• Member Since 22nd May, 2015
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In "A Canterlot Wedding," Twilight Sparkle was screamed at by her brother and banned from the wedding, and immediately after her friends and mentor walked out on her in disgust, not even looking at her.

But what if they didn't?

What if instead, they saw how miserable she was at how her brother treated her and stayed behind to comfort her and assure her that things would be okay?

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 96 )

Yeah. Doing "Canterlot Wedding" now.
About the only thing I liked about that episode was "This Day Aria."

You said it! :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by cartoondeviant2016 deleted Sep 10th, 2016

It's an interesting take, having the ponies remember the Smartypants' incident. I'm curious to read what else will be different.

About the only thing I liked about that episode was "This Day Aria."

Oooooooh buuuuurns

About the only thing I liked about that episode was "This Day Aria."

Oh great, you're one of those guys. I'll read your story, but just for that comment you'll need to step it up to get real enjoyment from me.

Interesting take... keeps the characters in check and not OoC like they were in the show... do go on...

And because her friends weren't mean to her, history is irrevocably altered, and the changelings win. :pinkiecrazy:

But yeah, this is kinda how they should have acted, what with Lesson Zero and all that. Bad things happen when you don't listen to Twilight. :rainbowlaugh:

7541230 That's not the point.

It's understandable that they wouldn't believe her. And yes, she did go about it the wrong way.

But did she really deserve to be banned from the wedding, from one of the most important events in her brother's life? Did the others really have to rub salt in the wounds by just leaving her there?

Let's pretend that's Twilight was wrong. That Cadance really was just stressed. Okay, so why is it okay for Cadance to act like a bitch when she's stressed, but it's not okay for Twilight? She wasn't informed that her own brother and the pony who babysat for her were getting married until the very last minute, and she and her friends were only given one day to get everything ready. Weddings are stressful enough on their own, but to only have one day to prepare? I know the Mane 6 are good at what they do, but still!

I also refuse to believe that the Mane 6 are so stupid that they can't tell when someone is insulting them to their face. Pinkie Pie is a party planner, Applejack and her family have catered food in the past, probably to over dozens of events, and Rarity had probably made wedding dresses before. They know how stressful these events can be and how it can bring out the worst in ponies. In other words, Cadance's behavior towards them is nothing new; they simply chose to ignore it and continue with their tasks.

So I ask again - why is okay for Cadance to be stressed and not Twilight? Why would they even think that their friend was just being a bitch, and not consider that she herself is worked up and not thinking rationally, especially since they've seen her exhibit this exact same behavior before, when Twilight was at the end of her rope, and felt she had nowhere left to turn?

"Princess...Twilight's gone!" Fluttershy cried in distress.

EDIT: And nevermind, I misinterpreted that by thinking that she was calling Twilight a princess. END EDIT.

Also, props for doing what many others who wrote fixfics of this episode failed to do by remembering that Shining Armor is brainwashed and therefore not in complete control of his actions.

7554637 Ahem....they were talking to Celestia...who is an alicorn....and a princess.


Oh dammit, I misinterpreted that, sorry about that.

I'm surprised that most fics about the Canterlot Wedding didn't talk about this bit whatsoever. But Shining Armor DOES have a point that he doesn't hafta take crap from someone who does things for immature reasons... even if that immature pony is his own sister. I wouldn't be surprised if Luna slept the whole thing off and woke up too late. :ajbemused:

Interesting chapter there. Good idea to put a part where they wonder about Twilight's absence.

I think Shining here is obviously influenced by Chrysalis. I don't think he would be monotonous and distant like this, otherwise.

7554933 So, a diversion from canon?

The 5 mares, Spike and Celestia just leaving Twilight there without giving her the benefit of the doubt (why did she get so worked up?), especially after Lesson Zero, is where it hurts. Also, the 5 mares choosing a princess they've just met over a friend they know and have known for 2 years...


