• Published 24th Jul 2016
  • 3,281 Views, 48 Comments

Broken - Seraphimus

Rainbow Dash Has to come to terms with an injury that could cost her everything

  • ...

Shattered Dreams


Rainbow Dash sat quietly staring into her locker, the only sound her own breathing and the slight rustle of metal against fabric every time her new prosthetic brushed against her saddle bags. She had known this moment would be harder than saying goodbye; after all, it's easy to pretend to smile and laugh when you’re surrounded by friends. Yet even now, as she choked back a sob, desperately trying to keep herself together long enough to complete the daunting task that lay before her, she hadn't thought it would be this hard.

She sighed softly before closing her eyes, steeling herself one last time as she got up and slowly walked the few feet to the small metal door in front of her. She popped it open, pausing just a moment to gaze at the poster taped inside the door. “Wonderbolts!” it exclaimed proudly, and for the first time in days she found herself smiling, if only for a moment. She had done it; she'd made the team after years of dedication, training and hard work had paid off and seen her achieve her lifelong dream.

“Then he took everything from me.” The words rose from the back of her throat like bile, and her wistful smile turned to a grimace. The feeling of melancholy hanging over her was suddenly overwhelmed by rage as she smashed her hoof into the locker door; then, she tore the poster down and prepared to shred it to pieces.


She couldn't do it. She sobbed again, nearly collapsing in tears as her anger fell away again. It was replaced by the weight of a near-crushing despair she had been fighting off ever since she woke up, two weeks ago. She breathed heavily, choking back another pair of sobs as she struggled to regain control of her emotions. Slowly she wiped the dampness from her eyes, shuddered softly and let out a barely-audible sigh before she carefully rolled the poster up and placed it in her saddle bags.

She was thankful she had waited for the others to all go home first. She didn't think she could stand them seeing her like this. Not after the brave face she'd put on at the awards ceremony. She was a hero, after all.

Carefully, she began packing up the rest of her belongings—all the little trinkets, gifts and baubles she'd acquired as a member of the team over the last several years. A photo of her with the team; a newspaper clipping of an article about her first show; her team jacket long since autographed by the rest of her teammates; the medals she had been awarded earlier on; and a few other odds and ends. All in all it was a surprisingly light load, and by the time her saddlebags were full, only one thing remained in her locker.

Her uniform.

She hesitated a moment, gazing at the reflection of her new metallic limb. She tried to remember if it had hurt, but everything was blurry after the fall. That scar is pretty wicked. You know, it would actually look pretty cool if it didn't mean I might never be able to fly the same again. She chuckled dryly, an empty sound. Something to fill the silence that had now grown uncomfortable. A hollow attempt to chase off the shadows threatening to fill her mind as she folded her uniform and placed it gently over her shoulders, before closing her locker for the last time.

Like closing a door on the brightest chapter of her life.

“One last thing to do before I go,” she said quietly to herself, shuddering again and blinking more moisture from her eyes. She turned around, trotting quickly out of the locker room.

Best to get this over with quickly... like a band-aid, she thought as she made her way down the corridors. Spitfire’s office was her destination, where she was going to turn in her uniform and officially resign from the Wonderbolts.

As hard as this was going to be, Rainbow Dash was glad that Spitfire had decided not to honourably discharge her after the incident. Glad that she would be granted the dignity of retiring of her own accord… even if it was killing her inside to do so.

“Calm down, Dash,” she said aloud to herself, attempting to settle her nerves and schooling her face as she made her way to Spitfire’s office. “After all... there will be plenty of time to break down once you get home. But not here. Not till you're done, and especially not in front of Spitfire.”

She reached a hoof up and knocked on the door.

“Enter,” ordered the raspy voice on the other side.

Standing as straight as she could, momentarily forgetting her pain and anger, Rainbow easily fell into the role of soldier and subordinate and stepped through the door. Spitfire was, as usual, sitting behind her desk, her own wing still wrapped in a cast as she pushed the paperwork she was working on to the side and turned her attention to Dash.

“Rainbow Dash,” Spitfire said, nodding to the mare.

“Spitfire,” Rainbow responded automatically.

