• Published 18th Aug 2016
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The Californeigh Drought - HallelujahBrony

he City of San Franciscolt is facing a severe water shortage crisis and they will need all the help they can get to conserve water, but will it be too little too late?

  • ...

The Water Crisis

“What do you mean ‘That’s it!’ We barely got a fraction of what we usually get!” Shouted the Mayor of San Franciscolt with disbelief in his voice. “Since the Wonderbolts were getting involved, I had the expectation that you guys would finally deliver the rain from Cloudsdale to end this drought once and for all!”

Soarin and Rainbow Dash’s bright blue Wonderbolt uniforms stood out from the bland colored walls and coffee colored decor of the Mayor’s office. With a firm voice, Rainbow Dash explained: “Look, we were lucky to get this much here as it is, but that’s it.”

“Can’t you at least try one more time?” Pleaded the Mayor.

Soarin shook his head. “No can do, Mayor sir. Since Spring has begun, so the window of opportunity to effectively transport the winter rain has just closed. A mysterious wind from the ocean has grown too strong too…”

The Mayor interrupted, “Wait, you are The Wonderbolts! The best flyers in Equestria! And you’re saying the winds are, as you say, ‘too strong’?!”

“Yes, but not for us!” Rebuked Rainbow Dash. “Our wing power can totally cut through the winds that are thrown at us, it’s the clouds.”

Soarin nodded in agreement, and added: “The current condition would cause most of its moisture to evaporate, and what’s left would drift way off target.”

“So when will conditions be right again? One or two moons, right?” The mayor asked, his hopes hanging by a single thread.

Soarin let out a sigh, and responded: “We don’t know, the soonest would likely be the middle of winter.”

The Mayor slouched in his chair. Fear and dread slowly began to build-up under his coat. He placed his chin on his mahogany desk, “We seriously needed that rain,” he lamented. Tears began forming in his eyes. He attempted to regain his composure, but the expression on his face liked more like a mask.

“Can’t you see? Our city has been in such a water deficit for the last several years! We now only have a few months of water left in our reserves before our lake and wells run dry and you're saying we have to wait over nine months before any chance of relief?! We will run out by then!”

“Sorry to hear that,” said Rainbow Dash sympathetically. “We will do what we can, but in the meantime, good luck. You are really going to need it.”

Rainbow Dash turned around and headed for the door. Soarin avoided eye contact with the Mayor and politely bowed before following behind Rainbow Dash outside where the other Wonderbolts were standing at attention.

Magic enveloped the Mayor’s horn, and he used it to close the door.

Then he began talking to himself, saying: “I was elected to be the voice of the city, and now we are in an emergency. I just don’t know what to do!” Proceeding then to forcefully slam his hoof on the desk in his frustration.

The impact caused a drawer of blank scrolls to open ajar.

He decided to open the drawer, unraveling one of the scrolls upon the desk. His ink and quill was placed beside him, and began to write a letter:
“Dear Princess Celestia,”


Meanwhile, right outside the bustling downtown area of San Franciscolt was a quiet neighborhood of humble looking cottages. The light of the rising sun began to pierce through the gaps of the window blinds. It was almost as if Princess Celestia herself was reminding her subjects that the new day had begun.

Ace Steward got out of bed, grabbed the San Franciscolt Chronicle Newspaper on the kitchen porch and began to read the latest news upon a stone bench under the cool shade of a tree. He then took a moment to close his eyes, stretch out his Pegasi wings out. He took that moment to relax and smell the aroma of the wild native flowers planted in his property. When he opened his eyes, and took the time to admire his neighbor’s exotic gardens, which were imported from far beyond Equestria.

They sure did pride themselves on their glamorous fauna from abroad, it was a shame that most of these plants had an unquenchable thirst for water. To make matters worse, some in the neighborhood abhorred his lawn, as it did not conform to the same aesthetic standard that they upheld for their own.

