• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 1,143 Views, 22 Comments

Tear the Sky Asunder - Ice Star

[Poetry] In a land with no heroes, two goddesses seek to defeat the tyrant known as Tirek who has been stealing the magic of ponykind. Only there is no glory as their broken sorority hangs in the balance of a war-ravaged land.

  • ...

Ignis Sol

The heroes of ponykind—
one bigoted and one meek
find an inn and stay the night along the southern border
and among ale-slurred words
the innkeeper — a sickly mare of the earth — accepts the wizard's parasitic will:
for their stay, she earns no coin
her response is a single nod—
barely noticed and weak

Brought along to carry any bags
are two who despite their youth have ages that outnumber any hag's
there, a mare vain and fair quietly sips her piss-poor drink
her regal manners almost unseen
Next to her at the corner is the filly — though her dress and manner suggest otherwise — with an honest stare
her sword of mortal craft, called Quicksilver, is at her side
and her soft mane of sky's blue is brushed and clean

Her sister sits behind her, overshadowing her with two verses
garbed in lace and silk
with a circlet at her head
and next to her was the harsh metal sunbeam of gold
against the shabby counter it leaned,
bold, gleaming, and burning in the dim light
to some, it was the Dawn's Star, a bright fire
that must have taken even the finest unicorn smith his life to sculpt
so that his forge became his pyre
To the groomed mare who wielded it
if it had a name at all
it was called with a simple one, uttered by this mare so cultured and cool
as she - without a warrior's seriousness in this deed — dubbed the sun-bright metal
Ignis Sol

Outside snow falls thick but cannot mask the howl
of a stranger's woe-filled shouts
as he bangs upon the weak door
our hero, the esteemed Starswirl walks toward the rattling
and the sisters appear battle-ready
When it is flung open, Scorpan, cold and weary stares into Starswirl's scowl

The wizard raises a sword of plain steel above the stranger's head
its name nonexistent, or at the very least forgotten
as the metal tool fell
the eyes of young Scorpan met the impassive look of the fairer sister
sparking a sort of pity as brief as the golden flash that left her in Scorpan's stead

Screams, and shouts fill the air
as the wizard Starswirl curses the charge,
the court-appointed daughter he nearly cleaved in two
calling her useless, at best and at worst things that caused even the still-young Luna to move her hooves to her ears while stunned tavern-goers and Scorpan look on with a collective appalled stare

While Sister Dark's mind retreated into itself as she bore witness to her sister's almost-unheard of defiance
Sister Light falls to her knees
small tears ripped in her skirt of bright color and lace
and begs for Scorpan to be able to tell his story after the steel hilt meets her head
she sways, dizzy
but it is just once, to the surprise of all who had heard tales of Starswirl's anger
yet the most surprising thing is Starswirl's compliance


Scorpan too, falls before the weak wizard
and tells of his brother who lurks within the blizzard

To these ponies, he comes near
and at his words, their eyes shine with fear

From his place upon the floor in front of the unworthy one
Scorpan begs forgiveness for what he has done

He believes these unenlightened brutes who know not even who they are
are their lost ancestors, ruled by some gods who ruled lands more prosperous by far

Putting their bigotry aside for just a short bit of time
the inn-goers — sisters excepted — agree to 'forgive' Scorpan of his crime

In bursts, a messenger hailing from the west
The earth pony having traveled long without food or rest

He warns of three sorceresses and their enchanting wiles
This messenger begs for help, offering a vast reward of riches in piles

At the prospect of a promised price
Starswirl shows yet another vice

Knowing Scorpan's weakness lies in his humility
Starswirl lies to the best of his ability

He calls the creature he cares nothing for to travel with him and the meek mare with a mane of green
To save the lives of ponies and make Scorpan's record appear clean

Refusing to hear any protest from either divine mare
Starswirl, Clover, and Scorpan leave without receiving a single glare

In reality, Starswirl's kindness was but another easy lie
So he could desert those at the tavern and leave them doomed to die

Echoing in the distance as the wizard and his cheerless party leave is a single sound:
Tirek's mighty hooves upon the ground