• Member Since 24th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen May 20th


I live life deliciously.


Party Favor is a party planner in Canterlot. He runs a fairly successful business and has many binders various party themes. One day a unicorn he's never seen before enters his shop and turns his world upside down. Could this be the end of Party Favor's party planning days or will his new friends be able to help him out of this most unusual situation?

A version of this was in the writeoff *Princess Not Included. Previously titled The Princess Party.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 18 )

Party jail?

Ok this just got weird

Pretty funny story. Enjoyed it alot.

7993933 Yeah... I mean... the holding cell at the court is weird enough.
7995734 Glad you enjoyed it!

I was enjoying this story, until the scene with Dash came up.
That one scene alone killed any enjoyment I had for this story, mainly because RD faced enough retribution in 28 Pranks Later itself with the zombie prank.

8016657 Well, the point of the scene is to establish that first the type of lawyer who would represent Party Favor would be fairly incompetent and that the judge is fairly straight laced.

As to your point about Rainbow Dash's retribution in the episode I looked at it more like this: Yes she learned a lesson. That said out of the pranks she pulled a few of them could have damaged property and as such would need to be replaced. Whether or not she learned her lesson is moot and if brought to court may very well have to pay to repair or replace said items.

In the case of Cranky Doodle she put a skunk in his bedroom and it sprayed so much that it fogged up the window. That means that potentially the hair piece, mattress, box spring, anything that could soak up said spray would and would have to either be professionally cleaned if possible or destroyed and replaced. That's an expensive prank that could be considered vandalism.

Much like a real life vandal who feels bad for what they did after getting caught and punished by the municipality the party that was vandalized can still and likely will pursue a civil decision in order to recoup their losses as well they should.

8019353 While that is all probably true (I say probably since we still don't know that much about how Equestrian law works), my biggest issue isn't even whether or not she deserved it. It's that she had to get her mane shaved on top of paying the fine, which I think was a bit disproportionate. Just the fine would have been enough.

8019377 When it comes to Rainbow Dash I think there are certain elements that do come into play. First while she may be an amazingly fast flier she also has an amazingly large ego. It's very important for her to appear cool. Second, she doesn't really learn her lesson unless you go to extreme measures to either show her the error of her ways or help her retain the information she needs to be successful. That's all fairly canon.

In this court proceeding we don't get the entire civil case however, we do get various pieces of information. First, Rainbow Dash and her lawyer used the "It's just a prank," defense which is basically an admission of guilt but it also argues that, the individual who pulled the prank shouldn't be in trouble for what they did because it was just a joke even if it damaged property, etc. The judge does not care for this argument.

Second, this isn't Rainbow Dash's first time before the judge as a defendant. He apparently remembers her from an unspecified past incident. Typically if a judge remembers you for something negative and your behavior has continued to be, let's say questionable, it's not a good thing.

Finally, the shaved mane is actually quite fair. After all, while she is paying for Cranky Doodle's new hairpiece (among other things) until that's made and fitted he will have to go about town bald. It's embarrassing for him. So, by having her head shaved, something that she finds embarrassing, and having to go around bald like him it evens things up. Besides, given enough time her hair will grow back.

There is one potential bonus to all of this as well. If this civil order and the tongue lashing gets Rainbow Dash to stay out of the judge's courtroom because she's curbed her rambunctious behavior (destroying someone's property in the name of humor isn't a good thing), then that's the added effect that he's ultimately hoping for.

8026239 Now that you've explained it, I can see where you were coming from with that, though I think it would have been a bit more reasonable if the sentence was that she just had to wait until the new toupe was ready, and if her mane hadn't grown back by then she could go to a unicorn to have it magically restored at that point. (Plus, given that we saw him with a new toupe by the time the zombie prank started, it would likely have only been a day or two regardless).

My real issue, and I only realized this inbetween your replies, is that you chose to use RD to demonstrate the lawyer being incompetent. At this point, I've sort of become such a fan of RD that I don't like seeing her be forced to do something that's embarrassing to her, even if it's reasonable in-story.
If it had been literally any other pony who was being tried for a prank that ended up causing damage, I likely would not have had any issue with the scene whatsoever

8026303 Well, the judge probably wouldn't offer that because it would limit the impact of the potential embarrassment and might weaken the lesson learned. He ordered her mane shaved, that's not to say he's going to assign a guard to follow her around 24/7 while it grows back.

Therefore one might argue that she could potentially do what you suggested at a later date and have it fixed. After all, she does get sneaky at times and she does know one unicorn and one alicorn who are very talented in the ways of magic. If we're being honest Starlight Glimmer might use that as an excuse to fill out one of her, "Friendship lessons" that Twilight is so adamant about her doing. Furthermore I'm sure that once Cranky was fully compensated he'd probably not care (though I wouldn't expect any barbecue invites in the near future either).

On the other note we've all had characters we really liked and didn't want to see bad things happen to be it in canon or fan fiction. I sincerely hope you're able to find more stories that you can enjoy that are kind to her.

8027494 Yeah, that does sound like the kinds of things they'd all do.

And on that other note, I have.

I might come back to read the last few bits of the story beyond that scene, and possibly add it to my favorites then. I'd just skip over the RD segment upon rereads.
Because the rest of the story IS quite enjoyable.

I've had this customer. Some people just have unrealistic world views and are impossible to deal with.

I think I know who's responsible...

It's not as fun as it sounds.:trollestia:

Ruble Smart

I see what you did there. Don't worry Georgie, IT floats.

Also, chapter 2 seems to be attached to the start of chapter 3 here. :derpyderp1:

8034754 Yeah some customers have a truly unrealistic sense of what you can deliver and won't take reality for answer. "I'm sorry ma'am but I can't make miracles happen!"

8035178 Huh, that's weird. Well, thank you for letting me know. It is now fixed! :pinkiehappy:

Luna Wept

And yet nopony was torn apart by hooks. :trollestia:

8037480 Nobody said gadzooks. See that's how they getcha! :pinkiecrazy:

"Ma'am, I am completely capable of making miracles happen. I'm just not going to do it for you."

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