• Published 2nd Sep 2016
  • 3,043 Views, 150 Comments

What I Got - Gpizano

In the aftermath of the Friendship games, it's time for Sunset and company to deal with the aftermath. And hit the beach for spring break!

  • ...

You'll Finally Get What You Deserve

As it turns out, as fun as last night was, future Sunset Shimmer, who was now present Sunset Shimmer, did not appreciate past Sunset Shimmer for staying up so late. The red-head's internal clock always seemed to go off early in the morning whether she wanted it to or not, forcing her to unwillingly pull out of Jackie's embrace, put on a pair of underwear and the t-shirt Jackie wore last night to have a minimum amount of modesty before trudging out to the kitchen to start making coffee.

Just as the pot had finished filling up, Bobby awoke, yawning and stretching before heading to the bathroom to shower. Then as Sunset was starting to pour her second cup and feeling the reviving effects of the first cup, Twilight and Spike woke up next. The Princess of Harmony yawned before slipping off the couch and heading towards the kitchen, intending to bid her fellow Equestrian good morning but stopped and blushed softly seeing the state of dress that Sunset was in. Of course, Spike was quick to weigh in.

"Whoa, good night last night?"

Rolling her eyes, Sunset smirked down to the small dog who was grinning cheekily in turn.

"Aren't you a little young to be saying something like that?"

"Hey, I can't help it if I'm mature enough for my age I can see what's going on."

"Yeah... and it probably didn't hurt that when you and Twilight used to live in an actual library, there was probably a section with books like sex-education and such, huh?"

The sheepish grin from Spike was all that needed to be said and the silent, scandalous admission further flustered Twilight as the alicorn turned human sputtered her outrage.


"Well whenever I asked you about that stuff you just started blushing and rambling until you tried showing me charts and stuff! I figured I should just um... educate myself."

'... nah, too easy.'

Thought Sunset, smirking as she gulped down some more coffee while Twilight began the interrogation to find out just how much Spike knew about the subject.

As they arrived back at the beach later in the afternoon, just about everyone was accounted for. Poppy and Tino were still busy with their jobs, so they'd be by in a bit. Applejack wasn't present and was probably off somewhere with Rara, Rainbow Dash was mysteriously absent. Celestia and Discord were chatting up with their friends.

"Wait, Celestia and Discord?!"

Seeing them had stopped Sunset dead in her tracks, making Jackie come to a stop too since they were holding hands as a light bulb seemed to go off over the guitarist's head.

"Oh yeah! I met up with them on the beach the day before..."

"Why didn't you mention this?"

"Well, between all the drama it kinda slipped my mind?"

With a soft sigh, Sunset decided to just shake it off and put on a smile as they trekked the rest of the way to where their friends were. No problem. Discord was fine if a little eccentric. And this was no different than the times they chatted over the phone, it was just face to face. Face to face with a woman who used to be her principal and who was almost exactly the same as Princess Celestia, the mentor and mother figure she had raged at and hurt in her petulant pursuit of wanting power.

Yup, no problem at all. It was just Celestia looking hot in that bikini.

.... wait, what?

"Sunset, Jackie, it's good to see you. How are things today Jackie?"

"Lots better Celestia. Me and Sunshine got together yesterday!"

"Really now?"

The red-head blushed and averted her gaze away, seeing that lightly teasing look on Celestia's face where she smiled and slightly raised one of her brows. Not in a bad way, Celestia never made fun of someone but she was definitely seemed a bit amused. The expressions she gave were so scarily similar...

"Yeah. We did."

"Well I'm happy for the both of you, congratulations."


Turning her gaze back up, there was a sheepish grin plastered on her face before she glanced around the woman and noticed Discord had run off with Pinkie Pie and Sonata to start building sand sculptures.

"So... you guys chose to come to Los Pegasus for a vacation I guess?"

"Mm-hm, Discord insisted on it. Said it would be good for me to get out of the house and soak up some sun. And he certainly didn't deny when I suggested he also wanted the opportunity to check on how you and the others were doing."

"Yeah, sounds about right."

After an awkward laugh about that, everyone settled in for a bit of beach fun. Between the three of them, Discord, Pinkie and Sonata had some pretty good sand castles and sculptures going, ranging from something that oddly looked similar to Twilight's castle in Equestria to a replica of Celestia as Botineighlli's Birth of Venus. Applejack soon came back around with Rara, the two settling in and Applejack starting cooking up some food on the fire pit for them to eat, Tino coming along to help and Poppy joining soon after. It wouldn't be hard for Sunset to notice that Rainbow Dash still wasn't around.

