• Published 25th Jun 2012
  • 7,300 Views, 12 Comments

Pinkie Pie Oversized - butterscotchsundae

Pinkie Pie Rarity shipping chubby curvy Pinkie

  • ...

Pinkie Pie Oversized

Rarity was hard at work in her boutique. With summer around the corner, the citizens of Ponyville were keen to change their wardrobes, which meant that Rarity's work was cut out for her, coming up with the new season's designs. Hers wasn't the only fashion boutique in Ponyville, but it was one of the most highly regarded - she had designed accessories for members of Princess Celestia's royal court, after all! - and it just would not stand for her reputation to be impugned by a lack of foresight in choosing the right colours, appropriate tones and striking themes for the coming summer.

"This year must be all about being free and light," Rarity hummed to herself as she danced around the dressmaker's doll, pins in her teeth. "Something fun to wear... but not too casual. Revealing, but not.. .. trashy." She was wearing her usual working clothes - her skin-tight black trousers that showed off the elegant curve of her calves, and the simple but ever-so classically professional white blouse, all finished off with the oh-so-Rarity accent of a white choker around her neck, prominently displaying the green Element of Harmony gemstone bestowed upon her by Princess Celestia.

"It must be light and airy," she decided. "But which material should I... aha!" As she skipped across the room to where the reams of material were hanging, she tossed her hair in excitement, the long indigo locks sweeping off one shoulder and onto the other as she felt herself entering the zone.

The reams of different coloured fabric against the wall were an open pallet of potential winning combinations, and she teased first one set of material between her fingers and then another.

"Not silk," she sniffed. "Too exotic!"

"Not taffeta," she laughed. "Too slinky!"

"Not velvet," she cried, tossing the ream to one side. "Too fluffy!"

"Not velveteen," she scoffed, "What can I have been thinking?!"

She tested another ream, and cried: "No, not cotton - much too earth-pony-ish." She slapped her hand on her mouth. Rarity, sometimes you're much too much! Such chauvinism from one who prides herself on elegance and refinement!

She looked out the window of her boutique to see if anyone had overheard her indiscretion. The people of Ponyville seemed unperturbed, walking by without a second glance at her shop window.

"Phew!" Rarity let out her breath in a most unladylike display of relief.

But at that moment, she saw a sudden flash of pink in the corner of her eye. It was Pinkie Pie! Rarity yelped and leapt behind the dressmaker's dummy.

"I'm sorry, my darling Pinky," she muttered, "But I don't have time for your games right this moment - I am in the midst of the creative process! I'm sure you would understand."

Pinkie walked slowly by the window, taking huge bites of a slice of cream cake she held in one hand. She was carrying a basket of baked goods on her other arm, obviously on the way to deliver it to one of the Cakes' customers. She was dressed in that little pink tulle skirt that she seemed to love wearing (Rarity thought it all-together much too flippant and "frou frou"), with a tank top and leggings in darker shades of pink. In a less outgoing and spontaneous person, it would have made them look like they'd just escaped from the circus. But in a mysterious synergy with Pinkie's shock of curly hair and her bright and mobile features and poker-machine-jackpot smile, it worked.

Pinkie had stopped and was looking in through the window through squinted eyes. Rarity yelped, and ducked lower. Pinkie stood there for about a minute, scanning the inside of the shop while she absentmindedly licked the leftover cream from her fingers. Then she looked furtively left and right, snuck her hand into the basket, took out a muffin and started to eat it.

Rarity gasped. That Pinkie Pie! Stealing from Mr and Mrs Cake's customers! A few crumbs fell, and then Pinkie shrugged and continued on her way. But Rarity had had a chance to look over her friend's figure face on and in profile while she had been watching. Pinkie had obviously put on a little weight - well, actually more than just a little. Rarity was sure she'd seen a little muffin top of Pinkie's own over the waistline of her skirt, and even the start of a little pot belly. And her hips and bottom were certainly sticking out much more than the last time Rarity had paid attention to them.

But then inspiration slapped Rarity in the face. There was only one choice - tulle! It leapt out at her, and in her mind's eye she could see the material swirling about the dressmaker's doll, being cut and shaped by her imagination. Light and airy, casual yet fun!

"Oh, thank you, Pinkie Pie!" she laughed, as she took out her scissors with a flourish and started to cut.


The next day, Pinkie Pie left Sugarcube Corner early to make some deliveries. She whistled and swung the basket of baked goods on her arm as she walked, beaming hello to the other inhabitants of Ponyville she met on her way.

