• Published 23rd Aug 2016
  • 4,378 Views, 29 Comments

Wandering - BombShelter

A lone wander meets someone who could change his entire outlook on life. If only he knew what he was getting into.

  • ...

New Outlook On Life

The wind whipped at your hair, the dimness of the fading sunset lighting the path ahead of you just barely enough for you to see. You feel a chill run up your spine as the cold wind chills you to the bones. You look up at the sky, seeing clouds rolling in carrying a storm that would probably force you indoors.

"Damn it..." You whisper to yourself as you begin walking over a hill. You had hoped this would be just another normal night. Of course, many would consider sleeping on a park bench or under a tree far from normal, but ever since you ended up here, a lot of things have changed for you, including what you thought was normal.

As you push yourself over the of the hill, you spot some lights off in the distance, just close enough to walk to. You figure spending the night in town beats sleeping in the cold rain, so you shuffle towards the lights with a weary expression covering your face. You run your hands through your hair, sighing as you do so. You look down at them, watching them shake slightly from the temperature. You clench them into fists and shove them into your pockets, focusing your attention on the small town ahead.

You weren't really one known for socializing, especially with the... locals, around here. You weren't like them of course, far from it actually. You were a human, so of course a bunch of what are basically aliens would give you weird stares whenever they saw you. Sure they were usually pretty accepting once they saw you were just passing through. Wouldn't really surprise you that the whole planet knew about your existence at this point. They say news travels fast, but with limited technology, you aren't sure how accurate that statement is here.

You finally begin reaching the edge of the town just as the last of the sun's light dissipates over the horizon. With the sun gone, the temperature seems to drop even lower, forcing you to shuffle along faster that you were comfortable with. You pull your shirt up over your mouth and nose, trying desperately to savor whatever heat you could keep in.

As you enter the town, you notice very few of the locals out and about, which is to be expected at this time of day, especially with this storm rolling in. You get the usual routine of getting a few stares and some waves. Out of courtesy, you wave back to show you were friendly. The last thing you needed were a bunch of magical aliens attacking you.

You hope to find an abandoned building, or maybe some kind of public building that would be open overnight. Much to your disappointment, you can't seem to find anywhere suitable for you. That is, until you stumble across a small tavern on the edge of town. You stand in front of the establishment, pondering if you should go in. After a few moments of thinking, you push the door open and walk inside. The strong scent of apples hits you immediately, causing you to shake your head a bit from the instant shock.

You look around, coming to the conclusion you are in what would be equivalent to a bar back home. You shrug and walk to the main seating area, sitting down a stool and resting your arms on the bar. You toss your bag down onto the floor next to you and place your face into your hands, letting out a long groan.

"Rough day pal?" A rough voice says from behind the counter. Another one of the less uncommon greetings you got were the ones where these creatures didn't seem to care what you were. You enjoyed the few times they came about, and you savored the feeling of actually fitting in. You give the bartender a force, small smile and laugh to yourself silently.

"You wouldn't know the half of it." You say as you reach into your pocket, pulling out a heavy gold coin.

"Cider?" The bartender asks, taking the coin off the counter.

"Just a water." You say as you start running your hands through your hair again. He nods and walks, or I guess in this case trots into the back with an empty mug. There's no real beer or wine in this world, everything is faked. Cider seems to be the big thing around here, though it has literally no alcohol in it. You'd never drank, didn't plan to either, but you still didn't like the cider. It just has this weird after taste that would bug you until you drank something else.

You rub your eyes with the palms of your hands, and as you do so, you hear a faint rustling next to you. You open your eyes and just barely turn your head to see one of the creatures, a light blue one with the most vibrant hair you've ever seen.

"Whoa." The words escape your mouth just above a whisper, loud enough for the stranger to hear.

"Say something?" She's obviously female as you can tell by her raspy yet high-pitched voice.

"Oh, uh... Nothing, sorry." You say as you look back down at your hand, playing with your thumbs nervously.

"Hm... What brings you here?" She asks out of the blue, leaning on the bar in a similar fashion as yourself. You look over to her, your bangs falling over your forehead.

"You don't wanna know." You say as the bartender walks back in with your drink. You take it and sip from it slowly, sighing in relief as your dry throat is finally put at ease.

"C'mon, everypony's got a story." She says in a flat voice. You look at her weird when she says that word. You've heard it before, sure, but you never could get used to it. Ponies, that what these creatures were called, if you could even call them that. They only somewhat resembled the animals back home referred to by the same name. It confused you at first, but you learned to accept it as time went by.

"I wouldn't even know where to start." You say quietly into your mug, staring at your reflection in the rippling water.

"Well, I've never seen you before so I thought..." She says as the bartender walks up to her.

"The usual Ms. Dash?" He asks in a friendly voice like he knows her personally.

"Yeah, long day today..." She sighs, sounding pretty defeated.

"Alright, comin' up." He says as he walks into the back room once again. You sit in silence for what feels like forever until you finally decide to break the silence.

"Human." Is all you say as you stare down at the half empty cup.

"Sorry?" The pony next to you says, looking back up at you from the corner of her eye.

"That's what I am." You say as you take a small sip from the cup. "I'm uh... not from around here." You say in a monotone voice, thinking back on the past few months and how much you missed home. You couldn't even bear to think about the accident that brought you here.