Speaking of which, Splash Sprout, one of the most prominent ponies in the neighborhood, trotted along the walkway nearby. Ace waved and kindly greeted his neighbor. He had become quite a celebrity. He was a well known for his colorful garden and even more so with his even more colorful personality. More recently, he made a name for himself as a lawn fashion celebrity throughout Equestria for his gardening expertise.

“Good morning Sprout,” proclaimed Ace cheerfully.

Splash Sprout politely tipped his hat with his unicorn magic, and responded: “Good morning to you, too.”

Then he stopped, and snickered, “However, it would be an even better one, if I didn’t have to pass by all these odd looking ‘weeds,’ and whatever you call these plants in your so-called ‘garden.’ By the way? Why do you have that ghastly grain silo beside your house?”.

“Umm actually, that’s a Rain Cistern, it...”

“Anyway, if you wish to see what a splendid awarding winning lawn looks like, then I suggest that you come take notes on what I did with mine,” Splash Sprout said with finality. He then turned and continued on his way. His green coat seemed to shimmer while his yellow mane would shine in the sunrise.

“Isn’t beauty in the eye of the beholder? It seems you and I have a very different definition of what constitutes as beautiful! Regardless, have a beautiful day, Splash Sprout.”

“Thank you, I have an important meeting I must attend to now. Good day.”

After that exchange, Ace Steward began to dive deep within his own thoughts. No matter how much he explained what happened during the last drought, his friends and neighbors were in denial that there was a need to change. However, he for one had learned from the stories his parents when they told him about a brief drought that they experienced while living in Californeigh. It was so severe, they let their lawns turn yellow, and were encouraged to only flush the toilet when it was…

A loud thunder roared overhead, disrupting his thoughts. Above him, he could see The Wonderbolts flying toward the morning sun toward the East.

He then turned to see his wife walking up beside him. She had a warm cup of tea for him, and an even warmer smile.

Ace thanked her, picked up the cup and pointed toward The Wonderbolts in the distance, explaining: “They are in their long-distance flying formation heading back to Cloudsdale.”

He looked down, and saw his distorted reflection in the cup. “This is going to be a tough year as the Pegasi-Earth Pony Relations Coordinator in San Franciscolt. The city’s demand for water has continued to grow, and the amount of water wasted is substantial. To make matters worse, it seems the best Pegasi in the land were unable to bust this drought. I fear that a challenging tribulation is immanent, and I frankly don’t know if I am ready for this.”

She put an arm around him and with a soft calm voice she said, “Don’t like, let these challenges bring you down. We can totally rise up to meet this challenge. Remember, manage what you can control in life, and um’..you know what to do with the rest. Besides, you once remind me that, 'Who by worrying is able to add a single hour to their life?'

With his spirit’s raised, he responded back: “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks, it’s a big day for you too with your research expedition presentation. I am sure the board will agree to fund your next planned exposition,
they sure were impressed with your last expedition report. I certainly was, so good luck! I just know you’ll knock it out of the park. You’re the best.”

She began to blush and cracked a smile as she took back the empty tea cup. “Thank you! Have a groovy day at work my dear,” she said.

He gave his wife a wink, spread his wings, and flew off to work.

Upon Ace arriving at work at the city’s administrative building, he noticed a large note on his desk: 'The Mayor requests an urgent meeting with you'.

This wasn’t the first time he’s met the Mayor, though usually it involved resolving disputes between the Pegasi weather ponies and the Earth Pony farmers over water distribution and allocation. This time, however, it was obvious that this issue was much more serious.

With that in mind, he made his way into the mayor’s meeting room. Upon entering the designated location, he could see a stable of ponies sitting in front of the table, and everypony in the room was looking anxious. On the other hoof, it was comforting to see his friend and fellow Pegasi, Stormfeather, in the room as well. A long strand of his yellow mane swayed from his right ear to the left as he quickly turned his head. Ace wished to catch-up with his old pal, but it was clear that friendly talk would have to wait.