"Soooo where's Dash?"

There seemed to be a small wave of discomfort that ran through the girls of CHS, looking hesitant to answer until Applejack spoke up.

"She din't feel like comin' to the beach today. Felt like stayin' in."

"Oh yeah? Is she sick or something?"

"Er something' yeah."

"But what about the Beach Band Battles?"

This time it was Fluttershy who spoke up.

"Um... she said that um... well, she opted to drop out, so I guess that's what we're doing."

To hear that Rainbow Dash was actually dropping out of a competition was shocking. The girl never dropped out of a competition or backed away from a challenge, so something must have really been wrong.

"Well, is she okay?"

"Um, she will be, yes. She just needs a bit of time alone."

Despite the uneasiness she felt, Sunset nodded before going over to get some veggie stir fry that Applejack and Tino had collaborated on. It was interesting the flavor combinations the two came up as they mixed cuisines, recipes and ideas. When she retook her seat in the lawn chair next to Jackie, the guitarist seemed to be mulling something over before speaking.

"If she's still upset about me knocking her off stage like that yesterday, I could go apologize to her."

"I don't know if it's just that, though. She seemed really agitated before that and I don't know why."

"Well... may I be allowed to weigh in?"

The couple glanced over to Twilight, pulling a chair over before putting in her two cents.

"She seemed to get really annoyed around Jackie, especially after you both announced that you became a couple yesterday."

While Jackie continued to look confused, a look of realization came over Sunset's face before she sighed, lightly face palming as she sunk down a bit deeper in the sagging old lawn chair. "Great..."

"Uhhhh, what am I missing here?"

"It's... ugh, I really don't want to have to deal with this."

"Deal with what?"

"Nothing Jackie."

However, a pointed look from Twilight told her that no, she was not going to be able to push this off to the side and just try to keep enjoying her spring break. So with a weary sigh, she put on a smile as she looked over to her girlfriend.

"Is it okay if I tell you later? I gotta' do something about it first."

"Sure, you need me to do anything?"

"No. Just have fun, I'm going to go talk with Twilight."

After planting a kiss on Jackie's cheek, Sunset stood with Twilight and went a ways down the beach so they could have a more private conversation as they walked.

"You're going to tell me I should go talk to Dash right now instead of putting it off."

"Well... yes, but I've been meaning to ask you something. You wrote to me, saying you forgave them after the Friendship Games. What did that entail exactly?"

"Not much honestly. After I talked things out with your human counterpart, they all apologized, I said it was fine, then we kinda hugged it out while they were crying."

"... that's it?"

"That's it."

A soft sigh from Twilight caused Sunset to look sharply over at the other.


"It doesn't sound like you really talked about it."

"What was there to talk about? I wasn't angry with them anymore and they'd just went through a lot of shit with Chrysalis screwing with them, what more was there to do?"

"Sunset, that doesn't mean the issue is resolved. Trust me on that."

"... the wedding?"

"Mm-hm. I know I told you I still had negative feelings after the wedding and I didn't handle them very well. Like you I was just so relieved that a big ordeal had been dealt with and that everyone was safe, I just accepted the apology Applejack offered because logically it seemed the right thing to do. But how we feel isn't logical a lot of the time, Sunset. I kept feeling this gnawing in the pit of my stomach and like I had to be on my back foot around my friends and even Spike for some time after the wedding. Yeah I hung out with them but I felt withdrawn or passive aggressive when around them. I had no idea what to do... and it took me a long time to write to Celestia about it to ask for advice."

"A long time? I'd of thought you'd write to her pretty quick."

This seemed to make Twilight pause for a moment, the flash of sadness on her face instantly making Sunset feel guilty that she had inadvertently brought to the other.

"... that was different. I wasn't angry with her like I was them. Instead I felt like..."

A soft sigh, Twilight's gaze moved to gaze over the ocean into the distance as she tried to figure out the best way to explain how she had felt.

"When she had admonished me, told me I had 'a lot to think about'... I know in the end I had been right but for her to not believe me in the first place, I thought it was my fault. I had acted like a brat when I tried to confront Chrysalis disguised as Cadance. And I felt so ashamed that I had showed that side of myself to her. I know now that Princess Celestia isn't as infallible as I used to think, even she can make mistakes. But back then I just... couldn't accept it. For her to not believe me, it had to be my fault. And I had just wanted to bury that shame so deep and never remember it..."

