• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 9,076 Views, 288 Comments

Best Young Flyer - bookplayer

Scoot trains with Dash to be Best Young Flyer, but could something more develop?

  • ...

Wake Up Calls for Oblivious Pegasi

“So, do I look okay?” Scootaloo asked as Rainbow Dash came to pick her up for the Gala.

Rarity had outdone herself on the dress, which was fitted towards the front but flared to drape over Scoot’s tail. The fabric started an orange-pink and faded through colors like a sunset until it reached a purple trim the same shade as Scoot’s eyes. The beauty shop Rarity had recommended for her mane had managed to tame the fly-away ends into soft curls and Scoot actually got all the way back to her house and got her dress on without messing it up.

“Scootaloo?” Dash blinked in surprise, still standing in the doorway. She was wearing her Wonderbolts uniform, and seemed to have brushed her mane. Scoot always thought she looked amazing in that uniform. It wasn’t so much her body, it was the proud smile Dash always had when she was wearing it.

“Yeah?” Scoot answered, a little confused.

Dash shook her head. “You look... wow. Fantastic! Oh my gosh, you look so good!”

“Thanks,” Scoot said, blushing and hoping it was true.

“Seriously,” Dash whispered, stepping forward and giving Scoot a nuzzle. “I mean, you’re usually hot, but right now you’re the most beautiful pony in all of Equestria.”

“Besides you,” Scoot said, giving a nuzzle back.

Dash opened her mouth, then closed it. Then she said, “You... might be hotter then me. You look amazing.”

“Dash! Stop it.” Scoot laughed.

Dash grinned. “Come on, I can’t wait to walk into the Gala with you next to me. Everypony there is gonna be staring at us.”

“Really?” Scoot asked suspiciously.

“Yup. If they like mares they’re gonna want us, and if they don’t they’ll wish they did. That’s how awesome we are,” Dash said with a cocky smile that made Scoot laugh again.

“Whatever you say, Dash.”

The sun was setting as they took off and flew together to Canterlot. Scoot avoided any fun moves while flying to try to keep her mane do and dress intact at least until she got to show them to Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. Dash took the opportunity to warm up for her performance by flying ahead and showing off some of her tricks.

In between showing off, Dash made a few things very clear: The Gala sucked. Dash had a whole castle full of ponies who wanted to talk to her so that they could casually mention to their friends that they’d talked to her. Scoot was more then welcome in the Wonderbolts VIP section, but she’d have way more fun if she found Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom and hung out with them all night.

Scoot didn’t mind. As soon as they arrived she set off to find her friends. Apple Bloom was easy, Scoot just followed the smells of baked goods to the kitchen. Apple Bloom was helping Applejack with the catering, but agreed to meet in the gardens just as soon as she was set free.

Scoot went looking for Sweetie Belle next, but Sweetie found her first. She was with two young stallions who both seemed determined to have her attention, so as soon as she spotted Scootaloo she grabbed her and insisted to the stallions that they had to powder their muzzles.

“You know I don’t wear make up,” Scoot said, raising an eyebrow as Sweetie dragged her out of the ballroom.

“Pretend,” Sweetie said with a glare back toward the stallions. “Where are we meeting Apple Bloom?”

“The gardens,” Scoot said, and Sweetie steered the two of them there.

Once they found a quiet area away from everypony else, Sweetie spent a few moments exclaiming over Scoot’s dress and mane. Scoot did the same, Sweetie did look good in the shimmery deep purple dress that Rarity had made for her. It wasn’t long after they started talking that Apple Bloom showed up in her satiny red dress, balancing a tray full of pastries on her back.

“Is that for all of us?” Sweetie asked.

“Nuh-uh, you guys get your own. This here’s mine.” Apple Bloom slid the tray to the ground and dug into a pie. “Mmm! This is amazin’!”

Scoot exchanged a confused glance with Sweetie, then asked, “Um, Apple Bloom? Didn’t you make all this stuff?”

“Nope. This is the stuff Applejack made with Peaches N’ Cream. Peach cobbler, and peach tarts and baked peaches... just look at it!” Apple Bloom gazed lovingly at the pile of treats.