“Ace Steward, I am so very glad you are here!” said the Mayor. “I was just saying that if we keep up our current pattern of water consumption, we will run out of water in a few months. So I wrote Princess Celestia a letter, and I am still waiting for her response.”

“Those darn Pegasi! If they weren’t so darn lazy, they could have easily brought more rain,” complained Luscious Acres. She was the largest landowner and farmer in the region. The only thing more well-known than the oats and almonds she cultivated was her uncanny ability to sow the seed of anger with ponies around her. She had a hard time finding the right words, “They’re just..I don’t know..getting back at us for something."

Ace’s friend Stormfeather spat back: “What do you mean lazy? You have no idea how hard it is transport a cargo load of water several times your own weight through the sky. You know, if your farm fields weren’t such water hogs, our reservoirs wouldn’t be this low!”

Luscious Acres squinted her eyes at Stormfeather. “Excuse me, but all of Equestria depends upon my oats! My almonds, and my produce!” She then pointed at Splash Sprout, “If you want something more expendable, then I for one suggest you let the city’s lawns and gardens die.”

Splash Sprout rolled his eyes and crossed his hooves. “Of course you’d say that, but the gardens are the soul of this city and it brings in tourists from all over Equestria. Surely, there has to be something else that can be sacrificed.”

“I’m doing my part to save water,” said the Earth Pony janitor proudly as he nonchalantly entered the room to empty the trash and recycling bins. “I only take a shower when it rains, and well, it’s sure has been awhile since the last downpour hasn’t it?”

The entire group looked at one another and grimaced. Stormfeather became mortified as the janitor tried to give him a hoof bump, but his friend was too busy covering his nostrils to entertain the thought of making physical contact with the smelly stallion.

“Come on Smelly Pete, leave him alone,” said the Mayor, “Thanks for your..umm..unique way of saving water, but we need more realistic strategies. Although we could certainly spare some for you to bathe again, Pete.”

As Smelly Pete shrugged and walked out of the room,the Mayor's personal secretary rushed inside and handed a scroll with the official Equestrian Royal Seal to the Mayor.

“The letter. It has arrived,” proclaimed the Mayor. He opened the scroll and began skimming the letter with his eyes while quietly murmuring the words out loud. His eyes got bigger after every line.

“What does it say?!” demanded Splash Sprout.

It reads:

“To my loyal subjects in San Franciscolt,

The Californeigh region has been experiencing a multi-year drought never before seen in Equestria. Water is one of the most precious resources and its abundant availability must not be confused with the illusion of an infinite supply. After careful consideration, Princess Luna and I have decided it is necessary to declare a State of Emergency for the areas afflicted by severe drought. I have been informed that our water reserves are low and require urgent action.

As the rulers of Equestria, the following measures for urban residences will go into effect immediately:
- The use of drinkable water for the purpose of flowers and grass

is strictly prohibited,
- However, the outdoor watering of trees and shrubs will be limited

to two day a week.
- Outdoor decorative fountains cannot be refilled with city water
- Weather ponies should prioritize cloud cover over our lakes and rivers to reduce water evaporation.
- The Royal Guard will continue to investigate the source of the weather anomaly

that is causing this extended drought.

These recommendations will remain in place until rain patterns return back to normal. In the meantime, I request that you all do what you can in your everyday life to contribute in any way you reasonably can.

Thank you and the best of luck to you all,
Princess Celestia & Princess Luna

"Are you kidding me!" yelled Splash Sprout. "You are telling me that I can no longer irrigate my prized garden. This is outrageous! This is too extreme! Wake me up from this nightmare!"

Ace Steward Look a deep breath. “The Princesses have made a tough choice, but they are necessary measures. Water is precious. For too long we have taken its immediate availability for granted. We have to realize that we didn’t inherit this land and these resources from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. So if we run out of water, we…”

“Oh, look at you. You’re sounding like one of those granola eating tree hugger hippies!” Spat Luscious.

