• Published 7th Sep 2016
  • 4,459 Views, 218 Comments

Luna and her Woona - Teyeson Bee

Luna Lovegood finds a mysterious creature called "Woona" in the Hogwarts forest, and Woona has taken quite a liking to her. There's only one thing for Luna to do; be her Mama!

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Post Nightmare

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry for the long hiatus. So much had happened in my life. Got a new job, a new house, and, more special of all, I got married! :pinkiehappy: So much was going on, but I wanted to work on the story when I could, though I know better than to try and force the words to come to the screen. I will do my best to make sure the next chapter doesn't take nearly as long. And yes, it is Christmas themed next chapter but there's a good chance that it won't come out by Christmas Day, but hang in there! More Luna and Woona to come! Thanks for your patience, and enjoy! :heart:

Luna sat in the hospital wing an hour later, her expression blank, her body stiff, and her mind only on one thing. Beside her, in one of the beds, was Woona, sound asleep. After Luna had rushed from Slughorn’s party, Woona had cried for what seemed like half an hour. Her body shook with sobs as Luna asked Madame Pomfrey, the school matron, to heal her hoof. Though it was healed in a heartbeat, the little alicorn still held herself close to Luna as if it was the last safe place in the world, and continued to cry. All Luna could do was hold her daughter until she finally tired herself out. After getting permission to keep her overnight, Luna tucked the tear-stained pony into the closest bed and took the chair beside the bedpost. As Woona slept, all Luna could do was sit and worry. It was Luna’s goal not to worry about many things, but as she had discovered this year, sometimes all a mother can do, when it comes to the safety and well-being of her child, is worry.

Flashes of what Luna had dubbed “Nightmare Woona” haunted her thoughts as she sat there in the dark hospital wing; the black fur, cosmic mane, and eyes that, Luna shuddered at the idea, reminded her of a vicious predator. She had never seen Woona do that before. It was just so unlike her. Along with the images came an onslaught of questions. Where did it come from? How did she do it? Had it been inside Woona this whole time? Could all alicorns do that? And more importantly, would it ever happen again? Luna hated to think that there was a side of her daughter that she could fear, but even now, she couldn’t help but fear it.

“What’s wrong with you?” Luna muttered to herself. “This is your daughter; the most loving, caring creature in this castle! She wouldn’t hurt a fly!”

Ah, came a creeping voice in the back of her head, and yet she clearly was ready to hurt that Gryffindor boy. Are you sure you can trust her not to lose control again?

Luna shook her head. How dare she think such a thing! She would lay down her own life for Woona. She couldn’t abandon her, especially not now! She wanted to be there for her, and yet, she couldn’t think of what to do about this nightmare. What if it did come back? What if she lost control again? Would she attack one of the teachers, or her friends, or even Luna herself? And if it seemed like Woona would lose control again, what then? Lock her in Ravenclaw tower until who knows when? No, Luna thought. That would make her feel like a prisoner, and would probably make the situation worse. Would Luna have to take Woona back to the forest? She was still too young, Luna thought. She’s only recently shown signs of flight, and there’s still much she needs to learn about magic. She wouldn’t stand a chance out in the wild! And, Luna’s stomach sunk at the thought, it would make Woona think she, Luna, didn’t love her anymore. All of these thoughts were too much for Luna, and in an instant, the emotional barriers inside Luna were broken, as she dropped her head into her hands, and started to cry soft tears. Luna hadn’t sobbed like this since her mother died. She had always been so good at trying to look on the bright side of every situation, like her mother had taught her, and yet here she was; feeling more helpless than ever before.

“Good evening, Miss Lovegood.”

Luna shot up almost immediately at the greeting. Whipping her head around, she saw, standing in a patch of moonlight behind her, was Professor Dumbledore! Luna didn’t even hear him enter, but then again, she was too deep in thought and tears to notice. Realizing her eyes were still wet, Luna hastily wiped them on her arm and sat up.

“P-Professor,” Luna croaked. “W-what are you doing here?”

“Oh,” Dumbledore sighed, walking closer to the bed, “I was just leaving the grounds for some… personal business, when I heard from the portrait of Armando Dippet about what happened at Professor Slughorn’s party. Of course, Professor Dippet heard it from a group of monks whom he was conversing with, who heard it from the Fat Friar, who heard it from Nearly Headless Nick, who heard it from a suit of armor on the sixth floor by Slughorn’s office.” Professor Dumbledore chuckled slightly as he conjured a chair with his wand and sat beside Luna. “As always, news travels at Firebolt speed around the castle.” Luna gave a weak smile as a response and turned back to Woona, still sound asleep.

