• Published 10th Aug 2016
  • 5,607 Views, 54 Comments

An overly hesitant Pinkie - SecretAgentPlotTwist

Pinkie is now faced with the dreaded task of telling her friends about her relationship with Rarity, who can not understand Pinkie's hesitation towards her liberal minded friends. That is until her true reasons come to light.

  • ...

Chapter 1

“Pinkie, you do realise I can see you.”

Rarity often found Pinkie’s silliness to be one of two types. Normally, it was fun silliness, one that she could all too easily get sucked into. It had led to some of the most enjoyable nights she’d ever had, if not some of the weirdest.

Other times, it was a silliness that made her wonder what she even saw in her. A kind that made her question how Pinkie could ever think what she was doing could work or was even a good idea. This was one of those times.

Rarity was standing in the middle of Pinkie's room, staring at where her lamp would normally be. In its place stood a definite Pinkie-like body with a lampshade on its head, facing away from her.

“I highly doubt that,” replied Pinkie with a sly tone.

Rarity sighed. “Please Pinkie, this is ridiculous.”

“Great, ridiculousality always comes through for me in the end.”

“That’s not even a word.”

Pinkie giggled. “Of course ‘that’s’ a word. Don’t be ridiculous.”

“No, it’s not—”

Rarity paused. After taking a long breath to stop herself from getting too frustrated, she returned to Pinkie with a level head.

“Listen, I know you’re nervous about this, so let’s talk it through. I’m here to listen, and I don’t want to see you worrying.”

There was a moment of pause, but Pinkie eventually said “Okay” and popped out from behind the curtains.

Rarity, suddenly very much confused, exchanged looks between the newly emerged Pinkie and the Pinkie shaped lamp in front of her. “What? But you—”

“Oh yeah, my new lamp. I just got it. What do you think?”

Rarity raised a sceptical, if not slightly twitchy eyebrow at the lamp. “It’s erm… fine”

Rarity, for her part, had grown rather accepting of these kind of situations. Not because she wanted to, but because her own sanity relied on it. She had managed to develop a system of not really questioning them if they were unimportant.

Despite this, the lamp was rather creepy, and she would rather not have to wake up to it in the morning. So, she decided to make a mental note to buy her a new lamp when she got the chance.

“Are you doing alright, dear?” Rarity asked, moving in for a comforting nuzzle. “I understand if you want to take this slow.”

“Slow as in spread out over a long month with plenty of relaxing breaks and party days off? ‘Cause that’s the kind of slow I’m up for.” Pinkie gave her a cheeky yet slightly crooked smile, knowing full well that wasn’t an option and her nervousness would continue.

“I’m afraid not.” Rarity chuckled. “We have already booked the table for all of us. So, it’s as slow as you need, as long as that’s also fast enough to be punctual.”

Pinkie did her best attempt at a giggle while quickly wiping the sweat away from her forehead. It wasn’t a sight that filled Rarity with confidence.

“As for the prospects of party days off,” she continued, “I imagine the gang, upon being told about our relationship, will want to throw us a party right away.”

“Or never want to come to my parties again,” Pinkie muttered.


“That sounds about right,” she awkwardly squeaked.

Giving herself a second to consider her options, Rarity decided making sure Pinkie wasn’t going to freak out was definitely worth the prospects of being a little late. And so, she moved in a little closer, lifting Pinkie’s chin to make sure they had eye contact.

“Pinkie, I get that you’re nervous about telling them about us,” she calmly told her, “but there really isn’t any reason to be. I know you had problems on the rock farm with this kind of thing, but this is Ponyville, the most liberal place in equestria.

“We love the gays here more than the gays love themselves. Why else would so many of them move here? It’s certainly not for the housing security you get this close to the Everfree forest. No, Ponyville offers two things: an accepting environment, and regular work for builders.”

Pinkie managed to chuckle at Rarity’s joke, but glanced off to the side slightly, obviously still not completely reassured.

“Even if they don’t accept our relationship,” Rarity continued, “which I insist won’t happen, I don’t care. I’m serious about us, and they’re not going to make me change my feelings for you, no matter what they say.”

Pinkie turned back to face her. “You Pinkie promise you will still want to be with me, no matter what happens?”

Rarity let a warm smile appear on her face. “I Pinkie promise.”

“Okay then.” Pinkie forced herself to give Rarity a look of confidence, one that she couldn’t help but playfully giggle at.

“Again though,” Rarity added as they made their way to the door, “There really isn’t too much to worry about. I’m pretty sure half of our friends are gay anyway.”

“Heh, that’s probably more right than wrong.”

The walk to their destination was a short one. It was a little cafe on the edge of town. Its friendly and calm atmosphere made it the perfect place for long conversations, not to mention the tea’s pretty good as well. Rarity thought it the perfect place to tell them.

On the journey Pinkie did her best to seem confident for Rarity, but she had picked up on the evident lack of bouncing or singing. Despite this, they managed to have a nice bit of small talk, which did wonders for Pinkie’s nerves.

