• Published 27th Sep 2016
  • 2,925 Views, 13 Comments

Soaring Hearts - Broman

Soarin helps Rainbow Dash over her little problem.

  • ...

I Will Always Be With You

“Oh, now that’s the spot,” Soarin said as he eased himself into the waiting hot tub, his aching body now being soothed from the warm water. He settled until the water line covered his chest and he spread his arms and wings onto the railing, getting fully comfortable and relaxed. He then took a deep breath and his body began to unwind, and his wandered about the day’s events.

He wouldn't believe the amount of PT they had to do for the whole day, but that is normal for being a part of the Wonderbolts.

He didn’t mind the extra training, they need to be ready for the upcoming shows in Canterlot and later in Manehattan within a couple of weeks. They went though the flexibility course, the strength and endurance course, and even courses he never even heard of. They were all laborious routines but there was at least one among the cadets that outlasted them. It was one mare that he truly loved.

That mare was Rainbow Dash, the young and energetic pegasus from Ponyville, and his current marefriend.

Rainbow Dash was, as he would put it, a super fan. She was always thrilled to see the famous Wind Rider, the daring Storm Blitz, and the swift Sky Yeager. Seeing the famous Wonderbolts in the air, seeing their talent and their determination in the skies made her inspired to become one of them. She trains hard, she trains well, and she has a determination and an enthusiastic nature that would make any wonderbolt proud of her actions. He could not have asked for a better marefriend.

How he became her marefriend, that was something of a achievement on it’s own.

Rainbow Dash is adaptive, a team player, courageous, and above all loyal to the team. Over those many months since she joined he began to grow really fond of her and in turn she was growing fond of him. Although, he was not the one to ask if she would be his coltfriend. She was the one to ask him and given how hesitant he was at first he finally said yes, much to her joy.

They have been a couple for at least six months now, and things had never been better. She was forever and always perfect to him.

“Let's see the damage here.” he said to himself as he inspected his wings, running his fingers into the worn feathers. The PT did a number on them with the flight maneuvers and he was glad to get to rest. As he rubbed his wings with his hands, trying to ease the small pain within, his ears twitched as he heard the other Wonderbolts enter inside the locker rooms. He looked over and saw the majority of the Wonderbolts were already wearing towels around the waists for the colts and the chests for the mares.

This was a mixed room, though he had no idea why the higher-ups allowed it to be so.

He didn’t really mind, though it was unsettling and sometimes distracting. Particularly when the mares only cover from full expose was the towel that covered their front. He has seen plenty of young guys get smacked around when they stared too long at the mare’s ‘assets’.

I nearly had the same ordeal, Soarin thought to himself, remembering on more than one occasion of staring at Spitfire’s and even Fleetfoot’s chest.

He laughed inwardly when a while ago he saw a younger member of the Wonderbolts, ‘Rookie’ as he was deemed, got smacked around when he eyed Fleetfoot’s cleavage for too long. The poor colt was out like a light for nearly an hour after that incident. Although for Soarin, who is exposed to the many mares on the team, he knew by heart that his sights were for only one mare and one mare only. He cast his gaze about the room, hoping to catch sight of the rainbow mane that belonged to Rainbow Dash.

To his disappointment, he could not find her.

“Hey Soarin. Mind if I join you?” he heard Fleetfoot’s voice and he turned to see his co-captain standing near the edge of the hot tub. She was in a large towel that covered her chest and down below her knees. Her hair was wet and dangled to the side, yet it still kept its natural appearance.

“Sure Fleety, you’re welcome to join, as long as you don’t smack me around that is,” Soarin said, using her fun nickname. With that invitation and a hearty laugh she stepped into the awaiting hot tub opposite of him. She sighed at the welcoming touch and stretched her arms out for a moment before resting on the sides of the tub.

“Oh, that PT training made my whole wings tender,’ she said, settling her wing into the tub, “Spitsy has been in a fiery mood of late too.”

“She sure is. She’s really pushing everypony to the limit here. She wants to make a good impression with this new batch of recruits.” Soarin replied as he lowered his body further into the hot tub, taking in the vapors of the water.

“Well that’s Spitsy for ya. If she settled on a goal in mind she won't stop until she and the rest of them crosses the finish line.” Fleetfoot said, sighing again in relief as she stretched her legs out until her left foot brushed up against his leg. Soarin gave her an annoyed look.

“Get that foot off my leg.” Soarin said. Fleetfoot gave a cheeky smile and rubbed her foot again against his leg and down to his foot.

“It’s not my foot it’s my body.” she quickly replied, still having that smug smile on her face.

“Well get what’s your body off my leg.” he said back and nudged her off and Fleetfoot only laughed as she removed her foot away from him. Soarin smiled back and casually looked at his friend, who the latter continued to bore a smug grin.

“Why do you tease me like that? You know I have a marefriend,” he said, earning another quick laugh from her.

“But you used to be the bachelor among the rest of us. It doesn't mean that I can stop teasing you and have some fun.” she said, causing him to roll his eyes.

“Oh sure, you keep teasing or make fun of me when I make a bad kiss. What about the time you told everyone about our date or making us the center of attention during rallies? I swear, it’s like you're almost jealous of me and Rainbow Dash for being a couple.” he said, and Fleetfoot just laughed at that remark.

“If I was jealous I would be all over you just to make her jealous,” she laughed again and splashed water in his direction, making him block the water projectiles from getting his face, “Although,” she continued, having a more calmer tone and relaxing a little in the tub, “You are quiet the stallion. For Rainbow Dash to have picked you as her special somepony, she’s the luckiest mare in the world to have you.”she said, and Soarin looked at her and a smile grew on his face. Fleetfoot also had a smile on her face, showing a real and caring smile that he all too well. “Besides,” she continued, a smirk appearing a second later, “With Spitfire training the new recruits then who will be there to get your feathers ruffled up when you and Rainbow Dash start rolling around in the hay?” she said, which instantly caused him to blush at the thought.

He definitely got lead into that joke.