Ace tried to hold a serious face but couldn't help but chuckle. “Considering that my wife’s name is 'Tree Hugger,' I’d say that most certainly makes me a Tree Hugger.... To say the least."

Luscious Acre’s face turned from anger to disbelief. “Let me get this straight, are you saying that ‘Tree Hugger’ is her actual name?”

Ace took a deep breath and regained his calm composure, “Yes, it is,” he said slowly.

“Oh, I see,” she said with an awkward expression.

“I admit you are right about another thing; I am a granola eater! I can’t get enough of that stuff, it’s really good.” He pulled his lunch from under his wing, peeling back the bag to reveal it was full of crunchy granola, and he held it up in front of Lushes Acres to show her. “Want some?” he asked.

Everyone in the room started chuckling, even Luscious Acre’s stern face cracked into a smirk, defusing the tension in the room.

Ace Steward glanced at Luscious Acres, “Look, I know that us ponies don’t have to sacrifice our way of life. We all just need to be smarter with how we use water,” then he glanced over at Stormfeather, “In addition, the way it is managed is critical.”

“Are you saying that we can make it through this drought?” Inquired the Mayor.

“If we have any chance of getting through this, we have to do it together: Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns. That means spreading awareness of best management practices and encouraging everypony to do their part. That’s how this city can do it, by creating a new normal.”

The Mayor stroked his chin until a spark filled his eyes; He then turned his head and smiled.

“Then it is settled. Ace Steward, you are now San Franciscolt’s newly appointed Drought Manager for the city. It will be your responsibility to do exactly what you said, ‘to create this new normal’, so that we drastically reduce our city’s water consumption and better manage our existing water sources. Oh yeah, I expect a weekly report concerning the water levels of all our water reservoirs and for you to monitor the water consumption rate of the city daily. In other words, it’s all up to you to ensure that our great city won’t run out of water," declared the Mayor as he washed his hands clean.

Ace’s eyes bulged out wide while his pupils shrank. It was at that moment when he could physically feel the responsibility pressing upon his shoulders. He let out a snort before speaking, “I accept this new role and the challenges that it bestows.”

Ace’s heart began to race and loudly gulped down his fear. “I cannot promise that we won’t run out of water, but I guarantee that if we work together as a team and as a city, we have a fighting chance.”

“Wonderful! Our water is our life line and curtailing our demand is now priority number one in this city. So whatever you need, let me know. Your first task is to create our water conservation targets and a plan to implement Celestia’s royal decree in this city. And I need it by the end of the week!

The room stood still as everyone absorbed the Mayor's words. "Umm, so why are you just sitting there Ace, get to it!" commanded the Mayor.

Ace nodded exited the room back to his desk and surrounded himself with charts & graphs to formulate a plan. Although Ace Steward knew this crisis was eventually coming, he never could have imagined that he could be put in charge of avoiding catastrophe.

That evening, Ace arrived home first and started cooking vegetables from the garden to making a romantic dinner for two to break the good news. While he was stirring the stew over the fire, she walked in, and without hesitation he swooped her up and spun her around.

“I have some really good news Tree Hugger! Or at least I think it is good. I got a promotion!" He said as he set her down. I went from Pegasi & Earth-Pony Relations Coordinator to the city’s Drought Manager.

“How exciting! Your mental vibes are shining bright right now. You were so made for this new role. It is your cutie mark after all.” Tree Hugger sat down at the kitchen table. She looked downward at the floor with heavy eyes and began twirled her hooves on the table. With a half-smile she made a request to her husband, “Speaking of your cutie-mark, it always cheers me up to hear the crazy thing you did to get your cutie mark? Care to share it again?”

“Certainly. He raised his wings and twisted his hips to glance at his cutie mark. It reminded him to cherish every drop of living water and balance our needs with future demands.”