Upon making their way into the cafe, they gave a pony at the till a friendly “hello” and headed straight towards the reserved table.

Twilight was already sitting there patiently. It seemed she was the only one of their friends who had put in as much work into being punctual as them.

Rarity was happy to see Twilight by herself, seeing the potential to bring Pinkie’s nerves under control with the initial approval of a pony she was fairly certain would be supportive. Pinkie, on the other hand, seemed even more nervous when she saw it would be just them and Twilight.

They both sat down at the table, next to each other and opposite Twilight. There was the normal exchange of pleasantries with Pinkie giving a rather uneasy and jumpy version of hers. This did raise some concern from Twilight, but she just assumed it was from whatever they had to tell her.

“So,” Twilight continued, doing her best to ignore Pinkie, “do you want to tell me why you two asked us all to come here, or do we have to wait for everyone else?”

“Well, I was planning on waiting, but for the mental well being of somepony—” She glanced at Pinkie, whose overly wide smile was beginning to twitch. “—I’m thinking we should just go ahead.”

Despite Pinkie, Rarity let a little smile appear on her face, excited at the prospect of her relationship no longer being a secret. “I guess I should just say it out right, seeing as there’s no reason to be subtle about it.”

“I can think of one or two,” Pinkie whispered to her, unintentionally loud enough for Twilight to hear.

“We just wanted to tell you that Pinkie and I are in a relationship now.” Her smile was wide, ready for the expected gasp and happy congratulations, but it quickly faltered when it became evident that Twilight's reaction was nothing if not… hesitant.

More specifically, Twilight was frozen, stuck with an expression somewhere between surprise and confusion. Her mouth was slightly ajar, as if she knew she should probably say something, but couldn’t quite think of anything.

“Oh,” she finally said, doing her best to hide her awkward look.

Rarity stared at her, unable to really believe she would react in such a way.

“I’m not gonna say I told you so,” Pinkie again whispered, “but you do remember the conversations we had going into this.”

“What’s the matter, Twilight?” There was an evident pain in Rarity’s voice. “Aren’t you happy about this?”

“No, no, no, of course I’m happy for you.” Twilight turned to the defensive. “It’s just… you know me and Pinkie dated, right?”

Rarity’s hurt expression immediately turned to one of shock, an expression she quickly turned towards Pinkie. “What?”

“Surprise.” Pinkie took out a party popper but was stopped from pulling it by the sudden, firm grasp of Rarity’s hoof.

“What?” She repeated, anger creeping into her voice.

“You never told her?” Twilight asked, also directing her attention to Pinkie.

“You said we shouldn’t tell anyone.”

“No, you said we shouldn’t tell anyone.”

“We were a couple back then, decisions were made collectively,” Pinkie stated, doing her best to seem confident in her conviction.

“I can’t believe this.” Rarity dug her head into her hooves and let out a little groan, but then snapped her head up again. “Wait, is this why you didn’t want to tell everyone?”

“Surprise.” She again went to lift up her party popper, but was stopped by Rarity’s hoof for the second time.

“When were you planning on telling me?”

“Erm.” She rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof. “I thought that now was as good a time as any.”

“You didn’t even tell me, Twilight did!”

“Things normally sound better when they come from Twilight. She has that calm tone that makes information easy to pick up. It’s why she always says the exposition for the epis—”

“Sup girls.”

The three of them turned to see Rainbow Dash standing by the table, giving them all a confused look. “What’s going on here?”

“Nothing,” Rarity spat, turning her whole body away from Pinkie.

Rainbow exchanged glances between an apologetic looking Pinkie and a rather upset Rarity, before looking to Twilight for some kind of answer.

Twilight sighed. “Rarity’s going out with Pinkie, and she’s upset because she didn’t tell her we were a couple.”

“Wait, you two dated Pinkie as well?”

The attention of the table returned to Rainbow. “‘As well,’” both Twilight and Rarity said in unison.

They all jumped as Pinkie popped her party popper. “Surprise,” she awkwardly stammered.

Rarity gave her a piercing look. “Pinkie!”

“I know meeting your fillyfriend's exs can be difficult, but can’t we just have a nice lunch together?”

“Don’t play dumb with me,” Rarity snapped. “Why didn’t you tell me you went out with either Rainbow or Twilight.”

Pinkie gulped. “It’s as you say, some things in a relationship are better left to the imagination.”

“This isn’t one of those things.”

“Oh, easy mistake to make. Maybe you could write me a list for future reference.”

A list!

“Hey Twilight,” Rainbow asked, deciding to leave the couple to their bickering, “when did you go out with Pinkie?”

Twilight thought for a second. “It must have been just over a year ago now, we broke up a few months after I became a princess. We had been going out for about a year.”

Rarity, upon hearing this, stopped her interrogation and turned back to Twilight. “A year! Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow added, “We only went out for, like, two months, and even that I found a bit too long not to tell anyone.”