“Oh, buck off.” was all he could say before Fleetfoot began to chortle at her friend's expense. Soarin covered his face with one of his hands as he let Fleetfoot have her fun. That was just her way of things, but he managed all the same. As he tried to overcome the little embarrassment he then heard splashes of water. He lifted his hand and saw Fleetfoot approaching him.

“What now, more jokes?” he said casually as Fleetfoot sat next to him. He turned to his left, seeing his friend looking at him with a knowing gaze.

“In all seriousness Soarin, you deserve her,”she said, and her smile lifted up as a result. “She is the youngest and fastest flyer around, top cadet in her class, and she has built for speed. However, she has slowed down enough for you to catch her eye.” she explained and Soarin looked at her in a new light. Fleetfoot always did had a knack for saying the right things. She then lifted her right arm over his shoulder and pulled him close, putting him precariously close to her ample breasts. When she didn’t hear him speak out she continued, “Remember those play dates, the ones that we used to have when we were younger?” she said and a wave of memories hit him.

“Yeah, feels like almost yesterday.” he replied, filled with vivid thoughts and dates that he Fleetfoot and Spitfire had all those years ago. Her arm around his body tightened. “What’s the hug for?” he asked, and she bore a pleasant smile to him.

“Just thought you needed one.” she said and he gave a quizzled look to her.

“Fleetfoot.” he said. A soft sigh escaped her as she looked him dead in the eye.

“Soarin. You’ve been my friend for many years. In that time, you’ve developed yourself as the stallion you are, and you’ve inspired many Wonderbolts and fans alike, and yet,” she paused, her words caught in her throat.” let's just say this. Rainbow Dash coming into your life is the best thing that can happen to you. I know it sound cheeky but I’m just proud that my friend is taking his life to the fullest.”

Soarin looked at her as she gave another firm squeeze. “That’s really nice, but why are you allowing me full view of your cleavage?” he asked as his face was held downward towards her bust, her only cover was coming dangerously close to popping off, and he would get full view of her.

“Just letting you look at my puppies before I let you go. I know you used to ogle at me over my pulley boys.” she said, edging a little closer as she pressed herself against his side. Seeing the ruse, Soarin chuckled and looked up.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you and your milk duds will still be here when I need to speak to you.” he said, which caused Fleetfoot to huff out, though it sounded more like a growl.

“Watch it, Clipper. I’ll give you the works if you say anything funny at me again.”

“Don’t worry. Your supple figure is perfectly safe from ridicule.” he said and felt the pressure lift from his shoulder and Fleetfoot scooting to the side. She gave a small chuckle, and he did the same.

Just their fun and games.

“Speaking of the works,” she said, finishing her small chortle as she adjusted herself, “the new cadets aren’t that shabby. They got talent, they got the skills, and they stand out. Some of them are prudes but the rest are okay in my book.” Fleetfoot said, stretching her arms upward and down again, a few audible pops from her bones cracking as a result.

“Does that include the poor colt you slapped around a month back?” he asked, earning a smirk from Fleetfoot.

“That guy deserved it. He was staring at my chest and sneaking peeks, the colt had it coming to him.” she said, her eyes closed in some satisfaction for what she did.

“You left him out cold for over an hour, Fleety. Besides, he was a rookie, an honest mistake when you joined the Wonderbolts and doing everything together.

And even bathe together for that matter, he thought the last bit before Fleetfoot got his attention.

“Yeah that’s true, he should have known that we would be having these new schedules and the mixed bathing. Still doesn’t excuse his actions. It was still hilarious when I walked over to him and knocked his block off. You should have seen his face!” she said, folding her arms over her chest in triumph, and dipping herself a little further into the water.

“Well hopefully he will learn to get use to the new procedures,” Soarin said, looking out to the other members of the team. “It’s almost surprising, as if he never saw a half naked mare before.” he said, as he stared at Fleetfoot who was now bearing a large sly grin on her face.

“And what do you have to say for this half naked mare?” she said, raising herself a little out of the tub and presenting herself once again.

Soarin looked at his friend for a moment, but that moment felt like a lifetime. Fleetfoot had a great hourglass figure and her breast size was around the C-range, almost nearing D. Despite her body appearance and high estrogen she was a talented mare who is a great communicator and coordinator among the wonderbolts. Many of them look up to her for support, just as they would with Spitfire. Soarin, knowing what his old friend wanted, smiled and leaned his head back to look up to the ceiling.

“Well knowing you might beat my hide into next week, I say the half naked mare before me is a kickflank friend and will definitely give me the boot if she so chooses. Also, she is a wonderful partner when you need her the most.” he finished and he heard her laugh out and splash some water with the palm of her hand. She did this for several moments before wiping away a tear from her eyes and smiled back at him.

“You are always so modest Soarin. Never change that.” she said as she grabbed a loofah nearby and began scrubbing her arms. Soarin nodded to her approval and he began to relax once again in the hot tub.

As he rested himself he cast his gaze around the room. Many of the members were enjoying themselves in each others company and continued to talk about their training and their daily lives. He watched as several members of the team nearby were being worked on a massage tables by several masseuse, massaging the aches and pains away from the training. He then turned his gaze to see several members dipping in several adjacent hot tubs and some were not bothered of being together and in close proximity. Everypony was getting along just fine and building a strong bond. He stared out for a time hoping to find his marefriend in the mix. But the longer he looked the more he began to wonder where she was.

C’mon Dash, where are you? he wondered. As he continued to look for the elusive mare he spotted somepony near the lockers. The stallion had a blue coat and yellow mane with green eyes. He was holding tightly to his towel around his waist, using both of his hands to secure the fabric, as he moved cautiously to the nearby tubs. His eyes kept gazing at several of the tubs and he looked like a nervous wreck. It was then that Soarin realized that he was the ‘Rookie’; a term bestowed upon the newest members of the team until the next rookie comes along. A smile crept his muzzle and he turned to Fleetfoot, who the latter was busy rubbing the loofah on her arms.

“Hey Fleetfoot. Your coltfriend at nine o'clock.” he watched Fleetfoot turn to see the rookie and Soarin saw a blush instantly come on her face. She turned and threw the loofah at him, the vegetable hitting him square in the head. He laughed it off as he she folded her arms over her chest.

