• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 47,749 Views, 2,611 Comments

Why am I Pinkie Pie?! - Hoopy McGee

Why the heck did I turn into Pinkie Pie?!

  • ...

Yep. It's me, again.

You know, after I came back from Equestria, I figured I wouldn't be trying any more of this reporting. I mean, I lost Pinkie's fourth wall abilities and everything, right? So what was the point of even trying.

Thing is, I figured something out. The last few weeks, I've been having weird dreams. Dreams of Equestria, and sometimes of other places. It took me a while to realize that these weren't just regular dreams. I was fourth-wall breaking, like Pinkie was. Like Pinkie, I could dream my way into other worlds.

Somehow, some of Pinkie's abilities had rubbed off on me, and I ain't likely to complain.

So, naturally, I set about to try and find a way back into Equestria. I missed all my friends. My job is boring. My family is okay, but we don't talk much these days. And I've rediscovered the joys of bachelorhood now that Rachel and I broke up. Not much keeping me here. The question was, how was I gonna get back?

Well, how did Pinkie get back? She just tried making things out of various bits of electronics, and believing that whatever it was she built would somehow work to get her back. So that's what I did.

I never did replace my TV, too expensive and I ain't made of money, but I scavenged parts from discarded appliances and such, even going to the junkyard one day. My new computer was left alone, as I believed that I could simply use the parts I got for cheap. And I didn't want to be out another computer, if this didn't work.

But I couldn't even allow myself to think this might not work. Not even once. I just kept at it, day in and day out, not even thinking about what I was doing, just believing.

I spent day after day with a soldering iron and bits of scrap electronics. What I made looked more like modern art than any kind of device that would zap me bodily into another world, but I kept going. What's a few dozen hours and a score of scorch marks on my hands and arms compared to the thought of going back to Equestria at will?

Finally, I had the device done, or at least it felt done. It was as done as it was gonna get, I figure. I took a few weeks off of work, paid my rent in advance for the next two months, left messages for everyone I knew, and in all other ways I could think of, made myself ready.

The device I made didn't look like Pinkie's. Not even close. It was a thick ring, with handles made of electrical tape on either side. I grabbed the stuff I planned on bringing, plugged in the batteries, and flipped the switch.

Two minutes later, I picked my crispy self up offa the floor. It hadn't worked, which left me mighty upset, I can tell you. The darned thing just exploded in my hands, luckily not doin' much in the way of damage to me. I might lose my deposit on the carpet, though. When I dropped what was left of the device, it kinda burned a hole in it.

I got up, and made my way to the bathroom. I was gonna check on myself to make sure I wasn't burned or bleedin' anywhere. And that's when I got a shock. A metaphorical one, rather than the literal one I'd just had a minute ago. When I turned the light on and looked in the mirror, a familiar face looked back at me. But, as you may have figured out by now, it weren't mine. I don't have green eyes, after all.

There was another shift sensation, like I'd felt far too often recently, and suddenly I was standing in a mare's bedroom and lookin' into a mirror. I saw my own face, lookin' startled, starin' back at me, and then it faded. All that was left was the reflection of the mare who's body I was inhabitin' now.

Welp, I don't rightly know if this was my own doin', with that device I'd made, or if the Dark Queen was goofing 'round again, or something else entirely. What I did know was that I was back in Equestria, which meant that I would get to see my friends again, and maybe even have another adventure!

I left the bedroom at a trot, glad that I remembered how to walk on four legs (it's kinda like ridin' a bike, really). A minute later, I went back and got the stetson and put it on top of my blond mane. For some reason, I felt naked without it. Then, after a quick last check in the mirror to make sure the hat looked proper, I tipped myself a wink and walked out the door.

Time to go see Twilight. And, while I'm at it, the rest of my friends, too. I just hope Applejack isn't too worked up all by her lonesome, back on Earth.

Ah, I'm sure she'll be fine. And we got the Mirror of Souls to switch us back, whenever we want.

This is Allen, probably soon to be known as "Appleguy", signin' off from Equestria. Yee-fricken'-haw!

Comments ( 318 )

This is the last chapter. Yay! My silly little side project is complete!

I learned something on this story. I learned that I'm absolutely no good at estimating how long something is going to be.

Some folks have been asking about a sequel, possibly with Cinnamon Swirl. Honestly, I had no plans for it. But I've got an inkling of an idea, and if I can figure out how to make it pan out and be interesting, then I'll go for it. Should be fun, at least!

Anyway, thank you all for reading, and I hope you've enjoyed the ride. A little less wackiness on these last two chapters (though I did have fun writing the mental merry-go-round on that other chapter), but endings tend to be sad affairs, for me. Luckily, as we see in this last chapter, nothing really needs to end :applejackunsure:

Thanks again!


Sad to see this story end:pinkiesad2: but god, it was freaking hilarious.:twilightsmile:

The following is my reaction:

Green eyes? ......... Huh..... - dosen't even stop to think about who has green eyes -

........ When did he start thinking in a southern accent? ........ Oh boy.