“Well,” Twilight chuckled sheepishly, “we actually did tell a lot of ponies. A handful of towns ponies knew, there were ponies on a holiday we went on, Maud, Spike knew—although he isn’t exactly a pony, and I even introduced her to my parents.”

Rarity went silent, realising that Twilight's relationship with Pinkie dwarfed their five months together. Not to mention only her sister and the cakes knew. She hadn’t even considered telling her parents or some of the town ponies.

Rainbow’s confusion only grew. “But if you were okay with telling all of them, why not us, your friends?”

“I wanted to, I really did, but Pinkie was always against the idea, so I couldn’t just force her to do it.” She turned back to Rarity. “I’m honestly surprised you got Pinkie’s consent to tell us.”

A shaky smile appeared on Rarity’s face. “Heh, ‘consent’ is a strong word.”

Rainbow frowned. “You forced her into agreeing to tell us?”

“‘Force’ is an even stronger word. I prefer the term ‘one-way diplomacy.’”

“But this doesn’t really make much sense,” Twilight interjected, turning her attention back to Pinkie. “Why would you be so against telling our friends just because you went out with Rainbow? We went out long enough that finding out one of our best friends was your ex wouldn’t have been that big of a deal.”

“Yeah, and there’s no reason to have not told them about us,” Rainbow added.

“Hi y’all.”

Everyone turned to see Applejack standing by the table. There was a pause, followed by everyone slowly turning back to an increasingly worried Pinkie.

“... No,” Rarity finally said.

“... maybe.”

“Oh my Celestia,” Rainbow grimaced, “Aren’t you two related or something?”

Applejack's face went pale. She turned directly to Pinkie. “You told ‘em?”

“... maybe

Rainbow’s expression only worsened. “That’s nasty.”

“Hey, this was years ago,” Applejack spat, getting rather annoyed by Rainbow’s reaction. “We were both teenagers back then. This was long before we even knew there was a chance we were related.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie chipped in, “and even if we had, it’s a very distant relation. Not to mention Apples aren’t as against inter-relation dating as—”

“Pinkie!” Applejack shot her a firm stare that promptly caused her to stop.

Applejack turned back to the rest of her friends. “So…” she began, not wanting to stay on that topic a second longer, “why are y’all talking about mine and Pinkie’s relationship?”

“Erm…” Twilight said hesitantly, “It’s not your relationship, specifically, that we are talking about. More the ponies who have been in a couple with Pinkie, but never found out about each other. A list that we seem to have all found our way onto.”


After a couple minutes of explaining and Pinkie sitting awkwardly, Applejack was caught up to speed. Now, her friends had their own questions they needed her to answer.

“So, you went out with Pinkie before the Elements of Harmony thing?” Asked Rainbow.

“Yeah, long before,” Applejack explained. “We were in our early teens. A couple years before you even moved here.”

“Did you tell anyone?” Twilight asked.

“Not really. Only a handful of our friends.”

“Was Pinkie against you two telling ponies?”

Applejack thought for a second. “No more than me I don’t think. We were both very young. Not really sure about ourselves, let alone our relationship. We didn’t want to be premature about telling anyone. I think only our close friends knew”

“You see,” Pinkie said with a smile that was only half nervous now, “I don’t have a problem with telling ponies things. You’re all just overreacting.”

Before Rarity could let out a couple more stern comments, Applejack interrupted her. “Actually there was one friend you refused to let me tell.”

Panic re-emerged on Pinkie’s face. “I can’t think of anyone,” she squeaked.

“There was. Oh darn, who was it.” Applejack stood with a look of intense concentration for a couple of seconds. But then it suddenly went to one of shock. “It was Fluttershy.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” They all turned to see Fluttershy standing by the table. “I was running a bit late, but if you’re all talking about me I can come back later.”

Everyone stared at Fluttershy in complete silence, something that lasted long enough to make her feel uncomfortable, before, again, returning their collective gaze back to Pinkie. Her face seemed to have given up at this point, as it just gave everyone a blank expression.

“Pinkie…” Rarity stammered. “Fluttershy as well?”

Pinkie did nothing but nod her head slowly.

Fluttershy gave everyone an awkward wave, trying to get a little attention. “Sorry, erm, what did I do as well?”

Twilight, who was getting a bit fed up with explaining this to everyone, told her. “Pinkie has just been telling us how she's gone out with all of us at one point or another.”

“Oh… um, oh,” she managed to say.

“I don’t get it,” Rainbow said, thinking out loud, “If Pinkie and Applejack dated when they were early teens, when did she date Fluttershy?”

“We, er, went out when we were very little. It was just after we both moved to Ponyville.” Fluttershy blushed slightly. “I’m not completely sure it can be considered ‘dating’, neither of us really knew what we were doing.”

“Awh.” Twilight couldn’t help but squee at the image. “Little Fluttershy and little Pinkie going out with each other, that sounds so cute!”

