• Published 18th Oct 2016
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Yu-Gi-Oh! EG: Neo W.R.P.G U.S. Selection Arc - foxmaster

Yu-Gi-Oh! crossover that takes place some time after the Friendship Games; and is a modified version of the World Racing Grand Prix arc from Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's, but with more modern game mechanics; such as Pendulum Summoning.

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The End of the Trix

“ And now taking the final leg for Team Silverwing is none other than their leader Silver Chance,” The Mc announced as the crowd erupted in cheers.

Silver caught up to Darcy and drew his opening hand.

Darcy: 500
Silver Chance: 4000

“ My turn I draw,” Silver said as he drew his sixth card. Silver was faced with three powerful dragons and not many ways to take them down. Silver checked his hand and saw his strategy manifest before him.

“ First I activate the Spell Raigeki this destroys all three of your dragons. I knew what you were planning you were going to let me beat you on purpose so you could leave those dragons at the door for your leader to hurt me with afterward.

A bolt of Lightning came down but before the impact, Darcy snagged a clutch action card and activated without hesitation.

“ You are right I was going to throw the match so Icy could deliver the finishing blow but now that's changed I activate the Action Spell Mirror Barrier I may not be able to save all three of my dragons but I can save Chaos Emperor Dragon from destruction so Icy can destroy you with it next turn. A mirror ball encased Chaos Emperor Dragon as the bolt of lightning destroy Darcy’s other dragons while the mirror ball kept the lightning out for Chaos Emperor Dragon.

“ You may have saved your ultimate weapon but I still have cards to play so next I summon Buster Whelp in attack mode. Buster Whelp appeared and was about to make an intimidating face but Chaos Emperor Dragon looked more intimidating and made it cower.

Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman

“ You challenge my dragon with that worthless weakling what is he going to do cuddle my dragon into submission,” Darcy said tauntingly while Silver was not amused by Darcy belittling his monster.

“ He won,t be challenging your dragon but he will allow me to summon someone who will but first since I Normal Summoned my Whelp he allows me to add a Destruction Sword card to my hand and I will add Snake Buster Destruction Sword to my hand. Silver added his declared card to his hand and then proceeded with his turn.

“ Remember what I said about my whelp summoning a monster that will challenge your dragon well here it comes I use my Whelp’s effect to tribute it to summon forth his master Buster Blader from my hand. Buster whelp flew into the portal and Buster Blader leaped right out and ready his sword to take done the emperor of all dragons.

Buster Blader
ATK:2600 + 1500 = 4100

“ How did your monster gain attack points?” Darcy asked surprisingly.

“ He’s Buster Blader also know as the ultimate dragon slayer and for each Dragon-Type monster on your field and in your GY he gains 500 attack points,” Silver pointed out.

“ But I'm not done yet next I equip him with the Snake Buster that is in my hand. Buster Blader’s sword was replaced by a golden sword with a snake-like pattern carved into the blade and a serpent mouth design on the handle.

“ While this card is equipped Buster Blader is immune to all card effects that would destroy him. As Silver explained that two Action cards were coming up ahead and both Darcy and Silver grabbed one and they both decided to hold on to them for now.

“ Next I set two cards face-down and now I enter my Battle Phase and will have Buster Blader attack Chaos Emperor Dragon. As Buster Blader was charging forward Darcy pulled her Action Card out.

“ I may not move on but my dragon will I activate the Action Spell Miracle not only does this protect my Dragon from destruction but the damage is halved. Darcy thought she had won until Silver activated his Action Card in response to hers.

“ Neither of you will be moving on because I activate the Action Spell No Action this negates the activation and effect of your Action Card. The barrier around Chaos Emperor Dragon faded and Buster Blader slew Darcy’s Dragon along with the rest of her life points.

Darcy: 0
Silver Chance: 4000

Winner: Silver Chance

4100 - 1500 = 2600

Darcy drove back to her team's pit to a very enraged Icy who was not happy about Silver ruining her team’s strategy like that.

