• Published 7th Aug 2016
  • 271 Views, 9 Comments

The Cog turns for a Lily - The Library

Ponyville has no shortage of unique ponies and Cogspin was no exception.

  • ...

Just an easy fix.

After that last incident the whole restoration process went on rather smoothly. All pipes were reconnected and I tested the system to see if there were any leaks present, finding none I wiped a few drops of sweat from my brow with my hoof as I walked out of the shed and spotted Lilly standing near the pool. "Well, all is done and fixed. I tested the system for any possible faults but found none. So the pool is usable again."

"Oh, that is incredible. I'm sure the colts and fillies would be glad that the pool is open once more." She said with a small smile on her face slowly approaching me. "And I think I need to reward you handsomely. Don't you agree, mister inventor?" Her tone went from soft and cute to something I hasn't heard before. But I had no time to think about it as Lilly nuzzled my neck, sending shivers all over his body while filling my cheeks with blood, making my blush like a mad stallion.

"Lilly, what are you doing?" I asked with a drop of worry.

"Oh, I'm just rewarding this strong and handsome stallion on doing a good job with the-... WAKE UP!!" My eyes shot wide open as I couldn't help but blink a few times.

"Erhm, what did you say?" I asked her as she pushed me down on my rump looking deep into my eyes.

"I said that you did a good job with the-... WAKE UP!!" She suddenly yelled out once more. I knew for sure that I wasn't going crazy, because Lilly yelled twice that I had to wake up? I wanted to comment on her yelling as I suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot through my head as my vision began to blur. Slowly but surely my very own dream world faded away as the vision of pipes and cramped spaces filled my mind once more.

"Did I fall asleep?" I asked myself as I wiggled myself free from the maze of pipes. And sure enough the sun was just above the horizon.

"Yes, you fell asleep about fifteen minutes ago... I tried to wake you up but you refused to budge. You must have had quite the dream hmm?" Lilly replied as she stepped into his view. Sure enough a plate was balanced on her back as she looked at me with a friendly smile. "Well, now that you are awake. I've brought some dinner for you, you've been so busy that you didn't even bother to take a break."

I returned her smile with one of my own. "You know how I am, once I get started I just want to keep going till the job is done." I paused for a moment. "Speaking of which, I think everything is set and done." I nodded a few times as I did a final inspection of all the pipes to make sure none are lose or disconnected.

"Everything looks good so far, could you turn the valve open and let the water -slowly- enter the pipes? I don't want to put full pressure all at once on the pipes, they might burst."

Lilly nodded in reply as she walked past the door and to the left where the main valve was located. Using her hooves she slowly turned it open as water gradually entered the system. "Everything still alright in there?!" She yelled over the sound of rushing water.

She didn't get a reply from me instantly and a few seconds later I waved my hoof in the air, she didn't quite know what it meant but dismissed it as an ok! She continued to open the valve till it couldn't go any further. "It's fully open Cog, still all green in there?" She asked as she walked back into the shed. She saw me busy checking every pipe that could possibly leak, but soon I turned attention to her.

"Yes, everything is working as intended." I said in a proud manner. "No leaks and no explosions so far."

Lilly released a sigh of relief as she was honestly glad it was fixed. "That's good news, the foals will be glad that the pool will be open again. Though I need to ask the mayor to put a net over it so that no falling ponies can break the system, -again-." She shot me a quick glare which wasn't visible since it disappeared as fast as it appeared.

"Yes, yes. I understand. I will not try to fly and/or explode when in said air during flight." I raised my hoof into the air while placing the other on my chest.

"You pinkie promise?" She asked with a squeaky voice.

'Must resist!' I mentally told myself as I fought the urge to make a pinkie promise, I know that when I make it I would never be able to break it since I don't want an angry Pinkie Pie after me. A mob of normal ponies is fine, but Pinkie is a whole other story. "I can't make that promise Lilly, you know I won't be able to keep it." I replied to her with a somewhat saddened expression. "I rather not want an angry Pinkie after my flank."

At that sudden moment Pinkie Pie erupted from my sack of parts, yelling something about losing my friends... Forever~

Not a moment later as Pinkie disappeared back into the sack Lilly pouted at me making her lower lip quiver ever so slightly, "Pwetty pwease?" She asked in the most cutest way possible. "Would you do that for sad wittle me?"

I released a sigh. "I stand my ground Lilly, no way you can convince me to make that promise."

As soon as I said that her trembling lip and pout soon were replaced by an annoyed scowl. "Fine..." She snorted, but she later looked me in the eye. "I'm just glad it's fixed. But you better eat your dinner before I change my mind and eat it for myself."

My eyes went wide as I quickly made a nose dive for the plate. Once the plate was in my hooves I retreated into a corner eating the delicious meal. "Glad you like it." I only hissed at her as I continued eating.

It took me a good five seconds to empty the entire plate in my gaping back hole I call my mouth, I gave the plate back to Lilly who just made her way back to her home. Did I tell you she lives here near the pool? Well now you do! When she entered her home I left the shed and closed it up with a lock and placed the key in her mail box. As soon as that was done I left through the gate to walk to my lonely home, not that I minded walking through the night. I always felt somewhat at ease in the light of the moon, could be me but I couldn't honestly tell.

Much like my trip to the pool, the trip back was just as boring as my grannies old stick. I'm honest here, my granny has a stick in her living room nailed on the wall. I tried to ask her about it but she constantly refused to tell me. I guess our stubbornness is in the family.

As I walked through the center of Ponyville I came across a few taverns that were filled with cheering and smiling ponies. I would go there myself, but no one really likes me here. I can hardly blame them. And not to mention I don't have any bits on me since I left them at home. So with that in mind I continued my track home.

Author's Note:

Third chapter and still going, woooh!!
Anyway, this is more of a slice of life chapter. And on that note I decided to at the Slice of Life tag.

So I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for the next chapter.
(PS. Sorry for the shortness of the chapter.)

Comments ( 4 )

Shouldn't this story have a sci-fi tag?

It's not really considered Sci-Fi since it's not futuristic, sure they have Gem Jet Engines but other than that, it's all the same in 2016 (IRL).
Sure enough when I see him making something beyond the current technological advancements I will consider the Sci-Fi Tag. But that's not the case just yet. :twilightsmile:

Excellent chapter bud. Only found one thing.

A mob of normal ponies if fine, but Pinkie is a whole other story.

Probably should read like "A mob of normal ponies is fine, but Pinkie is a whole other story.

Other than that minor thing you did great.:twilightsmile:

Ah thank you for pointing that out, I have times where my brain goes faster then my fingers which may cause some minor grammar mistakes.

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