I'm not upset. And I'm not going to give you any credit for being 'calm', either. If you're getting cross over such a minor online disagreement, to he honest thats your problem not mine. We are not going to see eye to eye on this, I still think you're completely in the wrong and now being a bit petty, so if what I'm saying is getting you a bit hot under the collar, I suggest you quit while you're ahead. Or behind, in your case. :ajsmug:

And as I said from my perspective you were complaining, by asking me what possessed me to write something this 'cruel' as well as moaning that the tragedy tag wasn't on there. What other way was I supposed to take your words? I really don't give a flying fig what rating anyone gives my stories any more as I've explained in my 'inspiring' new blog, I'm simply pointing out that to say outright you're not going to give a 'sad' fic a thumbs up because it had a 'sad' ending seems a bit... ya know, dumb to me. Does everything have to be plastered over with the 'tragedy' tag for you to get a clue? Do you really need everything spelling out for you so much, that there can't be any surprises or shocks ahead? I'm glad it wasn't figured out by anyone, it would've ruined the impact of the story if I'd done that. Duh. :rainbowderp:

Then, you came out with all these childish insults and you're still accusing me of being a jerk for stating my honest view... No sir, if anything its you that's coming off as the jerk now, and beginning to irritate me more than a tad. :trixieshiftleft:

The only thing I'm 'listening' to is the sound of someone digging a deeper and deeper hole for themselves. Want some clarification? Here you go: :rainbowdetermined2:

1. Someone who's known for 'snarking' a lot says something silly, and you take it very, very literally. Who's problem is it? YOURS

2. Someone insults me, writes a complaining review which they insist wasn't complaining at all and then wants some credit for having the 'balls' to compose a comment which is daft to the core. Who's coming across as the dummy here? YOU.

3. Someone says I should listen to their criticisms about me being a jerk, when they're coming across as being far more of a jerk than I could ever dream to be. Who am I referring to? Take a wild guess... YOU.

Never has a member fallen so far down in my estimation as you have these last few posts. I know you won't care, but meh... I just thought I'd mention it. Oh, and I won't be refollowing you or commenting on your DT blogs or stories or anything else you might endeavour to do on this site now definitely, just so you're aware. You still won't give a damn no doubt... but it is what it is. :pinkiehappy:

Right, that does it. You do not ask a person who's stock-in-trade is snarking to 'give it a dang rest', you cheeky little upstart. Get out of here now, and go and construct one of those really lovely blogs you do whenever someone upsets you on here. But do expect a similar response from me. Maybe we could turn it into an event... :twilightsmile:

Buh-bye for now! :scootangel:

You might argue that Madness was the one being impertinent, and you might be right to an extent which Madness acknowledges and apologizes.

...sigh... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have worded that the way I did.

And let me make something clear: I didn't know what direction this was going. Since it didn't have a tragedy tag, I assumed Diamond would be abused and then someone would help her. If I had known what direction it would go, I wouldn't have read this.

Why is the Like so important to you?

Oh, well. Once again, I'm sorry for my end in this.

 When I said your continuous makes you look like a jackass, I didn't say that to insult you. I said it because it really does make you look like a jerk. It was advice. Granted, the way I displayed it may have lacked tact, but I meant well.

but again, my wording was bad and I apologize for that. I said those things because you are being a jerk even if you don't mean to.

Frankly, you should be thankful I have the balls to call you out on this. I am. I've acted like a jerk before and I was lucky enough to be called out on it each time. I listened, I apologized, and I fixed it. In fact that very thing has happened right now. Now, the question is: Are you going to listen?

He may have misworded it a bit with the last paragraph, but he was extending the olive branch and apologizing for his behavior while making his points.

Points that you seem to have missed. I'm not gonna say you should be grateful for me pointing this out like he did, but what i will say is that at least you should seriously consider my words.

If you have decided to not Follow Madness anymore then so be it. That's ultimately your decision.

But i will acknowledge that he's right that you should tone down the sarcasm at times. I know Snark is your trade, but if you don't know when to control it then you'll start projecting yourself as a rude, condescending, and generally unlikable individual.