“I can see you are not to be quickly distracted,” Dumbledore sighed again as he too looked at the slumbering alicorn. “Quite an appropriate response. I’d say it’s a mother’s duty to be first and foremost concerned about the wellbeing of their child.” After a few moments of silence, Luna finally spoke.

“So, you know what all happened then?”

“Indeed I do,” Dumbledore nodded solemnly.

“Then you must know why I’m so worried,” Luna asked, finally turning to look at the headmaster.

“Yes, I do,” he replied. “I would say that a magical outburst such as that would alarm any stable-minded person.”

Luna turned back to Woona and wiped some stray tears from her cheeks. “Do you have any idea of what it was?” she mumbled. Dumbledore didn’t answer at first, but stroked his beard, humming slightly in thought. Luna didn’t turn to look this time. It almost felt like if she took her eyes off of Woona, then something terrible would happen.

“Well,” Dumbledore finally said, “Keep in mind that my knowledge on alicorns is not as vast as others may be, and this is just an old man’s guess, but I would say that Woona, being an alicorn, has a hidden vault of magical power deep inside of her. And while she had been, for the most part, happy during her time here, that power lay dormant, almost waiting for the surge of energy that could release it from its confines.” He paused for a moment, finally making Luna look at him. “And this is just another guess, but at some point tonight, Woona felt a great surge of rage and/or sorrow that she hadn’t felt before, and that was enough to unlock the hidden power inside of her. From what was described to me, she had changed form, correct?”

Luna nodded. “Her fur changed to black, her pupils became slits, and her mane turned almost ethereal and wavy. And when she spoke,” Luna shuddered at the memory, “her voice was booming and deeper than before. It sounded like she was possessed.”

Dumbledore nodded again. “Yes, that’s what I was told. And while in that state, she was filled with adrenaline, and could even levitate a whole person. It was only after she calmed down that the power drained away, and possibly tired her out greatly with how deeply she’s sleeping now.”

“So,” Luna choked as a horrible thought came to her, “are you saying that Woona was taken over by this…dormant power?”

“It would seem so,” Dumbledore said. Luna could feel the knot return in her stomach. Her first instinct was to start crying again, but something about knowing that Dumbledore was right next to her made Luna want to look as calm as possible. Dumbledore must’ve sensed how Luna was feeling, for after he had said this, he placed a soft hand on Luna’s shoulder and added, “but this does not make Woona a threat by any means.”

Startled at how well Dumbledore had read her thoughts, Luna finally turned back to look at the headmaster. “But Professor,” she squeaked, “what if it happens again? I don’t know if the rest of the school would share that sentiment! And what if it happens during a class? What if she hurts someone? How can I-” Luna could feel the tears starting to break through her defenses, so she abruptly turned away, choking back a sob as she did so.

“Miss Lovegood,” Dumbledore said in a comforting tone, “do not think for a minute that Woona is a danger to anyone. This power was just due to an outburst of emotion. Yes, it was scary for many and seemed dangerous, but it can be used for good.” At this, Luna’s face froze in between her fighting sobs as her eyes fell upon the sleeping alicorn once again, Dumbledore’s words echoing in her mind.

“Any power, whether magical or not, has the potential to be used for good or evil,” Dumbledore continued, “depending on how it is molded and trained. In that matter, I wouldn’t feel worried at all.” When Luna looked back at Dumbledore again, he was staring right in her eyes, and his expression was soft and caring. “I have seen you mold this young one to have a kind, caring, gentle spirit, such as yourself, Miss Lovegood. And as she grows physically, mentally, and intellectually, she is going to develop more of her hidden, alicorn power, as shown tonight.” Luna sighed heavily as her brow furrowed. She had always thought that Woona would develop her powers, but she never thought that they would be so…sinister-looking. The image of Nightmare Woona penetrated Luna’s mind again, and the horrible worries took over. Once again, Dumbledore must’ve been reading her thoughts, for he continued with, “But her losing control does not mean she is turning evil. It means she is growing up.” He then turned his gaze back to Woona, still sound asleep, and Luna, momentarily blocking out her worries, followed. Looking at her daughter, Luna did notice that Woona’s features were more mature. Still young, yes, but more mature. Luna hadn’t really thought about Woona growing up, but seeing her now made her think how time had really flown.

“Yes,” Dumbledore resumed, “I have a feeling that little Woona is going to play a part in the events to come,” he turned back to Luna once again, gaining her attention, “and she’s going to need you more than ever. Let her grow, evolve her abilities, and help her to control them. There may be stumbling along the way, but the best we can do when we stumble is to pick ourselves up, learn from the experience, and continue on, so be there to help her up in her younger years, Miss Lovegood.” Luna looked down at her hands resting on her lap. Slowly, as Dumbledore spoke, she could feel her mind clearing of the worrisome thoughts. When she glanced at him again, Dumbledore was smiling sweetly, which made Luna feel even better. “Keep her on the path that you have set for her. If you keep being the same teacher, friend, and mother that you have been, then I am confident that Woona’s future will be bright.”

