• Published 9th Aug 2016
  • 3,420 Views, 31 Comments

Spike the... WHO? - AngelShy24

Spike gains amnesia and is taken advantage of by some familiar faces

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Twilight was working as hard as she could to find her friend, Spike who went missing almost a whole day. But once she finally found him with Fluttershy, things didn’t turn out too well. Spike had amnesia and was filled with lies about his pony friends being mean jerks who took him from his own kind and enslaved him thanks to Garble and his dragon cohorts. Twilight tried her best to get through to him, but the ego that Spike gain made it difficult to convince him. He even tried to have the others help him to capture Twilight and Fluttershy. In the end, Twilight chose to retreat for the time being until she could come up with a new plan.

Back inside Twilight’s castle in Ponyville, Fluttershy was sitting in her throne chair semi-calm while Twilight was pacing back and forth constantly in the middle of the circle of thrones. She was analyzing workable solutions in her head and trying to figure what was the best way to go about it.

“Why… why why why why! Why did this have to happen?!” said Twilight, “I spent all of this time to find Spike only to find out that he lost his memory. And now he suddenly sees us as enemies?!”

“Well… I’m pretty sure that those dragon meanies were the cause of that,” said Fluttershy, “They must really not like the idea of a dragon being friends with ponies.”

“I guess his natural instincts as a dragon didn’t help much,” said Twilight, “When Rairty, Rainbow Dash and I went to the dragon lands to keep an eye on Spike, we saw how easily he was getting into the life of a dragon. In the end, he could’ve easily chose to stay with them instead of coming back home; but he chose to stay with us because he felt that deep inside, he didn’t need to do what they did to be a real dragon.”

“But since he lost his memory,” said Fluttershy, “he’s forgotten about his friendship with us and chose to stay with his own kind. There’s nothing in his mind that gave him a second thought.”


“So… what are we going to do?”

Twilight had different thoughts of what she could do; but she wasn’t sure which one would be better, “I don’t know. I mean… I could alert Celestia about this, but… that could be a bit overkill… don’t you think? There’s no need to create too much conflict if it’s not needed, right? All we want is to go back there, grab Spike somehow and escape without being too roughed up by the other dragons.”

“Don’t forget that we still have to figure out how fix Spike amnesia too,” Fluttershy added.

“Oh yeah… there’s that as well. Although, it’s too bad that we can’t get our friends to help right now. Applejack and Rainbow Dash are both on individual friendship missions, and Pinkie is hosting a birthday party in Manehattan. It be too much trouble to bother them with this; but… would that be our only option?”

“What about Rarity?” Fluttershy questioned, “She’s still here in Ponyville; so… maybe she could help us.”

Suddenly, right on cue, Rarity came busting through the throne doors and shouted, “Did somepony call my name?!”

Twilight jumped and Fluttershy yelped as she flew behind her throne chair. They both then looked back at Rarity who questioned, “What? Is it wrong if a lady wants to make a dramatic entrance?”

“Oh… hi, Rarity,” said Fluttershy as came back out, “We were just talking about you!”

“Indeed, you were. I just thought I drop by to see what you two were up to; but then I heard you mention me as I approached. So… what exactly is going on here; you know, if its any of my business?”

“It’s Spike,” said Twilight, “Something terrible happened to him.”

Twilight suddenly had Rarity’s full attention as she zoomed up to her face and said, “Spike!? As in our Spike?! Is he alright?!”

“Oh, d-don’t worry,” said Twilight as she pushed Rarirty away, “Spike is still alive and well; but… he’s not himself right now.”

“Not himself? What do you mean by that?”

“He has amniesia. H-he doesn’t remember who he was or who we are.”

Rarity felt devastated, “What?! You mean he doesn’t remember anything?! He’s all alone without any friends?!”

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that exactly,” said Fluttershy.

“Remember… those dragons that Spike hung out with that time when he tried to learn who he was?” said Twilight, “and then the two of us plus Rainbow Dash witnessed him choosing us over them?”

“Well of course I did, Twilight,” said Rarity while smiling, “Spike did us proud that day by making the right choice.”

“Well… those same dragons found Spike in his condition…”

Rarity suddenly paused in place and looked over at Twilight with slight confusion and said, “What?”

“…and they took advantage of his lost memory by telling him a complete lie about us and his past… and he believed them.”

Rarity eyes got wider, “What?!”

“And since they are his kind, he instantly went to their side.”


“And now Spike hates us and sees us as enemies… and he wants to help those other dragons to… enslave us.”


“Um… be careful, Twilight,” said Fluttershy, “You don’t want Rarity to spontaneously combust.”

Rarity couldn’t believe anything that Twilight was saying to her. Her emotions were flaring up as she shouted in protest, “I refuse to believe any of that! Spike would never believe anything that those thick-scaled ruffians would say to him; let alone go back to hang out with them!”