“ Sorry I could not leave Chaos Emperor for you that Red Fountain wannabe is very formidable,” Darcy said as she passed the baton to her sister.

“ No matter I am going to freeze this loser so much even his runner will shatter,” Icy said before taking off.

Sunset and the others watched as the leader of Team Trix took the stage and Lightning and Rarity returned just in time to see it. Everyone was worried about Silver since this is the one that freezes her opponents to the bone.

“ And now taking the Final leg for Team Trix is the Leader Icy,” The Mc shouted as Icy caught up to Silver and drew her opening hand.

Silver Chance:4000

“ My turn I draw,” Icy said as she drew her sixth card. Icy was very glad about what she drew and immediately went into action.

“ First since you have four cards on your field and I have zero I can Special Summon Medium of the Ice Barrier from my hand. A woman with long flowing ice blue hair wearing a blue and white dress appeared and acted like she was sensing something.

Medium of the Ice Barrier

“ While my Medium is on the field your only allowed to activate one Spell or Trap card per turn so good luck trying to defend yourself now,” Icy said tauntingly.

Silver was not intimidated since his monster still held the advantage. Icy continued her move thus making Silver’s position more complicated.

“ Next I activate the Field Spell Ice Barrier Castle. The entire stadium was buried in a thick layer of snow and at the opposite end of the stadium was a castle made of ice with cannons and everything. Not only do all my Ice Barrier monsters on the field gain 500 attack and defense points but the ones in my hand have their levels decreased by two. Icy,s Medium began to power up.

2200 + 500 = 2700

“ Next thanks to my castle I can summon this next monster without any tributes so come on out Dai-Sojo of the Ice Barrier. A monk dressed in white and blue appeared and took an offensive stance.

Dai-Soji of the Ice Barrier
ATK: 1600 + 500 = 2100

“ When Dai-Sojo is Normal or Flipped Summoned he automatically switches to defense mode but while he is on the field you can't destroy my monsters with Spell or Trap effects. Dai-Sojo took a meditating stance as he gained power.

Dai-Soji of the Ice Barrier
DEF:2200 + 500 = 2700

“ Now I Enter my Battle Phase and will have my Medium attack Buster Blader. Medium charged at Buster Blader and was about to slap a bunch of spirit tags on him until Silver went for one of his set cards.

“ I may only be allowed to use one Spell or Trap but I'm going to make it count so I activate the Trap Kitetsu’s Cursed Blade this card becomes an equip card onto a monster I control and it gives that monster an extra 800 attack points and doubles any battle damage that monster inflicts. Buster Blader’s sword was replaced by a katana that resembled one of the legendary Muramasa blades as he powered up while cutting the air in front of him.

2600 + 800 = 3400

Medium continued her attack while Icy grabbed a clutch Action Card and then activated it.

“You're not destroying my monster that easily because I activate the Action Spell Miracle this protects my monster from destruction and halves the damage or in this case brings it back to its original total. As Buster Blader’s sword collided with Icy’s Medium Buster Blader repelled her and then slashed at Icy like he had no control over his sword.

Silver Chance:4000

“ Not bad but not good enough I still have plenty of cards left to hit you with but for now I set one card face-down and end my turn,” Icy said as a set card appeared behind her monsters.

“ My turn I draw,” Silver said as he drew his second card. Silver needed to get past these monsters before Icy could summon something that could really hurt him. Silver could only use one spell or trap so he needed to chose carefully.

“ Before you even try anything loser I activate my Trap Illusion Mirror of the Ice Barrier,” Icy said as a trap with an image of a woman in a white kimono reflected in a bunch of mirrors flipped face up and manifested said mirrors around her and Silver’s position. This allows me to Special Summon a level four or lower Ice Barrier monster from my deck as long as I have another Ice Barrier monster on my field so from my deck I Special Summon Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier. A swordsman with a sword of ice was reflected in the mirrors and then came out of the one at the top and prepared to fight.

Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
ATK:1300 + 500 = 1800

“ Now we are both prohibited from attacking with any level four or higher monsters so your swordsman is just going to have to chill out for the rest of this duel. Buster Blader was suddenly covered in ice and could barely move and Silver was feeling it as well as the fabric on his sleeve began to freeze. Silver made his move hoping to at least get somewhere.

“ First I summon Buster Trainee in attack mode. A blacked haired boy wearing black armor wielding an unusual looking black sword appeared and brandished his sword at Icy.

Buster Trainee

“ What can that runt do against any of my monsters he barely holds a candle to them,” Icy said mockingly while Silver was still not amused by it.

“ Well for starters he is level three so he is free to attack but First I equip him with the Equip Spell Crimson Soldier Arsenal - Hecate II,” Silver said as Buster Trainee’s sword was replaced with a red Hecate II sniper rifle. This card not only gives my Trainee an extra 700 attack points but if he destroys a monster in battle he can attack a second time this turn and my Trainee’s effect will make him, even more, stronger since he gains 600 attack points for each card he is equipped with. Buster Trainee began to grow stronger as he focused his rifle.

1600 + 700 + 600 =2900

“ Now that my Trainee is ready to fight time to battle and I will start with that Cryomancer of yours Buster Trainee attack Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier. Buster Trainee fired his rifle and shot a big red bullet at Cryomancer. As the bullet came closer Icy noticed a clutch action card and grabbed it then activated it.

“ I activate the Action Spell Evasion now your attack is negated. Cryomancer dodged the bullet and Silver continued his move.

“ since I have no other options I end my turn,” Silver said.

“ My turn I draw,” Icy said as she drew her third card. Icy knew she had the advantage and decided to keep up the pressure.

“ I sacrifice my Cryomancer in order to Tribute Summon General Grunard of the Ice Barrier. Cryomancer vanished and in his place was a man dressed as a feudal lord wearing armor made of ice preparing for battle.

General Grunard of the Ice Barrier
ATK:2800 + 500 = 3300

“ Now you're in for more pain because one per turn during my main phase I can Normal Summon one additional Ice Barrier monster from my hand I and will use that effect to tribute my Dai-Sojo so I can Summon General Gantala of the Ice Barrier. Dai-Sojo vanished and in his place was a bald man with no shirt and a fist made of ice.

General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
ATK:2700 + 500 = 3200

“ and just so you don't try and attack again I activate the spell Surface to bring back Cryomancer in Defense Mode. Cryomancer rose out of the snow and took up a defensive position.

Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
DEF:0 + 500 = 500

“ And with that, I will end my turn and during my End Phase, Gantala allows me to Special Summon an Ice Barrier monster from my GY so welcome back Dai-Sojo of the Ice Barrier. Dai-Sojo appeared and took a fighting stance.

Dai-Soji of the Ice Barrier
ATK: 1600 + 500 = 2100

“ My turn I draw,” Silver said as he drew his card. Silver needed a way to get his headliner back in the game and then remembered Buster Trainee’s passive effect.

“ First I unequip Snake Buster from Buster Blader to Summon it to my field. Buster Blader dropped his sword and a whelp appeared out of it carrying it in its mouth.

Snake Buster Destruction Sword

“ Now I use Snake Buster’s effect to equip him to Buster Trainee. The whelp carrying Snake Buster retreated back into the sword and Buster Trainee grabbed it. And since a new card was equipped to Buster Trainee he gains 600 attack points. Buster Trainee powered up.

2900 + 600 = 3500

“ Now I enter my Battle Phase and I will have my Trainee attack Medium. Trainee fired his Hecate II and managed to nail Medium right between the eyes before causing her to explode.

Silver Chance:4000

“ Since my Trainee successfully destroyed your monster he can attack again and this time I'm aiming for Cryomancer. Trainee fired another shot and this time nailed Cryomancer dead center causing him to explode and the ice around Buster Blader to melt away.