“It wasn’t too long ago that I was a young colt playing in the skies above the city of San Horsé in Fillicon Valley; The next big city south of San Franciscolt.

“Although I was teased as a blank flank, my parents always reminded me that I wasn’t a blank flank. I was an empty canvas preparing for a masterpiece. My mother was a Pegasus working as a weather pony, while my father was a hard working Earth Pony that served as a public works engineer. They both frequently worked together on water related projects. That’s how they met by the way, but that’s different story.”

“One day I overhead my parents discuss a serious dispute between the Earth Ponies and the weather ponies after the amount of water flowing into the city had abruptly diminished. According to the Earth Ponies, the pegasi don’t supply enough and the pegasi were complaining that the farmers increased demand was to blame. His parents tried to reason with their own groups but to no avail.”

“The time spent bickering dragged on from days to weeks; things were getting worse each day! So I decided to take it upon myself to investigate. Instead of playing with friends after school, I felt compelled to fly alone throughout Fillicon Valley for hours at a time despite the fact that my parents had prohibited me from doing just that. I simply dismissed the rule because I was a pony on a mission. I was trying to find something; anything that would alleviate this feud they were squabbling over because I felt it couldn’t be true, there had to be something else at work.”

“After almost a week of searching, my mother was starting to grow suspicious. My excuses for coming home late were becoming more and more outlandish than the day before. During the weekend, I knew it was now or never. I had marked off all of the sites throughout the whole city, but despite my effort I had found nothing and if I couldn’t succeed tomorrow, then he might as well give up before getting caught. With this level of desperation, I thought it would be a good idea to venture out further than I ever had before.”

“With the map in front of me, I circled the mountains in the distance with a big red highlighter. It was getting late so I placed the map on the floor and went to bed. Early the next morning, I got up before Celestia raised the sun and snuck out of the house to begin my noble but misguided pursuit and boy was I unprepared.”

“At first, searching in the mountain was fun and exciting, but as the hours drew on, my excitement turned into concern. When it was getting into the late afternoon, my wings were getting fatigued. That’s when I realized that I was in big trouble. Somehow the fear of getting lost in the mountains forever meant nothing compared to getting in trouble for sneaking out from home empty hooved.”

“I then flew up and glanced over one of the peaks in the mountain. What I saw caused my wings to involuntarily fold up causing to land on top of some bushes. My worst fear had been realized. Around the corner and closing in fast, my mother was flying with a large group looking for me and the voices were getting louder. I then realized that I could not continue my personal search, but I could not be caught. Not like this.”

“Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a waterfall. I thought to myself, Bingo! That’s a good hiding spot. So I sped with all his might and hid behind the raging water and out of view. I could see the silhouette of the Pegasi flying in front of the waterfall one by one shouting my name.”

“While I was there, I decided to take a moment to relax and drink from the falling river. I then rolled over on my back, taking took the moment to think about how they knew where to look for me. When I looked upward, what I saw perplexed me.”

"A metal tube in the mountain? I went to investigate and found it was a large metallic pipe and it lead… it lead to the city! This new development sent a new wave of adrenaline through my system.”

"When I found the nearest rescue Pegasus, I sped behind her and I screamed, 'Here I am!' Startling her. She pulled out a photo from under her wing and began to exchange looks down at a picture and back to me. Then she shouted my mother’s name, Eureka! I found him. Eureka, come over here!

“Before he knew I was tackled and lifted up into the air.”

“I am so glad your ok!” “What were you thinking!” My mother said.

“Mom!” I yelled.

“Why sneak so far without…”

“Mommy!” I cried with more urgency.

She turned toward home. I couldn't fly away because my mom grappled me in such a way that my wings were pinned against my torso. So I tried pleading with her, “But, But I…!”

“I don’t want to hear it! Time to get you home, pumpkin head. For once in my life, I am glad you didn’t clean your room. When we couldn’t find you, your father and I saw your map of San Horsé with a bunch of ‘x’ markings on the map laying on the floor of your room and a big circle around the mountains. You had us dreadfully worried.”