“Not funny Soarin,” she seethed as she pouted at him. Soarin couldn’t help but laugh at this. He looked back at the rookie again and saw that he was opting to go one of the tubs but everyone he searched either had one mare or all in each of the tubs. The guy was really nervous and he continued to back up whenever he thought he could go in.

He felt bad for the guy, the hit from Fleetfoot must have damaged his pride around mares.

“The ‘Rookie’ seems to be testing the waters. Feel like giving him the nudge?” Soarin asked, a mischievous smile spread on his face. Fleetfoot cast her gaze back at the rookie for a moment, then back at Soarin with a devious smile of her own.

“Hey rookie!” she called out to him, making him stop and turned directly at her, along with half of the team members in the whole room. The Rookie’s eyes widened and he froze on the spot as he saw her, she had him right where she wanted him. “If you want you can come in and sit in with me. As long as you don’t stare I won’t bite.” she said teasingly and the rookie’s face blushed.

“No no! That's fine! I’ll be fine!” he spoke rather quickly, avoiding her gaze all together. She laughed at this as the rookie continued to hold his towel, and backing away slowly from the tubs. Before she continued her teasing Soarin and Fleetfoot’s eyes lit up to see captain Spitfire walk in the room. She had a long towel wrapped around her body and her long orange gold hair dangled down behind her back.

“Captain on deck!” somepony yelled out and a few younger members of the Wonderbolts tried to salute to her. Some succeeded, while majority of them, most of them male, were trying to keep their towels from falling off. Some failed so miserably that they were clenching their towels with their hands and covering their privates when she walked by. Spitfire, who had took notice of this, gave a hearty chuckle as she walked passed them.

“Please. I’ve seen plenty of nurseries at the orphanages. I know what you colts are hiding and I’m not impressed.” she said, earning a few laughs from the female recruits but embarrassing the colts. She then turned her attention to the two of them and headed their way.

Soarin and Spitfire go way back. They had been friends since their days at Cloudsdale and the two have been an inseparable pair. When Fleetfoot joined them they did all sorts of crazy things together. It was a great childhood. The three went together to become part of the junior Wonderbolts and later were admitted into the squad after several years of training. It’s been many years since that day and the three are now the youngest cadets to the reach the rank of captain. It was the best thing that could ever happen to them.

“Soarin. I need to speak to you about Rainbow Dash.” Spitfire said as closed the distance between them. She stood over Soarin as he tried to continue to rest. He leaned his head to look up at her but could only see her double D sized breasts were in the way, the only coverage was her towel wrapped tightly around her.

“Hey. Eyes up here.” She said, flicking her index finger upward, and bending down to meet his gaze.

“Sorry.” Soarin said meekly as he continued to look up at her. Spitfire sighed and she continued to looked down at him until Soarin raised a hand.

“I know what you're going to say, Spitsy.” Soarin said, using her nickname. “I’m a captain and she’s a cadet. I know dating during training is distracting and sometimes might affect our performance while on the job. On top of that I would have to worry about the publicity of this getting out and the emotional and mental stress that would come along with it. So I know you will kindly remind me over this but I must say that you will not change my mind on her.” Soarin said, feeling a bit proud of himself to remember the guidelines and natural rules of the Wonderbolts. Spitfire chuckled, bending down lower until her head was closer to his own.

“Okay three things Soarin. First off, I’m impressed you knew that part of the Wonderbolt rules and regulations. Second, I’m actually happy for you and Rainbow Dash. She’s a fantastic flyer and she deserves to be with the best and that’s you,” she patted his cheek with her hand, making him push her hand away at her playful gesture. “Finally, I actually came to speak to you about Rainbow Dash. She’s missing.” Hearing her name being said filled Soarin with relief. He lowered his head until the water covered up his chin, glad that Rainbow Dash was-

Wait a minute.

“What do you mean, she’s missing?” he said with a little bit of panic in his voice as he lifted himself to see Spitfire eye to eye. Spitfire eased herself into the hot tub by his side, her body resting close to him as her head remained above the water. Spitfire looked at him, awaiting for a continued reply. When he didn’t ask anything else Spitfire continued, “At least I have you attention. I actually saw her several minutes ago and she was quite upset over something. I asked her what was bothering her but she waved it off and saying she was fine. She then left without taking a shower and went off somewhere.”

“So why didn’t you stop her?” Soarin asked with relief but also concern, turning his body to face her properly.

“I tried to but she still insisted that she is okay. I’ve been watching her do this for several weeks now and I always noticed her being unsure of herself. I know our performances are in a few months and I want to be sure that everyone is on the top of her game, including her,” she said until she turned to face him as well, a serious yet concerned look was present on her face. “Is there something going on between you two?”

“What? No no, there… there’s nothing between us. Everything is fine.” he stammered, unsure as to what was happening, while his mind began to focus on his marefriend.

“I’m not trying to attack you or anything, but it seems she’s really distant. There has to be something that you two have done, or didn’t do, to put her in such a mood.” she said, trying to help in the best way she can. Soarin shook his head and looked up.

“There couldn’t be anything wrong. We were always together, she was always happy.” he proclaimed, wanting to unravel this mystery as quickly as possible.

“Yes, but what about the times when you're not together. Did you ever think about that?” she asked and Soarin went silent as the words settled.

Sorain was beside himself. He didn’t realize that Rainbow Dash had been feeling distant of late. Every time he was around her she was always happy. The two had hit off so well and that neither side would have done anything to hurt the other. He had no idea that she was having any problems and that made his worry for her to grow even further. As he contemplated on the matter his friends kept looking at him, waiting for his reply.

“How did I not see this coming? I thought everything was fine between us.” he finally said, still trying to comprehend of what has occurred.

“Well, what did you expect?” Fleetfoot asked, “Were you thinking that nothing was going to happen between you two, and that everything will be fine and dandy?” she made a gesture and grabbing another loofah on her end, “Things tend to happen in a relationship if you're not paying attention.” she added as she began cleaning herself once more, albeit, a little biased by her friends plight.

“Look I know it may sound hard, but trust me, I’m sure whatever it is she is having things will pull through for both of you.” Spitfire said as she placed a hand on his shoulder, reassuring him as best as she could, “I think you should go out and get her Soarin. See what’s been bothering her.”

