• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,950 Views, 5,894 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Gathering: Take 17

As the arrow hit the ground between the four combatants, it let off a shrill shriek that caused everyone to stop fighting...including Launchpad who had rushed up to help Darkwing. As they all covered their ears, an arrow with rope attached embedded itself in the imprint Darkwing had left when he slammed into the wall. Quiver Wing Quack and Coco slide down the rope - Quiver by her bow, Coco by her hook - to land in the middle of the group. "Dad, stop!" Quiver Wing called out. "These guys are the good guys!"

"Quiver Wing Quack!" Darkwing snapped out angrily. "You are supposed to be home in bed, young lady!"

"Doesn't that sound familiar?" Sly spoke up teasingly, glancing between Murray and Coco.

"Hey, that one worked out for the best Dad!" Coco snapped back defensively.

"As do most of mine, Dad!" Quiver Wing snapped at Darkwing. "Seriously, how many times have I bailed you out of trouble, mask or no mask?"

"And how many of those times would I have been in trouble if I hadn't constantly had to watch out for your safety?" Darkwing growled angrily.

Quiver Wing paused, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "...I count two," she offered finally.

Darkwing's open palm smacked into his face. "Razzle frazzle, grumble mumble..." he growled irritably and indistinctly under his breath.

"What makes you think these are good guys, Go-I mean, Quiver?" Launchpad asked, his voice good natured but confused.

"We have a mutual friend who wonders when you're coming back to Duckberg," Coco offered. "And he can vouch that we, like him, are tougher than the toughies and smarter than the smarties."

Launchpad's eyes popped wide as he gasped in shock. "DW! These guys are friends of Mr. McD!"

"What?" Darkwing gasped in shock. "Scrooge McDuck vouches for them? Then why were they trying to break into a jewelry store?"

"Because our projections said we'd end up in a pointless fight with you before you'd listen to reason no matter how we arranged meeting you, so getting the fight out of the way as fast as possible was determined to be the most efficient method," Bentley offered logically.

Quiver Wing giggled wickedly. "Wow Dad, they sure know you well!"

Darkwing glared daggers at her, but she continued to grin impishly up at him. Rubbing his hand down his face, he sighed. "I suppose I might as well go straight to cooperation, then," he concluded irritably. "Where are you holed up?"

"We found an old abandoned base up at the peak of the suspension bridge when we entered town," Sly explained readily. "It suited our needs perfectly, so we moved in-"

"That's my old base!" Darkwing snapped out angrily.

"Abandoned when you bought a house so you could adopt her?" Coco asked innocently, gesturing to Quiver Wing idly.

All three ducks stared at her in shock. "How...how could you possibly...?" Darkwing began in stunned amazement.

"All three of you have registered civilian identities and places of residence within St. Canard," Coco pointed out simply. "And one of you doesn't wear a mask."

Darkwing and Quiver Wing turned angry glares on Launchpad, who managed to look so sheepish Coco half expected him to sprout wool in place of his feathers. "Heh heh...whoops?"

After that discussion, Darkwing Duck, Launchpad, and Quiver Wing Quack came with us back to our hideout, Darkwing's old base. The irony of it wasn't lost on us. Once we returned, Quiver Wing talked Darkwing into sharing secret identities, under the justification that we already knew.

Darkwing Duck's secret identity was mild mannered Drake Mallard, a simple duck who enjoyed puttering around in his garden and taking care of his adopted daughter, Gosalyn Waddlemeyer-Mallard. The only other resident of the household was one Launchpad McQuack, an old friend of Drake's who helped take care of things around the house and made certain Gosalyn got to school on time. A rather unassuming cover...if Launchpad wore a mask. Seriously, the house wasn't even constructed until just before Drake Mallard adopted Gosalyn...which was just after Darkwing and Launchpad had saved her from those who had killed her grandfather for his weapons tech. How were we the first to put those pieces together?

The only point I found of interest to all of this was the fact that Gosalyn just happened to be very close to my age, and the same age as Uncle Scrooge's triplet nephews. I found that very interesting, and made that observation in an aside to Launchpad while everyone else was focused on planning an assault on Magica's keep. The look on his face was absolutely priceless, and made me certain I absolutely had to arrange that meeting.

Eventually, Darkwing came up with a plan of assault. I was completely gobsmacked. Is this the sort of behavior that makes him the most successful - and most infamous - hero of St. Canard?

...Gosalyn tells me that yes, yes it is.

Darkwing looked over the photos Coco had taken of Magica's volcano base, inside and out. "It seems Magica has planned quite well," he stated simply. "The base is fully fortified against any sort of heroic assault, making any sane attempt at rescue a suicide endeavor with very low chances of success." He then grinned widely. "Thankfully, I have a great deal of experience dealing with those far removed from sanity, and have learned to think like them. Second, I noticed something Coco missed." He pointed to the picture of Felicia Coco'd managed to take, focusing on the charm the little girl was wearing. "Specifically, these two runes powered by Mother's Love, the most potent magical force this world knows. The one on the left protects the wearer from any and all temperature extremes, while the one on the right is general 'protection from harm' enchantment, which means short of falling into the lava or getting shot, that and her tough skin should protect her from anything that might happen to her."

"Should have known a magi mother would go over the top keeping her daughter safe," Carmelita mused softly. "...wonder if Mrs. Ruby would teach me to make one of those for Coco..."

"Now, any normal plan of mine wouldn't work well in this situation," Darkwing continued, "but with these extra details, taking a page out of my nemesis' book should work wonders."

Quiver Wing's eyes lit up in amazement. "Wait, you mean...?"

"Exactly, Quiver," Darkwing confirmed. "We're going to strap all the explosive we can manage to our flier and fly it straight down into the lava pool at the bottom, hopping out at the last moment. You will stay on the back with my cape, while Coco will leap off with her light charged cane to break open the cage. You'll then pull them both back, and the three of you will use my cape to sail straight out the top of the volcano on the shockwave of the explosion. Once Felicia's in the water, Mrs. Ruby will be on the scene in moments. Magica doesn't have the power to build such a place, meaning most of it is being held up by Mrs. Ruby's power. If she removes it..." He let that hang in the air.

"Meanwhile, the rest of us fight our way out until we dodge our way out of a collapsing volcano?" Sly clarified.

"Just those of us combat ready," Darkwing corrected. "You, me, Launchpad, and Murray. The jet's not that big."

"That's your idea of a plan?!" Bentley, Penelope, and Carmelita all cried out, stupefied.

"I like it!" Sly, Murray, and Quiver Wing declared happily.

Guru, Coco, and Launchpad all put one hand, hoof, or paw to their face and groaned. Guru then turned to Darkwing. How do you know so much of magic? he inquired carefully, doing his best to pass as much of the message along as he could.

Quiver Wing giggled wickedly. "You can thank my step-mom for that!"

"Gosalyn!" Darkwing gasped out, blushing. "It's...it's not official, yet..."

"Only because you haven't gotten up the chutzpa to ask Morgana yet, DW," Launchpad teased, leading to Darkwing taking a swipe at him with his hat.

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