“Yes, yes, it all sounds lovely!” Rarity snapped. “This whole thing is lovely. What’s not to love about finding out your fillyfriend has gone out with all your friends and you just happen to be the last on the list.”

Pinkie gave Rarity a hurt look. “You don’t really think that’s how I see it, do you?”

Rarity stayed quiet, keeping her stern look. A silence fell onto Pinkie, and spread onto everyone else at the table.

The atmosphere quickly turned very sour, and stayed that way for a while. It wasn’t until Rainbow asked Twilight a little about her relationship with Pinkie did anyone try to say anything.

Twilight originally gave her short answers, trying her best not to stick out in the harsh silence. But, as Rainbow continued to prod for more info, she found herself explaining anecdotes about her time with Pinkie.

These stories evolved around some of the problems or issues she had when being with Pinkie, and were all rather humorous. Her friends found them especially funny, as they all could relate to them, and even had similar stories of their own.

Before they knew it, they were all sharing and laughing at tales of embarrassment, awkwardness, and Pinkie being Pinkie.

There was, of course, the noticeable exception of Rarity and Pinkie in this. Pinkie found herself defending the rather questionable decisions she made in said stories, normally with an even more questionable explanation. While Rarity still sat silently with an annoyed look plastered on her face.

“Did you ever find she went through a phase of coming up with lots of nicknames for you,” Applejack asked with a chuckle.

“Oh did she ever.” Twilight gave a playful groan. “There were so many I couldn’t even keep up with them. Twily, Twi-twi, Sparks, Twinkles, Twinky, Sparkly, not to mention Twinkly-Sparkly. I think I’ve repressed a couple others.”

Applejack laughed. “That sounds ruff. Luckily, there aren’t too many for Applejack. I think Apple-Pie and Sweet-Apples was the best she could muster, but that didn’t stop her from trying.”

Rainbow leant back a second and thought. “I don’t think that really happened to me. She found ‘Dashy’ before we went out and was happy with that,”

“I don’t think I’m getting the recognition for the time and effort I put into those nicknames,” Pinkie interjected. “And besides, you should have taken them as a sign I cared for you guys.”

Rarity scrunched her face up slightly at that. She had been getting increasingly more annoyed as each story was told, something that Pinkie had picked up on.

Applejack waved her hoof. “Ah know, ah know. What about you Fluttershy?”

“Erm… I’m not sure if Pinkie ever stopped thinking them up for me. She will still every so often call me something I’ve never heard before.”

“I think that’s a consequence of my high levels of creativity, Fluts.”

“That’s a rather common one,” Fluttershy admitted

“And a rather bad one,” Rainbow added.

“Eh, they can’t all be winners. I can’t see Flutters and immediately think of a winner like Squeaks or Flutter-Butter. For every Fluttery there’s a Shy-guy.”

“Those are all kind of on the weak side Pinkie,” Twilight stated.

Rainbow chuckled. “I don’t think we are yet to hear one on the strong side.”

“Bad, or ahead of our time?” Pinkie said confidently. “I guess history will be the judge of that.”

Pinkie wasn’t sure if it was the attention or simply that they had moved on from confusion and questioning, but she was rather enjoying the conversation. She couldn’t help but feel that a weight had been lifted off of her now that she no longer had to lie about her past relationships.

Despite this, she tried not to loosen up too much, as she still had a very angry looking Rarity to make amends with.

Twilight sighed happily. “I do still kinda miss those morning teas in bed though. Did you guys ever get those?”

Rarity’s ear twitched.

“Ah yeah, she makes surprisingly good tea.” Applejack grinned at the memory. “She never needed reminding how ah like it, and always got the milk just right.”

Second Twitch. She raised her head slightly.

Rainbow nodded “Those were great, and she’d always put mine in a flask when I had a morning shift, as well.”

Fluttershy smiled. “We were young so she couldn’t make tea, but she always insisted on giving me her juice box at lunch. It became so common she starting bringing in two so she had a drink.”

“Well if you all loved going out with Pinkie so much, why did you all stop!” Rarity snapped, bringing everyone out of their reminiscing.

There was an awkward pause as no one knew exactly how to respond, or if this was a situation where they instead needed to comfort Rarity.

But despite a silent agreement that she probably wasn’t thinking one-hundred percent properly, they couldn’t help but feel they still had to answer her.

Applejack coughed. “We kind of both knew it wasn’t going to work out,” She admitted. “We still had a lot of growing to do, and eventually it got to the point where we just needed different things. There was no point pretending.”

Fluttershy nodded, signaling a similar reason.

Rarity turned to Rainbow and Twilight expectantly.

Rainbow itched the back of her mane. “Oh jeez, I don’t know. We were going out for a short time, but we just kind of realised we wanted to do different things.

“I wanted to go off and train to be a Wonderbolt, something that would take some years, while Pinkie was content where she was, hoping to settle down long before I would have the time to. So, we ended up cutting our loses early on. It wasn’t that big a deal, and we still remained friends.”