“ Now that Buster Blader is free he will attack Gantala. Buster Blader charged at Gantala and slashed him in half with an unrestrained slash by Kitetsu.

Silver Chance:4000

Sunset and the others were amazed by Silver’s lead over Icy and how he managed to turn the tables. Bloom and her friends knew this was not over and that Icy has something up her sleeve.

“ I end my turn by setting one card face-down,” Silver said as a set card appeared behind his monsters.

“ My turn I draw,” Icy said as she drew her card. Icy needed to bring out her secret weapon but no longer had the monsters to do it with yet. Icy was about to end her turn until she spotted an Action Card ahead and grabbed it. She read it and smiled before activating it.

“ I activate the Action Spell Hand Recharge this returns the only card in my hand back to my deck and allows me to five cards. Icy returned the only card in her hand back to her deck shuffled it and then drew five cards. Icy saw her strategy manifest in her mind before acting it out.

“ Now I activate the Spell Aqua Mirage,” Icy said as a spell with an image of a whale surfacing in front of a narrow canal appeared. This allows me to Special Summon a WATER Attribute monster from my GY however it will be destroyed during my End Phase so come on back Cryomancer. Cryomancer appeared out of the snow like he was a clone of himself made of ice and then became the real deal.

Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
ATK:1300 + 500 = 1800

“ And next I summon Blizzard Defender of the Ice Barrier. A bird as white as snow flew down and landed next to Cryomancer.

Blizzard Defender of the Ice Barrier
ATK:300 + 500 = 800

“ Now that I have what I need time to show you my true power I tune my Level two Cryomancer with my level one Blizzard and level six Dai-Sojo to Synchro Summon my ultimate weapon. Cryomancer leaped into the air and then transformed into two stars and then two rings that encircled Dai-Sojo and Blizzard and turned them into seven stars that fell into alignment.

“ Mighty hydra made of ice freeze everything in your path and freeze my foes to the bone! Synchro Summon! Roar! Level Nine! Trishula Dragon of the Ice Barrier!

A white and blue hydra appeared and unleashed a mighty roar from all three heads before landing and flying behind Icy.

Trishula Dragon of the Ice Barrier
ATK: 2700 + 500 = 3200

“ Now you're in for a major beating because when Trishula is successfully Synchro Summoned I can banish one card from your hand, field, and GY so from your field I banish Buster Blader and from your GY I banish Buster Whelp. Trishula unleashed two breaths of ice from two of its three heads one froze Buster Blader and then shattered him along with his equipped card and the other went into Silver’s GY and removed Buster Whelp.

“ Now to deal with that runt of yours I activate the Equip Spell Megamorph since my Life points are lower than yours Trishula’s attack points are doubled. Trishula powered up as it got bigger from Icy’s spell card.

3200 + 2700 = 5900

As Trishula was powering up Silver saw an action card up ahead and grabbed it then saved it after reading it.

“ Now its time for a little payback you Red Fountain wannabe Trishula attack Buster Trainee with triple frostbite blast. Trishula unleashed three simultaneous blasts of ice breath that them combined into one massive attack that buried Buster Trainee in a ton of snow that then destroyed him.

Silver Chance:1600

“ I activate the Action Spell Damage Draw since I took over 2000 points of damage I can draw two cards. Silver drew his two cards and pointed out to Icy since her life points are higher than his now Trishula loses power.

5900 - 4050 = 1850

“ My monster may have lost a ton of strength for inflicting so much damage but it was well worth it now that there is nothing standing in my way General Grunard attack this loser directly and end this duel. Grunard charged at Silver ready to punch him off his runner until Silver reacted.

“ I been waiting for this I activate the Trap Mirror Force when you declare an attack this card destroys all of your monsters that are in attack mode. A barrier appeared behind Silver and Gurnard's punch shattered it then caused the fragment to stab into Trishula and Grunard thus destroying them. After the smoke cleared Icy came out holding an action card she just grabbed under the cover of the smoke.

