• Published 6th Sep 2016
  • 15,265 Views, 107 Comments

Harshly Handled - dracedomino

Rainbow Dash might fail and get held back a year, and the only way she can pass might take more than she's willing to give. She's about to find out that Mrs. Harshwhinny lives up to her name in more ways than one.

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Comments ( 63 )

This story just really gotten more darker and really hope that things turn around for Rainbow.

You are by far my favorite fetish fuel writer.

Something about Ms. Harshwhinny reminds me of Negan in this depiction of her. Just would have to substitute a barbwire-bat with Harshwhinny's cock,
Good update.

Holy shit that was hot, hope Rainbow get little better treatment in the future. Good pets do deserve rewards.

So uh... when will the next one be out? 'Cause this is good.

calling it now, next chapter is gonna have Harshwhinny banging AJ


The difference is Negan has the Saviors to back him up. Who does Harshwhinny have? No one. All it would take was RD being honest and telling her friends, who would be there no matter what, and apologizing to AJ. They may never get back together, but they can still be friends.

Plus, there's the fact that maybe Harshwhinny was right about AJ finding out about Dash's pregnancy. People act rash when shocked and/or enraged.

Well-written and enjoyable for sure, and the unpleasantness is obviously the whole point, but...

What, exactly, did Rainbow have to lose by telling the truth? What could Harshwhinny possibly have done to retaliate that's worse than what actually happened?

Hell, what could Harshwhinny have done at all? Rainbow is literally carrying the evidence of her malfeasance.


The point of a story like this, as much as I hate the cheating element, is that what she has to lose is being treated like this. Part of her, a part we as the audience see as a very powerful part once it's being indulged, wants nothing more than to have this exact treatment, wants to be IN this situation. Overrides sense, overrides any other emotion.

That's pretty much how cheating/cuckolding/mind break stories go. The slut inside takes over and the person they were before is just dazed, confused, and along for the ride. Be thankful it's just a cheating story and not necessarily a cuckolding story, which it actually might turn into if AJ winds up as Harshwhinny's as well.

7723657 Thanks for the info. That's actually interesting, and also it's easier to enjoy this sort of thing once I know where suspension of disbelief needs to fit in.

...Still not exactly easy, but this isn't the first time I've been seriously disturbed by what I found myself enjoying, and I can't imagine it'll be the last.

7723657 Thank you for detailing it. :) These sort of stories definitely aren't for everyone, especially when you get into cheating and mindbreak stuff. That's why I firmly believe in full transparency about the sort of kinks that are in a story; I don't want people to feel like they were tricked into reading something that isn't within their own interests.

This is definitely among the ranks of some of the hardest kink work I've done, and people seem pretty split on it. Which I can totally understand; it's not for everyone.

7724419 Suspension of disbelief is useful for any porn related media. :) Even the classiest adult movie or erotic novel still doesn't approach sex in a realistic way.

Don't worry about being disturbed about what you find exciting; not only can we not control what gets us excited but that tide changes a lot from year to year. The stuff I'm into now isn't even close to the stuff I liked when I was younger. (Except glasses. Sexy sexy nerdy nerds.)

7726550 Well yeah, I know no porn is realistic*, but there are varying degrees of unrealism. I mean, there's "normal people don't have sex like that" and then there's "mind control musk." (Although I already knew I liked mind control.)

So yeah, thanks for writing this. I'm not entirely pleased with myself for liking it, but I do like it. (But then, I suspect that what bothers me is less the actual kinks and more it happening to characters I already like, anyway.)

*(To the extent there's an exception out there, it's probably not porn so much as a teaching tool)

Yeah, sorry... too dark for me. Not the slut breaking, pregnancy or even the cheating... but how he lost her lover, friends and family. Believe it or not, that was the bonner killer. AJ breaking up with her was a given (either that or she becoming another slut herself), but her friends abandoning her and being kicked out of home? Yeah...

Not going into "out of character" because it is somewhat believable, actually. The family and her not telling, that is. Now, I severely doubt the girls would disown her for getting pregnant and not telling who's the father. Well, needs of the story and such. But hell if sunset couldn't connect the dots, with how much RD spent in detention.