Twilight turned back from Rainbow and towards Rarity. She let out a loud sigh. “It was kind of the same thing for me, I guess. Only it didn’t become evident until much later.

“We had planned to tell everyone, move in together, maybe even start something that resembled a family. But that all got put on hold once I got these.” Her wings flapped.

“Once I had to start dealing with princess issues and realised that I still had to put my responsibilities first for some years to come, we realised that we had an expiration date.” She gave a sad little sniff. “There were a lot of very long talks about it, but eventually we had the talk. In the end we promised each other that we’d stay friends.”

Rainbow nudged in closer to Twilight. “Hey... are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She gave Rainbow a half smile. “It was a long time ago now. We’ve moved on from then. It just isn’t the funnest story to tell, that’s all.”

Rarity stood up slowly. “I’m sorry everyone, but I’m going to head home. I need to do a bit of thinking.”

“I’ll walk you home,” Pinkie said, quickly getting up herself.

“Do you really want to?” She snapped.

Pinkie was taken aback, giving her a confused and saddened look. “Yes, of course I do.”

Rarity paused, realising the harshness of her words. “Sorry, I’m… thankyou.”

They left together without saying another word, and only gave a polite wave to the pony behind the till. Everyone else just watched them leave, unsure if they should say anything or just leave them be.

As they trotted back, Rarity led the way as Pinkie stayed a couple of steps behind her, gazing at Rarity with a somber expression.

“So… does this mean you're mad?” Pinkie finally asked.

“No. I mean maybe. I don’t know, okay?”

“... Okay.”

“Okay, yes, a little. In fact, no, it’s just incredibly frustrating.” Rarity stopped and turned to face Pinkie. “It’s a lot to take in at once. I think I’m entitled to a little bit of frustration.

“This whole event has been ridiculous. Listening to all the cute nicknames you’ve given everyone, all the fun stories, you even made them tea in bed. I wonder if there's anything we have done that you haven’t done with them.”

Pinkie shrunk her posture. She felt terrible for causing Rarity to be in such a state.

“I still just can’t quite believe you have been out with all of our best friends,” She continued. “Some of them for even longer than me! I’m sorry, but can’t help but feel just a little angry about that. Especially because I thought we were always special.” Her anger wavered slightly. “You know, the two who managed to become more than just friends.”

Pinkie’s ears drooped down. “I really messed up with all this, didn’t I?”

Rarity hesitated. “Well… I mean it’s not really your fault you went out with them. I Just don't understand why you didn’t tell me.”

“I don’t really understand either,” she admitted. “The longer I waited, the harder it became to tell anyone. By the time we got together, I had long thought I was in too deep.

“The truth is that none of those relationships ever worked out in the end, no matter how hard I tried to keep them going. I desperately didn’t want to risk that happening again with us, so I… just kind of put it off. But that just made it all worse in the end.”

She stared down at the floor. “Before, when you said you wouldn’t change your feelings for me no matter what happened, did I mess that up?”

Rarity sighed, but allowed a small smile to form on her face despite herself. “Of course not. Granted, I am a little angry right now, but I still love you, and this certainly hasn’t changed that.”

Pinkie suddenly stiffened up. Her face was visibly shocked as it grew a darker shade of Pink.

“What?” Rarity asked.

“It’s, erm, you’ve never actually said ‘I love you’ to me.”

There was a beat of silence. Some of the cranks in Rarity's brain ticked, the realisation hitting her. She also stiffened, turning an even darker shade of red. “Oh, I guess I haven’t."

“So… did you mean it?”

“... Yes.”

“Okay… I love you too.”


“... should I kiss you now or—”

“That’s probably for the best.”

Comments ( 54 )

Do the ponies not know about polyamourous nature or something?

Sweaked. Interesting. Had to look it up. Nice to know but I probably wouldn't use it myself.

7469073 ... that was a typo for "squeaked"... oops

And once again leaving Spike out of this.

I actually thought they would all get together at the end. Oh well.

7469448 Don't worry, it will turn out Pinkie dated Spike's egg for a week when she was a toddler.

Somehow for Pinkie, that seems less strange than it sounds...

Awesome and Adorable. I loved it!:heart:

7469448 Oh, you give a flying fuck? That's hysterical.

7469523 I suppose that's a possibility, albeit a weird one ... his egg does look like a pretty rock.

7470154 She is the pony who hit on a griffon statue, after all. :pinkiehappy:

Admittedly, the flaw in my joke is she would be not her crazy partying self when she was young and still on the rock farm.

“Wait, you two dated Pinkie as well?”

Oh. OH. It's going to be one of these types of fics, isn't it-one dipped in hilarious one hilarious revelation after another.

“... should I kiss you now or—”

“That’s probably for the best.”

And a perfect ending. Bravo.

That was hilarious, and I love how you made it seem like the start of a "coming out to friends" thing and then twisted it into...this.

This story was so adorable and well though out. I liked how Pinkie dated all of her friends over the years and not just one after another. And each break up was something different yet reasonable. That just made everything a little sweeter and a little sad.