“ Here is some more payback for destroying my monsters I activate the Action Spell Phoenix Arrow this inflicts 1500 points of damage to you. Icy fired the arrow at Silver and nailed him right in the back thus freezing him a bit more.

Silver Chance:100

“ I set two cards face-down and end my turn now go ahead and make your last pathetic move you Red Fountain wannabe loser,” Icy said mockingly as two set cards appeared on her field. Silver was in a very binding situation with his ace banished and his life points down to 100 and two set cards on his opponent’s field that could end this if he made the wrong move. Silver suddenly felt his element react to his thoughts and saw the top card of his deck glow. Silver decided to put all his faith in that card.

“ My turn I draw,” Silver shouted with all his might. Silver saw that he drew exactly what he needed to turn things around.

“ First I activate the Equip Spell Revival Medal this allows me to Special Summon a Level four or lower monster from my GY and equip it with this card and the monster I call back is Buster Trainee. Buster Trainee rose out of the ground and placed the gold around his neck.

Buster Trainee
ATK:1600 + 600 = 2200

“ Next I activate the Spell Harmony Wave,” Silver said as a spell with an image of a rainbow generated by the elements of harmony appeared. This card destroys all your spells and traps and inflicts 300 points of damage for each card destroyed by this effect. A rainbow was shot out of Silver’s card and it demolished Icy’s castle along with her Set cards which revealed to be Call of the Haunted and Torrential Reborn.

“ Since I destroyed three of your cards that's 900 points of damage. The rainbow suddenly trapped Icy in a rainbow tornado that then faded after the damage was dealt.

Silver Chance:100

“ Now it's time for me to end this Buster Trainee attack Icy Directly and end this duel. Buster Trainee leaped into the air and prepared to strike. As Buster Trainee came closer Icy saw the very last Action card of the match coming up and grabbed it only to see it could not help her in this situation. Buster Trainee slashed Icy and dropped her Life Points to 0.

Silver Chance:100

Winner: Silver Chance

“ And that's it ladies and gentlemen after three hard though matches of intensity and skill Team Silverwing has secured themselves a spot in the final match,” The Mc shouted as the crowd erupted with cheering and applause for Silver and his Team. The Trix, on the other hand, did not take this loss sitting down and all three of them charged at Silver and his team.

“ If we can,t win your magic than we will just take it by force,” Icy said as she and her sisters tried to steal the elements from around Silver, Lyra, and Lightning’s necks. Bloom and her friends were about to activate their powers until Sunset told them to hold on after seeing something happening.

Icy, Stormy, and Darcy were beginning to disintegrate slowly as if their bodies could not take the magic they were trying to steal.

“ What did you do to us?” Icy shouted.

“ It's not what we did it's what you three tried to do you see Equestrian magic is considered to come from positive feelings like friendship while you three use your magic to hurt people so there is no way our magic would accept you three so it's doing the one thing nobody ever thought of doing and that is giving you three the death sentence you most certainly deserve,” Silver replied.

As the trix kept disintegrating they were going to use what little time they had to try and drag Silver, Lyra, and Lightning down to the afterlife with them. Before they could even reach them they were reduced to ash and scattered among the wind and Darcy’s Chaos Emperor Dragon-Envoy of the End now belonged to Silver. As Silver, Lyra, and Lightning were clearing out for the next match the security guard that Flora knocked out came up to them and was about to escort them out of the Stadium until Silver stopped him.

“ Its ok sir all of them are with us,” Silver said as he showed him his papers.

“ My apologies mister chance allow me to show them to your luxury box while you and your team pack up,” the guard said.

The guard took Sunset and the others to Silver’s Luxury Box while he and his team cleared the pit for the next match. After everything was packed inside the truck and ready to head to Manehattan for the final match Silver, Lyra, and Lightning joined the others in Silver’s Luxury Box to watch the next match and to see who their final opponents will be.

