• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤


This story is a sequel to Synthetic Bottled Sunlight

A gift for NorrisThePony. Set in the same 'verse as Synthetic Bottled Sunlight, you have to read it to understand what's happening here and it's really good anyway. Why haven't you read it yet? There's some spoilers in here too.

Celestia is writing a book and won't let Nightmare Moon read it so Nightmare Moon decides to annoy her as much as possible.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

Well! I never!


"Okay, for starters I'm entirely sure that the mysterious, grumpy, and all-around snarky protagonist is really just your self-insert."

Goodness, my sides.

Is it wrong that I want Nightmare Moon and Celestia to get along?

7428241 Looks like I need to write a Synthetic Bottled Sunlight: Abridged.

I'd say the first half of this is enjoyable on a base level for people who write as opposed to just read, but the self-insertion and probable abridgement of real-world conversations once NMM has written her stuff just feels alienating, and the over-extended way that some sentences make it abundantly clear that this is all based on the real world just robs it of a lot of fun for me.

In the end, it's blatantly obvious that this is an in-joke only meant to be shared between two people, put on public display for no discernible reason and rather ham-fisted in its delivery. It's like the in-jokes from 'What About Discord?', except it also has the potential to scare away anyone who was thinking of reading your stuff but realizes that you've described your entire Fimfiction portfolio with NMM's ranting.

Even having read SBS I admit to being confused by this :rainbowwild:

7428514 This did originate as a joke based on a few things we said and how amused I was that in the main story Celestia wrote these novels that was clearly just her and Luna inserted into a mystery novel (that she wrote sequels to). I imagine if NMM wrote books of her own they'd be self-inserts as well, in that case they'd be quite snarky. I've never written anything like this before so I had some limitations on how I was going to do this without spoiling Norris' story. Because of this it ended up being comedy and comedy alone. I looked it over a few times to make sure it still looked like something that could be enjoyed without any context from anything except SBS. The only thing that remained mostly as an in-joke was the satire of our writing styles, which of course was over the top and flanderized. I still chose to add this since it worked for the joke. Thanks for the comment and all the feedback though, this helps a lot since most comedy I write tends to have a different flavor to it. I appreciate your insight into this silly little story I made. :twilightsmile:

7428643 In the first chapter of SBS it mentions Celestia wrote a mystery novel. I was very intrigued how she goes on to describe the plot of them which is really just wishful thinking about her and Luna. I had it in my head for a while of what would happen if the stories were even more ironic and decide to add a foil with NMM and have them joke about writing. Plus, in SBS NMM is vaguely cute in a creepy, I-kick-puppies sort of way.


Norris X Ice Star OTP :trollestia:

Time to put SBS in tracking and start it (eeeventually maybe I guess)

7951074 It's worth it.


Don't bother it sucks and the author is an asshat

7979081 I do believe it's too late for that :trixieshiftleft:

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