Perhaps this whole comment was a waste of time, but I'm just saying what i felt needed to be said.


Interesting that it's you that Mr Madness has to fight his corner for his good self... are we going to have his other friends provide the climax to this gripping tale of critic vs writer? Shall I hire a caterer, and have a clown turn up to entertain the young un's? Well, if you wanna step into the firing line, so be it. Let us just hope that you don't regret your hasty decision to involve yourself in this little showdown. Alright, brace yourself...

I think you may have misread his words.

No, I didn't. I know exactly what he was implying... which is why he couldn't come back here to tell me for himself.

When he said he was going to look this in the calmest fashion, he meant that he was going to stop acting foolishly and behave as a more rational person.

Nowhere in his reply did I ever get that impression. Instead, the only image I got was that of a petulant child jumping up and down because they'd been called out on their childish behaviour and contradictory statements, and was attempting to act under the facade of being the 'bigger' person by calling me out for being a 'jerk', when in actual fact they were being far more of a 'jerk' than almost anyone else I've met on this site save for one person. BTW that guy had 'King' in his username as well... maybe I'm just not good with males of the royal family persuasion. Hmm... makes mental note to avoid any Princes for the time being

Honestly, what childish insults? The worst he called you was Prick, Jerk, and Arsehole which are rather tame compared to the more traditional and urban epithets such as

Son of a whore, C**ksucker, Motherf**ker, Piece of sh*t.

And even then his "childish insults" were few and far between.

Heck, if he actually were being childish. He would've disliked your story, and give a flame while using more crude language like the examples i listed above.

And he wasn't moaning about the depressing ending.

They might be 'tame' compared to some of the more 'fruity' profanities you used up there, but the fact remains that the three terms you've used up there are 'childish insults', whatever way you choose to slice it. Contrasting them to three even worse names is a clever tactic I'll grant you. because it robs the original trio of insults of their impact somewhat... but facts are facts, and just because 'Son of a whore, C**ksucker, Motherf**ker, Piece of sh*t' are at a more advanced level than Prick, Asshole and Jackass on the offens-o-meter does not mean that the latter aren't automatically stripped of their juvenility. It's like comparing First Degree Murder to Second Degree Murder... the former is obviously worse, but basically they both fall under the same category and they're both wrong. Perhaps a little OTT applying such an extreme metaphor to a minor argument, but meh, at least you should be able to see what I'm getting at now when I grabbed your attention just now.

If you read the second paragraph, you'll notice that he said "In all seriousness," which would indicate that his first paragraph was a simple joke while admitting in the second paragraph that story is actually well written and appropriately disturbing.

And when he asked why the tragedy tag wasn't there, it was more of a legitimate question than childish complaining

I never called his complaining 'childish', only his insults, so don't take this discussion to a non-existent premise. And as minor as they were, and accompanied by praise as they might have been, asking what possessed someone to write such a 'cruel' story and enquiring as to why I'd not stuck the 'tragedy' tag up there still do sound like complaints to me, and to be honest you sound almost as foolish now for arguing the toss about an inarguable point as he did. Still, you chose to step forward on his behalf, so even if you are blithely ignoring his obvious wrongness you deserve to be subjected to the same level of derision he is. Was 'taking one for the team' really worth it?

Since as you yourself pointed out in one of the sentences, a sad tag doesn't necessarily mean a happy ending, but it also doesn't necessarily mean a tragic ending like what apparently happened in the story so it's uncertain, as Madness himself stated in this excerpt.

Right, I'm only going to say this one more time , before I either a) give up hope for all humanity or b) direct all future questions of this nature to my originally prepared statement. I didn't put a 'tragedy' tag here because I was afraid it would've ruined the ending... some smart guy here would've worked it out, and I decided not to take the risk. Why would anyone willingly spoil their story by adding such an obvious giveaway I don't know, and it was actually of huge benefit to the fic as a whole I think. Do you understand now? I think I've spelt it out enough. Not every story with the 'Sad' tag is going to have a happy ending if not accompanied by 'Tragedy', a pretty easy assumption to make but one I fear neither of you has managed to grasp yet. I hope you've finally caught up to speed now at least anyway... these constant explanations of pretty simple stuff are already getting quite boring.