"I wonder if Rarity is in her boutique today?" she thought to herself. She'd been disappointed not to have seen her friend the day before, but she realised she must be busy with the new season's designs. Pinkie sighed wistfully. Not that it mattered to her. She never seemed to be able to fit into any of the gorgeous clothes that Rarity designed. They were just too tight around the bust and ESPECIALLY the hips! Pinkie swivelled her head and looked down at her hips and bottom. They WERE sticking out a bit, weren't they! When did THAT happen? And had her thighs always been so... thick?

"Oh well!" she chirped. "Just like Grannie Pie used to say 'It's just more of you to love, Twinkie Pie!'"

Pinkie was counting the contents of the basket when she reached Rarity's boutique - half a dozen muffins, half a dozen tarts, half a dozen slices of cream cake (her favourite!)... wait a second! There was one slice too many! Mr Cake was not particularly good at counting... "But then, neither am I," thought Pinkie Pie, and she counted again to make doubly sure. She was right - an extra slice, just like yesterday!

"I wonder if there's an extra muffin like yesterday as well," she mused. Her stomach grumbled. For some strange reason, she always got hungry at this point in her deliveries. She looked about to her check if anyone was watching, and was about to slip her hand down into the basket for the cake when Rarity slipped out of the door to her boutique and shouted "Pinkie Pie, darling! Just the woman I wanted to see!"

Pinkie almost leapt into the air in surprise. But she managed to flash one of her beaming smiles at Rarity as she ran up and cried "Oh, hello-ooo!" - but she couldn't hide the guilt that crept onto her face.

Rarity grabbed her by the hand and said "I've got to show you something amazing, darling - I'm sure you'll absolutely love it!"

"Oh, o-ok," Pinkie let herself get dragged into the boutique. Her tummy was still grumbling, but there'd be plenty of time for the deliveries - and for a sneaky cake or muffin - later.

"Voila!" Rarity swept an elegant arm before the outfit that had taken life on her dress maker's dummy. It was incredible! Its basic style was that of a strapless cocktail dress, but the way Rarity had bunched the tulle in fanciful flower-shapes and had added whimsical ribbons it had the energy and playfulness of a little girl's party dress. But it still remained true to Rarity's hallmark elegance - it was intricately laced around the bodice, and where it flared out in a delicate skirt just below the waist it was all light and transparency.

Pinkie Pie's eyes grew wide and she cried "Whooooaaa!" She turned to Rarity and pointed to herself and then the dress. "I was the inspiration for that? But it's sooooo super elegant and beautiful!"

"Yes, my dear," Rarity laughed. "I started with your own little number in my mind's eye, and then I just went with it." She wiped a hand on her brow. "And what a journey that was! I've never felt so much in the zone." In her excitement she grabbed Pinkie's free hand and swept herself around her friend. Pinkie laughed and, dropping the basket to one side, she took Rarity's other hand and swung her around like a carousel.

By the time she brought Rarity to a stop, both girls' faces were flushed. Rarity looked at Pinkie's beaming smile and clapped her hands. "Ah, yes! I almost forgot. Darling, I need you to take your clothes off."

Pinkie's smile slipped away. "Take off my... clothes?"

Rarity nodded. "Of course, dear! How else am I going to be able to fit you for this new dress?" She put her hands on her hips. "Now go and take everything off except your underwear. I'll draw the curtains and lock the door so that we're not disturbed."

Pinkie looked at her body, then at the dress on the dummy. "But... there's no way I can fit in THAT!"

Rarity frowned. "Really, darling. You are such a silly girl sometimes. That is just the initial mock up! I have to make a....." She tapped her chin with a finger as she searched for the right word. "... more appropriate version for you to wear." She clapped her hands. "Now, do be a dear and hurry up!"

Pinkie looked unsure, but she did as Rarity said and went into one of the changing rooms. A few minutes later, she drew the curtain back and slipped her head out.

"Oh Rarity... Do I really, REALLY have to do this?" She blushed. "Can't you just... ESTIMATE my size?"

Rarity was scandalised. "Darling! I could never do that! Not when I have you right here in the flesh to do things properly," She smiled. "And you do know that things must be done properly or not at all."

