• Published 3rd Feb 2017
  • 750 Views, 37 Comments

Sweetie Belle Plays Games - IndigoMoon

Sweetie Belle engages in a game war with Princess Luna.

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Chapter 3: Monopoly

Chapter 3

The next morning, Rarity woke Sweetie Belle up at the crack of dawn.

“Rarity, why are we up so early?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“We’re going to see Princess Luna,” replied Rarity with a falsetto kind tone.

With that sentence, Sweetie Belle was wide awake. By the time Sweetie got downstairs, Rarity had already made scrambled-eggs. Breakfast was silent with the tension of the impending visit. Sweetie Belle was nervous, while Rarity was determined.


When the walked into the throne room, they were met with an interesting sight. Princesses Celestia and Luna sitting at a table with two empty chairs, some sort of board game, and Luna’s pet opossum, Tiberius, or Tib for short, wearing a referee hat. Princess Luna waved them over. As they walked over they got a better view of the board. Rarity’s face fell, while Sweetie Belle’s lit up. The game displayed before them was Monopoly. Sweetie Belle was ecstatic. She was great at Monopoly. Sweetie Belle climbed into one of the chairs while Rarity climbed up into the other.

“Hello Rarity. Sweetie Belle,” said Princess Celestia. “Care to join us for a game of Monopoly?”

“Yes!” said Sweetie Belle, but at the same time, Rarity said,

“I’m sorry Princess but we’re going to have to decline. I came here to speak to Princess Luna-”

“About Luna and Sweetie Belle’s little “game war” as Luna phrased it. Yes, she told me about it. I personally think it’s wonderful that Luna has found someone who shares her interests.” Celestia flashed Sweetie Belle a grateful smile.

Rarity was flabbergasted, “You… you do?”

“Yes! I’m so sorry you won’t be able to join us-”

“Oh, no, Princess. Now that the matter has been resolved I suppose we can stay for one game. Although, I have to ask, who’s the opossum and why is it here?”

Luna bristled, “That opossum is the Royal Pet of the Princess of the Night, Tiberius the Brave! And he is here as our mediator to make sure nopony cheats. He shall be present at all our future gaming excursions. He spent the past night educating himself on the rules of Monopoly. Now down to business…. Dibs on the racecar!”

“I call the thimble!” cried Sweetie Belle.

“I’ll take the top hat, then,” said Rarity.

“I’ll take the battleship, I suppose,” said Princes Celestia.

{1 Hour Later}

Rarity was bored. She had been the first one out, losing almost half her bits to Sweetie Belle’s hotel on the Boardwalk, and then the rest to the Income Tax square. Celestia had begun losing money to both Luna and Sweetie Belle, eventually forking over her two railroads to Sweetie Belle. By this point Luna was looking nervously and Sweetie Belle was cackling as if she’d lost her mind. Luna picked up the dice and rolled a six, and landed on the chance card. She lifted it up, read and then cringed, groaning at the same time.

“Oh, come ON!” yelled Luna.

“What was it, Princess?” asked Rarity, suddenly interested by Luna’s reaction. Luna flipped the card over to show everyone the side. It read: ‘Take a stroll to Pony Place’. Sweetie Belle grinned widely.

“C’mon Princess, fork ‘em over.”

“No. I refuse,” Luna replied indignantly.

Tib scuttled across the table and pulled on Luna’s mane and squeaked.

“But, Tibby-” Luna began, but was cut off by a series of squeaks.

“But she’ll win…” whined Luna.

If a opossum could give chastising looks, Tib was certainly doing just that to Princess Luna.

“Ok. Fine. I’ll give her the money,” Luna grumbled. Tib seemed to smirk at his success. As Luna pushed over her last remaining bits and properties in an effort to pay off her debt.

“HAHA!” Sweetie Belle crowed. “I won! I finally beat Princess Luna!”

Luna snorted, and said, “While that may be so, I’m still winning overall with 2 out of 3 games.”

Sweetie Belle’s grin faded some. “Well at least I get to pick the next game.”

Luna nodded.

“Until then.” With that, she teleported away. As Celestia used her magic to put the game and all its pieces back into the box, she leaned over to Sweetie Belle and whispered in her ear, “Sweetie Belle, I can’t thank you enough for doing these with Luna. Ever since she returned she’s been having trouble connecting with others. I think this may finally be a turning point. So, thank you.”

Sweetie Belle blushed. “Oh, it’s nothing, Princess Celestia. And, for the record, she started it.” Sweetie Belle winked.

Celestia giggled, “Oh, I’m not surprised. And whenever you are in Canterlot and we meet on less formal terms like today, you can drop the ‘Princess’ title. I’m fine with it if it’s for formal occasions but times like these, it’s nice to just feel like another pony, you know?”

Sweetie Belle nodded, “Will do, Celestia.”

“Come on Sweetie Belle, time to go,” said Rarity. “Thank you for having us, Princess.”

“Oh it was no trouble,” replied Celestia as they walked away.

“Bye, Celestia!” said Sweetie Belle, waving.

“Goodbye, Sweetie Belle. See you again soon, I hope,” Celestia called back.

“Will do!” Sweetie Belle managed before the throne doors closed.

Celestia sighed, smiling. As she teleported the box back to Luna’s gaming room, she walked up and sat in her throne. ‘It was nice while it lasted,’ she thought. “Send in the first dispute, please!” called Celestia as she began her royal duties.

Author's Note:

Last chapter before I go to bed. But first, thanks to nega20 for the suggestion. So I'm hoping that I'll have time to get a chapter or two done tomorrow for this story and hopefully one for Wasteland Outcasts as well. I'm so glad that everyone is enjoying this fic. It warms my heart (cheesy I know, but it does). As of writing this, this fic is by far the most popular one I've written. Thanks for all the suggestions, past and future, and good night! :twilightsmile:

(P.S. I think you guys'll like the next game. I also started a group called "Sweetie Belle Fan Club" if anyone's interested.)