At that moment, Luna’s mind filled with a new image. Before, she had only been able to see Nightmare Woona replaying over and over. Now, however, Dumbledore’s words of encouragement have caused that image to fade away, to be replaced by a different Woona. A Woona that was older, wiser, more powerful, and had a confident glow that shone like the sun. She had unlocked her hidden potential, and learned to control it. And most importantly, she was standing beside her, Luna, and she was happy. Luna suddenly felt more tears fill her eyes, but these were tears of joy, and of hope. Dumbledore was right; she couldn’t give into those doubts from before. Woona needed her to be optimistic; to lead her in the right direction. Woona was growing more and more, and it was this time of growth where she would need the guidance of her mother now more than ever.

Wiping her eyes, Luna looked back at Dumbledore with a grateful smile. “Thank you, Professor.”

“You’re quite welcome,” Dumbledore smiled back before finally standing up. “Now, I hate to leave so quickly, but I have urgent business outside of school over the holidays and must set off as soon as possible.” Luna watched as Dumbledore headed toward the hospital doors, still smiling. Right before disappearing behind the doorway, he turned around and waved, “Goodbye, Miss Lovegood. And please tell Woona I said, ‘Happy Christmas.’”

“I will,” Luna replied softly. “Goodbye, Professor, and Happy Christmas.” With one final smile, Dumbledore quietly closed the doors, leaving Luna alone with Woona once more.

Sitting there in the renewed silence of the hospital wing, Luna sighed again. But this time, it was a relief that hadn’t been there before. The fearful chill that she was feeling before Dumbledore’s visit was long gone, and instead, Luna felt a warmth that spread throughout her body like sunshine. Looking at the sleeping filly again, Luna’s smile widened. Silently, she moved her chair closer to the bedside and stroked Woona’s mane lovingly, which made the child hum to the touch. Yes, Luna thought, there are going to be trying times coming with Woona. But I will be here to guide you as best as I can. A new feeling then started to overtake Luna; sleepiness. Luna chuckled, realizing that she had been up for a while. Leaning down closer to Woona, she planted a soft kiss on her forehead, whispered, “I love you, Woona,” and leaned back in her chair as her eyelids finally gave way, and she drifted off to a nightmare-free sleep.


Luna’s eyes slid open. The first thing she saw was the morning sun peeking through the windows, filling the room with light. The second thing she saw was a little, blue figure sitting up in bed, rubbing her eyes sleepily, and looking directly at her. Luna rubbed her own eyes and smiled at her daughter.

“Hello, Woona,” she said with a slight yawn. “How are you feeling?”

“Ok,” Woona responded. She sounded hesitant, as if afraid of giving any other answer. Luna could tell she could still remember what had happened the previous night. Woona raised her bandaged hoof, the one that was cut and mended, and looked at Luna with a worried expression. Am…am I still me?” Luna wasted no time in reaching over and scooping up the little alicorn in a loving hug. Woona let out her own sigh of relief, relishing in her mother’s touch, and buried herself into Luna’s chest.

“Yes, dear,” Luna sniffed. “You’re still you. And don’t you worry about the future. I’ll always be here for you. I promise!” And she meant it too. Luna was going to do whatever she could to be there during Woona’s next stage of her life, and help her every step of the way.

“Thanks, mama,” Woona whispered, and Luna could tell that the nightmare had been put behind her. For now at least.

“Now,” Luna said cheerfully, breaking the hug, “how about we get back to the dormitory? We’re going back to my house for Christmas tomorrow morning, and I still have some packing to do.”

“Yay!” Woona cheered. “It’s gonna be the bestest Christmas ever!” Luna’s smile widened as she scooped her daughter into her arms and started towards the double doors.

“I think so too,” Luna agreed. And as the mother/daughter duo crossed the threshold and down the stairs to the Ravenclaw Tower hallway, Woona suddenly tugged on Luna’s collar.


“Yes?” Luna asked.

“What’s Christmas?”

All Luna could do was giggle as she replied, “Oh you’ll see, Woona. You’ll see.”

Comments ( 10 )

Is this based on book canon or movie canon? I doubt it matters, but I'm curious.

I can't not hate Dumbassdore

I was going more for the book canon, but putting some movie elements in there.

Merry:pinkiehappy: Christmas!

Thanks for they early present, merry Xmas!

So this limitation is limited to Wizards and Witches?

I can't get over how wholesome this story is.
when's the next chapter coming

Honest answer? When I have time to work on it.

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