“Can't say I haven't been expecting you.”

The fiery yellow pegasus paused for a second, her eyes tracing the length of Dash's new wing before settling on the uniform on Dash's back. “I imagine I know why you're here, but I'll let you say it,” she said sympathetically, her expression unreadable. “Take your time.”

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and swallowed audibly, taking a couple of deep breaths before adopting her most serious expression. Carefully, she took her uniform off of her back and placed it on her commanding officer’s desk before speaking in the most official tone she could muster.

“Captain Spitfire, ma'am. I have come to tell you that with the utmost regret I have no choice but to officially tender my resignation from the Wonderbolts due to grievous injuries sustained in the line of duty.” There—she had said it. She'd practised that line a thousand times until it sounded the way she felt it should. All she needed was Spitfire’s response and she could head back home.

Her answer didn't come as quickly as she had expected, though. As Dash waited, she saw a look on her captain’s face she had only seen a few times before: indecision, as though she were struggling with how to word her response before settling on the absolute last thing Rainbow Dash expected to hear.


“W-What?” Dash replied, dumbstruck.

“I said no, Rainbow Dash. As captain of this team, it is my duty to inform you that the Wonderbolts cannot and will not be accepting your resignation at this time,” Spitfire replied firmly.

“B-But... why not?” Dash struggled as her stoic professional mask began to slip and her eyes started to water again. This was just supposed to be a formality, One final farewell on her own terms. Why was Spitfire making this so hard?

“Because, Dash... you—” Spitfire began before Dash cut her off, her frustrations over the last weeks finally spilling out before Spitfire could finish her response.

“You know what the doctors said, Spitfire.” Rainbow started. “You heard them... SIXTY PERCENT, they said. If I'm BUCKING LUCKY,” She was shouting now; she didn't know when she had started, but it made it easier to ignore the fact she was crying, too. “After years of rehab, I might get back almost sixty bucking percent of my ability to fly!” She panted, white hot rage and tears of anguish blinding her.

“I'm DONE. Washed up, because that bastard took EVERYTHING FROM ME. My dreams, my hopes, my talent. He took the SKY FROM ME, Spitfire. Maybe I'll fly again but it'll never be the same. I'm supposed to be the fastest flyer in Equestria, the only pony in the CELESTIA-DAMNED WORLD WHO CAN DO A SONIC RAINBOOM. THE ‘BOLTS ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST AND AT SIXTY BUCKING PERCENT I'LL NEVER EVEN BE ABLE TO DO WEATHER WORK AGAIN, I'll never...” She sobbed heavily, her face soaked with tears. “I'll never...” She collapsed on the ground as the anger faded. Leaving only her sorrow behind. She breathed heavily as her tears streamed down her face.

“Why couldn't you just let me leave with my dignity intact, Spitfire?” she whimpered. “We both know I'll never be good enough again. I just wanted to be able to walk away with my head held high, so maybe I could spend my life with my friends remembering my last days on the team fondly. You guys are my family now, you mean everything to me and I... I didn't want you to see me like this.”

Slowly and calmly, Spitfire walked around her desk and knelt down in front of Rainbow Dash, sighing sadly as she lifted Rainbow's chin. “I never thought I would live to see the day that the Rainbow Dash was ready to just give up on her dreams.

“You were always the best of us, Dash,” she went on. “Even at your worst, you were showing me things about myself and this team I had forgotten, and the only time you ever quit on me, it was because I had failed you. I wasn't good enough.”

Spitfire sighed heavily, her own eyes damp. “Especially when things truly mattered, Dash, You never quit, never gave up, not even... you know, after you went down, Dash. I thought, 'That's it, this is where the Wonderbolts end; we're just buying time with our lives now for the princesses to rally their forces.' We'd been fighting for hours. We were tired, sore, on our last legs, and nopony could even hit him, but you? You were possessed, fierce and unstoppable. You fought harder, faster, better and longer than anyone else out there that day. You were the one thing inspiring us to keep going. When he tore off your wing, we lost hope.” She shuddered, fighting back sobs now.

