• Published 27th Jul 2016
  • 1,236 Views, 18 Comments

There's Something Screwy Goin' On Around Here - No1MporXant

Twilight is trying to prepare for a triennial celebration, but Screwball keeps irking her to just hang out & have some fun, things start getting pretty screwy even when yet another Monster attacks Ponyville.

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Chapter 4

Meanwhile returning to Twilight and Spike who have been running around some more, hoping to have ditched Screwball, they stop to catch their breath and Twilight says "Maybe now we can get back to more important business at hoof".

Suddenly Twilight makes a Hiccup/Croak-like sound accompanied by a shocked facial expression, then she lifts her hoof up to the top of her head, then somehow she unzips herself like she was in disguise & out comes Screwball, then Screwball somehow zips up Twilight back to normal like nothing happened to her at all.

Twilight then touches her head & torso in a panicking manner while taking in frightened gibberish.

Then Twilight turns to Screwball and shouts "Stop Doing That!", then says "Seriously, sometimes I can't even tell if I'm Real or Not when you're around!".

With a close-up of Screwball's face she looks towards the camera & says "Don't tell her Folks, at this point she'd be lucky if all she got was an Aneurysm".

Then Spike asks "What?".

Screwball replies "Oh, just that knowing too much of the truth can really hit you like a Ton of Bricks".

Suddenly a bunch of Bricks falls down from the sky & lands right on Screwball's head, then Screwball sticks her head out from the top of the Brick Pile, looks straight up & shouts "Hey, I said a TON, Where the Cinder-block?".

Then sure enough a Cinder-block falls down & lands on Screwball's head, then Screwball says in a muffled voice "That's more like it", then Screwball bounces the Bricks & Cinder-block off herself by having a huge coiled spring pop out out between her mane & her hat, sending the Bricks & Cinder-block off screen to some unknown location.

Screwball then says to Twilight "So anyways, up for a game of Jenga?", while Screwball pulls out a long, thin Jenga like block from the center of her own body, leaving a rectangular hole in her body.

Then Screwball falls apart like a Jenga Tower, while still in that pile of herself, the block with her mouth on it says "That game always makes me go all to pieces".

With the camera centered on Twilight & Spike, Twilight says "Honestly Screwball, will you just-".

But Screwball interrupts Twilight again, looks at a weird-looking pocket watch on a spring that popped out of a small compartment on her beanie & says "Oh hold that thought, it's time for the commercial break, hey to spice this moment up, let's do an Eye-Catch".

"A What?" asks Spike.

Screwball then replies "This".

Then Screwball pulls a picture down like a window shade, the picture depicts Screwball taking off her hat to reveal a Jack-in-the-Box toy popping out of the top of her head, a bunch of foals around her think that's weird, but Derpy(who's also there) looks at this with amazement, then we hear Screwball say "We'll be right back after these important messages", then we go to the commercials.

After the Commercials we see a different Eye-Catch picture depicting Pinkie Pie on a dirt road, holding a Red Balloon tied to a string with the string in her mouth, and Pinkie is looking behind herself with confusion as she sees Princess Celestia angrily chasing after Screwball, who is somehow holding the Sun like a Balloon tied to a string with the String in her mouth while floating away from Celestia, we then hear Screwball say "And now back to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic".

Then the Eye-Catch shoots upwards like a window shade rolling back up, and we see that Twilight & Spike are still standing around looking annoyed in a bored way, but Screwball has for some reason already started a Barbecue Grill surrounded by a Brick Chimney, then with the camera centered on Screwball she looks behind herself to look at the camera, then she says "Aww back already, and I just got this Barbecue Pit goin', oh well".

Then we see another Screwball breaking the 4th wall by pushing the scene over to the left of the screen so she can take a moment to give an explaination about something she thinks might be puzzling the viewers.

Screwball then says "You're all probably still wondering exactly how I'm able to do all of these crazy things aren't you, we'll the answer is actually quite simple, I learned them all because of Discord".

Screwball then has a bunch of pictures & video clips appearing to give her visual aids as she explains "You see I wasn't always the Peculiar Pony you see before you, Originally I was just an ordinary Earth Pony who grew-up as an orphan with no friends or family, not even a cutiemark, sad to say I was one Pitiful Pony living a Miserable Life, until the day Discord 1st came to Ponyville to start spreading his Chaos, while everyone else panicked at what he was doing, I was awestruck by how he could take the bland & dull, and make it all whimsical & fun, Not Everypony sees Chaos as a Bad Thing you know, I was so amazed by what he could do that I wanted to join him, Neigh, I wanted to Be like him, Discord took pity on me & offered to give me what I wanted, though he did say it could be dangerous, but I didn't care because I had nothing to live for & nothing to lose, so I gladly accepted his offer, Discord then used his magic to permanently alter my DNA so that I would become partially Draconequus, this caused me to change into who you see before you, and not only did I finally get my Cutie Mark, but I also received at least half the same power as Discord's, not enough to Warp reality like he does, but still enough to Defy reality & perform feats based on the laws of Cartoon Physics, it also filled my head with the vast knowledge of the Cosmos, making me unimaginably smart, but also made me extremely wacky, in the end I pretty much became like the Daughter that Discord never had, so he decided to make it official & adopted me, which makes Discord my Daddy, ever since then I've been using my new abilities to go around and help others out so that they don't have to be miserable like I used to be, and after resolving a little dispute with Pinkie Pie, I began teaching her all sorts of new tricks that she & just about anypony else could do, though most of the stuff that I've been doing since Season 2 has always happened off screen or in between episodes, so none of you viewers would know any of this, but we can cover more on those later on".

