• Member Since 15th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Saturday

Bahamut Omega

Comments ( 11 )

Yeah... not for nothing, but this feels better to me. Feels like a mix of all three Tricksters before her, really. The dour, lifelessness of Makoto Yuki, the heavy "just an average joe all things considered" energy of Yu Narukami, and being stuck in unfair circumstances like Joker.

Seated across from her was a man in a black pinstriped suit with long yet elegant looking limbs and fingers. His head was balding and silver of hair, though his jagged eyebrows maintained a black color. Protruding from his face was a very long, pointed nose, and his eyes were closed, fingers twined beneath it with his elbows resting on the desk in a contemplative pose. Beneath his fingers, she could see a glimmer of a grin on his face that showed his teeth.

Hello, Igor.

To his right next to a lectern with a thick book resting on it stood a young man she pegged as looking about her age. He was dressed in a blue and white suit, his hair was long and silver, and his eyes were a piercing yellow. He stood straight, feet together with his arms held behind his back, bringing to mind the image of a butler. A rather handsome butler at that.

I'm seeing Xemnas or Terranort. But less evil. Admittedly, that's not a high bar to clear.

Really Twilight was just going through the motions of everyday life, not truly engaging.

Ah. That, hits uncomfortably close to home.

“I just… I just don’t see happiness in my future. My life was good. I was content. I was happy. And then it all came crashing down when my entire world was yanked out from under me.”

Yeah, I've been there. It's not fun.

Igor closed his eyes again and sighed. “Though everything worked out, it has always bothered me that I could not aid him properly. But perhaps I have now been offered a chance for redemption, as it were.”

I suppose you could see it as that, yes.

She looked between Igor and the card. It was like he knew that card was next in the stack somehow. “What are the terms?” she asked nervously.

A fair question to ask.

The butler stepped forward and put his right hand to his chest, bowing respectfully to Twilight. “My name is Victor, Miss Sparkle. I too am a resident of this place, and a servant of its guests.” Reaching into his breast pocket, Victor produced a blue and white key, placing it on the desk before Twilight. “This key will allow you to return to the Velvet Room when the door reveals itself to you.”

Right, Victor. This IS the Pokemon Blue to REM's Pokemon Red. Or, I suppose a more apt comparison would be the Ruby to its Sapphire, given those two have more tangible differences.

And for the first time in nearly a year, her mouth curled into a ghost of a smile.

At first, you had my curiosity. But now, you have my undivided attention.

I helped a bit with fleshing out the direction he's taking the story. That said, rest is up to him, and I'm excited to see where he takes it.

This.... This is interesting. I will keep my eyes on this story

Nice to see this up again. It is looking good and I look forward to whatever you do next.

Shining Armor shook his head. “No. Seems like I’m being stonewalled at every turn. But I’m not giving up. I will find whoever did it.”

That's gonna come up later.

Abacus Cinch.

Oh. Joy.

Seated across the desk from her but now rising to her feet was a statuesque woman in a white business dress that hugged the largest bustline she’d ever seen. Her hair was multicolored like an aurora, and she wore red lipstick that complimented her pink eyes. When both women looked toward their new arrivals, the darker woman scowled, while the one in white smiled warmly, seeming almost as though she radiated the very rays of the sun.

Hi Sunbutt.

Twilight couldn’t put her finger on it, but even after the handshake ended, she felt an odd tingling in her palm.

When they arrived home, they were greeted by the sight of a girl Twilight’s age waving at them. She had deep purple hair that was in immaculate curls and was wearing a very nice-looking white dress that hugged a very nice figure. At Cadance’s insistence, Twilight got out of the car to meet her while Cadance parked the car.


Catching Twilight’s eye was a girl their age with long hair that was rainbow colored.


Sitting at the base of the tree smiling brightly and watching the rainbow haired girl was a girl who was best described as… pink.


“And this is Rainbow Dash, my girlfriend!”

RainbowPie. Eh, why not?

“I decided to stop shutting people out,” Twilight admitted. “I can’t stay depressed forever can I?”


only to in her tired state

I think you need to add a comma after to and state.

Stepping out onto her balcony, she gasped at what she saw. The city looked normal, save of course for the giant white tower reaching up toward the heavens, its peak glowing with an ethereal light. What the hell was going on?!


“This way!” it spoke in a voice that sounded oddly familiar. “Don’t just stand there! Move!”

You must be the local Morgana.

“I promise it’ll be okay,” the bird said, still trying to comfort her. “I’m Nebula. What’s your name?”

Nebula eh?

“Alright. You can get through now. Go home, rest, forget about all this. And don’t come back. For your own good.”

Boy, you have no idea what story you're in, huh, buddy?

It had been an odd day for sure. New school, a new neighbor, the everything with Igor and the Velvet Room, and now this weird world through her mirror. She looked at the key to the Velvet Room on her nightstand next to the holder that she deposited her glasses into. So tired… She didn’t even bother with a new nightgown. She pulled back the sheets but was asleep before she had even finished falling onto the bed.

It begins.

Things really start out fast. Twilight met a lot of important characters here. Not a fan of RanbowPie personally but it isn't a dealbreaker for the story or anything.

It's a thing in REM too.

I know. Still not a fan of it.

Hope this continues someday

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