Pinkie shyly came out of the dressing room. Rarity was amused to see how modest the usually exuberant and out of control party girl was in her underwear. It was bright pink of course. Oh, how that girl loved pink! But, oh dear, oh dear. She tapped her chin with her measuring tape and looked her over, and Pinkie blushed even deeper red under her gaze. Pinkie WAS carrying a little extra weight. And that brassiere seemed to be a size or two too small for her! Something would have to be done about that in due course.

Rarity beckoned Pinkie closer. "Now, my dear. We have to measure you!"

Pinkie bashfully came over and stood in front of Rarity. The fashion designer looked her up and down then, unravelling her measuring tape, she ducked behind Pinkie and slipped her hands around her breasts.

"What...what are you doing?" yelped Pinkie.

"Do please stop squirming, darling," Rarity scolded her, drawing the measuring tape across her friend's ample bust. "Hmmmm....." She noted the measurement and removed the tape.

Pinkie blushed crimson. "I know I've put on a little weight..." she confessed.

Rarity laughed brightly. "My dear, many women would kill to have such an ample décolletage! It is nothing to be ashamed of. Besides," She slipped her hands around Pinkie's hips and took another measurement. "The important thing is that one's body appear balanced. And yours, my dear, is perfectly proportional."

Pinkie gasped as Rarity's hands slipped over her exposed skin, and then she giggled.

"Oh, you're ticklish?" Rarity said, brushing her fingers near Pinkie's navel and eliciting deeper laughs from the girl. "I must say darling, I envy your skin. It's just so satiny!"

"Rarity! Stoooo-op! I can't staaand it!" Pinkie yelped. She was trying to stand still, but the soft touch of Rarity's hands was driving her crazy.

Rarity laughed and stopped tickling Pinkie. "I'm awfully sorry, Pinkie, my dear - I guess I got carried away. Now let's measure those hips of yours..."

Rarity's hands slid down onto Pinkie's bottom and hips. "Ah... A-Aren't my hips a bit too wide?" asked Pinkie shyly.

The palms of Rarity's hands continued to move over Pinkie's curves as she replied "Not at all. You have such a voluptuous and womanly physique." Rarity's voice became louder as her mouth came closer to Pinkie's ear and she could feel her warm breath against her skin. "I must say that I'm a little jealous of you, my dear. Your hourglass shape is ideal for showing off outfits with full skirts, whereas my skinny frame could never hope to look like anything more than a feather-duster! Now, let's check the inseam..."

Rarity crouched down and slipped one hand between Pinkie's thighs while the other drew the measuring tape down to her ankle. Pinkie found herself heating up under Rarity's touch, and she flushed when she felt Rarity's hot breath against the back of her thighs as she measured.

Rarity suddenly stood up again and swiftly completed the other measurements then noted the numbers down with a pencil in a little notebook.

"Rarity - is this going to take long? I'm getting super chilly standing here!" Pinkie complained.

"Now, Pinkie Pie," replied Rarity. "You of all people must understand that the creative process takes time. Whether one is designing a dress or baking a cake, it simply cannot be rushed!"

At the word "cake", Pinkie's stomach suddenly growled. She went "Eep!" and covered her belly with her hands, but it rumbled again - louder this time. Rarity arched her eyebrows, and looked up from her note taking.

"Oh, Pinkie Pie," she scolded. "Please don't tell me that you're hungry again? After you sneaked all those cream cakes and muffins from poor Mr Cake's deliveries!"

Pinkie opened her mouth in a surprised "o". "But I didn't sneak any today!" she protested.

Rarity said nothing, but came over to her and took some more measurements around Pinkie's waist and hips. "My dear, no matter how much you protest, I'm afraid the proof of the pudding is in the Pie!" She giggled at her little pun. "All those baked goods are going straight to your derrière." She gave the body part in question a playful slap, making Pinkie yelp in surprise. "But not to worry, darling - on a body type such as yours, a well-rounded posterior is most definitely a plus. And it will show off the frilly layers of tulle in my skirt most fetchingly!"

"You... really think so?" Pinkie asked. She turned her head and looked over her back at her bottom. It really DID seem to stick out! "I always thought it looked super-humongous!" Her voice fell to a whisper. "Especially recently..."

Rarity's laugh was light and cheerful. "Darling! I never realised you were so self-conscious about your body!"

Pinkie dropped her gaze and twisted her index fingers against each other. "I know everyone's noticed how fat I've been getting lately...."

