• Published 16th Sep 2017
  • 2,975 Views, 10 Comments

"Do you like my new mane, Spikey Wikey?" - LtMajorDude

[Spoilers for Season 7 Episode 19] Spike helps out Rarity and engages in a pleasant conversation with her. He also notices something different about the fashionista.

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"Do you like my new mane, Spikey Wikey?"

"Hmm, this looks fabulous even without the pink veil."

After a busy day helping other ponies with the aid of her new appearance, she thought of no better idea than to spend the rest of the day doing what she loves: her humble dress business. She smiled elegantly upon the mirror stood before her. Her new, punk-inspired mane remained intact yet she decided to change her attire. After all, she wanted to see if her new mane matched any other set of clothes. She spin around in her pink dress as she stared at the mirror.

"Oh my," she almost squealed as she giggled at the mirror. "This mane style fits with almost everything! I should wear this more often whenever the opportunity opens up."

She stared closely at the mirror, looking more into the haircut with a deep stare full of observation. "Hmm, could do without those three purple dots near the ears, but nevertheless, just a pet peeve of mine."

With the minutes flying by, she quietly put on her purple vest and purple bracelets she had worn beforehand. She turned and saw a small pile of clothes next to the sewing machine. Upon seeing the clothes and the unfinished state they were in, Rarity frowned a bit. She had almost forgot about the final sewing for each of the unfinished dresses so far. She turned to the closet and saw that there were still many clothes to try on with her new mane. As much as she enjoyed seeing how her beautiful mane looks with each of her own clothes, she was still a businesspony and knew that her work came first.

Her thoughts were put on hold when she heard the sound of light knocking. She wondered who was knocking at this moment and for that matter, why they needed to knock. After all, the Carousel Boutique was a business open to all ponies alike. Her puzzled thoughts were fortunately answered when she heard a familiar voice behind the door.

"Rarity? You there? It's me, Spike."

Outside the establishment was the young drake himself, standing at the doorway politely. His vision was impeded by the stack of books he held in his claws. The books did not weigh that much so he personally did not mind carrying that many books. As he waited, he bit his lips as his mind crossed about Rarity. Last time he saw her, she was still moping and super depressed about her new mane. Oh, how he had hoped that she did not cancel her photo shoot. He knew how much it meant to her.

The door opened with the help of Rarity's magic as her voice called out to the dragon. "Come in, Spike!"

Spike entered the shop, mildly confused by Rarity's tone. She sounded a bit happy, which was uncharacteristic to Spike, considering how unfortunate her mane was at the moment.

"Hey Rarity." He said with a small chirp in his tone. "Just came over to give you those fashion books you requested a while ago. I also came to check up on you."

"How kind of you, Spike." Rarity replied as Spike placed the books on a nearby table. "But you don't need to worry about me."

Spike wondered what she meant by that before he turned to look at Rarity. Before he could say a word, he finally saw Rarity's new look for the first time. She stood there with the purple vest on her body along with a purple bracelet on her left foreleg. The main attraction was her newly styled mane that consisted of purple, green, and yellow colors, all done up in a punk-like hair shape. In a way, it reminded him of that particular haircut Twilight had back when they visited the spa a year ago. He saw that she almost looked like a different pony, no longer the well-mannered lady. Yet, despite looking like a rock 'n roll pony, he still felt like he was in Rarity's unchanged presence.

Spike continued to stare at the young mare. Surprisingly enough, it was not like the usual stares he had given her. Stares that were identified with a big goofy smile and hearts that slowly bubbled up in the air as he fiddled around with his fingers. Those stares were expressed whenever Rarity tried on a new dress. This stare was different. His face expression remained neutral as stood there. No hearts nor any noticeable expressions in his place. It was like if Spike was staring at another pony like it was nothing.

After a short period of silent staring, he finally spoke up. "You're okay?"

Rarity giggled, seemingly oblivious to his staring. "Why yes I am, darling. I am just trying on some clothes before I go to my work. Thank you for the books. I will need them when the opportunity comes."

"No problem Rares." Spike replied with a thumbs up. "Always a treat to help out."

His lizard eyes glanced at the sewing machine where the pile of dresses sat there. He was no fashion expert, but being around a fashionista gave him some knowledge and he knew those dresses needed some work. "Well," he added as placed his hands behind his back. "Yup, always a treat. And I have nothing to do for the rest of the day. And since I'm here..."

"...You need any help or something for me to do? It won't be a problem. Really."

Rarity blinked in surprise. What a coincidence! She was about to do some work while the regret of not sampling dresses stung her, when all of a sudden, opportunity showed itself in the form of a baby dragon. But on the other hand...

"Oh! How kind of you, Spike." She said in a sweet tone before he smile faded away a bit. "But you do not have to. I'm sure you want to spend the day doing something else other than work. I mean, I do not have much work to be done anyway. Um, besides some dresses that need to be properly sewn, but it is no hassle for me, so thank you for the offer!"

