• Published 7th Sep 2016
  • 2,183 Views, 16 Comments

Love is in every corner, even a cornerstone - Featherclaw

What if Fluttershy talked to Discord before she got discorded?

  • ...

The story

"Why'd y'all think she has a chisel?" AJ said, talking to Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Twilight.

"I don't know darling, but it is un-called for a mare to bring a chisel if she doesn't need it!" Rarity exclaimed, while being noticed by nearby café tables.

"Also, why does she keep on going to the Canterlot Gardens?" Twilight spoke, rubbing her chin in thought.

"Well, she was picking flowers and looking at the "pretty statues"." Rainbow talked while putting it in emphasis with her hooves.

"Wha'd ya mean? D' you know anythin' Rainbow?" Applejack questioned.

"Well, she did think this, creature, looked UNIQUE!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Oh, unique you say?" Rarity said while completely ignoring Rainbow's rolling eyes.

"What did it look like?" Twilight also questioned.

"Heh, I don't have your memory Twi, but I do remember some of the animal parts."

"Say what now?" AJ looked as if she heard wrong.

"Well, this statue is, very ugly. No offense Rarity, but I don't think you would even stand to be near that thing, with all the body parts, it is still a hoof-full to list half of it!" Rainbow told her friends.

"So? What are they?" Twilight asked.

"Snake tail, deer antler, bat wing, pegasus wing, goat leg, lizard leg, lion paw and, and UGLY HEAD!!!" Rainbow said with enthusiasm.

"Huh, I think I remember reading that somewhere."

"Oh Twi, o' course you have! But I just wana ask, what in the hay is this creature called?"

"Oh darling! I don't even WANT to know!"

"Well, you're gona have to Rarity! Because we are getting that book!" Rainbow Dash shouted before zooming off to Twilight's library.

"*sigh* Lets go girls, to find the book!" Twilight announced, then the girls ran off to the golden oak library, searching for the book.

"So, what you're telling me, is that I can't tell anyone about Discord?" Pinkie Pie said, while bouncing into the entrance of the Canterlot Gardens with Fluttershy.

"Yes. I don't know how they would react if t-they found out,about the fate..." Fluttershy murmured.

"Yeah, ooh! Ooh! I got another question! How do you talk to Discord?"

"Oh that's easy! You just talk softly to the statue, I mean, Discord." Fluttershy replied.

"okey dokey lokey!" Pinkie said, now taking a deep breath before starting. "Mr. Discord? Can I talk to you? Oh yeah! My name's Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy's friend! And to prove it, i'll give you a cupcake!" She said before grabbing a rainbow cupcake out of her saddle bag and placing it on the base of the statue. All of a sudden, there was an Mmm! from Discord.

"That was DELICIOUS! Let me guess the flavors... So, hot-sauce, Orange, hay, lettuce, blueberry, and purple taffy!" Discord said, surprising Fluttershy, but exciting Pinkie Pie.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy whispered.

"WOW! You guessed all the flavors! But, you forgot one!!!"

"An emerald?" Discord guessed.

"Yep! Wow Discord! You are one smart guy!" Pinkie said, while making gestures for every word.

"Why thank you! I honestly think, that you ponies were going to call me a freak, and other names I do not need to mention."

"Discord! We would never do that!" Fluttershy gasped in horror. Thinking about all the possibilities for one second made her shiver.

Why that's why I like you ponies! Others, on the other paw, would run away in horror, or just plain scream! It is a surprise, that you, ponies, don't do that."

"Well, Mr. Discord, those kind of ponies are WEIRD! 'Cause I think you are FUN! I mean, I never met anyone who could guess the flavors for THIS cupcake! Not even Cheese Sandwich!" Pinkie squealed.

"May I ask who is Cheese Sandwich?" Discord asked.

"Oh, he is a traveling party-pony, very much like Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy calmly said.

"Wait. Mr. Discord, under that cement, are you this draconequus?" Pinkie questioned in her optimistic mood while tapping the statue.

"Where did you hear That?" Discord inquired.

"Just guessed!" Pinkie said.