"Fat?" cried Rarity, tossing her notebook and measuring tape onto the desk. "That's simply preposterous! You merely have a Botticellian physique, my dear. It is something to be envied! All your curves are in precisely the right places..." She slipped behind Pinkie and hugged her. Pinkie went suddenly stiff, and as Rarity's hands slipped around her waist and settled on her stomach, she shivered - but not from the cold. Rarity's touch was warm and light, and Pinkie felt her heart start to race. "Noone thinks any less of you for your voluptuousness, my dear," Rarity's whispered breath was hot against her ear. "In fact, most people - men and women - prefer the look and touch of a body carrying a healthy amount of weight." One hand patted Pinkie's stomach. "But you simply must stop stealing cakes! Otherwise, poor Mr and Mrs Cake will go bankrupt."

Pinkie turned her head and looked guiltily at Rarity. "But I... I never, ever steal cakes!" she explained. "That's terrible!"

Rarity's face was stern. "Indeed it is terrible. Alas, I'm afraid that I have caught you in the act - here, right outside my boutique yesterday morning. Really, Pinkie Pie, you shouldn't tell fibs!"

"But I... those were extra cakes!" explained Pinkie. "Mr Cake always puts more cakes and muffins in the basket than I have to deliver!"

"Is that so?" mused Rarity. So Mr Cake was to blame! Obviously, he enjoyed having a plump and round Pinkie Pie around Sugarcube Corner. "Well, he obviously loves you very much - he must just want you to be happy. After all, a few extra muffins now and then are not going to hurt...."

At the word "muffins", Pinkie's stomach gurgled again - this time the loudest of all.

Pinkie's face flushed red, and she hid her face away from Rarity. "I can't help it!" she sobbed. "I'm just so SUUUUUPER hungry!"

Rarity hugged her tightly, resting her head on Pinkie's. "Hush, darling. It's nothing at all to be ashamed of. I have been working you mercilessly. Here," She knelt down and slipped her hand into the basket of baked goods. "Why don't you have a little nibble of this muffin?"

Pinkie looked at the muffin in Rarity's hand and blushed. It DID look absolutely scrumptious! Banana and choc-chip - covered with frosting! She blinked, then blushed. Did Rarity really expect her to just....

"Come now," said Rarity, bringing the muffin to Pinkie's lips. "Didn't Mrs Cake used to feed you when you were a little Twinkie Pie?"

Pinkie's blush deepened, but she opened her mouth and took a tentative bite of the muffin.

"That's my girl!" said Rarity. "How does it taste darling? Is it delicious?" Rarity herself was blushing now, and Pinkie could feel the heat of her body pressed against her back.

Pinkie was chewing, and couldn't reply, but she nodded up and down rapidly. "Uh huh!"

Rarity breathed out the breath she had been holding in unconsciously. The warmth and softness of Pinkie's almost naked body, the scent of her hair and skin was intoxicating! Why is she making me feel this way? Rarity wondered. All she wanted to do was pull Pinkie down on top of her, and bury herself in luxurious voluptuousness.

Pinkie had finished the first bite of muffin, and she took a second, larger one.

"Oh yes!" laughed Rarity. "That's the way, my dear. Have as much as you want... there's plenty more!"

Pinkie was enjoying herself - the muffin tasted even more delicious when it was being fed to her by Rarity! She looked up at her friend's smiling face, her wide azure eyes and thick lashes. She was so kind and generous... not at all snobby or haughty like you'd expect such a beautiful and glamorous fashion-designer to be!

Pinkie closed her eyes in bliss and swallowed. And then she took another bite. Rarity fed her the rest, piece by piece, and soon she'd finished the whole muffin.

"That was the most delicious muffin EVER!!!" Pinkie sighed. A little dollop of frosting at the side of her mouth was all that was left of it. Rarity smiled. Pinkie Pie was simply too adorable! Just like a child - a big, bubbly, bright ball of innocent joy. Rarity found herself unable to resist. She took Pinkie's chin in one hand, tilted her face up towards her own and kissed the last smudge of frosting away.

Pinkie's eyes bugged out in surprise - but then they half-closed, hooded in pleasure. Rarity's lips were so soft and warm! But they were firm - and insistent as well.

Pinkie sighed, and lifted her arms, which had been stiff against the side of her body, hesitantly around Rarity's waist. She pulled her closer as the kisses continued. Then Rarity's arms slipped around her chest and she could feel the softness of Rarity's breasts pressing against her own. The frosting was gone - but the kisses continued. Pinkie opened her mouth and Rarity's tongue slipped in, hot and tasting of frosting. The sweetness and the heavy scent of Rarity's perfume overcame Pinkie, and she sunk into Rarity's arms.

"Oh Rarity! I..."

"Hush," said Rarity, as she drew Pinkie down onto the soft carpet of the boutique. She kissed her, hard, on the lips, then started to unbutton her pants.

"Just let me .... get out ... of these... pants!" She struggled with the belt. "I must say - these are most flattering, but they are simply abominable to remove!"

Pinkie slipped Rarity's shoes off and tossed them aside, then turned her attention to her pants. She took hold of the cuffs and tugged at them... but they wouldn't budge.

Rarity rolled her eyes. This would be just the sort of thing to happen! Obviously, Pinkie Pie's craziness was contagious. With the belt finally loosened, Rarity pulled the waist of her pants down over her hips and peeled them down her thighs... but even with Pinkie pulling at the other end, the material got stuck and bunched around her knees.

Rarity sighed in exasperation and rolled onto her stomach. She abandoned her pants and started to unbutton her blouse. Pinkie, puffing and panting, managed to pull Rarity's pants down, inch by painful inch, until they finally came off all at once and Pinkie fell back onto her bottom with a yelp. Rarity, her blouse unbuttoned but still hanging from her shoulders, leaped on top of Pinkie. She gripped the shorter girl's wrists and peppered her giggling face with hot, rapid kisses.

Pinkie closed her eyes and threw her head back in pleasure as Rarity kissed and bit her neck.

"Are you still hungry, darling?" Rarity whispered in her ear.

Pinkie opened her eyes and watched, mouth wide, as Rarity took a slice of cake from the basket and dabbed her on the nose with its creamy tip. Then she took her finger and scooped out some more cream and quickly painted Pinkie's earlobe, then her neck, all the way down to her breasts.

"I'm hungry too," breathed Rarity, as she licked Pinkie's nose, then nibbled on her ear, trailing her tongue lower across the pinkness of Pinkie Pie's skin. "In fact - I'm famished."


Pinkie awoke to find Rarity curled up in her arms. Her intricately coiffured hair was completely dishevelled, her mascara was smudged, and her lipstick smeared around her smiling lips. Pinkie checked herself and found sticky patches of cream and frosting on her arms and body and even chocolate sprinkles in her hair.

She caught sight of her delivery basket on its side nearby, and gasped. It was ruined! Every cake was squashed, every muffin had a bite taken out of it and even the tarts had not escaped unscathed!

"Oh no!" cried Pinkie. "My deliveries! Mr Cake is going to be fuuuurious!"

"Mmmm?" Rarity muttered as she tried to open her eyes. One was glued shut with a blob of frosting, and she scraped it away with a fingernail. Then she noticed the basket and Pinkie's distraught face.

"Oh, never mind that, darling," said Rarity, taking hold of Pinkie's shoulders and drawing her back down onto the floor. "I'll just explain to Mr Cake that there was a little... mishap that was all my fault and that I'll pay for them. I'm sure he'll understand."

Pinkie threw her arms around Rarity. "Oh Rarity - you really are the Element of Generosity!" She touched the gem set in the choker around Rarity's neck - the only piece of clothing she had left on.

Rarity's hand slipped over Pinkie's and held it. "Thank you most sincerely, darling. And Princess Celestia made no mistake in giving you the Element of Laughter..." She nuzzled her face between Pinkie's breasts. "And do you know why that is?"

Pinkie stroked Rarity's hair and shook her head.

"The truth, my dear," Rarity said, kissing the space between Pinkie's breasts. "Is that you've got an oversized heart: a heart so full of joy that it comes spilling out as laughter so that you can share it with everyone."

And Rarity laid her head on Pinkie's chest and listened to her heart beating, that oversized heart that had stolen her own.


A week later, Big Macintosh was standing in the Town Square, leaning on his apple cart and chewing on a piece of grass. He was supposed to be selling apples, but in reality he was watching all the eligible young women walking past. He swept his blonde forelock out of his eyes and scratched his stubbly jaw.

"That Lyra sure knows how t' get a guy's attention. Eeey-up," he remarked, whistling softly through his teeth. "But Ah must say that Bon Bon is not without her own... ample charms."

Suddenly Caramel came running up. The young man with the elegantly styled brunette hair - a little too elegantly styled fer a guy, if ya ask me, thought Macintosh - was breathless.

"You'll never believe who I just saw!" he panted.

Macintosh regarded him silently, then asked "So - are yer goin' to tell me who, or is this some kinda guessin' game?"

