• Published 27th Sep 2016
  • 1,418 Views, 43 Comments

Demonic Brother - kurusagi16

After the events of Angelic Vampire, Fluttershy has enjoyed the new and happier life she has with her new friends, and has even begun to explore her feelings toward Discord. But, all of that changes, at the sudden appearance of...her brother?!

  • ...

Mysterious and Miserable Master

Mysterious and Miserable Master

A few days had passed, and Fluttershy was beginning to feel a little more comfortable with her surroundings at Zecora's shop. Each day Zecora would set about brewing up potions and attending to any customers that stopped by to peruse her wares. Then of course, there was Batty, who flew around the back room (so as not to frighten or disturb the customers), doing whatever chore that Zecora had assigned for him. As for Fluttershy, she also did little chores around the shop, like helping with the cooking and cleaning, wanting to make herself useful to her caretaker during her stay.

"I thank you very much for your help, but as my guest you needn't trouble yourself." Zecora had said when Fluttershy told her she wanted to do some work around the place.

To which she replied, "It's no trouble at all, I'm helping because I want to. Besides, it's the least I can do after you were nice enough to take me in and all."

After that, everypony began to settle nicely into a little routine, with everyone doing their part around the shop, and concluding at the end of the day with a quiet, peaceful evening. It was during such an evening that Fluttershy, who'd just finished her dinner and was stepping outside behind the shop for some fresh air, spotted Batty trying to carry a basket of herbs and ingredients he'd brought for Zecora. Unfortunately for the little bat, the basket was a bit too cumbersome for him to carry in his little claws. Thus, the basket handle slipped from his grip, and ended up falling toward the ground.

"Oh no." he cried, trying to make a dive for the basket.

Fluttershy sprang into action, flying much quicker than Batty, and managing to catch the basket before it could hit the ground or spill its contents.

Batty let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank you mistress. Batty is most grateful."

"You're welcome." Fluttershy said with a smile, as she set the basket gently on the ground. "But you shouldn't try to carry such big, heavy loads next time. You could end up hurting yourself if you strain yourself too much."

"Mistress is right. Batty will be sure to be more careful in the future." he said.

"Good." she said. "Now then, have you had anything to eat yet?"

Batty shook his head. "No mistress, Batty has not eaten a thing."

"Well, let's fix that, shall we?" Fluttershy stepped into the shop for a few moments, and returned with a few of the leftover scraps of food Zecora had from their dinner. "I'm sorry it isn't much, but if you'd like, I could try to find you some nice insects or something next time."

Batty took the scraps and began to devour them. "Mistress is so kind." he said sincerely. "After what Batty has done, Batty does not deserve such kindness from the mistress."

"What you've done? What do you mean?" Fluttershy questioned.

Batty took a big swallow, hanging his head in shame as he began to explain. "Batty is very ashamed to say, that he's responsible for the trouble the mistress is in."


"Batty was the one who told Spike and Thorax to kidnap the mistress, and to not let the master know. Batty was the one who put convinced them, even though he knew the mistress would be scared and upset, but Batty did so anyway. And for that, Batty is truly sorry and ashamed of his actions." He bowed low before a surprised Fluttershy, his head touching the ground. "Please mistress, Batty begs for your forgiveness, and that you accept Batty's apology."

Fluttershy was silent for a few moments before speaking once more. "You were the one you planned to kidnap me?" Batty nodded, but did not lift his head to face her. "But...but why? Why would you--"

"It was for master's sake." interrupted Batty. "Everything Batty did, was for master's sake. Master was in need, so Batty thought if he brought mistress here, it would help master, and master would be saved!"

Fluttershy stared at him, completely baffled. "Saved? What do you mean? And...and how could bringing me here possibly help Drake?"

Batty sat up, covering his mouth with his claws, but then spoke once more. "Batty cannot say much, Batty has been sworn not to tell mistress what the master does not wish for mistress to know. However, Batty will say this. Master has been through many hardships, living an unbearable life with an unbearable monster. Recently, master had defeated the monster, and is pleased to have found some peace, but, he defeated that monster at a terrible price. Oh, such a horrible price! Master believes he must pay this price no matter what, and that would result in master being gone forever!" The poor bat burst into tears. "T-t-that's why...that's why Batty couldn't let master succeed. Master has much to live for, so Batty brought you here, to change his mind, to show him...that he doesn't have to disappear."

Fluttershy stood there, watching Batty cry, and then she tentatively rested a hoof on him, and begin to stroke his back comfortingly. "Shh, there, there." she crooned. "That's it, just let it all out."

Batty sniffed back his tears, and looked up at Fluttershy with wet eyes.

"I may not know you or Drake very well, and I may not know how you thought I could be of any help, but I can see that you care a lot about your master, and that you were desperately trying to help him." she said.

He nodded. "Yes, Batty was."

"And while I may not be too happy about you kidnapping me all the way to the Old World." she scolded, causing the bat to shrink in fear, only to be soothed once again by the Pegasus' gentle strokes. "I am willing to put that behind me and forgive you."

Batty blinked and looked at her with wide eyes. "R-really?" he asked.

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes." she replied.

"Oh, thank you mistress! Thank you!" Batty cried happily.

"However," Fluttershy added. "That doesn't change the fact that I am disappointed in you for doing such a thing, and you'll need to work hard if you want to earn my trust."

"Yes, of course! Batty will do anything for mistress." Batty said, eager to be of service. "Just say what you want of Batty, and Batty shall do it."

"Well first, I think you can start by getting these ingredients to Zecora." said Fluttershy. "And you shouldn't try to do such mean and sneaky things like that again, okay?"