It would have been sound advice if Soarin was paying attention to the last part.

Soarin ran a hand through his hair, taking in her words from earlier and trying to grasp it all. He calmed his breath, trying to understand the situation that was laid before him. He had to think, what was the moment that caused the kink in the relationship. Was there a bad date? Was there a missed time together? Did they miss their favorite movie together? The questions lingered around his mind, buzzing around him like the obstacles that Sky Yeager had placed around him during his junior years.

Those days of PT were the worst.

He remained like that for a time, allowing himself to gather his thoughts. He was certain that there was nothing that got in the way between the two. He also knew that they both expressed desires to further their relationship, making it public beyond the knowledge of their Wonderbolt team members. Their bond as a couple had been only confirmed by the Wonderbolts and they have grown stronger as the months went past. He had absolute faith that there was nothing, not even the slightest drop of doubt, between them that their relationship would crack or fumble.

So then why didn’t she show up?

“Hello? Equestria to Soarin?” Spitfire called his name, waving a hand across his face. Soarin stirred and looked at her direction a bit puzzled as to what she was saying. A hint of annoyance crossed her face but he knew that Spitfire meant well. She only cared for his well being, and what better friend can ask for that. Even though at times she may be a pain in the flank, she’s still a genuine one and truly a one of a kind friend to have.

“I’ve called your name three times Soarin. Were you off in La-La Land or something?” she said with a hint of annoyance. Clearly, he hadn’t realized how long he had zoned out for, or what Spitfire had said to him moments ago.

“Uh,” was all he could utter, making Spitfire pinch the bridge between her nose in much chagrin.

“If I must repeat myself, then I will repeat myself.” Spitfire said and staring flatly at her friend.

“Soarin, you should get off your sorry flank and get out there and find her. It’s no use sitting around and doing nothing while she is down in the dumps. Go get her.” Spitfire said, her voice sounding more like an order then a piece of advice. Soarin gawked at her for moment, taken aback by what she had said, still trying to comprehend all that he had heard mere moments ago. He knew that he should go out, but his mind was still trying to process that their was a kink in their relationship. Spitfire looked at him like he was the biggest goof in all of the Wonderbolts.

And Soarin was still playing the fool. He then heard Fleetfoot grunt from behind him.

“C’mon, Soarin! You heard her, up!” he heard Fleetfoot call out, and not expecting the heavy loofah filled with water coming out of his peripheral vision. The hard substance smack him hard across the back of his head, water splashing everywhere across his cheek and mane. He turned abruptly, dazed by the impact, and his head landed forward into a spot he did not expect. When he came out of his little daze he stared at nothing but orange and white, and a hint of softness between his cheeks.

Softness? He thought, trying to process what he felt until he froze at the realization.

Soarin’s face was resting right in between Spitfire's chest, her ‘assets’ on either side of his head.

The perpetrator, who threw the loofah in the first place, sat in complete shock at what she did, but also had a small open mouth smirk on her face. Fleetfoot had quickly placed a hand over her mouth to stop herself from busting a gut, but small snickers escaped past her lips. Soarin closed his eyes for a second, ready to face a whole wrath of a molested mare before him. He opened his eyes and looked up from his position, and into the eyes of Spitfire.

He did not, in this dire and rather awkward situation, expect her eyes to be closed for this.

Spitfire had her eyes closed, and she had a calm aura about her. When her eyes did open they were narrowed down at him but it was if she was trying to concentrate, or more likely finding the best possible solution to beat the ever-living feathers out of him. He quickly went to lift his head up in the hopes to the regal sisters that she accept a quick apology. Before he could even raise, however, he felt a strong yet firm hand on the nape of his neck.

“Much as I don’t mind this Soarin, you going after the wrong mare,” Spitfire said in a calm yet stern manner. Soarin felt his head lifted out away from her bosom, her hand pulling him up in a solid grip. Soarin gulped as he stared face to face with the mare that could either maim him or do something else entirely. He felt this was just the tip of the iceberg, ready to shatter out and flood him in a tide of anger and with no respite. His only hope, and by some miracle, was that she either forgive him or for him to apologize profusely to her. But, knowing Spitfire, getting forgiven by her is like getting forgiven for doing a panty raid.

Although, back when you're younger, you could almost get away with anything.

“Now listen, very, carefully.” Spitfire said, her words slow yet menacing at the same time. “you are going to get out of this tub, get your gear on, and fly your blue butt out there until you find Rainbow Dash. If you don’t find her, then I will see to it that you are doing PT during the day and have you scrub the latrines at night. For every day until the shows begin. Is that clear?” she asked, and waiting for an answer. Soarin went to say something in reply when Fleetfoot raised her voice.

“Look, Spitsy. That was my fault. You don’t have to go and-” she said until she was cut off by a flick of Spitfire’s hand.

“I’ll deal with you later, Fleetfoot. Or are you offering yourself as an replacement for Soarin’s punishment?” she asked, her grip on Soarin’s neck tightening a little more, causing him to tense up in discomfort. Fleetfoot immediately shook her head as Spitfire diverted her attention back to Soarin. She then slowly let go of the vice grip on his neck and settled her hand back into the tub. Soarin raised a hand and rubbed the sore spot, being hopeful that she may not take it out on him just yet.

“Alright Soarin. Get moving.” Spitfire commanded, and pointing a finger directly toward the lockers on the far end of the room. Soarin looked out to the end of the room, knowing his clothes are inside the lockers. As he began to get up he turned with a nervous smile towards Spitfire.

“Thanks Spitsy. I thought you would be mad at me for what just happened.” he said, giving off a nervous chuckle as he stared at his longtime friend. Spitfire was always one that could be tough, even be vicious at times, depending on the day and her mood. But still, on her best days, she does make a good impression and even be the one that uplifts a troubled spirit.

Hopefully it was one of those times.

“Mad?” Spitfire said with a cheeky grin, and continued to grow into something sinister, “Oh I’m more than mad, but a good old fashioned whipping would fix that,”

Or may not.