Much to her slight joy but dismay as well, Spike was walking towards the sewing machine. "Well, sewing dresses isn't a big deal, but like I said, nothing better to do. And helping you out sounds better than just reading comics and drinking soda!"

Rarity frowned a bit as Spike was close to the sewing machine. "C'mon Rarity, you know I'm not gonna take no for an answer."

Once again, she wanted to reply that he did not have to work for her, but she noticed the kind and friendly smile on his face. She mentally winced at the admirable fact that he was willing to help without any hesitation. Knowing that arguing is futile at this moment, she finally caved in. "Oh alright. Just sew those dresses and that's it!"

Spike nodded in response as he sat on the stool and began the sewing. He was not a sewing expert but he was still pretty good when he is given a sewing machine. Rarity watched him sew the dresses without any hassle nor issue. She could tell that he enjoyed it, though not as much as being a helping hoof towards other. He was indeed a gentledrake.

Rarity warmly smiled at him as she trotted to the drake. As soon as she was close, Spike turned around towards her. Looking at her from a medium distance was one thing but being a bit closer than before was entirely another thing. He finally got a nice and detailed close up of Rarity's lovely appearance. Best of all, he could see her joy and happiness, which further enhanced the view. Yet, his expression remained happy over the fact that he was being a terrific help.

She gently patted his green spikes on his head. "Thank you so much, Spike. I do not know what I'll do without your help!"

Spike flashed a toothy grin at Rarity. "You're welcome. What are friends for? You can go back to putting on clothes. This sewing thing will be a piece of cake!"

Smiling warmly at his determination, Rarity walked to the wardrobe where her other clothes are located. She felt happy that she could finally see how much better her clothes are with the aid of her new mane. She was afraid she would not be able to test them out before her original mane grew back.

A few minutes has passed by as the two continued to work. Spike had already completed two dresses without any trouble. Occasionally, he would stop to take a quick break from the sewing and to glance at Rarity. He was treated with Rarity trying on various dresses and clothes that made her look even more beautiful. Best of all, Spike was given a front row of this personal fashion show starring the mare he considered to be the most beautiful mare in the world. All this, and yet he watched with a calm and relaxed look on his face before he would resume his nonchalant work.

As Rarity put away her fluffy yellow dress while putting on her purple vest, she turned to Spike who was still wrapped up in his work. She knew that he was shocked to see her in an ugly position. Now he is even more surprised to see her but in the opposite position. She was fully aware of the silent stare he gave her when he arrived to lend her some books. She normally expected him to be completely enamored by her new look, yet it seemed that it was nothing.

"Spike?" She called out towards the dragon.

"Yeah?" He replied as he temporarily paused his sewing to face to mare.

Rarity smiled at his as she gently brushed her foreleg across her mane. "Do you like my new mane, Spikey Wikey?"

"It's pretty nice."

To say that Rarity was surprised by this unperturbed response was an understatement. She had expected the usual responses whenever she put on a dress of high quality. Responses like "You look super beautiful" or "You look like a masterpiece in the museum." All with a huge smile and total amazement. But this response was too mild. Even his face expression was milder than before. A simple smile was all that was on Spike's face. Perhaps this was a side effect from the sewing. There was a lot of dresses and Spike is naturally going to be affected by this. Rarity was unsure by this.

"Thank you for the concise compliment, Spike." Rarity responded, still relieved that at least Spike did not find her new look to be ugly.

She stared at the mirror, once again browsing at her own presence. "To think that I thought my mane was the only good feature about me. How I did not know that I could shine from the inside out."

Her lips turned into a frown as her eyelids lowered a bit. "Of course, I was so foolish and almost selfish to comprehend the truth." She muttered as her head looked down a bit.

Spike frowned the second he felt the sadness tone emit from Rarity. He jumped from the stool as he shot Rarity a sympathetic look on his face. "You're not selfish, Rarity. You never will be. You just made a mistake. That's it. Anypony could make a mistake."

Spike turned away just as Rarity turned to look at him. Placing a claw on his arm, he sighed as some embarrassing memories came to mind. "Look at me. Remember when Ember and Thorax both came at the same day?"

Rarity frowned as she could almost feel the shame brewing inside the young dragon. She had learn from the events of that day from Starlight Glimmer. How Spike had accidentally invited Thorax over on the day Spike showed Ember around Ponyville to learn more about the magic of friendship. Spike had completely tried to keep them separated from each other in fear of them not liking each other and starting a war between the dragons and changelings. In the end, despite some hardships, both Ember and Thorax learned from each other and became good friends, forgiving Spike for his foolishness in the process.

"I felt like I almost lost two of my friends that day." Spike continued in mild despair. "I wish I was smart enough to at least stop that mess from happening."

