• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen May 27th


I like stuff.


Celestia tells Twilight the story of the beginning of the world.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 44 )

Hmm...a very interesting take on the origin story of ponies and the like.

Once more ypi continue to impress with your wonderfully thought provoking stories and interesting story telling.

Also still love the quotes at the end. Still.wonder how uoi find such perfect quotes for your work.

Anyways definitely an enjoyable read. You never cease to entertain and promote thought with your writings.

Thank you.

7457193 He's also my friend so I think he's a little biased..


I suppose.


I just know places. Besides, that one is from a huge inspiration for the fic in the first place. :P


7457197 dude friend or not if I see crap I will call it crap. I'm friends with several people I read fics of and I don't hesitate to point out flaws in a story and make my opinion known.

If I say something is good it is because if its not I will not hold back.

Writing and friendship are two different things and o keep then sepersted.

Plus I met you on your other stories which I still think are some of the greatest fics put there and my praise back then was before I even knew you and it has not yet changed as the work is still the same level as back then.

7457201 in order.

Not suppose, it is thought provoking at least concerning the nation of the universe. And what it all means.

Yes truely.

Well like alesus damn good quote and I do enjoy reading them.

No problem keep up the good work

7457205 yeah. Your work has continutrd to meet the same level as the first fics of your I read while covering vastly different topics. They deliver an enjoyable read while also making me think about what is actually happening and what it all means.

Something very few stories ever achieve as it takes a certain type to get my gears going.

And as I said I don't beleice in pulling punches when speaking of written work as I want people to succeed and no one ever succeeded by being told they are doing good when they are not.

Flaws must be pointed out if they are to be corrected and improved upon and so I speak my thoughts on fics regardless of who wrote them.

7457222 I may add this to mu featured blog in a couple of days if that's alright with you

Wow, this is very interesting. It makes me think. I really love it, great job. You're very talented and creative.

7457229 Sigh Dude, it's your blog. Add whatever you want to it, but I would pick something a little more higher quality if it were my choice. XD

This is very talented writing! I am very curious now. I am afraid I shan't go to bed now thinking about this fic. :raritywink:

7457454 Thank you! What is something that bugged you while reading it though? Like, did anything stand out as exceptionally bad or worth complaining about? :twilightsmile:

7457493 hmmm...no not really...except for the fact this isn't more popular, that's worth complaining about :trollestia:

That was... extremely well done, a unique and very sad take on the origins of Equestria.

I'd be interested to know more about what happened to 'Mother'.


Thank you. Was there anything that particularly bugged you about it?

"The beginning and ending share the same moment."

Nope, nothing I can really think of.

Holy bleeding Celestia on a bicycle.
That was amazing.
So amazing, in fact, that I am bestowing my highest award - the Holy Muffin - upon it.
Great job, mate. You've done well.

Sir.....you have once more.....honestly yeah you have left me once more not really sure what to say as I'm not sure exactly what I am feeling, I know part of it is sadness and horror but also....I don't know....just....I rrwllu don't know what to say.....once more your work has left me speechless and unsure of what to do and think.

7487587 One thing you could say is everything you dislike about it and another thing you could do is limit those things to critiques. :pinkiehappy: I really love critiques.

7487600 I guess I'd have to say...o don't know just how readily Celestia extinguished so many lives, I mean I know she did resist a bit but....just that she spoke to Twilight not long ago about how the world was created and then....she jist ends the planet and all life for no real reason that I can see.

And it looked like it was possible(based on the older Twilight) that she could have left to world to Twilight and such.

That's like anything I can think of THST I disliked after putting some real thought into it.

But honestly it would be an entirely different fic without all of what is here. It is exactly as it should be to be this fic

7487637 Celestia in those scenes was more like a filly than the mare you know her as.

7487639 still to contrast was ....odd and I suppose like most of your work filled with meaning and other philosophical things I am incapable of understanding

7487754 yeah I'm just a dude who write psychological accurate storyes of ponies being exposed to dark and grim realities so I do have a not of trouble understanding deep philosophical meanings.:rainbowlaugh:

7487764 Everyone has their speciality. :twilightsmile:

7487880 I just noticed a slight continuity error that doesn't make sense.

Celestia both said and remebred her mother dying during the creation of the universe yet at the end she is alive and well.

Also where was Luna in all of this?

7488403 There is no error in my eyes. But meh.

And yeah, I honestly just kinda half forgot about Luna and half decided she wasn't really important to the story.

7488427 well if you say a character is dead and actually show them dying and such and they show up perfectly fine at the end that is a bit if an error unless its one of those deeper meanings I don't get.

And she didn't have to be in the meat of the story but Iquestion wwhy she wasn't with filly Celestia in the....where ever you'd call the place filly Celestia was

7488445 I'll explain it in PM. I'd rather not ruin the fun of trying to figure it out for whatever poor soul decides to read it.

That was certainly something.

Interesting so see these apocalypse stories, various people takes on the destruction of a world. The idea behind your story was interesting, treating the world as a sand cattle created by a young mare. Was it all in her imagination, was it reality and a means demonstration how malleable our world is to deities? Hard to tell, honestly and that's good. Ambiguity with these types of stories is good. Where it isn't so good is wiped presenting characters points of view.

The shifts back and forth between Twilight and Celestial were a little jarring. It took me a while after the first one to figure We were seeing things from Twilight proper, and not Celestial, who was possessing Twilight. Maybe having the characters describe themselves, feeling perfectly at ease with themselves would smooth that out. Hard to say without seeing it though.

Sorry this took so long. XD I've been busy.

That was certainly something.

Thanks. ...I think.

Interesting so see these apocalypse stories, various people takes on the destruction of a world. The idea behind your story was interesting, treating the world as a sand cattle created by a young mare. Was it all in her imagination, was it reality and a means demonstration how malleable our world is to deities? Hard to tell, honestly and that's good. Ambiguity with these types of stories is good.

Thanks! owo

Where it isn't so good is wiped presenting characters points of view.

...I'm not sure what this means. Could you clarify?

The shifts back and forth between Twilight and Celestial were a little jarring.

It's kinda hard to explain it, but the perspective never really switched. It was all from Celestia's perspective, but her view and sense of self was kinda getting cluster bucked, so,,, it was meant to be jarring I guess.

It took me a while after the first one to figure We were seeing things from Twilight proper, and not Celestial, who was possessing Twilight. Maybe having the characters describe themselves, feeling perfectly at ease with themselves would smooth that out. Hard to say without seeing it though.

Again, I'm not sure what you're trying to say with this... Could you clarify?


The Final One beget life through his madness and wellspring of incalculable rage.

The Final One ends when the suffering of mortal lives grows too much for Him to enjoy any longer.

Hail Ilos!

7544587 Thank you for... Whatever that was! :twilightsmile:

This was such a beautiful and gear wrecking ending. I loved it :D are you going to continue this universe? I would love to see what happens next!:trollestia:

7596908 Nope, afraid not. :twilightsmile: That was the absolute end of the story.

This felt like some kind of weird Evangelion story, or at least heavily inspired by it.

So, as I am understanding it, somewhat...Celestia is really a filly, playing pretend, and Equestria was her world, and now the time has come to leave the beach and go home - or that's what I parsed. If yours is different, I'd love to see the PM as to what you intended.

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