Before he could react as to what she had said, he felt something brush up against his leg. He quickly looked down and found that Spitfire had a hand down next to him. He then watched in horror as she pulled the towel away from him and bring it out and into the air, leaving himself exposed underwater.

“Spitfire, what are you doing!?” Soarin asked, quickly covering himself as Spitfire began to twist the towel, the water squeezing out like a used sponge. Instantly it clicked to him as to what she was about to do.

“You got to the count of three to get your tail feathers out of here, or you know what will happen. One.” she already began counting, holding onto both ends of the wet towel and pulling hard, the result ending with a quick snap from the wet fabric. It was then that Soarin quickly turned to Fleetfoot, where she was trying her best not to burst out laughing at his expense, before he turned to look at the lockers at the far end of the room.

“Two.” Spitfire said, as Spitfire rose up from her spot and was standing over the perplexed stallion. She pulled on the wet towel again, making the unmistakable and very painful sound that would come to it. He felt a chill up his spine as he thought of the searing pain that would come within moments.

He had only two options.

This first option was to tough it out and take the towel snap over his backside. The latter was something far more embarrassing. He would run through the room with the entire team watching him go. Case in point, he’d be streaking his way to the lockers. He would not imagine the implications that this might cause or the humiliation and ridicule from the other team members, but he knew that the end result would be the same. He would be a laughing stalk for the next few months up until the shows.

The two options had equally painful results.


He would prefer the latter.

The moment she called out he immediately went up and out of the hot tub, hoping to escape the first lash. Before he got his last leg out of the water, he heard a crack as the towel struck hard on his rear. He cried out with a yelp, the pain feeling like a hundred stings all in one spot had landed on him. He could hear Fleetfoot laughing her flank off as she began smacking the water hard with the flat of her hand, clearly enjoying her friend's expense. Soarin had little time for that if he was wanting to escape another whipping. Knowing his wings were completely wet he knew that flying was out of the option in here. His only way to was to navigate through the other team members.

“Get going, Soarin!” Spitfire called out, whipping the wet towel out, narrowly missing his back, but the force was enough to get him off his feet and start running. Covering his lower self as best he can he bagan to run into the open room, with the other team members watching the show. Several mares screamed and covered their eyes from the sight, while others just started laughing and cheering for either side to win. He even heard a few cat calls as Spitfire chased him through the packed members. Soarin ignored them, dodging his way through to the lockers where he would get changed and out of here before Spitfire could do more damage. Another whipped cracked and the wet towel struck home on his rear, causing another yelp to escape him and the another roar of laughter escaped from the other team members. He was halfway to the lockers and he saw the one pony he did not expect.

The ‘Rookie’, standing idle and not paying attention to his hasty withdrawal.

The young colt was looking at a nearby tub and was still hesitant to go in. Seeing the initiative, and hoping to avoid more embarrassment on his part, he quickly grabbed the ‘Rookie’s’ own towel and pulled hard. The colt cried out, spinning wildly behind Soarin as he quickly wrapped the towel around his lower half. He quickly gave a look back and saw the ‘Rookie’ bump into Spitfire, while his captain knocked him aside. The poor colt was sent into a nearby hot tub belly first. He cringed slightly from the impact but another whip from Spitfire caused his attention to refocus and he made a beeline for the lockers.

“Alright Spitfire, I’m going! I’m going!’ he called out as he reached his destination. He quickly spun around and behind the lockers and began to open its contents, as Spitfire stopped her pursuit. As he scrambled to get his clothes on, and rubbing his sore rump from the whipping, he watched as Spitfire tapped her foot on the ground, her deadly wet towel in hand.

“You better go get her, Soarin. If you don’t you’ll be in a world of hurt when you get back,” she said, ready to take the whip out and smack him again. Soarin was ready to scurry back behind the locker door when he heard a loud call from the other end of the room.

“Congrats Rookie! You’ve started to bond!” an all too familiar voice from Fleetfoot came from the other end of the room. Soarin looked behind the cover of his locker and looked at the Rookie, or rather where he was in. The same hot tub that he landed in had several prominent members of the Wonderbolts inside, all of them mares. The rookie had scrambled slightly to avoid contact with them, but in the process was bumping into them instead and he yelped in surprise by the brush up. He then ended up sitting near the middle seat of the hot tub, where he was in close proximity between two mares, and their rather large spheroid ‘members’. Soarin couldn’t help but laugh as the ‘Rookie’ made himself as small as he could, his hands going inward between his legs, and a deep shade of red was on his face. As this happened the other mares inside the tub could only give innocent laughter at his expense. A few of them even tried to scootch closer, only for him to sink lower and forced to look down and avoid their gaze. Although, he was trying his hardest not to stare at their chests. His innocent demeanor, however, only made the mares wanting to ensure that he was okay, and began to close the distance even further.

“Ah now that's sweet,” Spitfire said, her voice sounding a bit caring yet sarcastic as well, that is when she turned her attention back on Soarin, “now get you blue flank out of here and go find her!” she whipped her wet towel, narrowly hitting him near the side of his face. Having getting half of his suit on, and getting the clear message, he quickly dashed out the doors and took off in search for his mare. As he went out the doors he heard the familiar yet close to a feminine scream from the ‘Rookie’. Soarin then imagined him surrounded by the mares and the young colt being flustered for them being so close to him.

Lucky bastard.


“C,mon where are you.” Soarin said to himself as he scoured the training grounds for the elusive mare. He had been searching for the past thirty minutes, flying over the training grounds and any place that she might have gone. The sun was low in the sky, but it was still warm to dry off the rest of his body. Although, with the sun going down in the distance, he knew he would be short on time to search for her. If he didn’t find Rainbow Dash quickly then he would be getting a good whipping by Spitfire, all the while being held by Fleetfoot or some other members of the team.

No doubt Fleetfoot would be enjoying that.

After another ten minutes of flying his search turned fruitless and he has not found Rainbow Dash. Pausing in mid flight, he hovered in the air and pondered on the most likely spots she would be.

I’ve already checked the training field, the offices, and her quarters, but no trace of her. He thought to himself, trying to figure out the remaining spots that she may be. After another minute of thought an idea popped into his head and he looked up.

