• Published 3rd Sep 2016
  • 1,255 Views, 5 Comments

A Person(al) Meeting and Problem - Ron Jeremy Pony

Meeting family can be difficult. No body knows this as much as Sour Sweet. Getting to Meet Second's cousin Third wasn't just difficult, but it was like being stuck inside of a Jerry Springer Episode, without Jerry being there.

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Having Third(s)

A Person(al) Meeting and Problem

Chapter 1: Having Third(s)

A Sour Sweet short story

Inspired by Nico-Stone Rupan’s Sour Sweet Stories

The platinum blond was beginning to annoy her. She was witty, charming, obviously hitting on her friends, all of her friends, without a problem, and Sour felt herself getting a little irritated and maybe a little anxious. Second had warned her her about his cousin, about the ever popular Third Person.

What she didn’t know was that Third wasn’t just popular, no Third was a beauty pageant winning, runway model look-a-like, body of a sex goddess wrapped up in a sixteen year old girl. Her sparkling green eyes seemed to captivate several of the students around her, and right now Sour was wishing that she’d went anywhere but here.

“I’ve got to say, you are quite the catch Sour Sweet,” Third said with a winning smile, even her teeth were perfectly straight and brilliantly white, “I believe that Second’s parents were right when they said that you’ve got perfect birthing hips.”

It was difficult to keep herself from telling Third to take her backhanded compliment and shove up her incredibly tight ass.

“So, Third, where do you come from?”

Sour looked at Sunny who gave her a gentle smile. She was thankful that her friend had the tact, and patience, to deal with this far too friendly family member.

“Oh, why I’m all of the way from Las Pegasus. My mom thought it would be good for me to visit Cousin Second, and maybe stay with his parents for a while. I guess that they felt that maybe I needed a break. I don’t know why, I’ve only competed twice this year.”

“Competed? Competed in what?” Indigo asked.

“Why the Local, Regional, Tristate, and National Jr. Miss Pageant. I’m currently Jr. Miss America. I hate to tell mom this but I have to compete for the international title. If I don’t I forfeit my other titles.”

Aww, we wouldn’t want that. Because building your self esteem off of a title is sooo healthy.”

Third smiled at her, opened a bag, and pulled out a sash and a tiara. She actually packed those things in her carry bag.

“Oh, it’s not just a feeling a self worth. I’m someone little girls look up to. When they go to sleep at night they want to be like me, and I’m there to tell them that with lots of practice, the right diet, good genes, and of course completely abstaining from relationships and intercourse, they can become a Jr. Miss America too.

Sour looked at her like she was expecting Third to laugh it off, but she wasn’t. The girl was serious. She was brainwashed, that was the only answer. She’d been brainwashed into thinking this was normal.

“Dearie… How should I put this…”

“Your delusional thinking of all girls looking up to you is feeding an unhealthy sense of self worth, when you eventually are no longer able to compete, or lose your looks, you’ll end up alone and drinking to cope.”

“Yes… thank you Sugarcoat.”

“Well excuse me for wanting to help young girls aspire to something,” she smiled as she leaned over toward Sugarcoat, “Like your complexion would be so nice if you really paid attention to your T-zone. Oh My God you’ve got such beautiful hair! I’ve got to style it! I’ve got everything I need,” she looked into her bag, “Oh! I do! I can give us makeovers!”

Sour looked around at the practically empty room. Sunny Flare offering to let them hang out at her house was awesome, but this was getting a bit much. She kept hoping that Ms. Flare, or Mr. Flare would come in, tell the girls that it’s too nice of a day, demand they go outside, but it didn’t happen. She looked at her phone. Desperately she hoped that Second would call her to tell her that visiting First in college sucked and he wanted to talk, but that wasn’t happening either.

“Yeah, I’m not really a froo froo kind of girl.”

Third turned toward Indigo, that bright winning smile focused on her. She leaned in, and Sour watched knowing that her friend wasn’t really able to take her eyes off of Second’s cousin. Third got incredibly close, nearly kissing distance, and sighed, “It’s too bad, I have such a darling choker that would be perfect on you.”

Indigo looked toward her wanting help, but Sour shrugged her shoulders. She really wasn’t sure what to say, or do, to help, not really. She closed her eyes, hoping that she could think of something, or say something, that would keep Third from making Indigo too uncomfortable. And then their salvation came in the form of the door being opened.

“Sunny, I had the most delightful idea. It’s a beautiful day, the weather is perfect, and we haven’t been riding in ages. Why don’t your friends, yourself, and I all go down to the stables and saddle up? We can enjoy a nice peaceful ride. I’m sure we can possibly even swing by the lake for a picnic.”

Sunny Flare smiled, the kind of thankful for an intervention smile, and nodded, “That sounds great mom, you guys want to do that?”

Everyone seemed to nod, and Sour got up. Sure, she wasn’t too fond of horses, but it was better than sitting around letting Third play dress up with her friends. She started to walk when her phone buzzed. She opened it to see a text.

