• Published 20th Sep 2016
  • 3,071 Views, 153 Comments

Final Reign - Lise

Prince Blueblood, Tyrant of Equestria, has a final talk with his would-be assassin.

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Ink glowed as I wrote down the formula on paper. Finally the pieces were in place. All that time spent in research, the years wasted in accumulating magic, had at last shown me what I must do.

Twilight was wrong in her projections, all of them were! Only Auntie had glimpsed the truth. Somehow she had known all that time ago, when it first had started. The alicorn plague wasn't a disease, it was the cure. Over millennia, ponies had grown to be the problem—exploring, settling, multiplying, draining more magic that Equestria could offer. Their very existence had tipped the balance, forcing a correction, and nature was merciless when it came to correcting imbalance.

"You can drop the act, Discord," I said, continuing with my work. "My study has four columns, not five."

"Your study?" The farmost column shifted shape, changing into the draconequus' primary form. "I could have sworn this used to be Celestia's palace. You know, that alicorn that gave you wings?"

"It still is." I understood why Auntie found him so pesky. Discord had the annoying habit of knowing more than he was supposed to. She could never stop him from entering the Palace, just as I had failed to. "And to what do I owe this intrusion?" I sighed, putting the quill away. "Did Fluttershy send you to kill me?"

"Fluttershy?" He swirled his way over to me. "What makes you think I've seen Fluttershy? What makes you think I care—"

"He's lying!" my crown said. "He's seen. He cares."

"Oh, did I forget to mention?" I turned around to face him, admiring his perplexed expression. "I've added a truth-teller spell to my crown. So, please, continue."

Discord's mane and eyebrows burned green.

"Fluttershy didn't send me to kill you," he snarled, knife-like claws emerging from his paw. "I decided that on my own."

The crown remained silent. Not that I was expecting anything different. Ever since my confrontation with the Element of Laughter, I had known this moment would come. I had amassed too much power, made Equestria too orderly in my own fashion.

"A bit late to react, don't you think?" I looked at him again. His eyes were burning with rage as he glared down at me. "I extinguished four Elements and you didn't lift a finger."

"Those five don't concern me—"

"He's lying!" my crown shouted.

"—as much." Discord snapped his fingers. My crown disappeared, replaced by a jester's cap. If I were still capable of feelings I would probably have been be amused. "It's precisely because you disposed of them that I chose the act. Do you take me for a fool? It's only a matter of time before you stop scribbling your nonsense and go to... pay her a personal visit."

"Ah." I glanced at the fresh formula I'd written. I could spot a few mistakes. Nothing irreversible. I still had enough magic to fix them. "I guess I know what happened to the guards I sent. They cost me a considerable amount of magic, you know."

"Bah!" The draconequus waved his paw. "Puppets. Low quality ones at that. When I pulled ponies' strings, I left them the illusion of free will."

"Well, I don't have the luxury of time as you did." I stood up. "I'm actually surprised. You could have made your presence felt all this time, but you didn't. Could it be the plague has affected you too?"

The faintest bubble of rage echoed within me. If he had lent a hand all that time ago maybe Auntie could have been cured. During the first years of the plague, Twilight had made countless attempts to find him, yet he hadn't shown up once. Magic, dragon letters, even her own spells had failed to bring him out of hiding. I couldn't help but think he had done it all for a laugh, amused by the chaos the sickness brought. Well, he wasn't laughing now.

"As if you don't know," he scoffed. "The plague only affects female alicorns. Well, females anyway. Which gives me an idea." His face wondered in a monstrous grin. "There's nothing preventing me from transforming you into a mare. I wonder what aspect of the sickness will affect you then? Blindness? Paralysis? Insanity?"

"I suppose you could." I took off the jester cap and placed it on the desk. There would be a time for that later. With a casual stroll, I passed by Discord heading towards the window. "But then what would happen to your dear Element of Kindness? If I die, the whole of Equestria dies with me. Or do you presume to be able to keep it together?"

"Silly colt," Discord laughed. "I won't have to! I can move between dimensions at a mere whim! I admit I'd miss this silly little place after all that's happened, but nothing lasts forever. Well, except me. The only reason I'm wasting my precious time away from Fluttershy is because you have grown too big for your britches and, in your insanely idiotic attempts at magic weaving, could harm her."

"Oh?" This was unexpected. Did the draconequus know something I didn't? "Where's Fluttershy, Discord?" I looked over my shoulder.

"Somewhere where you'll never find her!" he said theatrically, summoning a cape into existence. "Damn those O&O sessions! They always manage to ruin the moment." If this was supposed to be funny, I didn't feel it. Discord snapped with his tail. The cape disappeared. "Please be a sport and don't tell anyone about this in the great beyond?" He grinned viciously, moving closer. "I have an image to uphold, after a—"

He never got to finish, a few steps away an arrow crashed through the window, blurring itself into his heart. For several seconds Discord just stood there, incapable of accepting that anything was capable of harming him. His lips moved, wanting to curse me, or ask a final question, right before his massive body fell lifeless to the floor.

"Changeling stone,” I said calmly as I turned around. “You never considered I'd use it as a weapon, did you?" I stood over his body. He must have seen me make the trade with Chrysalis—all the Laughter I could give for a piece of her throne. A worthless deal, unless one knew the purpose. “Surprise,” I said, the word coming out drained of joy.

The “eternal, everlasting Discord” was no more, dead out of pure arrogance. Ages ago he had called himself Tyrant too, one with all the power in the world at his disposal. If I had even a fraction of what he had—the things I'd be able to do! I'd eradicate the plague before it could start. Now, I would content myself with using what was left of his magic to save my crumbling Equestria.

"He wasn't lyin'," my crown said, now back to its original shape. "You ain't gettin' Shy."

"It doesn't matter." I went back to my desk. I had one more piece. Soon I'd have enough and then... then all would be forgiven.