This was funny. Hilarious even.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She gave Rainbow a half smile. “It was a long time ago now. We’ve moved on from then. It just isn’t the funnest story to tell, that’s all.”

I believe it's most fun.

I always imagined she was at least a little weird even then, and seeing the Rainboom just brought it all to the surface.

The fuck man?

The story description was so short that your comment showed up without me even scrolling down.

This was ridiculously cute, I loved it, good job! :pinkiehappy:

Um. Spoilers. Please highlight in black.

Initially read the opening statement as: "The dreaded dry has arrived for Pinkie. "

:moustache:/10 Can't wait to read this.

“Even if they don’t accept our relationship,” Rarity continued, “which I insist won’t happen, I don’t care. I’m serious about us, and they’re not going to make me change my feelings for you, no matter what they say.”

Pinkie turned back to face her. “You Pinkie promise you will still want to be with me, no matter what happens?”

Oh dear, I think I just figured out where this is going.

(The rest of the story.)

I was right! :raritydespair:

...Over-all, it's okay. The ending feels kinda lackluster, though, like it was building up for something bigger and more emotional. The tone also seems a bit ambivalent - like the comedy and seriousness cancel each other out rather than contrast - so I was never quite sure how to feel. Finally, don't start a new paragraph while a character is still talking, it can get confusing.

Everything else was adequate.

Hah, that awkwardness. Now imagine if they weren't the best of friends before... that'd be golden.
Or even more convoluted if they each tried every other one from the group :rainbowlaugh:

7469216 Oh? Will it's a slang hybrid of super and weak.

7471125 [ spoiler ][ /spoiler ]

Without the spaces between the words and brackets. Or yoy could press the button with the "SP" on it.

The convenience of that lamp fills Pinkie with determination.

This story didn't really seem to know where it was going. It starts out as a comedy, building up to the Joke. And then we had the punchline, and then.. the story didn't end. And suddenly everyone's being serious, and Rarity is reacting to the shocking revelation like it really is a shocking revelation, not just a Joke. And the comedy parts more or less fall by the wayside as the story becomes a full-blown romantic drama as Rarity and Pinkie's relationship is put to the test - but in doing that, things that made sense as the setup for a Joke (Rarity being humorously oblivious to Pinkie's warnings) suddenly don't work in retrospect.

The Reveal works as the punchline for a joke, but the more I think about it the less sense it makes - as written, it must have come up in conversation at some point, and the romance doesn't really gel with the Mane Six's behaviour in canon (especially some of the breakups). As soon as I take this story seriously, it falls apart.

Very adorable, and cute. Excellent story too:yay:!

the most liberal place in equestria.

Cap. (name of Nation.)

“You Pinkie promise you will still want to be with me, no matter what happens?”

Rarity let a warm smile appear on her face. “I Pinkie promise.”

Cap. (name of a type of ritual/technique)

Not to mention only her sister and the cakes knew.


. “Ah know, ah know. What about you Fluttershy?”

“She never needed reminding how ah like it, and always got the milk just right.”

Cap. (use Ah as you would I)

Rarity paused, realising the harshness of her words. “Sorry, I’m… thankyou.”

thank you


You know you can edit your comments right?

Just highlight what you wrote, and press the SP button (between the " button and the emoticon button).

hehe noice! I tottaly giggled at the situation. Also in my headcannon that Pinkie Pie...gets around. :pinkiehappy:

Heh heh, that did not go as expected. XD That was hilarious and sweet at the same time!

Never been one for Lesbian fics, but this was a little funny at least.

So this story is one that I love because despite it being a "comedy", you don't let that shoehorn the story into just being wacky hi-jinks.

The only thing I found lacking was that Pinkie and Rarity didn't have their ownthing. It really makes it feel like Rarity will eventually be another hash mark on the wall. Beyond that, it's definitely getting a thumbs up. I love cute stories like these.

This story is cute, funny, believable, and self contained. I enjoyed all of it and i'm glad that you made this; but I think that someone should have pointed out that Rarity was ready to play it fast and loose with other stallions at one point so... maybe don't judge Pinky too harshly for it.


People've already answered that though. Look at the top of the comment area (where you type stuff).

Click and drag (to highlight like you would to link a bit of text.

Right next to the emoticon option :twilightsmile: (last box there at the top), is the spoiler option (grey box white letter Sp).. Or you can just type in the tags as 7471604 showed how.

Very nicely done! :twilightsmile:

I loved the increasing amount of shock and confusion (or anger) on the characters' faces when they found that Pinkie has dated every one of them. :applejackconfused: :twilightoops: :rainbowhuh: :duck: :yay: :pinkiehappy:

I suggest working on showing instead of telling. Also, visual gags that are hilarious on television don't always translate well to written mediums, such as the joke at the very beginning.

Also, the dialogue didn't feel quite right to me. Pinkie was using fairly complicated words that just don't really fit into her speech patterns. I don't mean she's stupid, because she isn't--she just doesn't talk like that. Try to keep her more casual and less witty.