"Where are you from then?" She asks in a quiet voice.

"Far, far away. Another world entirely..." You say in almost a whisper as you sigh into the cup. "I'm sorry, I don't even know your name." You say as you look directly at the pony.

"Oh, I'm Rainbow Dash." She says as she extends a hoof out towards you. You stare at it for a moment before realizing you're supposed to shake it. You grab hold and give it a nice firm shake before letting go. "What's your name?"

"I... Well my friends had this stupid nickname for me... I don't really know how they came up with it, but they called me Guy all the time. It's stupid I know." You say with a light chuckle that becomes muffled as you raise your cup back up to your mouth.

"Guy? Odd name." She says with a hint of a smile.

"Well, it's better than my real name." You say as you place the mug back onto the counter. "Don't even ask what that is."

"You never did say what you were doing here, at a bar, at night." She says as she moves her stool slightly closer to your's.

"Just stopping in for the night, what with the storm and all." You say as you look at her. You notice a set of wings on her back, and gently nudge her with your elbow. "Guess I have you to thank for that." You've learned in your time here just how this world works, and certain ponies controlling the weather had to be one of the weirdest things you'd learned.

"Oh, yeah that was me." She says with a faint smile.

"Damn pegasi." You say with a laugh. You get a nudge in the side and a smile from Rainbow Dash, causing you both to chuckle a bit. You sit for a few minutes just thinking as Rainbow's drink gets brought out to her. You watch her chug down half a glass before putting it down.

"What exactly are you doing here?" You ask her, watching her sigh as she sets the glass down.

"I... had a rough day. Old friend of mine really let me down... Well, I thought they were my friend anyway."

"Who?" You ask out of curiosity.

"Ah, you wouldn't know him. He basically used me to get close to one of my friends, Twilight because she's famous."

"Twilight? Like, the princess?" You ask with a confused look. You might not be an officially resident here, but you still knew who the big shots around here were.

"Yeah, I feel so stupid now. I thought he was actually my friend."

"Y'know, I had the same experience. Well, kinda." You say as you finish up the last of your drink, setting the cup on the counter upside-down.

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow says, giving you a curious look.

"Yeah, when I first uh... 'arrived' here, I met this group of ponies. I thought they were being friendly, but it turned out they were using me too, just to get attention. News spread quickly about me, and being the only one of my kind... I don't know, I just kinda became a big deal I guess. So, I left and I've just been wandering around ever since."

"Wow, that sounds rough." She says sympathetically. "Hey, do you have a place to stay tonight?"

"Of course not, I barely have anything to my name, much less a house."

"Dude... How do you live like that?" She asks, letting her hair fall over her face.

"I got used to it. It isn't that bad, other than the storms." You say as you stand up. "I gotta get going, I'm really tired." You reach into your bag, pulling out your old, wrinkled up hoodie. You quickly slip it on and begin walking towards the door. You catch Rainbow watching you as you walk towards the door, and turn to face her again.

"Are you sure? The rain's really picking up out there." Rainbow says with a worried look. You toss your hood on and give her a smile.

"I'll be fine." You say as you open the door, getting whipped in the face with freezing cold rain. "Not like there's anywhere to go..." You whisper to yourself. Another night on a cold park bench it is.

"You could just stay here, I'm sure the owner would-" Rainbow starts to say before you cut her off.

"That's be loitering. I'll be fine, I'm used to it..." You say, your voice falling in pitch a bit as reality starts to set back in. You start walking outside, stopping in the doorway one last time. "Hey, Rainbow..." You say as you turn back around.


"...Thanks... for the company." You say with a smile. You close the door behind you before she can even respond. With a sigh, you walk towards what you assume is the park, barreling your way through the steady downpour of rain.

Eventually, you stumble into the park, which is completely empty save for the occasional duck. You sigh to yourself as you sit down on a soaked wooden bench, placing your bag under it to attempt to keep it dry. I curl up into a ball, tucking your legs into the bottom of your hoodie to the best of your ability.

It takes forever, but eventually, you're eyes force shut and you fall into a light sleep, finally becoming free from the cold.

You wake up calmly, stretching your sore limbs as your groan to yourself. The sun shines brightly into your eyes as you sit up. However, as you sit up, you notice something heavy on the rest of your body. You look down to see a thick quilt on top of you. Wondering how it got there, you start looking around, until you look up. You notice it is still raining, save for an area cleared out right above where you lay.

"She didn't." You say with a smile. You shake your head as you sit up completely, slowly removing the quilt. You laugh a bit as you look up at the hole in the clouds where the sun shines through. You gather your belongings, throwing your damp hoodie into your bag. You toss the bag over your shoulders and stand up, stretching your legs a bit more. You leave the quilt folded on the bench, not being able to fit it into your bag.

You start walking, stopping a few yards out to look back at the bench. You stare at the quilt with a smile before turning and walking back through the park.

"Thank you Rainbow..." The words escape your lips in a whisper as you wander out into the cool, misty day.

Author's Note:

I'm... back? I think?

Anyway, short story #1 done, hopefully more to come soon soooo stay tuned, I guess. If I happen to vanish for another month just know that... school. What a pain.

And to all my followers, thanks for sticking around even though it might have appeared that I was dead for 3 months.