“But isn’t that all the stuff you guys make,” Scoot pressed, “but with peaches instead of apples?”

“Yup!” Apple Bloom happily agreed.

“So how is it so amazing?” Sweetie Belle asked, no less confused.

“It’s peaches! Do y’all know how many apple tarts I’ve had in my life? How many apple fritters and apple pies and apple dumplin’s? This here’s a whole plate of pastries from Sweet Apple Acres with no apples! It’s like magic! Applejack better not mess it up with that mare, that’s all I’m sayin’.”

Sweetie looked at Scoot, who just shrugged.

The three of them fell into easy conversation about the pros and cons of the Gala, about colts Sweetie and Apple Bloom were dating, about work and family and home. They debated a visit to the sculpture garden, but decided that if the worst that could happen was destroying Equestria then there probably wasn’t fun to be had there that was worth it.

After a few hours of hanging out they were interrupted by another pony wandering through the gardens a little way away. It was a mare about their own age, a white pegasus with a deep blue mane wearing a gold gown. They stopped their conversation while she passed, but after watching her for a moment Scoot thought that she looked really familiar.

After blinking a few times, Scoot realized it. “Hey, I know that pony. Skylark! Over here!”

Skylark turned, and her mouth fell open. After a second she pulled herself together and trotted over, grinning. “Hi! I mean, um, hi Scootaloo.”

“Guys, this is Skylark, she teaches with me. These are my friends, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle,” Scoot said, gesturing to her friends. The girls smiled and shook hooves.

“It’s nice to meet ya,” Apple Bloom said with a grin.

“Thanks. You too,” Skylark replied politely. Then she turned back to Scoot and hesitated. Finally she said, “You look amazing. I mean, so do your friends. You all look good.”

“Thanks. You look nice too,” Scoot said.

“Thanks.” Skylark blushed. “So, these are your friend from where you grew up?”

Scoot nodded. “Yeah, we all grew up in Ponyville. Where are you from?”

“Here. Canterlot, that is, not the castle. But I’ve been to the castle a lot. My uncle is one of Princess Celestia’s charioteers, that’s why I’m here.” The words seemed to just tumble out of Skylark’s mouth, as though she wasn’t quite sure what she was saying.

Scoot found it kind of endearing. She grinned. “That’s awesome! You know Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom’s sisters are both Elements of Harmony.” Scoot blushed a little. “But I’m not really related to anyone important.”

“It’s over rated,” Sweetie said, rolling her eyes.

“But you’re friends with one of the Wonderbolts,” Skylark pointed out. “That is so cool.”

Scoot’s eyes lit up at the mention of Dash. “Yeah, well, she is really cool. She –”

“She’s training Scootaloo for the Best Young Flyer competition,” Sweetie cut in. “Scootaloo knows some really dazzling tricks.”

“Wow, really?” Skylark said, genuinely impressed.

Scoot smiled and looked down, pawing at the dirt. “Well, yeah, some. I just like them, ya know? I’m not aiming for the Wonderbolts or anything.”

“That’s good, because you’re a really great teacher. I don’t know how you’re so patient with those remedial foals. It’s really amazing, I wouldn’t know what to do with a kid that old who couldn’t fly.”

Scoot could feel herself blushing and narrowed her eyes. She still took it personally, she would always take it personally.

Sweetie Belle cringed, and Apple Bloom quickly stepped next to Scoot and said, “Scoot, we’re at the Gala. I ain’t sure this is the time.”

“It’s okay, Apple Bloom,” Scoot said, then she looked Skylark in the eye. “I was nine. When I learned to fly, I mean. And what you do with foals like I was is you teach them to fly.”

Skylark’s eyes went wide, and she looked mortified. “Ohmygosh, I didn’t mean anything. I can’t believe I said that, I’m such an – I’m so sorry. I mean, you’re training with a Wonderbolt for the Best Young Flyer competition? That’s so inspirational! And I know you’ll win.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle relaxed as Scoot gave a laugh. “How do you know I’ll win?”