An hour later Team Diamond was down to their final duelist and Team Nebula was only on their second duelist after the first one was defeated like nothing. Silver knew the first guy on Team Nebula was just their sub member and not their actual third member.

Trapeze Magician attack White Directly and end this. Trapeze Magician grabbed its bar and swung at White delivering the final blow and winning Team Nebula the match.

Asuka Atlas: 1400
White Diamond:0

Winner: Asuka Atlas

“ That’s it ladies and gentlemen joining Team Silverwing in the final match is Team Nebula,” The mc shouted as the bracket was updated showing the final matchup. The entire Stadium was filled with cheering and applause for both the winning teams.

“ We will see both teams in Manehattan same time next week,” The Mc shouted before signing off.

As everyone left the Stadium Silver, Lyra, Lightning, and Ratchet were talking with their friends.

“ So its finally over the Trix are gone for good?” Bloom asked.

“ Their ashes have been scattered to the wind and our elements took what was left of their power which was not much,” Silver replied.

“ Wait a sec if you're saying they had so little magic than how were they able to do all that real damage,” Techna asked.

“ It's a common occurrence most of the villains we thought up till now channeled their magic into their cards thus allowing them to cause real damage it does not require a ton of magic power just a spark would be enough,” Silver pointed out.

“ So now all we can do is wait for the next villain to come?,” Stella asked.

“ Looks like it,” Bloom replied.

“ Now that we made it to the final match what should we do now,” Lightning asked.

“ Well we need to get home my parents are probably worried,” Bloom replied.

“ I can help with that,” A familiar voice said as it came up revealing it to be the pilot that got them here.

“ Ah Cruise Control just the man we were waiting for,” Silver said.

“ I can get you ladies home really quickly now that the jet is all fueled up,” Cruise said.

Bloom and her friends followed Cruise back to the jet while Sunset and her friends agreed to stay with Silver and his team for the ride to Manehattan.

Author's Note:

card info:

Snake Buster Destruction Sword
ATK:1200 DEF: 1000
DARK Reptile/Tuner/Effect Monster
Effect: You can equip this card from your hand or you're field to Buster Blader. You can unequip this card to Special Summon it. While this card is equipped the monster that it is equipped to cannot be destroyed by card effects.

Ice Barrier Castle
Spell/Field Spell
Effect: All Ice Barrier monsters you control gain 500 attack and defense points. The levels of all Ice Barrier monsters in your hand are decreased by two.

Kitetsu's Cursed Blade
Trap/Normal Trap
Effect: Target one monster you control and equip this card to it. while a monster is equipped with this card it gains 800 attack points any battle damage that monster inflicts is doubled.

Illusion Mirror of the Ice Barrier
Trap/Normal Trap
Effect: You can only activate this card while you control an Ice Barrier monster. special Summon one Level four or lower Ice Barrier monster from your deck.

Buster Trainee
ATK:1600 DEF: 1400
EARTH Warrior/Effect monster
Effect: This card's name is treated as Buster Blader while it's on the field and in the GY. This card gains 600 attack points for every equip card that is equipped to it.

Crimson Soldier Arsenal - Hecate II
Spell/Equip Spell
Effect: The equipped monster gains 700 attack points. If the equipped monster successfully destroyed a monster in battle it can make a second attack this turn.

Aqua Mirage
Spell/Normal Spell
Effect: Special Summon one WATER attribute monster from your GY but destroy it during the End-Phase.

Revival Medal
Spell/Equip Spell
Effect: Special Summon one Level four or lower monster from your GY and equip it with this card. if this card is destroyed destroy the equipped monster as well.

Harmony Wave
Spell/Normal Spell
Effect: Destroy all Spells and Traps your opponent controls and inflict 300 points of damage for each card destroyed by this effect. This card's activation cannot be negated.

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