“There was so much blood... I thought you'd died. We all did. We went down like flies after that. Soarin will never be able to walk right again; he'll always struggle with his landings. Misty broke almost every bone in her body when she hit the ground. And Fleetfoot? Well, last time I visited her, the doctors said the swelling has finally gone down so it looks like she may just pull out of her coma after all.”

Rainbow Dash had gone silent now as Spitfire’s hoof pulled away from her face. Seeing the captain like this was sobering, and her own sobs had receded; she was taken by the need to commit every word to memory, regardless of the captain’s point.

“I was the last mare standing, and when I went down, I just... accepted my fate. All I had was a broken wing, Dash, and I didn't even try to move when he stormed over to strike the killing blow. And then suddenly you come charging out of nowhere, looking like a demon soaked in your own blood—howling like a beast for him to leave your friends alone. You were the stuff of nightmares; you should have been dead and instead you stabbed him with your own wingbone.” She let out a halfhearted chuckle at that one, her tears flowing freely by this point.

“You were so terrifying he froze. First blow we landed and you dropped him with a spear made from your own amputated wing. I remember, afterwards, you just gave me that cocky shit-eating grin of yours and said, 'Heh, bastard wasn't so tough after all, was he?' before you collapsed. I thought you'd died... again.” She smiled through her tears at Rainbow Dash as the cerulean mare worked her jaw, searching for words to respond.

“I really said that? I-I don't remember anything after seeing you on the ground.”

“You lost a lot of blood; the fact you were standing was a miracle.” At this, Spitfire reached a hoof out, to help lift the other pegasus to her hooves before wiping her own eyes dry. “My point is, Dash... I can't let you leave the 'Bolts because we all owe our lives to you. You were too stubborn and too damn loyal to stay down while we were in danger. Because even when we had given up, even when you should have been dead, you didn't quit on us—you didn't give up on us. After that, I refuse to let the 'Bolts give up on you.”

Gingerly, almost with a sense of reverence, she grabbed the discarded uniform off of her desk and moved to hand it back to the broken pegasus.

“As far as I and the others are concerned, this uniform and that locker will be yours until the day you're ready to retire properly. So when—not if—you prove the stupid doctor wrong and get yourself back to one hundred percent, they'll be waiting for you. Even if it takes forever. 'Cuz the Rainbow Dash I know would never quit. Not until she died... and even then she'd keep on fighting,” she finally finished, giving Dash a hopeful stare and what she hoped was a playful smirk.

Rainbow Dash sat for several long minutes, pensively processing all of Spitfire's words as she studied the object in the fiery yellow mare’s hooves. Was Spitfire right? Did she really have a chance of coming back? But the doctor said—

No. The word firmly shattered her own thoughts with the same conviction Spitfire had used earlier. Screw what the doctor said. Spitfire’s right; I'm Rainbow Dash. I've spent my whole life breaking records and proving ponies wrong about me. Besides, I have my friends: Twilight, AJ, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and the team too. Slowly, she smiled. A real smile. That same cocky, self-confident grin she always wore. I spent my whole life earning this uniform. With my friends’ help, I know I can do it again.

She looked Spitfire in the eyes. “Alright,” Rainbow said quietly, taking her uniform from Spitfire’s outstretched hooves. “If the ‘Bolts need me that badly, I'll stick around a while longer. Might be a while before I'm flight-ready again, though. Think you guys can handle it without me for a bit?”

“I think we can manage.” Spitfire chuckled, exhaling as she moved to sit back behind her desk. “And remember—you may be on indefinite leave, but you're still part of the team. Stop by and say hi every now and then.”

“Of course, ma'am,” Dash responded. She fell back into her soldier routine as she waited patiently next to the door, still wearing her trademark grin as Spitfire got back to the paperwork she'd been trying to finish.

A moment passed in silence as Spitfire looked at the papers. Then she paused, looking up at Dash “Was there something else?”

“No, ma'am.”

“Then why are you still here?”

“Well, ma'am, if you remember, I decided not to resign today.”

“And what exactly does that have to do with... oh, right. Dismissed, soldier,” she said in the most official tone she could muster. She tried but failed to suppress a chuckle at the other pegasus’ antics.

