• Published 6th Jan 2012
  • 1,270 Views, 6 Comments

One Trick Pony - BonXsig

Rainbow creates a new trick for a certin orange mare. A bump of heads opens old wounds.

  • ...

Apology Date

"H-hey Applejack"
The orange mare sniffed to herself.
"i wanted to come by and tell you that im sorry for laughing at you earlier today" Applejack didn't even flinch, no movement, just a glare.
The cyan mare spoke, her voice quiet and apologetic.
""it was inconsiderate of me. You being hurt and all, especially since it was mostly my fault."
Applejack was still silent.
"I can understand that you don't want to talk to me right now, but im really sorry!...guess i'll see you later AJ" the cyan pony stepped of the porch, head drooped, eyes closed, afraid of letting a tear slip by.
The last thing Dash wanted now was to start crying, especially in front of the mare she loved.
"Applejack should know that I never really meant any of that."

The cyan mare had almost reached the farm gate when she heard a voice calling behind her
Rainbow quickly removed all traces of the tears with her hoof before turning around, watching the Orange mare run towards her.
"Rainbow…ahm thorry pleath come thwo tha houth ill exthplain myselph"
She said with her still silly accent.
Rainbow smiled at her.
"well…alright farm pony. But only if can get some apple pie! I haven't eaten alllll day" she said while rolling her head in exaggeration.
Applejack nodded with a smirk "Deal"

They trotted back to the house in silence. This now gave rainbow time to think.
Did she see that trick? She did ask who I was talking about so she probably saw the trick too.
"You ok hun?" Applejack asked as she bumped their flanks together.
"Oh huh? Uh…yeah. Just a lot on my mind right now." She said quickly.
"Well how about I geth tyo some foodth to make you feel betther." Applejack said as they reached the house. "one or thwo pieces?"
Rainbow held up one hoof.

Rainbow was thankful for the orange pony's kindness and forgiveness, it was one of the reasons she liked her after all.

They sat at the table, pie already being devoured by the cyan Pegasus.
"well I thupose ill tell why I wasethnt actin to kindly" Applejacks face was stern.

Applejack explained that when she had begun speaking like that it opened old wounds from her fillyhood. When she was a filly she had a speech impediment that made her talk…well…how she talks right now. She was teased all through filly-school, a long time, long enough to make her want to leave. So she did and she went to live with her aunt and uncle orange in Manehattan. She learned to control it and to speak properly while she was going to school there. A sonic rainboom had reminded her of her real home, she knew she had to go back. Everypony who had bullied her had probably forgot about her. And now that her speech was fixed she could actually talk to the others without being ridiculed. By the time she got back from Manehattan her schooling was already finished, she went right to the farm and right to applebucking. And has been here ever since.

Applejack spoke with a long sigh "thars my story" she whipped tears from her eyes.
"You're tha only pony have ever thold" Rainbow was whipping tears from her eyes.

"I-im sorry Applejack I…" she raised her head looking towards the orange mare. As she did she saw Applejacks hat in the livening room. The cyan pony was a flash into the living room and right back out with the farm ponies hat, put it on her head and accented it with a hug.
"Thanks Applejack could I ask one more thing of you?" AJ nodded. "Can I treat you to dinner. As an apology?"

Applejack smiled. "thure"


It was three days later that Rainbow was going to take Applejack to dinner.
She was in her cloud house trying to figure out what to do for there night out.
"I know its just a friendly dinner but should I look nice?" the hysterical blue pony said to herself.
She punched her hoof into a cloud and pulled out a small grey hand mirror.
"My mane is sort of dirty, maybe I should go wash!"
Darting out of her cloud house franticly searching for a raincloud to use as a makeshift shower.
"eh, No dice! Why of today all days the other members of the weather team want a sunny, cloudless day!.. Wait… I wanted that… oh to hay with the cloud! I just need soap and the lake will do fine!"
Quickly flying back into the house she came out with soap in her mouth.
Like a torpedo she plunged into the body of water
Bubbles of soap reached the waters surface.
And just as quickly as the Pegasus went in she was right back out again, back into her cloud house in 10 seconds flat.

"Ok! How much time do I have left?" she asked herself looking towards her clock.
Dinner was at 7, and it was barely 2.
"Ok maybe I should go ask someponys opinion? But its just a friendly apology dinner.
Oh what do I do!" a puff of white fluff flew into the air as the pony flopped onto her cloud bed.

"Rainbow Dash?" an ever so sweet voice called from the window?
"Oh I'm so sorry to intrude on your cloud but I couldn't help but hear you while flying by."

A thought came to mind "Fluttershy! She can help me!"

"Oh hey Fluttershy!" she said regaining herself.
"Yeah im just getting ready I have dinner date for tonight"

"OH? With who Rainbow dash?" The yellow pegasus floated through the window.
"Uh…well…Fluttershy I have a date with…" The blue wings on her back started to extend on their own.
Fluttershy leaned in closer to the pony with a smile that looked like it could cause a song to be sung right then and there.