“Well… like Twilight said,” said Fluttershy, “Spike has amnesia. So… he doesn’t remember anything about us or his home or pretty much anything that he knew before he hit his… um, I-I-I-I mean… lost his memory… due to a… um… incident.”

Rarity looked at Fluttershy with an arched eyebrow and then saw Twilight who was grinning awkwardly. She rolled her eyes and said, “Look, I don’t care how Spike lost his memory. Be it by getting hit with a bat, a stone dropping on him, or even something barbaric like falling off a cliff and hitting his head on a rock; I don’t care! All I do care about is getting Spikey Wikey back! Him going back with those dragons and not even remembering who we are; this will not stand! We need to work on a plan fast!”

“That’s, um… that’s actually what we were doing,” said Fluttershy.

“Going to look for Spike and take him away from the other dragons shouldn’t be too much trouble as long as we don’t let our guard down,” said Twilight.

“Oh really,” said Rarity, “How so?”

Twilight had to stop and think for a moment again to come up with something. But then she gasped as she suddenly had an idea. “Wait a minute… That’s it!” She then ran off from the throne room for a couple of minutes and then came back with a particular spell as she turned it to a certain page. “I just remembered a pyro protection spell that can protect us from any type of fire! Even dragon fire! So, we can just go there without any worry about being badly burnt!”

“Sounds a bit dangerous nonetheless,” said Rarity, “but when did that ever stop us? Let’s go for it!”

Twilight and Rarity both looked at Fluttershy who was a bit shaken up at the thought of their plan, but she chose to not let that change her thoughts, “Normally, I would stay as far away from this plan as possible; but… I’m worried about Spike. So… I-I’m helping to!”

“Excellent,” said Twilight with a confident smile, “Those dragons may think that things will go their way just because they have Spike on their side, but they couldn’t be farther from the truth. This doesn’t have to turn into something ugly. We go in, find Spike, and then bring him back here. Then, we’ll figure things out from there. Any questions?”

“Just one,” said Rarity as she raised her hoof, “What kind of attire will I need for this little trek?”

Twilight just rolled her eye while keeping on her smile.

“Any chance you might have a back-up plan?” said Fluttershy.

“Well, I guess I could send a little notice to Cadence to help us in case we take too long; but I highly doubt that it will happen.”

Twilight then casted her magic to unleash the pyro spell on herself and her friends. Their bodies were now encased in an invisible barrier that would protect them from any kind of heat.

“Perfect! Now then… lets go rescue Spike!”


After successfully activating the pyro protection spell, Twilight sent an urgent message via mail pony to be delivered immediately to Cadence to alert her of their situation. While that happened, Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity immediately set out to retrieve Spike. Twilight thought that it wouldn’t hurt if they checked the same cave where she and Fluttershy last ran into Spike and the other dragons. However, once they got there, no one was there as Twilight expected.

“So, this is where you last saw Spike?” said Rarity as she looked around, “Looks like just a regular old cave secretly hidden behind a waterfall. Nothing unusual here.”

Rarity suddenly looked over at Twilight who looked kinda down and was wiping some tears from her eyes.

“Twilight, darling? Are you alright?”

“Oh… y-yeah; yeah, I’m fine. Being here just reminded me about how Spike was acting and… some of the things he said to me. It was… kinda heartbreaking.”

“Oh, stop that nonsense, Twilight,” said Rarity as she placed her hoof around her, “You know more than any of us that the Spike who threatened you in this cave wasn’t the real Spike. He would never do any of that if he remembered who we were.”

“Of course; I know that, Rarity. But… it still doesn’t mean that it hurt just a little.”

Just then, Flutterhsy called to their attention, “Twilight, come look at this!”

Twilight and Rarity went over to Fluttershy who was over in a corner staring a cave wall. What she was looking at was a dug-up area that had some small crystal fragments that glowed bright in their dark corner.

“Whoa, those are some beautiful looking crystals,” said Rarity with shimmering eyes.

“There’s quite a bit of them,” said Twilight, “Do you think that there’s more of them in here; quite bigger than these?”

“That’s a possibility,” said Fluttershy, “but… what kind of crystals are these?”

Twilight approached closer and tried to inspect some of the fragment with her magic. But then she groaned loudly and held her hoof to her head as she felt her magic falter in her horn. She quickly said, “R-R-Rarity, back away!”

With that, Rarity and Fluttershy backed away from the wall with Twilight who was regaining her stance from her sudden dizzy spell.

“What happened?! Are you okay?!”

“What did those crystals do to you, darling?!” said Rarity, “Would they have done that to me to?”