Dash, meanwhile, replied with a clipped, “Yes, ma'am,” and turned to leave the room, pausing just before closing the door. “And Spitfire?”

“Yes, Rainbow Dash?”

“Thanks... for stopping me from making the biggest mistake of my life,” she said softly, smiling sincerely over her shoulder at the older mare.

“No, Dash, thank you,” Spitfire replied sincerely just before Rainbow Dash closed the door.

Making her way out of the building, Rainbow quickly headed towards the edge of the city where she had parked the balloon Twilight had loaned her. She was in a hurry to get home and get some sleep. After all, her physio-therapy started first thing in the morning and she had a lot of doctors to start proving wrong.

Comments ( 48 )

This was really good. You just earned yourself a like and a favorite!

7420997 Thank you so much ^_^

This is a very good first story. I think you really captured the characters of Rainbow Dash and Spitfire very well. You've earned this upvote form me.

7421986 I'm just floored at the positive responses you guys. It's been so long since I have written anything, And even longer since I have shared any of it. I am so very glad you enjoyed it, Hopefully I can work up the motivation to write something else sooner than later.

Something something stick a wing blade innit.

Hmm... quite the story you have here, I like it! Very sad, but awesome near the end with her staying instead of giving up.
I have a feeling Rainbow will prove those docs wrong, and come back 120% :rainbowdetermined2:

Though my question to this is... who is this he that did this to them? :rainbowhuh:

Nice story!~

7542567 honestly, he was just... A vague concept I had in my head I couldn't some up with something that I felt appropriately villainous without overdoing it so I kept it vague. I have been debating writing a prequel to the story in order to expand on that but I dunno if I have it in me. I'm a prolific reader but writing is hard for me. I am super glad you enjoyed my story though, Also yeah, I'm a sucker for a good ending.

Hmm, vague concept? Well I like it, and I totally understand dude.
For a moment I was thinking it was Soarin for a moment, I wanna say I don't hate him, but that would be a lie :pinkiesick:

I feel you on the writing front man, its tough sometimes.
Anywho, keep up the good work dude.

Good Job Theo :rainbowdetermined2:

See though, That's why it works. I think, I managed to leave it vague but defined enough for people to come to their own conclusion. Which is what I was going for because I wasn't sure how to write in a villain without padding the piece more than I wanted too. Still hashing out the details for a possible prequel in my head though, so the villain may get his spotlight yet.

Fantastic~ I like it dude, and the way you did it, well I approve~

Well that was uplifting

"You were so terrifying he froze. First blow we landed and you dropped him with a spear made from your own amputated wing."

YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH- I'mma sucker for fighting with your own dismembered body parts.

7868272 Honestly that's gotta be one of the two most badass lines I've ever read in literature. And both I've seen in this fic here today!

This was recommended to me by somepony. When I saw the cover art I was all 'fuck no. I don't want to see Dash like this.' so I put it off for a few days. It made me cry, yes, but I have faith in Dash. Sh-she'll come back at 120% :pinkiesad2: I know she will.

What an amazingly sad and inspirational story all at the same time. It is exactly how I would picture Rainbow Dash if she suffered a devastating injury that prevented her from flying for a while, great job.

A little too fast for my liking, but it was good. 8/10

7870538 As the writer I have to know what was the other one? Also thank you.

7871101 I write sad best, but I can't stand a sad ending. Nothing's gonna stop her not even the impossible.

7872042 Agreed. It would break her, inside as much as out. Flying isn't just a thing she does, It's who she is. But... Just because something is broken doesn't mean it cant be fixed. doesn't mean it's worthless.

7872760 I wanted to it to be longer myself, but honestly? I couldn't figure out how without Just adding a bunch of filler that wouldn't really have expanded any on the story, or just telling What I felt like was another story. I am slowly trying to write a prequel that will be longer and basically tell the story of "How it happened". Sadly I don't have much in the way of a muse most times. I wrote this in a single sitting Because it's often months between days when I have enough motivation.

Thank you all for reading and enjoying my story, seriously.