"Alright, do you promise not to tell anypony?"
The yellow pony nodded.
She buffed herself up and nodded again
"Pinkiepie swear!?" she motioned to Fluttershy.
"Cross my heart hope to fly put a cupcake in my eye" Fluttershy returned with her motion to dash.
"Alright, Ill tell you" Fluttershy anxiously moved towards to blue Pegasus.
"Itsapplejack!" she yelled a smashed her head into a cloud red blush all the way down to her neck.

Fluttershy tilted her head and thought for a moment.
From inside the makeshift shelter rainbow had made a muffled voice
"You don't think im a weirdo? Your not mad that im a fillyfooler? If you don't like me anymore its ok you can leave."

She felt a hoof tap her on the shoulder.
As Dash raised her head she was prompted with a question.
"Uh, Dash? What's a fillyfooler?
Rainbow thought to herself. "I How do I put this" she scratched her head.
Fluttershy looked intently at Dash still tilting her head.

"Well, I like Applejack"
"Oh yes I like Applejack too" the yellow Pegasus nodded.
Wavering her hooves at Fluttershy she said "nonono I 'Like' Applejack, you know?"
Now Fluttershy was the one scratching her head "uh…"
"Like a mare and a colt like one another. You know?"
Rainbow turned around put her forelegs behind her neck and started making kissing sounds.
"Get it now?"
When she turned back, Fluttershy was the brightest shade of red she had ever seen, almost like Bigmac. The yellow pony could only squeak.
"See?" Fluttershy quickly nodded in agreement.
"Want a drink?" She nodded again
Dash walked through a small archway into her kitchen. Like the rest of her house, it was made of fluffy clouds.
She walked to the small black cloud in the corner of the room, took a cup from the top, kicked it, and instant water poured from it.
Rainbow walking back to see Fluttershy not as red but still wide eyed.
"Here Fluttershy" The yellow Pegasus snatched the glass and downed it in seconds.
"I assume you don't like me anymore. Because I like other mares" The cyan mare felt like she was apologising to herself.
"Oh nonononono its just, an embarrassing topic for me….you know? The yellow pony barely squeking out a sentence.
"Hehe oh yeah, right…"
They sat in silence for what seemed like hours. But only 5 minuets had passed till Rainbow broke the ice.

"Ahem. Well, anyways could…you help me with this?" The pony of pride Rainbow Dash, asking for help. It was something the pegasus didn't really want to do, but she knew she had to.
"You've been on dates before with Bigmac"
Lightly nodding Fluttershy spoke. "Well yes. But that was different. Your plans with Applejack are only…friendly, right?"

"Well that's the thing. I want to tell her how I feel tonight. Could you help me Fluttershy?"
At this point Dash seemed desperate. She had only ever been on one other date and that was with Gilda in flight school. And that didn't exactly end well, with Gilda graduating a year ahead of dash. She left, and Dash was left alone but not hurt, I guess she was just trying things.

Fluttershy gave a dilemma to the cyan mare. "Well, I'm not exactly the pony to ask i've only been on a few dates, so I couldn't exactly tell you what to do, I sorry i'm not much help." Her head drooped.
An idea came to the yellow pony "What about Rarity! She's been on a thousand dates! She's the pony to ask about that kind of stuff!"

Rainbow Dash thought to herself before answering. "I-I don't know if I want to tell anypony else…you're the only pony that knows" Her cheeks bubbled up with blush.

Both the pony's thought to themselves trying to think of a new solution to there newly adopted problem.
Fluttershy threw an idea out "What if we don't mention her name?"
Rainbows eyes lit up "Yes! That's the perfect idea!" she jumped into the air.
"Would…you come with me? I can't go into her boutique alone and ask for help for this kind of stuff she would never let me live it down."
Fluttershy smiled brightly. "Of course Rainbow"

The two pegasi left Rainbows cloud house within five minutes. They were going to fly over Sweet Apple Acres it being the fastest way. And it gave the blue pony time to look for a certain orange mare.
"Farm workers, no. The cutie mark crusaders, no. Granny smith, no. Isn't that Bigmac down there? And who's the brown pony on top of him?" Fluttershy only shrugged.
"She's usually working today. I wonder were she is." She mumbled to herself.

"Were are you Applejack."

End of part 2

Comments ( 5 )

The story is quite interesting, but it's completely filled with grammatical errors, some spelling errors and incorrect punctuation. I would heavily consider revising, or getting more help with editing.

Again, the story interests me, but it needs to be about 20% easier to read. :twilightsheepish:

113768 much thanks for the criticism I love to know how I can inprove on my work.
Its already been revised once but another time wont hurt:pinkiesmile:

the main thing i noticed was the ending
"were are you Applejack."
shouldnt it be "Where are you Applejack?"
just pointing that out, besides that, im pretty sure this story will shape up nicely with the proper stuff :D

:facehoof: I feel like a silly pony

Story is shaping up good! Will track an keep an eye on it. Don't listen to the grammar nuts they always comment on that first! But getting someone to help you out too wouldn't hurt neither.

I like the approach you're taking with this story with the injury rekindling an old memory of Applejacks past when she was teased for her speech impediment. Keep it up!

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