• Published 18th Sep 2016
  • 4,039 Views, 121 Comments

Rise of the Wholesome - Masterweaver

With the arrival of magic on Earth, some people have found themselves with new powers... and new responsibilities.

  • ...

Helping the Helpless

"Public spectacles change minds; private talks change hearts."

The web metaphor wasn't... entirely accurate. It was more... like a series of apertures in an aquarium. Fish would swim through of their own accord, stray thoughts and emotions, and she would wrap them in her arms, for they were her children. She was the only one that could move through the apertures completely, speaking mind to mind with her most trusted followers, but they too had the ability to reach out and open, see into the minds of those who joined, watch the colorful thoughts swim by.

Joining had been adjusted, with those connected to her now able to extend to others, but only she allowed to bring them in to the higher circle. A center in an ever growing network, a constant flow of love magic and knowledge propelling her beyond the plebian--that thought was caught, brought forward, vivesected, and quietly set aside. She could not, she must not let herself think of others as pawns, even those who willingly served as such. Her mind relaxed, expanded... her children were spreading silently through society, unmarked and unheeded, which gave her some projects to work at.

"Um.... excuse me?"

Political unrest in Tauros... that would be a good place to extend her hand should they need help. And--aha, Gladmane had hired one of her daughters. Perhaps it was petty, searching through his files for some way to undermine him, but after how he had treated her and all the other sex workers under his domain, she couldn't help herself. And locally, well, locally to herself, Crystal Prep... she couldn't induct any teens, of course, that would be wrong, but Thorax was doing well in unraveling Abacus's mistakes--

"Miss Chrysalis? Your eyes are glowing."

Chrysalis blinked, retracting back into herself. "I do apologize, I was rather caught up in my own... thoughts." She reached down, patting a rabbit on the head. "So, now that we've fed and watered our little friends here, what should we do?"

"You don't want to get lost in your magic," Fluttershy advised. "That leads to getting punched in the the throat."

The tall woman blinked. "...what?"

The teen glanced away, running her fingers through her hair. "Long story."

"I see." Chrysalis composed herself. "And I thank you for worrying about me, but I assure you that I am doing quite fine."

Fluttershy quirked an eyebrow, but deigned not to reply directly. Instead, she carefully set down the new bedding for the rabbits. "...I, um. I've been wondering. Why did you decide to... help the animal shelter out today?"

"Well, I've been meaning to help for a long while. I do have a highly philanthropic streak, after all."

Fluttershy narrowed her eyes. "Really."

Chrysalis tittered, glancing around. "If you have a question to ask, it's best to ask it directly."

"Alright. I... highly suspect you decided to come today specifically because a friend of Sunset Shimmer, namely me, was on call." The teen put on a stern expression. "Am I wrong?"

"Hmm." Chrysalis took a moment to reassess the young lady in front of her. "That's not my only reason."

"But it is part of it."

"Yes." She clasped her hands together. "You have grown in confidence, haven't you? Lulu was worried about you before..."

"She...?" Fluttershy took a breath. "No. Don't try to change the subject. What do you want with Sunset?"

"Oh, not much. Comparing notes, assessing the situation..." Chrysalis gave an exaggerated glance around, before leaning in. "I've been thinking of starting a support group for people with... significant power."


"Yes! Actually, it quite good that I ran into you. You do know mister Discord, right?"

Fluttershy frowned. "I... don't think it would be a good idea to invite him to any support group. He's a little bit, um, melodramatic."

Chrysalis nodded. "Good point. Anyway, so my nefarious scheme is to gather people who have followers due to their amazing power, and form a self-help group where we can talk about things that we couldn't really talk about with our followers."

"And you're going through Sunset's friends to assess whether she would want to join."

"You are certainly an insightful young lady."

Fluttershy blushed, busying herself with a bag of cat food and a scoop. After a moment, she turned back to Chrysalis. "...I, um... want to ask you something."

"I should forewarn you," Chrysalis quipped with a small smirk, "that while I would be quite willing to advise you in your private affairs, I would be required to inform your parents that I did so. You're not of age yet--"

"Nonono! That's not--!" The teenager flushed. "I know all about that, I work with rabbits and Zephyr is really bad at hiding his porn--Eeep!" Her face went as pink as the hair she rapidly hid behind, quickly shuffling over to the cat cages and pouring food into their bowls.

The woman laughed, scooping up some cat food herself. "Relax, Fluttershy. I fully understand that not everyone is as comfortable talking about intimacy as I am. I was only making a joke, and if I upset you, I apologize."


"Now," she said gently, leaning down next to the teenager to feed another feline, "what is it you wanted to ask?"

"...w-well. Um." Fluttershy glanced up at her. "I... was just wondering, um. What is your aspect?"

Chrysalis rose an eyebrow. "You know, that's the first time anyone's asked me that."

"I mean... you can't be unicorn, no head gem, and... and you don't have hoof-fingers, and I've never seen you flying..."

"You know, I'm not entirely sure myself." Chrysalis leaned back, bringing a tiny green flame into existence. "I got this and telepathy with my children, and beyond that... well, I've noticed my limbs have gotten a little longer. And..."

She coughed. "I can't wear pants."

Fluttershy blinked. "What?"

"Pants. Or shirts. Anything with sleeves or legs..." She gestured at the holes in her gloves and stockings. "Nylon's resistant enough not to deteriorate completely, but I still get holes in there. I don't know why."

"Oh. Is that why you're... wearing those boots?"

"Mmmhmm. Got them at Cool Subject."

"They do fit you." Fluttershy tapped her fingers together. "I mean, your philosophy. Broken hearts made whole."

"I know, right?"

"...You know, mister Discord is kind of the expert in Aspects. If you like, he could... give you a once over," Fluttershy suggested. "I mean... to see if there's anything you missed, or any reason for... holey stockings."

"You know what?" Chrysalis smiled at her. "I might just take you up on that."