"Darling, it is not your fault." Rarity tried to reason. "I swear, it feels as if Twilight's over-exaggerated paranoia was rubbing on you. After all, she did help separate Ember and Thorax instead of attempting to have them become acquainted. Besides, what is important is that you all learned your lessons and still remain good friends."

Spike smiled a bit at the fact that Rarity was trying to make him feel better but the slight joy only lasted for a while. "I'm just disappointed that Thorax had all of these problems on his back. Problems that he wanted me to help him with since I'm his best friend. Yet I did nothing but always looked out if Ember was nearby."

The dragon looked down, unaware of Rarity slowly walking towards him. "He had problems with his own brother yet most of it flew above my head. Thank goodness that Starlight and Trixie helped solve that issue. I mean, I didn't even help at all."

Rarity closed her eyes as she felt a melancholy sigh escape her lips. "Spike, please stop being so negative to yourself." She gently begged with a worried frown. "Sure, you have made a mistake, but it was in good intentions. You did this since you were afraid that the dragons and changelings would start a barbaric war. You were only trying to protect your friends. There is no need to further shame yourself like this."

Spike's head lifted up before he gulped a bit, feeling some of the burden lifted from Rarity's encouraging words. "You're right." He replied, his tone less shameful from before. "I guess it was just one of those times where you feel like a dummy out of nowhere for no reason. Happens to anypony, I guess."

After a lull amongst the two had passed, Spike quietly gasped as he felt the mare of his dreams placed her foreleg around him and enlightened him into a gentle hug. His eyes were directed to the mane and the new face of the radiant Rarity, both that were close to him by a mere inch. Yet the only thing that surprised him was the sudden action that Rarity had bestowed upon him.

"You are a good dragon with the heart of an angel." She whispered in his ear as she began to nuzzle him. "Out of all the dragons in the entire world, you will always be number one to me."

With that, Spike felt some tears in his eyes before he sniffed a bit. "Thank you Rarity." He whispered back before Rarity let go of him.

Glancing back to the dresses, Spike cleared his throat before walking towards them. "Well, I should get back to work."

Rarity grinned at Spike before she trotted to the wardrobe. With her back turned to Spike, Rarity could hear the sounds of sewing from him. As she continued to stare at the dresses, she realized that she technically tried on almost all of them that looked like it would match her mane. Yet Spike still had some work to be done. Despite his repeated responses that it was not a problem to do the extra labor for Rarity, she still felt bothered by this.

"Spike," Rarity stated as she caught his attention, "You do not mind the work I give you, do you?"

"Of course not," Spike answered, spinning towards Rarity on the stool. "You know I love to help others!"

"I see," Rarity said before chuckling a bit before looking away. "It's just that I feel like I give you too much work."

She smiled sadly at Spike. "Sometimes I feel like you're more generous than I am."

Spike tilted his head. "Thanks for the compliment, Rares, but honestly? You're the most generous one here."

Rarity turned to him with interest before he continued on, "You do all these generous things for Twilight and our friends! You help out Starlight with whatever problems she has. You always treat Applejack to a trip to the spa to unwind from the farm she has to do. You always show up to Pinkie Pie's parties with a big smile on your face. Twilight and Fluttershy are so glad to have you around for those picnics you have at the park. Sweetie Belle once told me that you are the best sister in all of Equestria. I mean, it goes on and on!"

The mare smiled sweetly as he listed the acts of kindness she had done. Spike smiled determinedly at her. "That's why I help you. You do so many good things for us and never ask for anything in return. I mean, somepony as generous and heavenly as you should be rewarded. You're amazing, Rarity! Never forget that."

Rarity did not say a single word as soon as Spike was finished. As repetitive as it is, another moment of calmness was set before them. Finally, Rarity quietly walked up to Spike, a proud smile was still on his face. In just a quick second, his smile was replaced with a surprised look on his face. It looked humorous to Rarity as she grinned at his surprised face and the recent, red kiss mark on his forehead.

"You make it so hard to not find you ever so sweet." She cooed as she stared charmingly at him. "Thank you, Spikey Wikey."

Snapping out of his surprised condition, Spike responded with a bow. "Anything for you, milady~"

Five minutes later flew by quickly as if it was five seconds. Spike had finished his sewing and was preparing to return back to his home. Rarity had offered him a small payment of jewels but Spike decline, saying that he received a far superior gift: her grateful smile. Rarity was truly impressed by this gentledrake.

However, just as Spike was about to leave the Boutique, he stopped to turn to the fashionista.

"By the way, Rarity?"


Spike looked at Rarity's punk-inspired mane for a moment before smiling at Rarity. "Your mane is more than 'pretty nice.'"

Rarity's eyebrows raised up a bit. "Oh?"