He is not a pony. Most stories involve the pony girls. The Mane 6. Stories that are about 'all our friends' usually include Spike. Spike does not have to be and never should be in every single story that happens to involve Rarity, Twilight, or any of the girls. There are a lot of Spike-centric stories if you're jonesin'. Please don't complain about lack of Spike in stories that don't need to involve him. That's the kind of thing that gives Spike-fans their commonly-held image of angry, rabid packs.


It's not her polyamory that anyone's disagreeing with, I think. Which may or may not even be the case considering she doesn't seem to have been romantically attached to more than one of them at a time. It's that she didn't TELL anyone. It's one thing not to talk about exes (even though one probably should in a serious relationship) but when a majority of them are your core group, basically the biggest chunk of your current life... then every one of them deserved to know, especially on terms good for them. Springing this on Rarity (in public, in front of said exes no less) instead of discussing it alone over tea or something was unbelievably cruel. Rarity was forceful, but Pinkie could have easily responded to that with 'There's something we have to talk about first', and due to not doing that all the burden was placed on Rarity and Rarity ended up feeling like a heel because of Pinkie's selfish decision. No amount of 'I didn't want to talk about it' or 'I was scared' makes up for that or changes the fact, y'know?

Honestly now that I think about it, that everyone but Rarity took it so well is entirely improbable and feels forced. Also that Rarity more or less got over it so quickly. This goes beyond friendship problems, this is someone's love life being upended. That's certainly more volatile no matter who you are.


To add to Mesa's point of Pinkie's character voice being too complex, Rarity's was too simplistic and rough. Could have swapped the name 'Rarity' for anyone except Applejack and it'd have still worked without altering the story much.

7475745 Is this premise not something that would affect Spike more strongly than Pinkie and Rarity's friends? Should Rarity not be as concerned about his feelings as Pinkie is about those of the other four? Shove it up your ass.


No. The adult does not need to be worried about a child's crush when pursuing her love life. I know you're a troll account at this point but please keep it reasonable..

That ending was surprisingly cute. Nice one :pinkiehappy::heart::raritywink:


You forgot a few keywords, which lead to a general misunderstanding. But it's all good. These things happen ^_^.


That's the kind of thing that gives Spike-fans their commonly-held image of angry, rabid packs.

Just to be clear here, logic dictates that fans of all seven main characters are just as bad. Remember all that childish bitching and whining from Rainbow Dash fans after her Wonderbolt episode? They thought she was being shone in a disreputable light even though it wasn't that bad, even befitting to her characterization. The only reason Spike fans maintain that image is because the writers are clumsier with him, since their focus is on the six central characters and Spike fans are far fewer. Essentially: Spike fans get more shit and less goodness.


No. The adult does not need to be worried about a child's crush when pursuing her love life.

In almost all fiction, what you say is the case. But the ponies of G4 were intentionally written to be of indeterminate age, and childish enough for Lauren Faust's vision to work--and Spike is more mature than a typical child. To write MLP fanfiction with rules that adhere strictly to the real world (especially when it involves "adult" ponies dealing with adult situations) is to ignore Equestria as it is. The mane six are just big children.

I thought this was just going to be some little silly thing, but was very much pleasantly surprised to find something so well-constructed and thoughtful.

Many of us can empathize with a situation where you waited too long to say or do something... so you kind of just let it go until it reaches the breaking point on its own and you deal with the consequences when it does.

From Rarity's point of view, you could maybe even give her the benefit of the doubt for everyone except Twilight. Pinkie's relationship with Fluttershy and Applejack were at a time where people are still learning what a relationship is. Her time with Rainbow may have been enjoyable but it was incredibly brief. The one that Rarity has absolutely every reason to be pissed off at Pinkie for not telling her is her relationship with Twilight.

They were practically engaged. That's something you at least mention to someone you've been dating a while, but you definitely talk about it in depth if that person is in constant contact with you and your girlfriend.

I thought that whole thing was handled very intelligently. It lent a sense of weight to the relationships, and added a small tonal shift that puts everything else into perspective while still remaining on-theme and mostly light-hearted.

This little RomCom that looks so simple on the tin is definitely one of my favorites in quite some time.

A very cute and funny story, found some spelling errors in it, but otherwise it's good :)

Twilight originally gave her short answers, trying her best not to stick out in the harsh silence. But, as Rainbow continued to prod for more info, she found herself explaining anecdotes about her time with Pinkie.

These stories evolved around some of the problems or issues she had when being with Pinkie, and were all rather humorous. Her friends found them especially funny, as they all could relate to them, and even had similar stories of their own.

Before they knew it, they were all sharing and laughing at tales of embarrassment, awkwardness, and Pinkie being Pinkie.

There was, of course, the noticeable exception of Rarity and Pinkie in this. Pinkie found herself defending the rather questionable decisions she made in said stories, normally with an even more questionable explanation. While Rarity still sat silently with an annoyed look plastered on her face.