You don't remember the part where Twilight saw "'Cadance' helping him with his headaches"?

Wait did 'cadence' write that letter?
Shouldn't they notice somethign is off about her writing style even if it is telekinesis

Why exactly are they even staying for the wedding, royal wedding or not they don't really know anypony other yuan the fact shining is twilight's brother

7556144 They're staying because Princess Celestia had sent the a letter requesting their help with the wedding along with the invitation at the beginning of the episode, and because "Twilight" asked them to in the note.

And also keep in mind that "hoof"writing can be forged, especially with telekinesis.

7556212 yeah but I doubt chrysalis could do it convincingly considering her poor performance for celestia

I know it would be considered wedding jitters but celestia would know her student's hoof writing well enough

Wait if that noted was faked wouldn't Celestia have noticed a different writing to it? She has been reading Twilight's letters for so long I'd think she'd know what her writing looks like. Or am I missing something or just thinking to hard?

7559710 Sigh....just wait for the next chapter, okay?

She even brainwashed the guards?

I wonder if Twilight and Shining will forgive each other in the end... Also, I fear that the real Cadence is going to suffer twice the backlash.

7570837 Yup.

Fortunately for them, it will only last until the sun comes up. Shining, on the hand.....

I like this. I wonder what will happen differently next.

The one thing I never quite understood about the episode was... what precisely was so important about completing the actual marriage, to Chrysalis? Is marriage literally some kind of magical bond or power in Equestria?

7573592 The wedding obviously was a ruse. She couldn't have Shining Armor take down the shield or else that would look too suspicious, so she just had her minions break through the barrier.

While everyone was focused on her and Shining, they wouldn't notice the changelings breaking the barrier and invading until it was too late. That's also why she changed to her original form and fought with Celestia when the truth was revealed. With everyone's attention on her, the changelings would have the time they needed to break the barrier. She didn't really expect to win the fight; it just happened.

But as for the 'marriage' itself.....I don't know. Maybe she saw him as a trophy to be won. It's not unheard of of invaders forcing the captives to be their slaves, or even marrying them against their will.

7571621 Yes. He could do that.

But keep in mind that Spike is a child who was just physically assaulted and threatened with the harm of the pony he considers his mother if he says anything.

One cannot blame him for not thinking rationally at the moment.

And as for the Luna thing....just what makes you think Spike will be getting any sleep after that?

7573651 Yeah, she was definitely being the distraction.:pinkiecrazy: But it also kinda felt like getting to the actual "I do" part was important to her for some reason. But hey, this is a world where friendship is literally magic, so... maybe that "I do" carries some kind of power, I dunno. :rainbowlaugh:

Twilight likely finds Cadence as before, and when they escape...

Oh, man, stuff is going DOWN! Need more of this!

Changelings may feed on love, but I eat fanfics. This one is a meal fit for a princess.'cause Equestria has no kings

It's about to go DOWN!

I can't wait for the battle between Chrysalis and Celestia, it'll definitely be a fun read!

Huh, so Twilight was sent to the caves after all.

7589912 Well, yeah. Did you not read the end of my last chapter?

7589977 I musta missed that bit. I should really pay better attention.

Alright, this still seems to be good so far, as there haven't been any cases of characters flying into OOC mouthpiece rants as of yet (hopefully, it'll continue to be that way).

We've come to a showdown. What else will differ from the episodes here, and where will it go? I can't wait to find out.

This a great redux of the original, most stories around A Canterlot Wedding seem to be most depressing fics about Twilight feeling alone of abandoned.

7594081 I know what you mean.

Some are good, others just beat a dead horse with another dead horse (pun intended)

I decided to do something a little different; I made the characters act the way I felt they should have acted in the first place.

And you did it well. Now that the confrontation is about to start, some other things possibly could also go differently, more complications leading to sequels, ... Unless you plan to conclude with Chrysalis and her swarm being thrown out and Shining's apologies?

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