• Published 6th Sep 2016
  • 1,681 Views, 10 Comments

Fluttershy Builds An Ark - Doctor Disco

After the events of "Discord Goes On Vacation", everypony returns to their normal lives. That is, until Fluttershy is charged with saving Ponyville from a flood by building an Ark!

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“Hm hm hm hm hmmm!” Fluttershy hummed as she watered her garden. “Hm hm hm hm hmm!” It was a tune that played often before something big or related to them happened. She didn’t know where it came from, or why it played, but she liked it all the same.

The first time she heard it, she remembered feeling it was such a good tune that she began to hum it occasionally. Putting her hoof to it, she must’ve heard it the first time when the whole Nightmare Moon fiasco happened. Shrugging it away as a mere coincidence, she kept humming and watering until it was time to feed her animals.

“Angel?” Fluttershy called out as she began to put away her watering can. Knowing Angel had gone out of the house, she began to call out to the rest of her furry friends. “Harry? Elizabeak?” Receiving no answer, she frowned slightly. Where were they?

“Fuzzy legs? Mr. Mousy? Where-?” Fluttershy kept calling until she heard the faint sound of music in the air. Looking around for the source of the music, she saw some animals heading near the edge of the Everfree. Fluttershy gulped. Before proceeding forward, and what she saw surprised her.

“Discord?” Fluttershy whispered, watching as he played a pan and attracted the woodland creatures towards him. Even timberwolves cherished his music.

“Why hello, Fluttershy. How are things?” Discord smiled. Fluttershy deadpanned and Discord knew why. “Still not over the chaos Rainbow caused in Ponyville, I see.”

“No thanks to you giving her your powers,” Fluttershy sassed. Discord put a paw over his heart and looked offended.

“That doesn’t mean I caused all that chaos. Your friend Rainbow needs to learn how to control chaos magic better.” Discord poofed his get up (which was a pair of satyr legs) away and threw his pan to the side. “But that’s not why I’m here.”

“Oh? Why then, might I ask, are you here?” Fluttershy crossed her forelegs as she hovered.

“To tell you to build a ark!”

Fluttershy didn’t know how to respond to that. “An ark?

“Yes, because it’s going to be raining; cats, and dogs, and Ponyville is going to be flooded.”

“It’s going to rain so much it’s gonna flood Ponyville?!” Fluttershy gasped.

“That’s what I said, isn’t it? Although I’m sure you didn’t see that semicolon there.” Discord winked.

“What?” Fluttershy asked, but Discord only smiled. Snapping his fingers, Fluttershy felt a tingle go through her body and heard the sound of wood clattering.

“Chop chop! Time’s-a-wasting! Remember to get at least two of each animal on board!” Discord began to walk off and chuckled. “You’ll be just like Noah from the Holy Fable!” And with that, Discord vanished.

“Discord? Discord!” Fluttershy cried out, but it was no use.

“So he just up and left after warning you?” Twilight asked, her mane frazzled.

“I don’t know why he told me… All he said was that it would be raining cats and dogs and that Ponyville would flood.”

“Weird,” Rainbow said.

“Does that mean we get to build a big ship?!” Pinkie shouted. She then jumped into the air and moved her arms to the side in an imaginary canoe and spun in the air.

“Pinkie, don’t be ridiculous,” Rarity said. (“Aw, but I’m so good at it!” Pinkie deflated as she dropped to the ground) “Obviously Discord is trying to cause chaos again.”

“But what if what he said was true?” Applejack reasoned. “What if Ponyville’s gonna flood and Flutters is the only one who can save everypony?”

“Well, I know for a fact that’s not gonna happen,” Rainbow stated, “The weather has been scheduled to be clear skies for the whole day so it’s impossible for it to begin-” a flash of lightning interrupted her as the sky darkened, “-raining.”

“Ya spoke too soon, Dash. Looks like ya still got some chaos left in ya.” Applejack snarked. They then all turned to Fluttershy only to be disappointed by an empty spot. They could see Fluttershy’s tail disappear around the edge of the Everfree, and they all looked at each other.

“You girls thinking what I’m thinking?” Twilight said. They all nodded. “Okay, Elements! Assemble!” And they all rushed to Fluttershy’s Cottage.

Once there, they were utterly shocked to see a quarter of the ark already finished. All forms of fauna were helping build the ark as fast as they could before it could begin to rain. Wondering where Fluttershy could be, they looked around to see a mare with a red robe and a staff. She looked aged and weathered, but they all knew who she was.

“Fluttershy?!” they cried in unison. The mare turned around, and it was indeed Fluttershy. Her mane was sporting gray hair, and she now had a beard adorn her face.