You know what would be better than reading a brief overview of this conversation? Actually reading the conversation itself. Or even just a montage of high points from the conversation.

Really, the transition from awkwardness (and anger at Pinkie) to being able to chat and laugh about past romance, seems much too important to brush over so casually.

I really liked this
I can see Rarity being pretty pissed at all this being reasonable to her romance is a special thing and even if she has liked quite a few individuals she probably would have told whoever she was going out with about them. This however is somewhat cruel to her, she doesn't see anything special she sees that Pinkie is treating her just as she has treated her other failed relationships she doesn't have to stop loving her but she probably feels like this is just doomed from the start another product of Pinkie actually not thinking things through and nobody but herself to blame for not seeing what in hindsight she probably should have felt was obvious. Not to mention Pinkie DID bother loosening up when Rarity was absolutely (rightfully) pissed is in character but really really terrible and unempathetic of her especially if she was close to Rarity and knows how emotional she can get without proper support

Not to mention the Twilight thing, that just has GOT to be a blow to the gut feeling like you're obviously second place to someone else with your loved one it wasn't that Twilight and Pinkie thought it wasn't working out in general it was that things changed and they were practically engaged and planning a family and everything and it hadn't been that long since all of that so she's gotta think there are still some feelings there,

Actually I love the story one mistake is not worth ruining a relationship over even if it was a BIG mistake and it's cute how that shined through I would just like another chapter or something because it doesn't explain what makes Rarity special well and just makes it feel like even if they will remain friends their relationship will not end in the best place because nothing does make it special it's just another time Pinkie took friendship as more than friendship. The others can take that but Rares seems the type to really commit to a relationship once it starts

7469448 That's grossly unfair to Rarity, who was looking out for the poor drake's feelings. He might come to like the lipstick and eyeshadow, and appreciate having his claws done from time to time, but the wide-brimmed hats with the woven roses and the pastel dresses with the flounces would just be too much for him to handle.:raritywink:

Like it or not, Spike's crush is a pretty big part of both their characters. Romance stories with Rarity tend to have this problem more often than not. They don't necessarily have to have him show up, make a scene, suddenly approve and give his blessing, or go cry in a corner or whatever -- but for Spike to not even be so much as briefly mentioned is immediately odd.

This bugged me back when I read Pokemon fanfiction. People would construct these elaborate romance quadrangles about the anime cast, and Pikachu would just be completely nonexistent. It's like, of course he's not going to be involved in the romance (ew), but he's still a fixture in their lives that will continue to cause ripples.

These characters don't exist in a vacuum, that's all.


He is. But if the story is not about Spike, then at most all that needs to be said is a footnote. Celestia, the rest of the Mane 6 and such are together an even bigger part of Twilight's life than Spike, and yet we have an enormous amount of stories about Twilight doing her own thing and mentioning none of them. No one complains that there's no Pinkie Pie in a story, for example, called Twilight Goes to the Science Fair. Necessary interactions involving characters who are not meant to be part of the story are always and HAVE always been assumed to happen 'off-screen', or after the story's ended.

It is part of your reader responsibility to know and understand that, and neither acceptable, sensible, or polite to complain that Spike isn't in every story focusing on the ponies solely, the Mane 6 specifically, or just Twilight and/or Rarity simply because he's an important friend to them and happens to have an affectionate attachment to both, platonic and romantic respectively. If the story is not about 'them+Spike' or is not a Spike-centric story, then adding him in is for completeness and backdrop, or side-interaction. Anything more than a bit part and he's actually meant to be a decent part of the story. Which he is not meant to be here. This story is about Rarity being in love with Pinkie. If every story involving Rarity being romantically involved ALSO was forced to come with us watching Spike being heartbroken, no one would write Rarity-centric romance stories anymore unless it was Sparity. Which is, again, essentially pedophilia. As much as you people believe Rarity is reserved only for Spike, or that Spike has to be in every story involving her, this is simply not the case and it is best to keep these things to yourselves.

I hope this was educational.


Celestia, the rest of the Mane 6 and such are together an even bigger part of Twilight's life than Spike...

I really hope you indeed meant, "all seven of them combined" and not, "any individual one of them" because that'd be bullshit. She hatched the fucker, and they live together.

...and yet we have an enormous amount of stories about Twilight doing her own thing and mentioning none of them. No one complains that there's no Pinkie Pie in a story, for example, called Twilight Goes to the Science Fair.

Why would Pinkie want to go to the science fair? Granted, Pinkie would probably love to go anywhere, but unless Twilight is attending the annual Cotton Candy and Prank Masters Convention without her...

This story is about Rarity being in love with Pinkie.

I believe this story is actually about Pinkie and Rarity coming out to their friends. One of whom was absent.

I thought this came off as a very thoughtful story. The ending feels a little rushed, but this story comes off as kind of believable. It's a twist that doesn't just come and go, it gets explored and rather thoughtfully. Very good story, great job writing this.

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