“I don’t know... I mean, you’re just so... cool.”

Scoot just smiled, and Sweetie gave Scoot a curious look. Scoot had no idea what Sweetie was trying to tell her and shrugged.

“Excuse us,” Sweetie said as she shoved Scoot off to the side. Scoot was surprised, and Sweetie kept shoving until they were behind some bushes.

“What’s going on? What was that look about?”

“Scootaloo, that pony is crazy about you!” Sweetie said as if she was stating the obvious.

“What, Skylark? Nah. I mean, she’s just friendly.” Scoot glanced back to where Skylark was nodding at something Apple Bloom was saying.

“She’s friendly and crazy about you. You have to ask her out,” Sweetie Belle insisted.

“No! I mean, I couldn’t. I’m – I’m here with Dash, remember?” Scoot said, feeling cornered.

Sweetie narrowed her eyes. “Rainbow Dash isn’t your marefriend, remember? I’m just telling you that there’s a nice, pretty pony over there who definitely wants you to ask her out. Somepony who probably does want to be your marefriend, and have a real relationship with you.”

Scoot looked at Skylark again. “She is nice, and pretty. But why would she like me?”

“I have no idea,” Sweetie said dryly. “Seriously, Scootaloo, you’re funny and nice and pretty. Anypony would be lucky to have you. So are you going to ask her out?”

“Um, yeah. Sure. But I’d have to stop seeing –”

Sweetie raised an eyebrow. “Rainbow Dash?”

Scoot bit her lip and nodded. The idea of not being with Dash hurt. It hurt more then it should have. They had so much fun together, and Dash was so gorgeous and amazing. And there were all those plans Dash was making about stuff they could do together. Scoot never wanted to give that up.

But those things hurt too. Because right now, Dash could be meeting somepony she’d fall in love with. Scoot knew she couldn’t just sit around and wait for that to happen, hoping for a future that wasn’t going to come. Not when there was a pretty, nice pony who might be able to really give her a future to look forward to. Ending things with Dash would hurt at first, but that was really only a matter of time, and at least this way she had a chance at love with somepony else.

Scoot nodded with resolve. “I’ll do it.”

“Great!” Sweetie grinned and hopped up and down. “I’ll pull Apple Bloom away, and you ask the question.”

“Got it.”

The two returned to Apple Bloom and Skylark. Apple Bloom was talking happily and pointing to items in what was left of her pile of treats.

“...And this one here’s a peach muffin!”

“Apple Bloom,” Sweetie said in a sing-song voice, “Scootaloo and I saw somepony with some kind of peach cupcake. Did you see those?”

“Nope! I didn’t know AJ was makin’ cupcakes! ‘Scuse me, Skylark, I gotta go check this out.”

“I’ll come too!” Sweetie said happily, following the earth pony away.

“Your friends are really nice,” Skylark said, smiling.

“Yeah, they are. Sorry about the lecture on peach pastries, Apple Bloom’s a little excited,” Scoot said, rolling her eyes a little.

“You know, I guessed that.”

There was a pause, and Scoot took a deep breath. Now or never. “So, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out sometime? Like a date or something?”

Skylark grinned, her eyes lit up and her wings fluttered her a few feet into the air. “Oh my gosh, I’d love it!” She gave an embarrassed smile and landed. “Wait, that totally wasn’t cool, was it?”

“It was kind of cute.” Scoot smiled, relaxing a little.

“Really?” Skylark said hopefully.

“Yeah. So, tell me some more about growing up in Canterlot...”

• • •

Behind the VIP rope, the Gala was exactly like it always was. That meant that Rainbow Dash had spent the past few hours talking to rich ponies who thought they knew something about flying, and explaining to them that they were wrong. She even tried to be polite for the most part. She was growing dangerously bored, but luckily it was only a few minutes until the performance.

Somepony touched her shoulder, and she was just about to tell them what they could do with their Wonderbolt Derby bets when the pony said, “Rainbow Dash, darling, you’re just the pony I was looking for.”

“You found me.” Dash grinned as she turned around.