"It is the perfect combination of beauty and punk. The good part of punk, okay? A combination that most ponies cannot accomplish. Yet you put them all to shame. You know why? Because you are you, Rarity."

Rarity's smile grew wide up to the point where it almost hurt her face. "Why, thank you Spikey-Poo~"

Spike winked at her before he headed for the door. "Take care, Rarity."

It was still sunny throughout the town despite spending a good amount of time in the Carousel Boutique. Seemed like Princess Celestia was being generous right now. Of course, as appreciated as it is, her generosity could not bypass Rarity's generosity, Spike believed. He was glad to have been the best help that he could be for one of the most important unicorns in his life: the lovely Rarity.

Spike looked back and saw that Rarity was no longer in his presence nor watching him at the moment. A perfect opportunity for Spike. Now that Rarity was not watching him, he could finally let out his true feelings over Rarity's new mane. A chance to express what he would have let out the second he saw the most loveliest manestyle in the entire world.

Sweetie Belle trotted towards her home while whistling the tune of her favorite song. After a day of preparing that camp for blank flanks, she had to once again thank Twilight's Friendship Journal for giving the Crusaders that idea, she was finally glad to come back to her nice home. Just lie on the bed and maybe play some of those video games Button Mash once gave her for her birthday. She couldn't help but to giggle over what a sweet pony he is to her.

She noticed Spike near the Carousel Boutique. Not surprising to see him near her home. Sweetie Belle was one hundred percent aware of his crush with her older sister. Ever since then, she was used to see him around so that he could assist Rarity all the time. She thought it was very sweet of the dragon to be her sister's knight in shining armor.

She paused and cocked her head to the sight of Spike right now. The dragon was standing there with a dumb-looking grin on his face, in addition to his reptilian tongue sticking out of his grin. His green spikes on his head seemed to appear limp and flimsy as Sweetie could see hearts bubbling from him. He even had glowing and pounding pink hearts as a replacement for his green eyes.

"Uh, hey Spike?" Sweetie Belle uncomfortably greeted. "You, uh, you okay?"

Spike slowly turned his head at the filly. His words began to sing out in a love struck tone as if cupids unleashed a heart-arrow rampage upon him.

"Your sister is beyond perfect.
Her elegance is undoubtedly select.
Her generosity is as alluring as eve.
Her beauty, angels cannot deceive."

After saying those words, Spike gently floated away like a butterfly in the ever-peaceful midst of the plains of Equestria.

"Uh, cool?"

Author's Note:

What do we have here? Another FixFic by me. Because I know how much y'all :heart: these kinds of stories...

The idea for this story popped in my head, due to the fact that Spike wasn't in here that much. Even when Rarity got that cute little makeover~

Unlike the past stories, How Do YOU Do It, Spike? and "Nothing Special, Just Avenging My Parents' Lost Honor", more time was given in writing this. I did this for two reasons: one) I still have college stuff to do. Doesn't help that a good amount of math homework and two exams were given to me at a perfect time. Ugh.

Two) I still wanted to enter that Rarity Not Garbage contest the Barcast was doing. I still remember doing that Spike Abuse contest they did, so I decided to have a good portrayal of Spike in contrast to my...entry I did for the first Barcast contest. I figured that I could have a good Spike part and put it in this Rarity entry (killing 2 birds with 1 stone), so that's how this story existed.

I really wanted to put in a Grief is the Price We Pay reference here, but I'm sure it works if I do it only once. I have full confidence this story will not have any chance of winning that contest. I just wanted to enter the Rarity contest and write a Spike Love (not Spike Abuse) story all at once.

And come on. Rarity's new punk mane style is super awesome so of course I'm going to write a fix fic where Spike reacts to this. What did you expect?

Thank you for reading my story~

Comments ( 9 )

Great job! I like her new look too

Quite astounding to churn out such a tale in such a very short period of time. You definitely have some great talent to pain such a delightful picture of what happened in today's episode in a fun, fan fiction way. Way to go!

It'd be better if you left out your feelings about losing the contest. You should really give yourself more credit. Not many could churn out a tale based on a new episode so quickly and so well. It was a nice sequence of heartwarming scenes that allowed fun development of Spike and Rarity's "Friendship". That little encounter with Sweetie Belle at the end was super adorable, too. :)

Nice to see I'm not the only one who wrote a Sparity fimfic, after watching the latest episode.

Good luck in the contest.


rarity is grabage, she's the kind of person who thinks men are just "uncivilized women that need a lady to break them down" and cares more about appearance than actual personality


I'm suprized you still like rarity after the last episode, especially considered it proved that rarity is an awful, shallow being living in a constant double standard

Love the Beauty Punk Chic.

Nice to see I wasn't the only one who had this idea of what Spike thought. /)

Okay, this was just adorable and sweet.:twilightsmile:

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