"Pinkie Pie!" Caramel blurted out.

"Pinkie Pie?!" replied Macintosh. "So what? It's not like she needs any apples or nothin' at the moment - we sold the Cakes two bushels just las' week!"

Caramel shook his head in frustration. Oh Macintosh! Why are you such a stubborn lummox at times? But I can't stay ever mad at you! "No! I mean, this is nothing to do with selling apples. It's just that she looks... different."

"What do ya mean... different?" The young buck just wasn't makin' any sense!

"Different... good!" replied Caramel. "She's got a new dress... or something."

Macintosh arched his eyebrows. "It'd hafta be one heck of a dress to make Pinkie Pie look good!" he thought - but he didn't say it out loud. Ain't never any need to be rude about a lady, after all.

At that moment, a sudden hush fell over the square. Macintosh noticed that Lyra and Bon Bon were staring over towards the Town Hall, and Caramel was too - so he turned to look as well.

And there she was. Pinkie Pie. And she was indeed wearing a new dress. Macintosh had no idea how to describe it exactly - it weren't precisely fancy, and it weren't precisely yer everyday-wear duds. Frilly? Definitely. Pink? That was fer sure! But he found himself opening his mouth as he stared, and the sliver of grass fell out. In that dress, Pinkie Pie seemed... well, even bubblier than usual. Her smile reached from ear to ear as she skipped along the cobblestones, swinging her basket by her side. She was glowing, and happiness just seemed to flow out of her in waves. Since when had Pinkie Pie looked so... beautiful?

"Now why'd Ah never notice that before?" muttered Macintosh.

Caramel dug an elbow into his ribs. "I told you!"

"Good morning Caramel! Good morning Big Macintosh!" Pinkie chirped as she skipped past.

"Uhhhnn... mornin' Pinkie," Macintosh managed, taking his hat off and holding it against his barrel chest. With Pinkie's smile turned in their direction, it was like someone had brought the sun down into Ponyville.

Macintosh watched her go, then whistled again - if anything, th' dress was even more charmin' from the rear!

He suddenly turned to Caramel and said "Uhh... look Caramel. Can ya watch my apple-cart for a lil while? Ah got some.. ah, errands to run Ah done plum forgot about!"

"What?" replied Caramel. "Uh, I mean sure - but what am I supposed to d..."

Macintosh was already running after Pinkie. "Yer a big boy now - Ah'm sure ya can work it out!"

As Macintosh disappeared from view, Caramel took one of the apples and turned it over in his hand, eyeing it with suspicion. "And just what the heck do I know about selling apples?"


Comments ( 12 )

Yess, you posted this here! This is one of my favs.

dis gon be good :pinkiecrazy:

oh yes! :rainbowkiss:
This is how I remember this fic back from dA, I'm really glad this one is here as well. And as usual :pinkiehappy:

Alright, right up front I'll admit I know jack about fashion and I've never been a fan of humanized ponies.

That being said, I enjoyed this little story, Butters. It's far from my favorite but I like it enough to read it. I really enjoyed the end scene where Pinkie makes everyone (I guess everypony doesn't work here) jsut stare and Big Macintosh decides to go and court her, wonder how that will turn out.

I've always thought that Pinkie Pie would be overweight but not fat in a bad way. Overall I'll like this but I won't put it in my favs, but not a bad story despite my dislike of humanized ponies.

This is adorable! And I always pictured Pinkie just like this, in pony or human form. Not fat, that's kind of a turn-off, but very thick and curvy in all the right places.

Oh, I remember this one. Neat.

"Not velveteen," she scoffed, "What can I have been thinking?!"

She tested another ream, and cried: "No, not cotton - much too earth-pony-ish."
Wait, isn't this humanized?...

Anyways, poor Macintosh, he's gonna be disappointed.
This is a nice story, although short, and I can't really think of anything else to say because ice cream.

I remember this one from dA!

It's a fun and sweet story, and you make the (at the first glance) unlikely pairing work very well. :pinkiehappy::raritystarry:


That was a sweet story and a fun read
In my head canon Pinkie (both pony and human) has always been a bit rounder than the rest of the mane 6, it's nice to see so many people agree on that. :pinkiesmile:

*reads, then giggles* This was a good read. Will there be a squeal? :pinkiehappy:

810509 awesome pic and if there is, I will love it. Food play is so wrong but so right

Well that was sweet. Pun intended of course. :pinkiesmile:

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