Couldn't finish reading this chapter, the begging killed it for me. Does it get better? Does some of the truth come out or anything like it? If so, I think I could hold on until then... Else I'm keeping with EBFiTS and other of your stories, but skipping this one. Sorry, too sad for me :fluttercry:

7726740 It's still an ongoing commission, so I don't really know yet if it'll get better or not. (Though if I had to guess, I'd imagine it'll get better for Harshwhinny, not necessarily for Dash.)

But hey, it's not for everyone. :) And that's why I have so many other stories!

My gosh this is some story. It got so dark and grim in such a fast moment. But hey, That just makes it all the more intersting and exciting to read!

I am very intruiged in the plans you have in mind for the next few chapters ahead, :D

Update? :trollestia:

rainbow dash wouldn't break down this easily

*edit* this is stupid, rainbow could have just said no or gone and told someone what was happening

7800652 and the pizza guy would never have time to have sex with the woman before the pizzas he was supposed to deliver went cold. Porn has it's own logic, and it rarely realistic.

How old is RD in this?

7918933 All my Equestria Girls stories are written with the girls at 18, minimum.

Is this still being worked on?

7958086 Potentially. It's a commission and the client has the opportunity to keep it going.

Normally I avoid fics like this, but when searching up single words and tagging them with "Rainbow Dash" to see what comes up, this came up and I felt intrigued enough to skim through what's there.

Needless to say, I won't be tracking it.
Not just because it has none of my kinks, but because I like both versions of RD to the point where seeing her EQG self get treated this way just doesn't sit right with me.
That second thing is also why I feel the need to downvote it, at least at this time.

There IS one thing I'd like to see happen, though:
RD somehow turning things around and making Harshwinny's life a living hell.
If that were to happen, there is a good chance that downvote would turn into an upvote.


So you were sure that story isn't to your likes, skimmed it, and then disliked it? :rainbowhuh: My personal opinion is that, if the fetishes here are not to your liking you should simply look for another story. Downvoting a story because of a fetish you don't like is pretty much harming the like-dislike system in my opinion. I mean, if people see a rape story and dislike it because of that topic it decreases the like-dislike ratio without having anything to do with the quality of the story. This can make it harder for people who are actually interested in rough stuff to assess the quality of a fic by looking at the like-dislike ratio. Additionally I don't think you should say things like you will take your downvote when a major part of the story turns around in the end. I mean, a story goes in a specific direction, just to say to an author, 'I want your story to be less extreme. Either you do that, or I will keep the downvote.' seems not that nice, even if you didn't mean for it to sound like a demand, it just was giving off the wrong vibe I think.

But I best also give my own opinion of the story now. It is extreme in a rather alluring sense. So, I think this is quite the neat rape story right there! :yay:


I gotta agree with TheOneWithout. your mis using the voting system :v its one thing to dislike a poorly written story. this ones written well and speaks to a specific fetish set. its of a decent quality and your ignoreing that cause "you dont like the fetishes" and the way a character is treated. I mean shit your opinions your opinion but trying to influence the writer by saying. "ya im downvoting this unless you change it" is a dick move to say the least.


New chapter was just recently commissioned, so yep!

Dark here and there, can get very lewd, the dialog is pretty good, though maybe a bit too dark. Perhaps the later chapters will resolve some of the issues, perhaps her parents were in on this the whole time and knew that while Dash is good at sports, her other grades had them lacking in faith as well as a few other things. As for AJ, no doubt that she's gonna get dragged into the same mess as RD, though maybe Ms. Harshwhinny's lustful power gets the better of her and soon gives someone else a special bargaining chip that she/he can use to have her make things slowly better for her 'pets', well...unless the blackmailer screws up somehow and ends up getting roped into the whole mess with the other two and as for punishment, she and the others suffer some special force feeding treatments, each meal covered in cum and bred hard till they all moan out in lustful bliss, leaving the dominant teacher an almost assured victory, until... principle sisters arrive and fix...almost everything.~ Make some changes here and there, Dash gets to live in a normal house again, AJ and her have their issues worked out and get to date again, the Blackmailer and Harshwinny... depends really, though in reality, all four are still being pets... just for two new masters.~