Once Twilight could speak clearly, she looked over to Fluttershy and told her, “Fluttershy, I didn’t tell you this; but… when we were in this cave before, I felt a slight strain on my horn as I was trailing this same wall… like my magic was being block from being used. I didn’t tell you because I thought that it wasn’t a big deal; but… that definitely felt big.”

Twilight then floated some nearby rocks and tossed them on top off the wall opening to block off the crystals.

“I don’t know what those are; but this is definitely something I need to bring up to Celestia later on. But right now, we have a dragon to save. Come on, girls, lets pay a visit to the dragon lands.”


Princess Cadence had received Twilight’s message of what was going on and was preparing for in case the worst-case scenario happened. However, she knew it would be no problem for her; but she summoned a certain citizen of her kingdom to help her.

“I have called you here because Twilight Sparkle sent me an urgent message very recently. This kingdom’s hero, Spike is in a very dire situation. I’m pretty sure that hearing this brings you a bit of worry. Well… that is why summoned you; as unorthodox as it may seem. If Twilight and her friends needs help, I have a feeling that you might be able to help somehow. So, are you up to it?”

After hearing the citizen’s reply, Cadence smiled and nodded her head.

“Of course. I shouldn’t be surprised.”


Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy were making a beeline to the dragon lands with the pyro protection spell still intact in hopes to capture Spike and escape. Twilight was planning to make sure that nothing wrong would happen and that they would return Spike back to normal.

“Um… Twilight?” said Fluttershy, “How long does this pyro protection supposed to last anyway?”

“Oh, don’t worry. This spell lasts as long as I want it to; especially with my capabilities.”

“Good,” said Rarity with relief, “I’m pretty sure that we’ll need it. There is no way I’m going to allow my coat to be singed. Are you ready for this, Fluttershy? You seem calm.”

“I-I’m good. I’m feeling… confident. A little terrified to, but… I’m confident. I just want to rescue Spike from those meanines.”

“As do I. The way you two described of how Spike acted, it sounds like this is a lot more serious than I thought.”

They kept on trekking across the area until they finally got to the familiar area that Twilight and Rarity saw before. Twilight got their attention and said, “Stay on your guard, girls, we’re here.”

The three ponies were very cautious as they began to walk into the huge gathering area where they knew they would run into many dragons. But much to their surprise when they got there…

“Um… Twilight?” said Fluttershy, “There’s no dragons here; or anyone else for that matter.”

“Well… it’s definitely as grim and dangerous as the last time we saw it,” said Rarity.

Twilight was suddenly confused, “I don’t get it. This is the dragon lands, right? We should’ve seen at least some dragons around here. Where did they go?”

“Oh no,” said Fluttershy as she panicked, “you don’t think they’ve already left with Spike to try and take over his home; our home?!”

“I wouldn’t push it past them,” said Twilight nervously, “That group dragons that Spike was hanging out with are real troublemakers. But why would they just outright try to take over a town that has an Alicorn Princess? Even they can’t be that stupid.”

All three ponies continued to look around but they still had no luck finding anything. Rarity stated, “Well we have to figure out something. Who knows what those dragons are making Spike do right now!”

But suddenly as they continued to look around, they heard a faint sound of someone shouting, “HELP!!”

“Wait… did you two hear that?" said Rarity.

All three of them stayed quiet and listened very closely to see if they could hear it again. Soon enough, they did.

“Someone please help me!”

Twilight knew that voice all too well and gasped as she shouted, “SPIKE!!! That was Spike!”

“It came from over there!” shouted Fluttershy as she pointed to a nearby cave.

All three ponies had no hesitation as they quickly trotted towards the cave. They looked inside to find Spike tied up and hanging over a giant stalagmite.

“Oh my stars! There he is!” shouted Rarity.

Spike looked scared for his life and cried, “Twilight! Am I glad to see you! Please, get me down from here!”

Without a second thought, Twilight used her magic to break the rope and floated Spike safely down to the ground. After he landed, Spike was brushing himself off without saying anything.

“Spike, are you okay?” said Twilight, “You didn’t say anything.”

Spike suddenly looked up at her and acknowledged, “Huh? O-oh yeah, that was a close one! I’m so glad you found me in time!” He then looked over at Fluttershy and Rarity and said with less enthusiasm, “And… you two as well.”

“That was strange,” said Rarity to herself, “he didn’t sound all that thrilled to see us.”

“What happened, Spike?” said Twilight.

“You would not believe it! Just a couple of hours after our meeting in that cave in the forest, my brain suddenly had an epiphany moment. I don’t know how, but… my memory somehow came back! I remembered everything! But then I realized how much trouble I was in; so, I tried to sneak away. Unfortunately, Garble and the others were coming on to me. They weren’t going to let me go so easily. They knew that you were coming back for me, so they tied me up and hung me over that huge stalagmite to make me panic and draw you in here. It was so terrifying!”