“To escape her grasp, I grunted and pushed her hooves with all my might until I managed to squeeze free. I began flying back toward the waterfall while screaming, ‘Follow me!’ I managed to maneuver away from her grasp time after time until the waterfall was in view.”

“My mother plucked me with her arms again. “Have you gone mad? That’s a beautiful waterfall and all, but what’s so special about a spewing pipe? Her jaw dropped and her eye’s bulged out as big as saucers. Could it be?”

“When the search and rescue crew caught up and assessed the damage, it didn’t take them long to realize that these were the service pipes that brought water into the city and farms. This leak was the real cause of the diminished water supply to the city. So when it was promptly repaired, the proper flow was finally restored back to my hometown of San Horsé, Californeigh once more.”

“Initially I was peeved to hear that it was the search & rescue team that took the credit for finding the leak after I was the one that tirelessly spent a week to find it. Luckily, my bitter resentment didn’t last long because I ended up receiving a reward much greater than what I ever could have asked for.”

“After the ordeal, I was interviewed by a news pony journalist asking: ‘why I was so foolhardy as to venture into the mountains alone as a young colt?’”

“All I could do is shrug and say: “I don’t know, I didn’t want to believe that the lack of water was the result of the negligence of my father and his fellow Earth-ponies. Nor was it the lack of effort from my mother and the other Pegasi. I knew there had to be a solution so I went out to search for it.”

“Then BAM!”

“There was such a barrage of flashing lights that I thought I was surrounded by paparazzi, but the news pony pointed at my flank and I found this cutie mark instead. It was a splendid pair of green wings with four feathers on each side and it contrasts quite well to my golden yellow coat, and between the wings was a droplet of water. That was when I realized that solving water problems was my destiny.”

Tree Hugger had her front hoof on her chin daydreaming. “It sure is exciting. Witnessing your gleeful jubilation. Every rendition is as enjoyable as the first.” As she said that, her smile melted into a sad frown and she began sobbing.

Ace was surprised by her sudden change of emotions. “Why are you crying? I thought you’d be happy about my promotion and all. Don’t worry we’re not moving or anything. Wait? Are not happy about my new responsibilities or something?

“You know that’s not true!” Tree Hugger spat while she turned her back to him. Her sobbing quickly escalated into heavy crying.

“I-I just don’t understand? Wait!” Ace gasped and covered his mouth with his hooves.

“Your presentation was today! The expedition! Your proposal! I completely forgot.”

Ace walked around the table and knelt on his knees before his wife. Her tears had already begun to soak her orange dreadlocks. He wiped away her tears on each side of her face and gently held her face in his hooves. “I was so focused on my day, I complete forgot about how yours went. I am so sorry. Please tell me what happened today.”

“The proposal. It went off without a hitch. I explained the splendor of the Banana Slug and proposed to study the life and habitat of this rare species. However, the funding board of the Equestrian Society of Rare Creatures told me they were intrigued, but decided to go with other proposals instead. I had put all my heart, mind, and hopes on studying this 'vibacius' slug that I didn’t consider anything else. Now I am stuck with no work prospects. I just don’t know what to do.”

“Oh no, I am so sorry about that, come here.” Tree Hugger began sobbed on his shoulder.
“We will get through this together, just wait and see,” he said.

After a while, she stepped out of the embrace, wiped her tears and started sniffling the tears back. Then she began to sniff the air.

“Why is there like, a lingering smell of something burning?”

Ace's wings sprang open. “Sweet Celestia! Our dinner is burning! I forgot!”

Ace immediately took the food off the flames and the two sat together under the night sky eating the least burnt portions of the food. Although they didn’t discuss it, they both knew that where would be big challenges ahead and for both of them, but they also knew they wouldn't face them alone.

Author's Note:

Next Chapter: "A Plan in Motion"