So this means.... SEQUEL?!?!


AJ!!!! :pinkiehappy: I do hope you make another story. :3 squeee.
You too awesome.

One of the most hilarious stories I have read, awesome job Hoopy McGee!:pinkiehappy:

I believe there is a trope for this.

Book Ends.

See Also: Here We Go Again, Call Back.

You realize AJ's gonna show you what the trees feel like when she gets back, right? :ajsmug:
Looking forward to the next one ... of, what, five more? :rainbowderp:

Poor Applejack,

"Allen!!!!!" zooms out on Earth.

Sequel please? :fluttershysad:

Yee-fricken'-haw indeed.

... Do you have something against me getting sleep?:trixieshiftleft:



doesn't even work half as well. heh, I was trying to come up with a male equivalent, and... well, let's just say my mind isn't a normal place.

I have settled on applejill.

Well... I guess I can't blame him too much.
Applejack is best pony after all. :ajsmug:

Hugs for everypony! Such a fun little story born out of writers block.
Applejack is not going to be pleased.

Poor AJ.
I'm sure she won't be happy about this.:ajbemused:


That's was a laugh till the end thanks for the giggles and great job!

I really liked this. Well written. Absolutely hilarious.
I'd like a sequel, as you mentioned, but only if you can think of a way to make it, well, good. I've seen more than one sequel that shouldn't have been.


Pulling a Shyamalan on us I see.

So he did manage to go back to Equestria it's just too bad that this time he's in Applejack oh boy is she going to be mad at him.

My thoughts exactly.

That was a really great story I enjoyed the ride that you have given all of us. I believe that I'll now put this story in my completed top favorites list. I laughed, I worried, I speculated, but most of all I had fun. Thanks for sharing this story with us and I hope you do well in your other stories.

1436757 THE Dr. Freeman speaks? This can only be a sign of something big happening. Eh, at least you like pony fanfics, so I can't complain too much.

Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! :ajsmug:

And then he has adventures as each of the Mane 6!

For the love of all that is holy make a sequel!:pinkiehappy::twilightoops::trixieshiftright::flutterrage::fluttershysad::heart:

1436757 If Gordon Freeman says there's gonna be a sequel. Then there's gonna be a damn sequel!

Hopefully there will be a sequel.:fluttercry:I loved this story. Are you just gonna leave us hangin' with him becoming Applejack?:rainbowhuh:


Great story. Kinda weird ending, since I know I'd feel kinda bad doing that to someone else—on purpose this time—but oh well. Still funny.

Poor AJ. :rainbowlaugh:

It's Applejack. No one will even notice she's gone. :trollestia: :ajbemused:

I could just imagine AJ waking up, looking in the mirror, giving this face:ajbemused: and start yelling to the ceiling at Allen. :rainbowlaugh:
Well done sir. Sequel or not this was a great story.

lmao poor aj. well good job on this story. kinda sad to see it complete

Where can I find this (potential) sequel????


Look at your comment. Read what it says. Take a good, long look.
Now look at your Steam library, and go to the title labeled "Half-Life 2: Episode Three."
Are you there? No, because you were sucked into the gaping void where there should be a "sequel," as you call it.
Take a moment to reflect on the choices that have led you to this point as you drift through the endless expanse between realities.

P.S. 1436757 You shoulda kept the ponytail.

1436707 Damn, this was nice. :twilightsmile:
If you do make a sequel, are you going to make a blogpost for the story? That'd be nice.//dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra2.png

so allen is now an unintentional pony body snatcher

I'm sigh for teh sequel petition too! Buut, well... On the other hand... it would be hard to make second one be different from this.

Yay! That was fabulous, well done!

820126 Who lives in a pineapple under the sea...

A sequel would make me :yay:!


How about Allenjack?

Nah, that sucks. But this whole story was awesome.


Or so we can hope. :pinkiehappy:

Oh, and oddly appropriate lyrics/video are appropriate. But what the hell were we on back in the 80's?

Very nice story! :twilightsmile:
A sequel would be welcome. :pinkiesmile:

"And then they all hugged" was probably a better ending than this, but one can't have everything. Might not be the most coherent story on this site, though neither is Pinkie the most coherent pony (however, she is best pony). Good job!

Sequel : Why am I a Human ?!, with AJ's life in the human world !:pinkiehappy:

1436707 I enjoyed the heck out of this story... but Here We Go Again? It's a trope I just generally dislike. It means that, fundamentally, something important wasn't resolved, so the story can't really end, but we're stuck stopping there anyway.

Yeah, it's a personal preference thing. And I'm certainly not saying it doesn't fit the story. Just don't like the trope.

Sad to see it end, you left it very open ended though if you ever felt like returning to the shenanigans you created. Here's a double thumbs up.
The thumbs have been DOUBLED!!

Applejack-Allen? MUST BE MADE!:pinkiehappy:
Awaiting further releases.:fluttershysad:

Maybe you could base a sequel around Applejack in the human world instead. I hear honesty goes far in today's world....

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