“I wonder if,” he said to himself as he took to the air and ascended higher and higher above the training field.He continued to flap his wings, going straight up towards the clouds that hanged above him. He just hoped that she would be up there among the clouds. He soon zipped past the first clouds and he slowed his ascend. He soon hovered where he was, scanning the tops of the clouds, hoping to find any trace of her. After another minute of searching, he believed he had missed his chance, until he spotted a rainbow colored mane on one of the clouds.

“Got ya.” he said, quickly flying towards the direction of his marefriend. After a steady flight he quickly landed on the cloud base, making his way to Rainbow Dash. As he drew closer, however, he noticed that she was sitting down and her legs were brought close to her chest. She still wore her wonderbolt uniform, but only the top half was off, revealing a simple sleeveless tank top. When he neared closer her face was also buried in her legs and her wings drooped on the side. Clearly she looked distressed and he had to find the reason to her discomfort.

“Hey, RD,” he said, calling her by one of the nicknames that the other members of the team call her. He waited patiently, waiting to see if she would respond, but Rainbow Dash didn’t move, or even acknowledge him. He had a thousand things to say to her, yet he didn’t know where to even begin. He decided to get closer, hoping to coax her into speaking. He lowered himself until he sat on one knee on the cloud, being right next to his marefriend. He then raised a hand and placed it gently on her shoulder. She flinched slightly from his touch, but she didn’t raise her head.

“Rainbow Dash? Are you okay?” he asked, hoping that he would get something out of her. She stirred once again, lifting up her head just above knees. He saw those familiar violet eyes as she stared at him. He could see that she was hurt in those eyes, and his heart ached at the sight. He didn’t want anything to ever happen to her, not even if King Sombra himself descended down to take her and her friends away. He settled his imagine aside when he saw her lower her head back down and rubbing her head with her knees.

“Go away,” she said, her voice muffled slightly. Soarin narrowed his eyes, it was not like her to be moody like this. He would need to get answers if he was to get to the bottom of this. Thinking of a proper response, he calmly rubbed her back to reassure her.

“C’mon, Rainbow Dash. It’s me, Soarin. I’m here for you.” he said, trying to ease her in so that he find out what’s wrong.

“Just go away. You don’t want to be with a mare like me.” she said, shunning away from his touch. Soarin felt a soft pain in his heart and he wondered why she would even say such a thing. Thinking for a moment he sat down until he was at her side.

“Not leaving you, Rainbow Dash. Spitfire told me everything.” he said, sitting firmly as he kept himself next to her. He could hear a faint grunt of annoyance coming from her, but she didn’t reply back after that. He remained where he was, observing and taking in his surroundings. He waited for a time, the only white noise was the warm summer breeze that blew past them. After several minutes of uneasy silence Rainbow Dash lifted her head up and stared at Soarin. He could see that her eyes were fresh with tears.

“Still not leaving?” she asked as he casually shook his head. She looked away for a moment, bringing an arm up to wipe away the dry tears away. “You’re too good for me, you know that right.” she said, looking away as if ashamed. Deciding to wait and see what was bothering her, he decided to play along.

“I know I’m good for you, Rainbow Dash.” he replied, as he heard a small sniffle from her.

“You're just saying that. I’m just a simple pony, nothing more.” she said and Soarin flinched slightly from her remark.

“You’re no simple pony. You're far more extraordinary than you think.” he said, reassuring her as best as he could.

“I’m not. Please Soarin, I’m not ...” she paused, her words stuck in the air. Needing to get into the heart of the ordeal, he decided to press her.

“So, mind telling me why you left?” he asked, and he noticed that she was shaking.

“I just needed some air, I was going to come back, “she said, but Soarin could tell it was nothing more than a fib.

“You’ve been gone for quite awhile, you had me and Spitfire worried, “ he said and Rainbow Dash remained quiet after that, “Rainbow Dash, what is bothering you? What is it that is eating you?”

Rainbow Dash shook her head, her long rainbow colored hair followed as she went, “I don’t want to talk about it.” she replied, avoiding his question.

“Well I do.” he replied back, “I don’t want you to suffer over me. Please, just tell me. I want to help, I’m your coltfreind after all. I’m suppose to be there for you when you're in trouble.” he explained, trying his best to help her out. Rainbow Dash still looked stricken and she hook her head once more.

“You can’t help. I’m not all that special. I’m-” she was interrupted as Soarin grabbed her.

“You are special,” Soarin said, placing a hand on her shoulder and making her turn to him. She resisted at first until he placed his other hand on her and made her stare at him, “Now you listen here Rainbow Dash, I want you to know that you more remarkable than what you let on.” he said, speaking softly yet clearly to her as if he was speaking to a child. A gleam caught in her eye as she was focused on him and he continued unabated.

“Rainbow Dash, I want you listen to me carefully. You are more than just some greenhorn. You have talent, you have skills that are far beyond you. I’ve come to appreciate that about you as the days go by. To me you are far more extraordinary then you may seem.” Soarin said, quickly giving her a hug, her body held tightly against his chest, “you have talent and you are more unique than every other pony.” he paused, trying to let her soak in his words. He could hear the distinct whimper she made and that was all the reason to comfort her even more. After a moment of silence passed between them Rainbow Dash stirred under his grip.

“Soarin. I don’t know what to say.” she said, rubbing away a few tears with a free hand.

“There is nothing to say, Rainbow Dash.” he said, thinking that he has done his part in helping her.

“It’s just, with Spitfire and Fleetfoot, I thought you wouldn’t like me because I was small.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, I would never say anything about…” he paused mid speech, a single thought occurring into his mind and made him all the more befuddled as the seconds went by.

Small? he thought and he parted from his hug to look down at Rainbow Dash.

“RD, what do you mean small?” he asked as Rainbow Dash looked back at him, her eyes didn’t show hurt but they were confused. Although, by all accounts, both were equally perplexed by this current event.

“Didn’t Spitfire tell you about my problem?” Rainbow Dash asked, unsure of how to proceed.

“No she didn’t, she only said that you looked down and suggested to go and see if you were okay. She didn’t say anything about your height” he said, as she stared up at him in complete shock.