Sour, I miss you already. I’m okay, and I’m still at the campus with First. He’s actually being kind of cool, which has me worried. Oh, he was letting me in on some of family drama that’s going on with Third… First, I’m sorry you got roped into helping to get her used to the area, but thank you.

Sour, Third apparently had a short fling with one of the other contestants… The other contestant was actually… Crap, I don’t know how to say it, but she was a he. He was a transgender girl. Yeah that works. Anyway… he and Third have been in a relationship for a while, without her mother knowing, and from what First has said Third is pregnant.

Her mom sent her out here to have the baby before she went back. I guess that her parents are even more old fashioned than mine. Thanks for being nice to her, and I’ll be home in a day or so. If you feel up to it, maybe we can skype later.

Love you,


Sour looked at that text, and then she looked toward where everyone had gone. She walked out, not sure how she was going to deal with this. On one hand, it was more than enough information to cause Third to run off back home, but then it could possibly end her relationship with Second if she did that, and it wasn’t really like her to be like that anyway. She wasn’t sure how she could, or should deal with it, but there was someone she trusted enough to help.

She saw the large passenger van, something that looked like it belonged in a very upscale mall, waiting for them outside. She got into it, heading toward where Sunny was sitting, and took a seat near her friend. The van began to move, and Sunny waited until her mother turned on the radio to some 80’s pop music. Breathing out she relaxed.

“Well, she’s interesting.”

Sour looked at her, “You have no idea… Sunny, do you mind to look at this, please?”

She pulled up the text, and handed the phone to Sunny Flare. She watched her friend read, and then her eyes widened, “Oh My… Well, that does explain a few things. Does her family just not believe in… abortions?”

Sour’s face scrunched up, “Not if they’re as backwards and idiotic as Second’s,” she looked at her hands, “What do I do?”

Sunny sighed and handed the phone back to her, “I don’t know. Right now this is mainly hearsay. Being that it is Second’s brother that told him about it I wouldn’t quite put it down as gospel. There is every chance in the world that he’s just messing with Second, but if it is true, then perhaps it would be best for her to stay here.”

Sour arched her eyebrow, “Here?”

Sunny nodded, “Oh, perhaps not going to Crystal Prep. Not that she couldn’t fit in, I’m sure she would, but her personality is a little… Let’s say that I’m certain she and Principal Cinch wouldn’t exactly get along.”

“Canterlot High?”

Sunny nodded, “Their principal does seem to be a bit more accepting. Of course this is completely dependant on if she even wants to stay. She may want to go back home, and she seems very determined to be in beauty pageants.”

The van stopped, and they all began climbing out of the van. An older man walked out, wearing an old battered green tophat, a dusty old blue vest, white button up shirt, that has various stains, and an old pair of blue jeans that covers his worn out old boots.

“Mrs. Flare, darn nice seeing ya,” he replied as he whistled a jaunty little tune, “What can I do for ya?”

She smiled at him, “Mr. Greenhooves, the girls and I would like to do some riding today. Nothing over the top, just a little ride down toward the lake. Would you mind to get the horses ready?”

His smile fell, and he took his top hat off and held it in his hands, “I’m plum sorry Ma’am, but I dun went and signed the okay for the vet ta see the horses today and get them their check-ups. If ya want ta wait she ought ta be dun in an hour or so. He even brought a friendly little assistant with him. Never seen animals take to her like those horses have.”

She rubbed her chin, “Perhaps later. I did so plan a nice picnic, well we could still have it. I suppose we’ll just have to take the mules.”

He grinned, “They’re ready ma’am.”

Sour looked at them, and she tried to picture riding on the back of a donkey. If riding a horse was problem there wasn’t anyway she was going to do a donkey. She was about to say something when Mr. Greenhooves lifted up a radio, talked into it, and a moment later a younger hand drove a black and purple four wheel drive beefed up go-cart around to them. It’s engine was purring beautifully, and she walked with the girls toward it.

“Now girls, we all can’t fit into one mule, so we’re going to be taking four of them. I know you all are old enough to drive, and some of you have licenses. Please, be careful these are just as dangerous as a real car.”

Soon three more of the beefed up go-carts joined the first one, and Sour found herself behind the wheel of the ‘mule’. She felt the way the steering wheel vibrated in her hands, the sound of the engine as she gave it a little gas. Slowly, she eased it into drive, following the others.

“I’ve got to admit that mom would never let me do anything like this.”

Sour glanced at Third before looking ahead.

“I mean, she wants me to compete, and I’m good at it, but this is kind of fun, no, this is a lot of fun!”

Third leaned her head out of the inside of the cart, taking in the rush of air that was hitting her.

“Dearie, maybe you should tell your mother that you want to do other things, experience something else.”

Third’s head came back into the mule and she looked at the floor. Sour tried to pay some attention, but at the moment, she just really had to focus on the road.

“I can’t. I’m all Mom has. I have been since,” she shook her head, “No, I’m here to have fun, and that’s what I’m going to do. No feeling sad, not right now,”

They pulled up to the lake, the first two mules parked perfectly. Sour noticed Sugarcoat getting out of the driver's seat for the second one. Third walked over toward Mrs. Flare, helping to grab the picnic basket, blanket, and ice cooler she had brought. Sour walked toward the place where they were setting the picnic up, her mind wondering how she was going to handle what Second had let her know.