Batty flapped into the air and gave a light bow of his head in her direction. "As mistress wishes, it shall be done!" He picked up the basket and flew it into the shop. While Fluttershy continued to stand there, watching the bat until he was out of sight. When he was gone, she let out a sigh. So many questions were in her head. Just what was going on here? And why had Batty brought her here? He'd said it was for Drake's sake, but why? What made her so special that Batty thought she could help whatever problem his master was in? It seemed to Fluttershy that more and more questions just seemed to arise since she came to the Old World and Zecora's shop. And while now it didn't seem like she had the answers, Fluttershy made a silent promise to herself to figure things out and to get to the bottom of this whole thing.

That night, Fluttershy had a peculiar dream. At first, it began with her back in the forest, surrounded by dark, twisted trees and shadows. Then, a pair of eyes glowed from the darkness, piercing into Fluttershy, freezing her with fear. The eyes drew closer and closer, until the figure that they belonged to came into view. It was Eldra.

"No." Fluttershy whispered. "It can't be."

Eldra threw her head back, and let out a malevolent laugh, as she began to advance on Fluttershy. A vicious predator about to attack its innocent and helpless prey. Fluttershy tried to run away, but found her hooves glued to the spot. Her wings were stiff against her sides, and her voice suddenly became trapped in her throat. 'No, stay away!' Eldra's wings transformed into bat wings, and razor fangs grew from her jaw. 'No! NO!'

Just then, out of nowhere, Drake appeared, and attacked Eldra, taking her by surprise. Eldra let out a scream as he pinned her down. His fangs grew out, and he opened his jaw wide. Fluttershy's eyes widened in shock and horror as Drake bit down hard on Eldra's neck, and began to suck her blood. Eldra gurgled, and then let a soft gasp, as she dropped down dead. Fluttershy looked down from her aunt's dead body, to Drake. His eyes glowed as red as his mane, his fangs and muzzle dripped with blood, a dark shadow crossed over his face, giving him an intimidating presence. Fluttershy shivered with fright, wondering what he was about to do next.

But much to her surprise, Drake suddenly collapsed, he looked at her with a weak, pleading look and whispered hoarsely, "Help...me..." The scene then disappeared into an empty void, and Fluttershy found herself plummeting into the abyss of darkness. It was then that Fluttershy woke with a start, panting as she tried to calm her wildly beating heart. She was relieved that it was a dream, but she placed a hoof onto her forehead and murmured to herself, "What was that...just now...?"

Meanwhile, in his castle, Drake had had a similar nightmare, in which he'd saved Fluttershy from Eldra. But when he looked down at the corpse, it had suddenly changed into Fluttershy, and the blood in his mouth turned black and tasted of bile. A sinister voice laughed, mocking him, as a vision of the glowing stone appeared before him, pulsing with each echoing laugh. Drake awoke with a gasp, breathing heavily over what he'd just witnessed.

"What the Tartarus?" he asked himself. He rubbed his brow and groaned. After all these years, he'd thought he'd finally managed to rid himself of the effects of nightmares, but it seemed instead that he was still just as vulnerable as he was before. "Damn." He got up from his bed and began to pace around his room, trying to relax himself so he could get some more rest. But he didn't really feel much like sleeping, so instead, he opened his bedroom window open, and soared from it, for a little midnight flight to clear his thoughts.

The cold night air wrapped around Drake, as he flew over the forests and hills, taking in the still and quiet beauty of the night. It wasn't long until after a while, he neared the village of Oaken, and thought that it couldn't hurt to take a quick visit to check on Fluttershy and Batty while he was there. He swooped down with great speed, and came to a gentle stop behind the old shop. He went up to the back door, and opened it just a little, peaking inside. And inside, he caught a partial glimpse of his sister, who had managed to resume sleeping just before he came, and spotted Batty, sleeping high in the rafters.

Drake let out a soft, yet high whistle, which was able to wake Batty up. Batty recognized immediately who the whistle was from, and saw his master through the crack in the doorway.

"Master." Batty flew down and went to his master's side. "It's good to see the master is well."

"Thank you, Batty." replied Drake. "How are things here? Is Fluttershy alright?"

Batty nodded. "Yes, mistress has been fine, though, Batty admits that he has told her that he is the reason for being here."

"You didn't tell her anything else, did you?"

Batty shook his head. "No, but master, why not just tell mistress? After all, mistress is master's sister so--"

"I've told you no." said Drake sharply. "Besides, once she's gone, it'll be time for me to move on, and to fulfill my end of the bargain."

"But master can't." said Batty. "Please, reconsider, master doesn't need to throw his life away, master can live, for himself, and for his sister. Please!" The bat began to cry.

Drake softened, and began to rub the bat's head. "Batty, you know I can't go back on my word. I've tampered with some dark magic, and there's no telling what kind of consequences may arise if I don't fulfill the promise I made. I very well might end up causing even more pain and trouble for Fluttershy than I already have."

"That's not true! Master is not a trouble to mistress. Master can find another way, master can....can be happy." sniffed Batty.

"There is no other way." said Drake. "Your concern for me is touching, but my decision is final, and nothing can change that."


"It's final, Batty."

Batty closed his mouth and hung his head. "Yes, master."

"Good. Have a good night, Batty." And with those last words, Drake left, heading back for his castle.

Batty sighed and whispered. "Oh master, why must you be so stubborn...?"

Author's Note:

Hey readers, hope you don't mind this took a while. Please comment below, and I'll get to work on the next chapter.