“Wait, you're telling me… that you were worried… about my height?” she asked, her words relaxed but they betrayed the look she had on her face.

“Well, in away, yes. I know I’m at least a head taller than you, but I wouldn’t know why Spitfire and Fleetfoot would fret over that.” he explained as Rainbow Dash's face into a grumpy snarl. He then felt a punch directly into his stomach and he barreled over onto the cloud.

“What was that for.” he said, the wind knocked out of him as he clutched his sides from the unexpected blow. Rainbow Dash on the other hand looked absolutely furious at him.

“That’s for being the biggest idiot ever!” she called back, folding her arms over her chest and looking away, “ It’s not about my height it’s my chest,” she said, this time making Soarin stare at her in utter confusion.

“Wait a minute,” he started, getting himself off the cloud and standing over Rainbow Dash, “ This whole time...you were upset...because your boobs are small?” he said and Rainbow Dash gave him a blank stare. She then did something that he was unprepared for.

She seized his right hand and placed it right over her left boob. Soarin’s face turned a shade of red as his hand was firmly pressed against her breast.

“You feel that Soarin?” Rainbow Dash asked, keeping his hand firmly there, “ There is hardly anything there. I’m narrowly considered a B size. Yet I don’t think there barely even deemed boobs at all.” she said as she lets go of his hand, allowing him to retract his hand. She then began pacing back and forth, all the while ranting her frustration.

“At first I didn’t mind it at first but after awhile I start seeing the differences between me and the other Wonderbots. They have chests that are twice my size! Day in and day out I always have to see it and it just burns my feathers.” she said, kicking the cloud and sending some bits into the air. Soarin remained quiet as she continued her venting.

“It’s not just the Wonderbolts but I’ve started to see it with my friends to. Hay, there all bigger than me, each varying in size. Even Fluttershy is bigger than Spitfire! When she runs they bounces every time she takes a step.”

Thank you for that lewd visual, Soarin thought as he stared with a blank face at his marefriend, although, an image of Fluttershy running did anchor itself onto his mind. He pushed the thought aside as he focused his attention on his marefriend, who seemed not to let up on her verbal assault.

“All of the colts out there, all the stallions that sneak peeks at mares, they ogle over those that have bigger breasts. They don’t even bat an eye over those that have small chests, only those that have softball size ones and above. With Fleetfoot she can practically get plenty of colts to stare at her puppies, while Spitfire can make others wish to just to go head first into her melons!” Rainbow Dash said and promptly making a motorboat sound while shaking her head side to side.

You have no idea. Soarin thought, trying his best not to bust a gut at how true those events really were. Although, that does explain as to why Fleetfoot and Spitfire were so casual with me when I was near there… his thoughts ceased on the last part when Rainbow Dash stopped her charade on a motorboat and began to poke him in the chest.

“I bet that is what they wanted, they sent you out here to bring me back just so that they can gloat. Well I won’t have it!” she said and Soarin shook his head.

“They'll do no such thing, not unless they want me to get involved.” he said, reassuring her that he was on Rainbow Dash’s side. His marefirend, on the other hand, was not having any of it.

“I know they would, they know that I know they would. I’ll just not go if they are going to make fun of me.” she said, her wings opening up and ready to take flight.

Oh this is ridiculous. He thought as his marefreind flapped a few times and was ready to take off.

“I’m going to cool off, don’t try and follow me,” she said as Soarin locked eyes with her.

“I’m not going to,” he replied as Rainbow Dash bended down to fly off the cloud. She made the jump, only for Soarin to outstretched his arms around her waist and held tight. Rainbow Dash was stopped mid air, her body held firmly against Soarin, while his head rested right above her chest.

“Let go of me!” she yelled as she flapped her wings furiously in the air. Soarin only tightened his grip as his marefirend continued to struggle. Her powerful wings kept moving yet he held out on the cloud. The flapping of her wings made them move in the air, the cloud below their feet buzzing to and fro in the sky with them. Still, he kept his composure as she continued to sail them both of them in the air. Several minutes passed and she continued to beat her wings, cursing, shouting and doing whatever it takes to get her off of him.

She must be tiring out by now. He thought as she continued to bat her wings at a rapid pace. The moment he thought of it he felt several fists down straight on his head.

Rainbow Dash was punching him, she was deliberately punching him.

He gritted his teeth as she pounded her fists into his head again and again, all the while he kept holding out, and hoping that she would take a hint that he was not letting go. After a minute of full pummeling he could feel Rainbow Dash continue to exhaust herself as her punches begin to lessen and her wings were beating slower than normal, it felt more like a gentle breeze at this point.

“You’ve calmed down now?” he asked, feeling a few smaller punches on his head as they soon subsided. Her wings soon stopped all together and they hanged loose behind her back. With her arms still wrapped around her waist he was able to gaze up at her. Her face was flustered and her breathing was ragged, she was definitely out for the count. She soon swayed in his arms and he went to place her down on the cloud.

However, before he could even do that, her front body leaned forward and her front chest, namely her breasts, went straight into his face.

He remained absolutely still, his mind trying to process as Rainbow Dash remained where she was. Her breathing was heavy and it was evident in her tired state. It was then he heard a distinct noise coming from within. He turned his head to the side, his ear pressed to her chest, and listened. Rainbow Dash, noticing the disturbance, looked down at him.

“What are you doing?” she asked through panting breaths, unsure as to what Soarin was up to. He smiled as he gave a small nuzzle.

“Well, I can hear your heart for one thing.” he said casually and a quick blush appeared on her face, “Also your breasts aren’t in the way, so I can hear very clearly.”

“Idiot.” she said simply, too exhausted to try and put much resistance or chastise him for his remark. Sensing that she would not work up a fight, he lowered her until her feet settled on the cloud. She looked away, her body turning away from him and wanting to at rest on the cloud.

Soarin had other ideas.

“Sorain please, let me just... Hey!” she cried out when he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her down with him. The two fell on the cloud together with Soarin holding tightly to his marefriend, while she sat atop of him. She put no fight into resisting and her body simply relaxed onto his, her head resting comfortably in between his chest and neck. Soarin felt relief course through him as she was taking this in stride.