“Girls! This ark must be set up or thus saith Discord, ‘the end will come!’” Fluttershy shouted dramatically. For a moment, the Mane 5 didn’t know how to react.

“Verily, I say, get your plots moving!” Fluttershy commanded, and they jumped into action. In less than no time at all, the ark was finished and they all wiped a hoof on their forehead.

“Thus saith Flutter-Noah, this ark is fit for the inhabitance of the fauna!” Fluttershy declared. “Alas! My furry friends, I beseech thee that thou enterest the ark at this time forthwith! Lest thou shalt all face thine impending doom!” Nopony, not even some of you readers knew what Fluttershy had just said, except for Twilight and a few of you out there.

“What did she just say, Twilight?” Applejack asked.

“She said ‘My furry friends, I ask you to go inside the boat right now without delay, or else you will be destroyed!’.”

“Well that’s certainly not foreboding,” Rarity remarked.

Just then, it began to rain…

Literal cats and dogs.

And of course actual rain, but that’s besides the point.

“Gah!” Rainbow shouted as she dodged a screeching cat that went ‘MreeerouOWWWW!’

“Rainbow, call everyone in Ponyville to get inside the ark! Quick!” Twilight shouted as dogs and cats alike plummeted to the ground. What they all were glad to note, however, was that they all poomfed out of existence when they hit the ground, so there was no remains whatsoever of any actual cats and dogs. However, it hurt like hell to be hit by one.

Soon enough, it began to pour hard. As if by chance, Rainbow came back just in time with all of Ponyville in tow. They soon all made their way into the ark and soon it was just the Mane Six left standing in the hazardous rainfall.

“Verily, this ark shalt save the citizens of Ponyville. Let us now make ways to it, lest we shall be smitten to the ground!” Flutter-Noah remarked, and Twilight nodded, relaying the message back to the rest of the gang in simple english. They then made their way into the ark, and went to the to the top deck and waited.


They heard the water come, and felt the impact of the flashflood lift them up, causing all of them to topple over.

“Thus saith Flutter-Noah, the apocalypse-” Fluttershy paused for dramatic effect and squinted her eyes as water splashed around, “-is come.”

“Fluttershy, that was the best show of overly dramatic dramaticism ever!” Pinkie shouted as she laughed toppling into other ponies.

“Flutter-Noah is pleased by the comment of the Fourth Wall Breaker! Now, brace thineselves!”

Twilight relayed the message, and everypony grabbed onto something. They then crashed into Ponyville and watched as the flood destroyed their homes and shops. Twilight then realized they were headed straight for the Friendship Castle, and frantically realized something.

“Fluttershy! We’re gonna crash into my castle!” Twilight shouted, panicked.

“Verily, I say unto you, Twilight; Flutter-Noah saith, thus is the will of the water!” Fluttershy roared as she finished, having begun in a soft tone. And with that, the ark crashed into the Friendship Castle and straight into the guest bedrooms where both Princesses of Equestria startled awake.

“Thus saith Flutter-Noah…” Fluttershy began as the water finally receded and all that was left was a ship half stuck halfway up the Friendship Castle, “...Sorry.”

The rest of the Mane Six stood shocked at having barged in on the Princesses sleeping, and at all the destruction the flood had caused only for it to dissipate in a matter of seconds.

This whole time, Pinkie had been shaking vigorously, and now finally stopped.

“Boy, that sure was a doozy!”

Author's Note:

I loved writing this!

Comment on what ya think! This isn't as random as the last one, but it's certainly an awesome addition!

I hope you had fun reading it!

Comments ( 10 )

A doozy indeed, Pinkie! Bringing me back to my childhood while rolling on the ground with laughter! A perfect combination!:yay:

I'm so very glad you enjoyed it!
(Evan Almighty FTW)

Elements! Assemble!

Neeeeerd. :derpytongue2:

I hope you had fun reading it!

More than with the last one. Random is good, but random that comes together into a proper joke is better.

7542189 Bruh. I knew it was coming :rainbowlaugh:

Totally saw that coming. Not a bad sequel. And by the way...

"Although I’m sure you didn’t see that semicolon there."

I did see that semicolon before this line, and wondered what the hell it was doing there. Should've figured it was gonna be Discord causing chaos in the realm of the English language. :ajbemused:

“To tell you to build a ark!”
Fluttershy didn’t know how to respond to that. “An ark?”

your grammar thoroughly confuses me. you fixed your own mistake literally the next line over
I enjoyed it! Seemed a little unnecessary but hey
It's free

I honestly enjoyed this one more than the last one. Not that it was bad, but htis was a bit more coherent and I feel like it was a bit wittier overall.

Twas a good read, thou shalt receive an upvote.


That is all.

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