This was good. I was all: No, Dash you can't throw in the towel. And then Spitfire reminded her of her own tenacity. And I was like: Hell yeah girl! :pinkiehappy: Short but powerful. you get a like from me :twilightsmile:

7874683 I'm a sucker for a sad story with a positive ending. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

7874745 Me too. After all, victory is a thousand times sweeter if you have to go through hell and despair to obtain it. :pinkiecrazy:

7874646 :yay: I can't stand sad ending either. I stopped reading tragedies when the world ended and everyone died. :twilightoops: I knew something would stop me but that... Ya, I wasn't that to be the thing. That's why I like this what would normally be a story where I'm sobbing. :twilightsheepish:(I was but I would've been more if not for that ending.)

7874752 I'm more of a "Two sides of the same coin" Kind of guy.

Can you truly appreciate happiness if you've never been sad?
Peace without having known Chaos?
Love without having experienced Anger and hate?
Loss makes us appreciate what we have/had all the more.

the negative things we experience give colour and meaning to the positive. You may be able to go through life Happy all the time, but you will never understand it and appreciate that feeling the way that someone who knows true loss and sorrow does. That's what I was trying to go for. Dash lost everything, it hurt. but it also made her realise exactly how important it was to her in the first place. And with a little encouragement from a friend, How important it was to win it back.

7874818 well theres truth in that too :pinkiesmile:

This... was beautiful.:raritycry:


You were the stuff of nightmares; you should have been dead and instead you stabbed him with your own wingbone.

7875502 Thanks. I'll have to see if I can one-up myself in the future.

7875043 Thank you. I am really glad you thought so.

that was really good!

8016478 thank you very much

Awesome story, better than the little crappy one I put in the comments of the picture you based it off of ;3

8040868 would you believe that that little blurb is what encouraged me to write this?

Honestly, I would say no but it's not the first time I've heard that something I wrote inspired others xD not even the first time I heard that my little story in the comments inspired someone.

Still, hearing that I inspired you made my day :twilightblush:

I hope you keep writing awesome stories, there are too few good storytellers in this world.

8041592 honestly, My pace is sluggish at best, and this may well be the best thing I ever write, the words never flow so well as they did with this one, but I do hope to post more in the future.

And hope you post more in the future as well!

The great Seraphimus, warrior extraordinaire in the name of Rohbredden, has ventured into story writing.

Verlaxion was wise to choose you!
Great story.

Thanks, Getting motivated to write is hard for me but I have always enjoyed it, I'm very glad people are enjoying it... though it's always particularly awesome when a fellow Jurist Stumbles in here.

Author Interviewer

A good first fic. :) I hope you'll keep at it.

Thank you so much, i saw your review and i have to say i am floored by your kind words.

Yet another beautifully crafted story. Keep up the amazing work. Its all worth it for all us readers out there. :twilightsmile:


So this was pretty fucking legit. I like stories that just...give You what you need to know. No excessive ibformation, feel me? An example would be, like, you throw in a bunch of flashbacks of it happening or some shit. I got everything I needed to know through dash and spitfire.

They got their asses beat. The other Bolts are fucked up. Dash went beastmode. Love and prosper. Just a solid little treat. I fucking love stories that feel like they're part of something larger. Feel me?

As your first fic, this is pretty God damn dope. Usually first time authors (myself included) try to make something with multiple chapters with a big overarching story, OC and a bunch of other shit. I'm happy that what you made here was a simple, well-made nugget of good juicy shit. I look forward to whatever you vomit out in the future.


Thanks A ton. I mean it. It's nice to know that what I was trying to do was noticed.

I didn't want to write a long arcing tale wanted to hit people with a short but strong emotional turning point for a character they already know. I didn't Feel like I needed to pad it with all kinds of details... Some people have said they would have liked more... And yeah maybe I could have done a bit more Backstory stuff, but... that wasn't what it was about you know?

I feel you man. Just write what you want to write man, nothing else matters. I love you. <3


Excellent application of the K.I.S.S. principle. As you mentioned, nothing but what was needed to convey the scene you wished to portray.

As others have said, you really should keep at it as this is evidence that you have what it takes to write stories that will grab the reader.

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