Then the scene returns from the left side of the screen, slamming into the Screwball that was giving this explanation, and carrying her away going off screen to the right side so that we can return to the episode at hoof.

Screwball then holds a huge pad of paper & a big marker up to Twilight & Spike and asks "So Anyways, Who's up for Pictionary?".

Twilight then says "Screwball, if you would just-".

But Twilight is interrupted yet again, this time by an extremely loud growling sound coming from Screwball's stomach, Screwball then says "Don't Move, I'll be right back", then she uses the marker to draw a tunnel on the paper, then run right in through the tunnel as if it were real, Spike then examines the tunnel, but it just acts like a regular drawing on a sheet of paper.

We then come to Applejack at her stand selling some of her apple products, then Screwball zips in stopping right at A.J.'s stand and says "Hi-Ya Jackie".

Applejack sighs in annoyance and says "Howdy there Screwball, so What can I do ya fer".

Screwball replies "Let me try your Ware".

A.J. then says "And by Ware, I assume you mean you want a Pie, right?, That'll be 8 bits please".

Screwball then hands A.J. the money while saying "Looks like you still remember that little tid-bit, don'tcha?".

A.J. gives Screwball the Pie while saying "After the 1st time we went through that, how could I ferget?".

Screwball then says "Ya that was pretty fun, hey, let's watch that again".

Screwball then uses her tail like a hand, pulls out a small TV set from behind her back, then turns on the TV, then we see some static until the camera zooms into the TV, and clears into the time that the 2 Mares were talking about.

We then see Applejack's stand from an earlier time, then Screwball comes along.

Applejack says "Howdy there partner, what can I do ya fer on this fine day?".

Screwball replies "Let me try your Ware".

"My What?" says Applejack.

"Not your What your Ware, Let me try your Ware" says Screwball.

"What Ware, I got no Ware?" asks A.J.

"You know What Ware, Any Ware" says Screwball.

"Who's got Ware?" asks A.J.

"You got Ware!" says Screwball.

"I don't got Ware!" says A.J.

A.J. then points to the right & the camera pans over to another Mare, one who is growing flower beds full of Hamamelidaceae in front of a house, and even has a Hamamelis for a Cutie Mark, while A.J. says "Ask Her, maybe She's got Ware".

We then hear Screwball ask "And who's she?"

We then hear A.J. reply "She's Witch Hazel", while we see Witch Hazel wave back at A.J.

We then return the camera over to A.J.'s stand & Screwball asks "Witch Hazel?"

Applejack then replies "Ya, see if she's got Ware".

"What Ware?" asks Screwball.

"Witch's Ware!" says A.J.

"What?" asks Screwball.

"No, Ware!" says A.J.

"What's Nowhere?" asks Screwball.

"This whole conversation! Why don't we try this again from the top?" asks A.J.

"Cuz I can't quit til' I get a Pie" says Screwball.

"A Pie? I thought ya said Ware?" asks A.J.

"Same thing, Your Pies are your Wares" says Screwball.

"Well why didn't ya just say so! That'll be 8 bits please" says A.J.

Screwball gives Applejack the money while A.J. hands Screwball the pie.

We then get a close up of Screwball as she sighs in joy, then she splats the pie on her own face, then says "That's Better".

We then get a close up of A.J. and she asks "How is That Better?".

We then return to our close up of Screwball who replies "Cuz now I'm finally getting some-Ware".

The screen then starts to static again and we zoom out from the small TV.

Then with another close up of Screwball she says "Ahh yes, good times, good times".

Screwball then splats herself with the pie she bought at the start of all of this, then says "And the good times just keep on coming", then she slurps the pie off her face & eats it.

Then Screwball leaves by bouncing on her tail like Disney's Tigger while giggling in a manner similar to Daffy Duck's, Goofy's or Woody Woodpecker's trademark laugh.

We then see Witch Hazel walk over to Applejack while still looking at Screwball, then Witch looks at A.J. with a confused look in her face, then A.J. just covers her eyes with her hoof & slowly shakes her head left & right.

Author's Note:

A special thanks to Astringe and PonyPon for inspiring the ideas for the Eye Catch Pics.