Hearing all of this made Sunset's jaw clench, averting her gaze to the ground as she flashed back to when she had fought with Princess Celestia. The days leading up to the fight after she had seen herself as an alicorn in the mirror, she'd grown bitter and angry that Celestia had seemed to be keeping her from her destiny. Seeming to keep that knowledge and power to herself. What was wrong with her that Celestia hadn't thought she was ready or was worthy of receiving it?

Sunset shook that thought from her head before turning her attention back to Twilight, who had composed herself and was ready to continue.

"I finally got the nerve to write to her about how I felt. She... she actually cleared her schedule that night and came over to see me so that we could talk face to face. When she finally coaxed out of me how I felt towards her after what happened in the wedding she... she actually start to..."

Twilight paused to take a deep, calming breath before continuing.

"I'd never seen her so upset. We talked long into the night, about my negative feelings towards her and my friends. We patched things up between us, and she told me that ponies didn't heal on a set schedule, that's not how it worked and I shouldn't of felt pressured to forgive just because I worried that the Elements of Harmony wouldn't work if I didn't bury the hatchet. All the explanations in the world couldn't vindicate them of what they did or said what they said if they didn't even give me a proper apology. And trying to just forget the pain you felt and burying it deep inside you... it just grows inside of you and bares bitter fruit in your heart, Sunset."

Swallowing down a lump in her throat, Sunset stopped when Twilight did, unable to look the princess directly in the eye.

"I know I was just going to tell you that you should talk to Dash about this. But you putting this off reminded me of how you kept putting off talking to them before the Friendship Games or how you kept hesitating to say anything during the Battle of the Bands. You're still uneasy around them Sunset and you're trying so hard not to say what you need to say to them. I know you're in a better place than you were before but you can't truly move past this if you keep holding back."

There was a long silence that followed, Sunset staring down at the sand while Twilight kept watching her, waiting to see what the other would do. Until finally Sunset let out a soft, long sigh.

"I'll go talk to her. But after the Pony Breakers do their round tonight. I'm not bailing on my girlfriend when this can wait."

"Will you be okay?"

"Come on, I'm not gonna break down into a crying mess. I'm way over all that."

After they exchanged smiles, they turned and headed back towards their friends. Although the scene she came upon instantly spiked Sunset's temper since Adagio had just moved over and seated herself right on her girlfriend's lap!

"Hungry, Jackie? The stir fry is divine, why don't you have a bite?"

Just as she opened her mouth to protest, Adagio plucked up a slice of carrot from the plastic bowl and popped it into the guitarist's mouth. Jackie closed her mouth automatically, her entire face becoming red as the sultry siren ran her finger over the woman's lips.

"Wasn't that delicious?"


While the performance had not been the best, it had been far better than yesterday. Sunset had only been minimally distracted while performing and the Pony Breakers had ended up with enough points that their shot to place was even better.

It was evening now as Jackie drove her to the hotel that the CHS gang were staying at, Fluttershy letting her borrow her card key on the off chance Rainbow wouldn't let her in.

"I know it'd probably be a bad idea but are you sure you don't want me to go up with you?"

The red-head hadn't made a move to open the door and get out yet, not having realized how long she had been sitting there and mentally preparing herself for what had to be done. She glanced over to Jackie and gave a small, reassuring smile.

"It's probably for the best I got up alone, Jackie. Will you be okay waiting?"

"Sure. Just shoot me a text when you're done. Then I'll come back with ice cream. I figure no matter the outcome, ice cream isn't a bad idea."

"Mint chocolate chip?"

"Psh, like I don't know your favorite flavor."

After a smile and a quick kiss, Sunset finally stepped out of the car and headed into the hotel, taking a strangely long elevator ride up to the eighth floor before heading down the hallway. When she finally came to the room that the girls were sharing, she took a deep breath before knocking.

This seemed to stretch out even longer than that elevator ride.

Just when Sunset was about to fish Fluttershy's card key out of her jeans pocket, the sound of a click caught her attention, her gaze turning up to see the door open and a surprised Rainbow Dash staring at her.

".... hey."

"Hey. Can I come in?"

After a non-committal shrug, the prismatic haired young woman stepped back and let Sunset step inside before closing the door behind her.

"So... you dropped out of the beach contest?"

"Yeah... I mean, didn't seem like much of a point. I was just kind of being a bitch to your girlfriend. Wanting to win it just to spite her wasn't cool."

"Yeah. You two really clash. I would've thought you'd get along since you have a lot in common."

"Oh yeah? Like what outside of guitars and awesome music?"