Comment posted by Bijou deleted May 16th, 2018

Fuck yeah, I cannot wait for more

Good fap material, but it takes plenty of liberties with... reality. Not the futa cock. Not the HORSE futa cock. Not the horse futa cock that can somehow produce a liter or so of fluid on demand. Nothing like that, those are the good parts. The only thing that bothers me are the circumstances of the second chapter. Let's review:

-Underage girl/barely 18 girl (whatever; high school student, point being) becomes pregnant
-When she refuses to tell her parents who the "father" is (no-doubt looking incredibly uncomfortable because she's discussing her session with her teacher), neither her mother or father suspects that their daughter might have been raped
-On top of that, they KICK HER OUT.
-Her former girlfriend, Applejack, takes no pity on her for now being homeless and pregnant
-Finally, she starts going home with a FACULTY MEMBER who cannot have a stellar reputation if she oh-so casually rapes a student
-Going by your other stories, several faculty members have members (hue), implying that futas are common enough that several of them can work in the same building at the same time and are socially accepted enough that they're not treated any differently (from what I've seen, anyway)
-Not a single person finds this suspicious
I mean seriously, you can't tell me Rainbow didn't look uncomfortable or ashamed or was CRYING or anything like that when she discussed the time she got raped. There's no way her parents wouldn't suspect rape, or that her girlfriend wouldn't give her lover the benefit of the doubt. Fuck me, Applejack would have at least approached Rainbow Dash after it was discovered that her parents kicked her out for being pregnant and asked "so seriously, what the fuck is going on?" C'mon. If your girlfriend shows up one day pregnant, kicked out of her house for BEING pregnant, and starts going home with a teacher in a place that has hired several dick-girls, and she looks MISERABLE on top of all that, how do you not think "maybe something is going on."?

But that's just me trying to apply rationality to an incredibly hot porn story about a girl who gets turned into a cock-sucking, ball-licking, asshole-worshiping, mind-broken pregnant slave to her teacher. It's pretty pointless to get upset that my fantasy porn doesn't perfectly align with how reality would work, right? You get an upvote for this thing, and I hope you come back to it again someday.

True. I've disliked the characters of Ms Harshvoice ever since reading Bloom Filter, and this simply reinforced my hatred of her. I do have a Dreadnought with Drop Pod ready, just in case...

I see your box-naught 'n a pod, and will raise you Melta-Bombs.

Such mere baubles will have no effect against the Emperor's Wrath!

Your Corpse Emperor sits interned on a golden super toilet. What wrath does a he have, but to watch an Emperium die?

Heresy! The Emperor's will keeps the darkness at bay! His mighty armies crush all who stand against Him! The God-Machines destroy all that would would threaten Man!

Your Emperium rots, and decays every hour bits and pieces of his flesh fall from bone, closer and ever closer to Father Nurge's embrace.
We've lost few of the ancient War-Engines since the dark days. Your flashlights and chanting toilet seats can't even get rid of trans-galactic cockroaches.

Fool! With Guilliman returned, and the Primaris Space Marines, the Imperium endures, and will drive you back to whence you came!

Primaris Marines
They'll turn, they'll all turn on you, They're as stable as Angron's... okay bad example, point being there's nothing about them that will hold the Emperium together with the sole exception of blind obedience. Ignorant of the decay present in front of you.

If ignorance be the way of survival, so be it.

I have no fucking clue what's going on in the comments.

Don't worry about it :twilightsheepish:. It's friendly banter involving Warhammer 30/40K fandoms :rainbowdetermined2:. It just happens to be in this comment section.

so i love this story but i gotta ask: will this ever be updated?

It was part of a commission, and the original client hasn't requested a new chapter yet. So I don't think so, at least not anytime soon. Sorry!

Even though this story hasn't been updated in a while (and probably won't be), I did come across this one again when doing more searching.

And, in hindsight, my first comment was definitely crossing a line.

My emotions were running high from the idea that things would never get better for Dash.

For the kind of fic it is, it's kind of well written,, but I still won't go back to it for that very same reason.


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