“That’s so horrible!” said Fluttershy, “Why would those dragons do such a thing?!”

Twilight didn’t care too much about that as she hugged Spike and said, “Well, you’re safe now. I’m not quite sure what happened with you either, but at least your memory is back. That’s all that matters.”

Just then, Rarity caught Spike’s attention as she said, “Oh, Spike! Is there anything you wish to say to me?”

She was looking at him with her usual batting eyelashes as she also flipped her mane. Spike just looked at her and then said in a slight awkward tone, “Um… it’s nice to see you again, uh… babe.”


Rarity was shocked at Spike’s reaction towards her. He was expecting something completely different. But it didn’t matter to Twilight as she said, “So, wait; if they used you as bait to reel us in here, then that means that this is all…”

“A TRAP!” Fluttershy suddenly shouted.

They all looked toward the entrance to the cave and saw Garble and his entourage walking in and blocking their way. Garble was smiling and slowing clapping his hand in a cliché fashion as he said, “Wow, you ponies are a lot more predictable than I thought you were. I figured you would come running to the sound of Spike screaming for help, and I was right.”

Spike suddenly panicked and ran behind Twilight while slightly shaking. Twilight stood her ground as she demanded, “That’s far enough!”

“Whoa, calm yourself, Princess,” said Garble with an amused chuckle, “We had no intention to harm one of our own. Just like he said, we used him as bait to lure you here into a trap; just like we originally planned. And you even brought an extra friend. Bonus.”

“What’s the matter, Spike?” said Clump, “You didn’t like hanging around with your spikey friend?”

Everyone including Garble and the others suddenly looked at Clump awkwardly. Clump hesitantly chuckled as he explained, “Y-you know; ‘cause… h-his name is Spike… and that stalagmite is like a… giant spike…”

Garble smacked Clump against his head and shouted, “You ruined the moment, Clump! You ruined… the moment.”

“Listen up, Garble; it’s over,” said Twilight, “Whatever silly little scheme you dragons had planned, drop it for your own sake. Spike has his memory back, and he is coming back with us.”

“Y-yeah!” said Fluttershy.

“Tell it like it is, Twilight!” said Rarity.

Garble and his friends began to laugh out loud not feeling worried at all. Twilight and the others were confused. They were expecting a different kind of reaction seeing that their plan had failed.

“Sorry, but I’m afraid you got it all wrong, Princess,” said Garble as he took a few steps towards them, “You see… we are totally continuing our plan; and none of you are going anywhere. Isn’t that right… Spike?”

Spike then slowly came out from behind Twilight with a little smirk as he said, “You better believe it." Then he shouted, “NOW!”

Right on Spike’s command, some other dragons released a cage from above that slammed in into the ground trapping Twilight and her two friends inside as they were caught by surprise.

“Sweet Celestia!” shouted Rarity.

“Oh no, we’re trapped!” said Fluttershy panicking.

Twilight looked down at Spike with concern and said, “Spike, what’s going on?!”

Spike looked up at Twilight and then began to laugh, “Oh man, you should see the looks on your faces! It’s priceless!”

Because of his small size, Spike was able to squeeze through the bars of the cage and walked back over to Garble and his crew. It was then that Twilight realized that they were tricked.

“I… I-I don’t understand! You mean… you didn’t get your old memories back?!”

“Why on Equestria would I want my old memories back?!” Spike protested, “As if I wanted to remember all the pain and heartache you’ve caused me.”

Twilight sighed as she looked over at Rarity and said, “See, Rarity… what did I tell ya.”

“But don’t worry,” said Spike, “With the help of my bros here, you’re all going to receive the justice you deserve.”

‘And here I thought we were going to leave here without much conflict,’ thought Twilight to herself, ‘So much for that.’ Twilight then took a deep breath and then showed a little smile as she said, “Well played, Spike. You out-tricked us real good. But unfortunately, it seems that all of you haven’t realized that two of us have magic!”

Rarity nodded as Twilight looked at her; and then both of them began to gather magic in their horns and were about to blast their way out. But before they could, they both bent down and groaned as their magic faded out. Fluttershy didn’t know what was going on and was hoping that they were going to do something soon.

“Um… g-girls? Y-you can stop playing around now. Please?”

Twilight and Rarity tried again, but their magic was not appearing at all. Twilight shouted, “We’re not… ‘ugh’ playing around! My magic isn’t working!”

“Mines… not working… eeeeeeeeee-ither!” said Rarity, “What’s going on?!”

All three ponies suddenly looked up and saw Spike and the other dragons standing there smirking and chuckling from the amusement of what they saw. They were wondering of what they did to keep them from using their magic. Without it, they wouldn’t be able to escape.

“Sorry, Princess,” said Spike, “but I’m afraid that your luck has just ran out.”