Rarity smiled. “I thought you might know where I could find Scootaloo. I’m just dying to see how she looks tonight.”

“I think she’s someplace with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. That was her plan anyway,” Dash said with a shrug.

“I just saw the two of them at the buffet, but Scootaloo was nowhere to be seen. I was hoping that she’d be with you.” Rarity’s smile changed. “Did you like her dress?”

Dash grinned, and even blushed a little thinking about it. “Yeah. Oh yeah. Your magic and Scoot’s body are a dangerous combination.”

“I don’t suppose that inspired you to make any... declarations?” Rarity said with a leading hint in her eyes.

Dash raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”

“I just thought that perhaps seeing the true potential of her beauty might be the last straw, and that maybe you’d finally admit your feelings.”

“Wait a minute, how did you know about that?” Dash said, narrowing her eyes.

“Well, Applejack mentioned it,” Rarity said. “But she wasn’t trying to spread rumors, Rainbow dear. She seemed concerned about you.”

Dash rolled her eyes and smiled a little. “Well she doesn’t need to be, and you don’t either. I’ve totally got this under control. I can’t mess up this relationship because there’s no relationship!”

“Perhaps that’s true,” Rarity said slowly. “But you will at least admit to having a friendship with Scootaloo, right? Doesn’t it seem like lying to her might endanger that?”

“I’m not lying,” Dash said, feeling slightly nervous all of a sudden. “I’m just not telling her everything.”

“Oh, well in that case.” Rarity sighed and rolled her eyes. “I think I’ll go and find Scootaloo and at least see how she looks.”

“I’ll come with you. I’m not about to pass up a chance to see her in that dress again. You did an awesome job.” Dash smiled and tried to relax.

“Not awesome enough, apparently,” Rarity muttered.

The two of them scanned each of the rooms of the Gala before Dash spotted a flash of sunset colors above the trees in the garden. As the two came closer, they could hear voices.

“That was amazing! You didn’t hit a single branch!”

“It was nothing.”

“That so was not nothing. Not everypony can fly like that in an evening gown. So it was amazing and you still look pretty.”

Scoot laughed, and Rainbow Dash’s heart fell to her stomach as she saw Scoot blushing and landing close to a white pegasus with a deep blue mane who looked vaguely familiar.

She and Rarity had stopped just outside the clearing where they sat. It was obvious that the two had been trying to get a little privacy. The thought made Dash clench her teeth.

There was totally nothing special about the girl Scoot was with. She was kind of pretty, but next to Scoot she couldn’t have looked more boring. Then it clicked, where Dash had seen her before.

“That’s – that’s just a friend. From work,” Dash whispered to Rarity. “She introduced me a few weeks ago. I mean, sure the girl has a crush on Scoot, but Scoot’s way out of her league, right? I mean, Scoot belongs with somepony amazing...”

Rarity was glancing between Scoot and Dash nervously, and she hesitated before saying, “...Oh yes, of course.”

“Right.” Dash nodded. “So there’s no way that she could...”

Rarity didn’t say anything.

“It’s totally nothing. I’ll ask her about it later,” Dash said, but she didn’t move. She felt like her eyes were glued to the two young pegasi laughing and talking in the moonlit garden. She was burning with jealousy, that was her mare, Scootaloo was hers.

But she wasn’t. Dash made sure of that.

“Rainbow?” Rarity said slowly.

“Yeah?” Dash said, still staring at them.

“I’m sorry. I tried to make that dress so that Scootaloo would be irresistible, and I’m afraid it may have worked too well.”

“I told you, it’s nothing,” Dash snapped. “I’ll go ask her right now if you –”

Suddenly she heard Spitfire’s voice call out to the garden. “Rainbow Dash, get your tail over here! You’re five minutes late.”

For a split second, Dash considered telling Spitfire that she and the Wonderbolts could get bucked. Dash had much more important things to worry about. But the small amount of self control she had, which existed only as a loyal friend and as a Wonderbolt, told her that there was nothing she was going to say in that garden that she couldn’t say after the show.

And there was so much that she had to say after the show...