• Published 26th Oct 2017
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The Summer Sun Incident - Zaid ValRoa

The Summer Sun Celebration is a night of remembrance for the ponies of Equestria, and one to appreciate the glory of Princess Celestia. However, rather than a night of joy, the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration was marred by tragedy.

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Royal Guard - Official Incident Report - Subject Interview: Moon Dancer

Case Number: 0304580-B
Date: 02/01 - 08:25
Reporting Officer: Pvt. Copper Wing
Guard ID: 553806-76
Preliminary Inquiry: Report on the Summer Sun Incident
Report Type: Interview

What follows is an interview conducted by the Royal Guard on the morning of the second day after the Summer Sun Celebration incident.
Interviewee is identified as ‘Moon Dancer’, grad student and long time classmate of Miss Twilight Sparkle.
Interview was conducted in a private study room in the Main Library of Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

Copper: “Thanks for taking the time to meet me, Miss Dancer.”
Moon Dancer: “It’s no problem, I’d like to help as much as I can.”
Copper: “And rest assured, the Royal Guard appreciates your cooperation.”
Moon Dancer: “Just tell me what you want to know, and I’ll do my best.”
Copper: “Very well. Are you aware of the accident that took place two days ago?"
Moon Dancer: “The magic blast at the southwest tower, yes. Yes…”
Copper: “I understand you knew the pony involved in the incident.”
Moon Dancer: “Twilight Sparkle. Yes.”
Copper: “What exactly was your relationship with Miss Sparkle?”
Moon Dancer: “Strictly academic. I’ve known Twilight since our first year at the Princess’s School, and we’ve constantly worked on joint research projects, but I can’t say we were ever… close, you know?”
Copper: “Of course. That’s precisely what I wished to di—”
Moon Dancer: “I’m sorry, I just… Nopony has heard about her since the explosion. How is she?”
Copper: “I’m afraid I can’t disclose that information.”
Moon Dancer: “Well, it’s not as if you can’t pretend nothing happened. A third of Canterlot must have seen the explosion, and I’m sure the rest at least heard it.”
Copper: “Be that as it may. A formal announcement cannot be made until the Royal Guard has finished conducting the investigation.”
Moon Dancer: “Well, there has to be something you can tell me.”

This excerpt of the conversation has been stricken from the record due to little relevancy. See Emergency Room Report 28-013/T for the update on Miss Sparkle’s status.

Copper: “If we may return to the purpose of this interview, Miss Dancer.”
Moon Dancer: “S-sure…”
Copper: “As I was saying, it was brought to the Guard’s attention that in the days leading up to the incident, Miss Sparkle was conducting research on an undetermined topic. We understand you were amongst the few ponies in Celestia’s School who were up to par with Miss Sparkle’s skill, and hoped you would perhaps know what it is she was studying.”
Moon Dancer: “[Unintelligible]”
Copper: “I’m sorry?”
Moon Dancer: “I may be an assiduous academic but nopony was on Twilight Sparkle’s level, that mare was… she is brilliant.”
Copper: “Miss Dancer—”
Moon Dancer: “Just Moon Dancer is fine. And I do remember Sparkle mentioning something about an obscure topic of research.”
Copper: “What can you tell us about that?”
Moon Dancer: “Twilight Sparkle always likes to talk about what she’s studying. She’s not boastful or anything, she just takes pride in her efforts. The past week was no different, the last time I saw her, she was excited about this history project. About old legends and how the reality of early pony society shaped these tales.”
Copper: “Legends, you say?”
Moon Dancer: “Yes. You know, the Tale of Unification told in Hearth’s Warming Eve and the like.”
Copper: “I see. Is there anything else you could tell us about Miss Sparkle’s research, Moon Dancer?”
Moon Dancer: “It’s odd, you know? I also was interested in knowing, and I was… I was going to ask her more about it that day. There was this party that day some classmates convinced me to throw. I wanted her to go, but she didn’t show up. I mean, at the moment I felt hurt, but knowing what happened later, I can’t help but feel a bit guilty.”
Copper: “You can’t blame yourself for what happened.”
Moon Dancer: “I know that. I know it’s not my fault that Twilight did… whatever it is she ended up doing but, but what if I could have done something about it? Maybe if I asked, Twilight would have shared her project with me or any of our… our friends, then she wouldn’t have gone and blown herself up alongside half of her tower!”
Copper: “Moon Dancer, please calm down. I understand you’re upset, but anger won’t solve anything.”
Moon Dancer: “I’m… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to lose my temper like that.”
Copper: “As I said, I understand. The events of the Summer Sun Celebration have taken its toll on most of us, even Princess Celestia herself has been hit hard by it.”
Moon Dancer: “The… the Princess…”
Copper: “Miss Sparkle was her personal student. What happened to her must—”
Moon Dancer: “No, wait. I just remembered something. The history project, Twilight’s history project that, that was… that was assigned to her by Princess Celestia herself.”
Copper: “I beg your pardon?”
Moon Dancer: “Yes! I remember. Twilight was so excited about her project because it was an assignment that came from Princess Celestia herself during one of their private study sessions!”
Copper: “I… I see. Is that all you can recall, Moon Dancer?”
Moon Dancer: “I think it is, at least for the moment.”
Copper: “Thanks for your cooperation. If you remember anything else that could be of help, please contact me or any other Guard immediately.”
Moon Dancer: “I will. I’m glad I could be of help.”

The interview with Miss Moon Dancer seems to indicate that Miss Twilight Sparkle showed no signs of odd behaviour in the days leading up to the Summer Sun Incident.
She was also able to shed some light on Miss Sparkle’s topic of research, namely old legends, perhaps tied to the claims of the dragonling which stated Miss Sparkle also looked into predictions and prophecies before the incident. More important, however, was the discovery that this research was being conducted at the behest of Princess Celestia.

Recommendations discussed include:

  • Work out the specifics of Miss Sparkle’s research in hopes of determining the cause of the Summer Sun Incident.
  • Contact Princess Celestia regarding the research she appointed Twilight Sparkle.
  • Spike mentioned receiving a letter from Princess Celestia shortly before the explosion. If said letter could be retrieved, it may shed some light on the matter.

Considering the status of Miss Sparkle for the foreseeable future, and how the Court’s archmages are yet to wrap up their investigation, the best course of action is to figure out what did Twilight Sparkle find in her research and how does it tie into the Summer Sun Incident. I’ll be forwarding this transcript to headquarters right away, as well as a copy to Princess Celestia as instructed.

Copper Wing
Private of the First Division of the Royal Guard