“Feeling comfortable?” he asked, still holding onto her tightly.

“Yeah, just tired.” she said, staring blankly out to the setting sunset. He couldn’t blame her. She did train hard today and with her little fiasco a few minutes prior, she was already tuckered out. Soarin relaxed as well, his right arm still holding over her waist, his hand feeling the toned body that Rainbow Dash has developed. The two remained like that for a time, staring out at the setting sun, enjoying in each others presence. After a few minutes of silence Rainbow Dash stirred from her position.

“I’m sorry Sorain.” She apologized, her voice soft and sounding remorseful, “I guess I just got hot headed over my chest that I got carried away.” she explained and Soarin gave a quick kiss on the back of her head.

“You’re already forgiven, RD.” He said, holding her delicately like some giant plush doll. As he held her a simple thought came to mind and he continued, “Besides, I think having a small chest makes you unique.” he said, causing Rainbow Dash to turn to him with a confused look.

“What do you mean?” she asked, curious as to what he meant.

“Well with having bigger breasts it will probably be a pain to lift them up. Spitfire and Fleetfoot would know doubt be having back pains for many years,” he said, causing Rainbow Dash to laugh at his remark. He smiled at that and she leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

“You know, you are really too good to me.” she replied and leaning herself into him more.

“I know. That is why you slowed down enough for me to catch you.” he said and quickly leaned in for a quick kiss of his own. “Besides,” he continued, “I didn’t love you just because of your breasts, but everything what makes you, well you.” he explained and he could see that there was a hint of a blush on her face.

“Everything I said earlier also applies. You, Rainbow Dash, have always brightened up my day when you're around. I can’t ask for a better marefriend then that.” he said and another chuckle escaped past her. He then began, without thinking, to rub her abdomen with his right hand. She giggled from the touch but she relaxed as he massaged on her muscles. A minute of silence past and Soarin continued to rub in the same spot.

A thought soon occurred to him that would change his relationship with Rainbow Dash for the better.

“Rainbow Dash.” he asked, as she lifted her head back to look him in the eye, “you know, they say that when a mare’s pregnant, their breasts would develop, meaning they get bigger as a result.” he said, and Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened but she was not shocked in any way shape or form, rather she looked very happy at the thought.

“Would you considered that?” he asked her. It was a straightforward question, one that not many ponies would outright say in any circumstance, but for Rainbow Dash, she was the sole exception.

“I’ll consider it,” she said, as she leaned forward to meet him in the eye, “Would you consider popping the question and taking responsibility for me and our future foal?” she asked and Soarin already had his reply.

“I’ll consider it.” he said, which caused her to lean in and gave a quick kiss. It lasted for a few seconds and once she departed he had a large smile on his face.

“A definite possibility.” he added and returned the kiss to her. The two relaxed at the loving touch and Soarin felt Rainbow Dash turn her body and relaxed on top of him. He then felt her right hand over his arm, a gentle caress as it moved it’s way over. He twisted his right hand to meet hers and the two enclosed on one another. Soarin then gave a hug with his free hand and held her for the longest time. Rainbow Dash hummed in delight and she nuzzled her head into his chest, welcoming his love that he had for her.

“I will always be with you.” he said, as the two remained on top of the cloud, staring off into the last lights of the setting sun, and a bond between two Wonderbolts becoming all the more stronger.

Author's Note:

This was a fun story to write. This is my First Anthro story and I hope that you will all enjoy it, and it's lewdness, in earnest. I know I was close to crossing the line here, but I worked on it hard to ensure that it was in T range and nothing more. I'm not wanting an M rating and I never will make one, just not my style, even though many say 'sex sells!' all around. I prefer having a more tame approach when it comes to these kinds of stories.

Anyway please do leave your comments down below, tell me what you think, and I'll talk to you all again soon.


Also, bonus picture, from my good friend, PastelMistress This was made several months back but it was another coverart that I had in mind, and I thought I might share it with you all. This was quite a fun and cute picture and it works perfectly towards this story. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 11 )

i liked it
and there's defiantly an option for a sequel
doesn't have to be any kind of steamy either

Good story. That's an insane amount of boobs.

''How he became her marefriend, that was something of a achievement on it’s own.''
WAT.... its either one or the other, cant be both unless your not telling us something :rainbowlaugh:

umm okay... i like SoarinDash as much as anybodyelse could but i couldnt get myself to read the whole thing for 2 reasons.
one i skimmed through and fist off Dash is really OOC shes not the pony that would say shes ''not good enough'' especially for something as simple as being in a relationship.
secondly this seemed like some weird PG13 tits fetish......like a lot of talk about boobs without saying boobs just reads very awkward.... like especially in the beginning.... many of the teammates have been together for years and have shared the locker room together for years..... after seeing each other naked that many times nopony is going to care what someones elses tits, dick, or pussy looks like for the millionth time and weather or not they are ''stared'' at.

not trying to sound negative or anything just that with just some changes it would make a very big improvement to the story

7601210 Thanks for that. There could be a possible sequel to it, now that think about it. But that idea might be for another time. :twilightsmile:

7601488 Thanks for that. Yeah it might get awkward with the naked ponies, but at least there covered.

7603363 Yep, in all shapes and sizes.

Glad that you enjoyed it.

7604077 I can see where you were getting at here. I understand that it's long and even a little complicated. I know this is PG-13 but I just wanted to keep it at that. I would tend to say boobs or cleavage or any other body part but knowing that I want to keep this in that range, I wanted to make so it's simple. I understand that things could have been a little different and more engaging but I was only trying to be creative and funny with the situation at hand. I will look into seeing if I can fix any of these concerns but I believe they are fine to me.

Hope you understand.

Also I don't mind what you have said and I take no offense. I got criticized a lot if I missed something and didn't fix it. So I learn and strive to be better and make a story the best it can be, and I always work hard to become better as a writer.

I do appreciate the impute and take this into account.

7604014 Wouldn't you like to know. :rainbowlaugh:

*fangirl squeal * :heart::rainbowkiss:
That. Was. AMAZING:heart::yay:

I do not like the way Spitfire treated Soarin.

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