The look on Rainbow Dash's face was like a kid with their hand caught in the cookie jar, wanting to deny it but she could see just by the look on Sunset's face that it wouldn't fly. Instead Rainbow Dash stuffed her hands into her short's pockets and walked past Sunset.

"So what, Applejack told you what I said yesterday?"

"Applejack didn't tell me anything. I didn't figure it out until Princess Twilight nudged me in the right direction."

"Alright. So what now?"

"I don't know, Dash. How about you tell me? Is this going to be a problem?"

The athlete had turned around, mouth open as if ready to snap back with a response but instead stopped herself. Her mouth closing as she seemed to struggle with what to say, battling against the emotions inside of herself. Her stubborn side drove her to say yes, because she still had feelings for Sunset. But a more rational side she had been trying to cultivate since the Anon-A-Miss incident was telling her to stand down, that it was over. They raged against each other, neither gaining dominance until finally it came down to a question that would break the tie.

"I want you to tell me... if Jackie hadn't come along and taken you away. If we'd manage to figure out the Anon-A-Miss incident and clear your name. Would you and me of had a shot?"

As unexpected as the question was, what was truly upsetting to Sunset Shimmer was that Rainbow Dash had actually asked it. Yet instead of letting her response storm out of her without a second thought, she studied Rainbow Dash's face for a moment. A closer look showed almost a desperation in the other's eyes. She had to know the answer. If this was going to be stopped, right here and now, it'd have to be done properly. Clenching her fists, Sunset closed her eyes for a moment and composed her thoughts before opening them and fixing Rainbow Dash with a stern look that made the athlete flinch slightly.

"You abandoned me, Dash. You tossed me aside in my time of need on the flimsiest evidence and where my motivations made absolutely no sense. If I had stayed and things had somehow managed to work out with the Anon-A-Miss thing, how could I have ever trusted any of you ever again? You know the pisser is I could of been more understanding if you pulled that shit if this had happened right after my reformation at the Fall Formal! Even I didn't think I fucking deserved to be forgiven after what I tried to do! But no, after everything I tried to do to make up for it, after finally saying something and pulling you guys together when the sirens had you squabbling like fucking children, after I fucking helped clinch the win when it seemed like all hope was lost, all of you fucking STABBED ME IN THE BACK! Hell, I'm STILL angry about it! The only reason I haven't said so was because I felt bad for what happened to you and the others thanks to Chrysalis and I figured you didn't need me dumping any more on you guys when you were sincerely regretful and apologizing to me!"

At this point Sunset had to stop, needing to dial back how loud she was being as un-shed tears started to blur her vision. Rainbow Dash was totally floored, unsure of what to do for a moment until she tried to reach out to the other. Sunset however turned her back to Rainbow Dash, hugging herself and trying to focus on some spot on the wall in front of her.

"... if things had worked out differently Dash, maybe you would of had a chance. But things are what they are now. I've only just started letting you and the others back into my life and I'm trying to work past all of this because I do want to be friends again. But you and me together? No. That will never happen."

There was no need to turn around to see how hurt Rainbow Dash looked. Instead Sunset could hear it as a word was softly and weakly whimpered out, so contrary to the normally confident and sure athlete that if they weren't the only ones in the room, Sunset wouldn't of thought that it came from Rainbow Dash.

"I'm sorry..."

An unbearable silence fell on the room, so deafening that the knock that came from the door was like thunder. Sunset stepped forward and opened it, seeing that Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack were on the other side.

"Where's Sparky?"

The girls glanced at each other before Rarity spoke up first.

"Princess Twilight decided to invite her back along to your place. She... thought it might be for the best."


Pushing past them without another word, Sunset headed to the elevator and got on quick before any of them could try to stop her. She pulled out her phone and texted Jackie before waiting to reach the bottom and head outside to wait by the parking lot. Jackie would be along a couple of minutes later, hopping out and putting two cups of ice cream on the hood of her car before approaching the red-head, instantly able to tell something was off.


"... I talked to Rainbow Dash."

"Well, yeah, I kinda figured. How'd that go?"

"I basically unloaded on her how I felt and that she'd never have a chance with me now."

"Dude. Is she okay?"

"She didn't sound okay."

"And what... you just left her like that? Sunshine... I don't know if that was a good idea."

"I know... and I'll go back up there in a minute."

"Really? But then why are you-?"

Without another word, Sunset moved in and threw her arms around Jackie, holding her girlfriend close as the tears finally started to flow.

Author's Note:

So yeah, a LOT of stuff to cover in this chapter. But it's officially where the wound can start to heal for real I guess you could say.

Believe it or not there's still a bit more to cover before things officially wrap up.