Four hours later

Away from everyone, just by themselves, at her house, she could see Third sitting in a seat, her knees pulled up to her chest, and her arms under her knees.

“Sour… You love Second, right?”

Sour Sweet nodded.

“And… You wouldn’t turn on him just because it would keep you from getting in trouble, right? I mean you wouldn’t say something really bad about him right?”

Sour looked at her, moved toward her, and took a seat.

“What are you talking about?”

Third breathed out, tears in her eyes, “Mom… She wants me to say that Blue…” she looked away, “She wants me to say that Blue slipped me something and did… stuff.”

Sour’s expression instantly changed. She walked closer to Third who was rubbing her hands together, “I didn’t want to. Blue’s such a good person, he… well he’s actually a really pretty she, but he’s such a good person, and the fact that we both wanted to… Mom said I could stay out here until I either had the mistake, or decided to say that about Blue.”

Third looked up at her, “Would you ever even consider doing that to Second?”

Sour shook her head, “No. And I’d beat the bitch out of anyone that decided to do it!” she calmed herself a bit, “I, I wouldn’t dream of doing that to Second.”

Third looked at the floor again, “You know right? I mean mom called and let Second’s parents know what was going on, and I’m sure he told you. Thank you for not telling everyone else, but you know. I know you do.”

Sour nodded, “Yeah, but I wasn’t trusting it. First isn’t the most reliable source of information.”

Third touched her stomach, “Mom said I had to give it away. That I couldn’t have… I don’t want to, but I don’t know what I should do.”

Sour, not feeling completely comfortable with doing it, hugged Third, and thought about it. She wanted to keep the baby, there was programs that could help… She wasn’t sure who they could talk to, but she knew that there was at least one or two students over at Canterlot High that lived on their owns. Maybe they would be able to point them in the right direction. If nothing else it’d be a good start. Of course there was her mom as well.

Third, sweetie, maybe we could talk to my mom, and I don’t know if you’d want to, but it might be an idea to live away from your mom. Since she sounds like a controlling bitch.”

Third hugged her tighter, “She is…”

A Week Later

Sour saw Second get out of his brother’s car. It looked like his brother had a friend with him, and the two of them seemed a little too friendly. Deciding that it would be better not to ask she walked toward Second who stretched as soon as he could stand up straight. She covered his eyes, “Guess who…

“Sour,” he said before turning around and smiling at her. She kissed him, and pulled him into a hug.

“How’d everything work out with Third?”

She grinned, leading him into the house. Once inside he saw his mother and father in complete freak out mode.

“What’s going on?”

Sour grinned, “Third decided to move here, and for now she’s crashing at your place, and you owe me!

He gulped, “Uh.. Okay?”

A girl he didn’t know walked down from upstairs. Her dark blue hair looked a little like she had just woke up. She grinned at him, “Hi, my name is Blue Bonnet.”

“Nice, to meet you,” he replied.

“So, my parents were all kinds of okay with me spending a couple of days out here! Thanks for that!”

He arched an eyebrow, “I’m sorry, do I know you?”

“Oh, sorry, I’m Third’s boyfriend.”

Sour wished that Second had been drinking something, because the spit take would have been epic. Not to mention, she was so totally going to give him hell about checking Blue out while they talked.

Author's Note:

(AN: Wow... Another Sour Sweet Story. Yeah... Wish I could say that I was sorry, but the inspiration just hit, and I went with it. I'm not sure this one is really up to the same standards as Nico-Stone Rupan's Sour Sweet Stories. But, inspiration takes you funny places. Here it is!

Comments ( 5 )


kul #2 · Sep 4th, 2016 · · ·

I really wonder where you got your ideas for Third Person, as it was such an intresting take over here. The wildest I can make up about someone named "Third Person" is to make them more egocentric and weird, like Trixie, because they would speak in 3rd person all the time.. Oh and they also had some degree of supernatural-like ability to know what other people are thinking


The ideas for Third, well honestly I started thinking about it, and third person is one of the most popular point of views to write, so I started working with that idea, and Third's personality and back ground was born out of it.

“Oh, it’s not just a feeling a self worth. I’m someone little girls look up to. When they go to sleep at night they want to be like me, and I’m there to tell them that with lots of practice, the right diet, good genes, and of course completely abstaining from relationships and intercourse, they can become a Jr. Miss America too.

:ajsleepy: In one paragraph you've summed up everything I hate about pageants.

Wow, actually thanks for the compliment, and yes, I take that as a compliment. I have several friends that I grew up with that were entered in those things. I tended to be the one that would take them out into the 'real world' (which basically meant I'd take them to Taco Bell, McDonald's, and places like that) and let them experience life outside of the constant prim and proper crap that they had to wade through day in and day out. Out of all of them only one went on to make pageants her career. Don't get me wrong, if it's something the kiddo wants to do, and it's not taken too super seriously, I don't have a problem with it, but when it is an all consuming life for that child... Nope, Just nope.

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