A tragic tag wouldn't necessarily spoil the ending, but it would clarify not to expect a happy one.

Though i think the worst you said to him was this.

Which in all honesty sounds more childish, and condescending than

This which while carrying an indignant tone, was explaining his definition of being "cheated".

I've already covered everything here, apart from my 'snarky' remarks... which, if my username isn't enough of a clue, in all honesty I've been making for the last three years since my arrival on this blessed site as any casual observer would be able to tell you. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. But fetch me a packet of Smoky Bacon crisps while you're at it, pls.

He did give you your dues if you had read this sentence.

He's just admitting that the story isn't something he would prefer.

Alright to get back to the latest comment.

As I've already made abundantly clear, I wasn't expecting any upvotes or 'dues' or anything of the sort from Mr Madness, my comments were purely made in jest. If you're taking me seriously there, as I've stated previously, thats YOUR problem not mine. The majority of my comments here follow the same pattern, so anyone who fails to make that distinction needs to deal with their own naivety, and not come moaning to me about it. Still, at least you'll know for the future now... (at least, I hope so, I feel I deserve some peace).

For your first point, Madness has explained

You haven't been wording your sarcastic quips all that well, they come across as rather rude. 

As for your second and third points.

It was a simple comment made a joke, gave his impressions, and simply questioned why a certain tag wasn't there.

And to be fair, you've been ignoring his points, and responding with condescending, petulant, judgemental, Sarcastic/Not-Sarcastic remarks.

Funny how people can have different perspectives, isn't it? And there was me thinking he was the one ignoring my points and responding with condescending, judgemental, petulant, etc remarks. And now I'm talking to his bosom buddy who seems to have the situation flipped as well. I'm sure, one of this days, we can work together on a joint paper which looks at this strange phenomenon in minute detail which I'm positive will end in a groundbreaking and startling conclusion. For now though, I'll simply say 'whatever' and leave you and Mr Madness to fester in your own private little pit of delusion.

He may have misworded it a bit with the last paragraph, but he was extending the olive branch and apologizing for his behavior while making his points.

Points that you seem to have missed. I'm not gonna say you should be grateful for me pointing this out like he did, but what i will say is that at least you should seriously consider my words.

If you have decided to not Follow Madness anymore then so be it. That's ultimately your decision.

But i will acknowledge that he's right that you should tone down the sarcasm at times. I know Snark is your trade, but if you don't know when to control it then you'll start projecting yourself as a rude, condescending, and generally unlikable individual.

Perhaps this whole comment was a waste of time, but I'm just saying what i felt needed to be said.

C' mon, we're all adults here (maybe). You didn't think 'she needed to be said' at all... you're simply writing here because Mr Madness moaned in your earhole that the Big Bad Snarker was being rude about him, and he'd just lost his 50th subscriber... bless. But while your mutually beneficial online relationship is truly heartwarming, I'm afraid he (and by extension you) lose brownie points from me for not fighting your own battles, and allowing an irrelevant third party to get involved. In the future, it would be nice if you'd stick to your own disagreement s instead of butting in on matters, which to be frank don't concern you at all.

In fact, I bet you haven't even read the story, so how can you possibly form a cogent argument based on second hand knowledge about it? You can't, is the answer to that... and you've ending up looking like a bit of a wally in the process, to these eyes at least. Ah well... tell your handler Mr Madness I wish him the best of luck for the future, but inform him that if he keeps sending his hired goons I may just have his name be the first added to my covered 'block' list. I accidentally found out how to use in the other day while reading a random FAQ, such a marvel! Anyway, ta-ta for now, and as soon as you take a genuine interest in my work as opposed to acting as a bully boy for your little friends, be sure to contact me again please! :twilightsmile:

Well, I read it, and respect is earned. It's not often I read a fic with this heavily weighted of a subject material that actually maintains quality, and even realism. :twilightsmile:


Yeah... :twilightangry2:

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it... :duck:

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