"Well, to answer your question Pinkie Pie, I am a draconequus under this statue, but, where I'm currently am, is just pitch black nothingness. *sigh* In fact, the very reason I was banished to this statue, was that I was the lord of chaos. Spirit of Disharmony,"

"You know what's funny? Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and I are all the users of the elements of harmony!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"What?! Fluttershy, your friends, are the elements of harmony?!" Discord shouted.

"Umm, is t-that o-okay, Discord?" Fluttershy stammered.

"*sigh* Yes, yes it is okay, but, you don't know my past." Discord sighed.

"Could you tell us Discord?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah! Could you tell us your super duper personal story?!" Pinkie proclaimed.

"Okay okay! I will! Relax! Though I warn you, it is not a cheery tale. *clears throat* One day, probably a thousand years ago, I was a full-fledged draconequus, probably 20 or 21, and I must have took a loooonng hike, or better yet, teleported. And guess where I ended up at? The princesses' throne room! Anyway, I was so shy, for no reason, so I hid behind a corner, only to see the tall princesses. They were as tall as I was! And I am pretty tall. Anywho, I waited until they were gone, so I could explore the place. I must have ended up in a chamber, because I all of a sudden got a burst of raw magic and knowledge. My brain must have gotten all cuckoo because I started to spread chaos all over equestria! This then got the sisters mad, or at least, suspicious, so they used some magic trackng spell to know of my location. Now you will never guess where I was."

"Hmmm... A bakery!" Pinkie squealed.

"EEee! Not so loud! But, no, it wasn't in a bakery. Now Fluttershy, do you want to guess?"Discord asked

Fluttershy stammered. "I-I, th-think a, a bathroom?"

Discord blanked out. Luckily, Pinkie's high-pitched squealing knocked Discord out of this trance.

"Don't be silly, Fluttershy! Discord would not have ended up, in a BATHROOM!"

"Actually Pinkie, she's right."

"I am?"


"Yeah, you heard me right! Celestia and Luna and I were all fighting... In the little filly's room. Okay, maybe not exactly, but at least the sink area. Well, anyway, we all used our magic against each other, mine being uncontrolled. I then exploded the roof, flew out, and fought at my throne. Yep. I got that insane to take Celestia's throne, and make it my own. Anyway, I threw a powerful shot at the princesses and sent them far away until they were a dot. I thought I got them for sure, so I relaxed on my chair and made myself some seeds that tasted like cucumber candy. They then came back, only to see me sitting comfortably on my throne. I even threw a few tricks on them, including taking Celestia's tail." Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie giggle.

"Oh it may have sounded funny to you, but then they stayed serious and said they would use the elements of harmony. I didn't believe them, so I laughed, and was caught off guard, and then got turned to stone."

Oh was all Pinkie and Fluttershy could say.

Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash are all in the golden oak library, also known as Twilight's home. It only took them a couple of minutes to find that book, thanks to Twilight's superb reading speed. They all sighed in relief that they didn't have to clean up a humongous book mound. Twilight then read the book aloud, still allowing everyone to see. Everyone gasped at the illustration in the book, except Rainbow Dash, who has seen it in pony.

"Oh my goodness! That is an absolutely ugly monster! How could I have thought it would be a fashion trend!?" Rarity gasped in horror.

"D' ya think that Fluttershy is under some sorta spell?" Applejack theorized.

"It could be possible, but in here it says that, Discord, was striped of all his magic! Or, just blocked off." Twilight explained.

"Do you think we should tell her?" Rainbow asked.

"No, but we should ask Celestia about this, to see what we should do. Spike? Could you send a letter?"

"Yeah Twilight! So, what should I write?"

"*Clears throat* Dear princess Celestia, I was wondering what I should do. You see, we are in some sort of predicament, involving a creature named Discord! Fluttershy keeps on going to the canterlot gardens, and she won't tell us why. Rainbow here said that she questioned Fluttershy about her opinion with Discord. She, as always, sees the good in everything, but as her first time seeing him, she said that he was unique. I may just be paranoid, but, she also brings a chisel to the gardens! A chisel! She may be under a spell, with Discord,but we don't know for sure. Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle."